The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4084 Solving Problems

"But..." Pasiba's tone changed.

"But what?" Subotai asked.

"The degree of development of the sea of ​​consciousness should not be absolute for wisdom..."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Pa Siba pondered: "Recently, my research has found that the functions of each area of ​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness may be different. Each area is responsible for a certain function of the human body. For example, some are responsible for memory, and some are responsible for thinking ability. , some are in charge of mobility, some are in charge of innovation ability, some are in charge of meridians, some are in charge of Dantian, some are in charge of exercises, etc... Everyone has different levels of activity in each area of ​​consciousness, and some people are like this Some people are relatively strong, while others are more evenly distributed. Therefore, one person's consciousness development is higher than another person's. He may be particularly strong in a certain area, but not in other areas. It may be lower than another person. If his lower area is precisely in emotional intelligence, then he will appear not sophisticated enough, which is what most people call unsmart. However, this is often an illusion, because this person is just It’s just to focus more on the areas he is particularly good at. In that area, he is definitely smart enough and wise enough!”

"I see... Then according to your research, there is an area in the sea of ​​consciousness that governs cultivation and realm. If we work hard to develop it, wouldn't it be possible to make great progress in cultivation?!" Subotai asked.

"Good question!" Pasiba praised.

"Haha, I'm just more concerned about this..." Subotai said proudly.

Basiba nodded and said: "There is indeed such a possibility, but it is not absolute!"

"Ah?! What's the reason?!" Subotai asked with some disappointment.

Pasiba sighed: "The sea of ​​consciousness is the most complex system in life, and almost no one can get a complete picture of its operation! Judging from the results of my research, although the sea of ​​consciousness is divided into many areas to handle different functions, , however, there are still close connections between various regions. For each function, almost all regions will participate, but the extent to which each region plays is slightly different. However, who can determine which region plays the most important role? Which little thing is the most important? If it cannot be used, it will be useless no matter how well other areas are used!"

"Oh my God!!!" Subotai exclaimed, a little confused...

The complexity of the sea of ​​consciousness has far exceeded his cognitive scope, giving him an infinite sense of mystery about it. In his opinion, if Pasiba hadn't done some research, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to realize it until now. A little, but what if you realize it?

Even Pasiba couldn't figure it out, so he took the trouble to get involved in it, so as not to waste time and energy...

Just listen to Pasiba continue: "So, the best situation is that all areas of the consciousness sea can be developed in a balanced way. In this case, there will be no defects, and no matter which function can achieve higher achievements, it's just that , it is really not easy to do this, because people have limited energy, limited time, and different interests. You cannot be interested in everything in all fields and do research on it. Once you lack research on it, you will not be able to do it. It is impossible to touch the corresponding areas of the sea of ​​consciousness, so it is impossible for that area of ​​the sea of ​​consciousness to be further developed. However, then again, if those areas cannot be developed, it will greatly limit a person's improvement. potential…"

When Subotai heard this, he couldn't help but said: "This situation should be the most common, right? There is no perfect person in this world. Everyone is just the best at one or more kinds of Taoism, and has very few strengths. , but it has many shortcomings. Even if you are a peerless genius like you, Eighth Brother, you know a lot of Taoism, but there are also many Taoisms that you are not good at, or even do not understand at all, right?"

Pa Siba nodded heavily and said: "Of course! I don't understand much. The Dao in the world is so vast that ordinary life cannot be exhausted. Most people can master one or two Dao because they are lucky.

If you can understand several or even dozens of Taoist principles, you are undoubtedly a child of destiny! I had some adventures in my early years, and I was able to master nearly two hundred Taoist ideas and understand a few hundred other Taoist ideas. This is almost the limit of my life. What more can I ask for? "

"Wo... Eighth brother is actually proficient in nearly two hundred Taoist ideas?! He also knows hundreds of other Taoist ideas... I am so impressed that I am so impressed!!!" Subotai said in great shock.

"Haha, you don't have to be like this, because it is God's will that I can reach this level. If it weren't for those God-given adventures, it would not be possible with my own efforts!" Ba Siba said with a little pride.

"No matter what, the eighth brother will always be the person that the younger brother respects the most! I wonder why the eighth brother doesn't want to be the leader of the clan? If you are the clan leader, the younger brother will give his full support, and I believe that the clan will be the leader of the clan. Under the leadership of the eighth brother, we will definitely be able to climb the peak, increase our strength, and become the true overlord of this starry sky!" Subotai said bluntly, even changing the name of himself to younger brother...

When Basiba heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said: "You must not say this casually outside! I am not happy with the position of patriarch. What I care more about is to continue to explore the avenue of this world and reach the pinnacle of personal Taoism!"

"What? Brother Eight, you already know so much Taoism, why do you want to delve into other Taoisms? Don't you find it boring? Don't you know the charming feeling of having power in your hand? Just say it from your heart "If you, Eighth Brother, really become the clan leader, then all the beauties in the clan will be yours, and you can get whatever you want, and no one will refuse, not even my slaves..." Subotai said.

"You are wrong to say that. Is it just to get a beauty when you become a clan leader? What's more, even if you really become a clan leader, you can't get any beauty you want. You see, Brother Ba is the clan leader, he can get me Those beauties under my hands?" Basiba asked.

"This... how can Brother Ba compare with you? He is not even a fraction of yours! If you become the clan leader as the eighth brother, there will be countless beauties willing to throw themselves into his arms, which you can't even handle..."

"Let's forget about such a beautiful blessing. In fact, if I am not the leader of the clan, there are still countless beauties who want to throw themselves into my arms. It's just that my interest is not here. Let's not talk about this. You are not me and you won't understand the reason why I am interested. , if you can delve into Taoism like me, maybe you can experience the fun I get from studying Taoism. When I understand the truth contained in a Taoism, that feeling is simply amazing. The beauty that people cannot imagine is unmatched by one or two countless beauties. It will make people addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves... Moreover, the experience brought by each Taoism is different, just like me As mentioned just now, the functions managed by each sea of ​​​​consciousness area are different, and the areas of the sea of ​​consciousness stimulated by each kind of Taoism are also different. Therefore, the more kinds of Taoism you study, the more wonderful experiences you can have, and even I also discovered…”

"What did you find?" Subotai asked urgently.

"Well, the wonderful experiences brought by these Taoist meanings can be superimposed, especially the Taoist meanings that are more closely connected. This sense of superposition will be stronger, making the experience twice as wonderful, making people reluctant to return, and the more they study, The more I want to study..." Pasiba said.

"Is that so?! Hearing what Eighth Brother said, I want to learn from you and do some research, but it's a pity that I'm involved in military affairs now... By the way, speaking of military affairs, in addition to Xiaoduo's arrest, there is another one It’s a big problem, and I would like to ask you, Eighth Brother, to help me solve it!” Subotai said.

"Solution to the problem? Is it that serious?" Ba Si Ba Qi asked.

"Our rebellion in Tailao Black Hole has failed!" Subotai sighed.

"Failed? Isn't it quite certain?" Pa Siba was startled and wondered.

Subotai sighed and showed the message from Dou Mo to Pa Siba...

"A Gu...Xiaoduo...Radu...Kanu...Wang Yi...Xiao Shitou...Ling Daozi?!!!" Basiba skipped other details of the incident and just read out these names, especially the last Ling. Daozi, his tone became much more serious, his face was thoughtful...

"What do you think, Eighth Brother?" Subotai asked.

"What are you looking at?"

"That's... the whole story of the failure! We were extremely prepared for everything, but we didn't expect that we would fall short in the end! Looking at this situation, could it be that Ling Daozi's Xingyun Palace was behind it again?!" Subotai said.

Basiba hummed: "Then why do you need to think too much? Except for the Xingyun Palace, which force among them dares to do these things under the eyes of our joint army?"

"So, Eighth Brother thinks that Xingyun Palace is indeed behind all this?! Aren't they afraid of the revenge of Jianyang and Si Shui?"

"You are worrying too much! I said before that the journey is too far. Xingyun Palace can use this reason to frustrate us, and they are manipulating it behind the scenes. Without real evidence, we can't do anything to them... Even if we use Let's talk about force, do you think we are sure?" Basiba said.

"What? You said our combined army can't deal with an interstellar business force?!" Subotai said in surprise.

"Hey, how can I say hello to you? Have you ever been in contact with Xingyun Palace? How much do you know about them? How much do you know about Ling Daozi and Liufeng behind him?"

"This..." Subotai was stunned for a moment...

"Judging from the known surface information, Xingyun Palace is the first business force in the starry sky to expand its business territory to the four major black holes. Based on this alone, its identity and status are already outstanding and far ahead. ! Judging from their capabilities and products, their strength is really difficult to estimate. I’m afraid that if our combined army is not well prepared, we may not be their opponent..."

Chapter 4084: Solving Problems

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