The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4094 What a ghost!

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that Tiangang Baoxing is the focus of competition between all parties, and is also the core area where conflicts between all parties meet. Once a war breaks out, it will become a powder keg sooner or later. A war may suddenly break out one day. As for It doesn’t matter who started it or for what purpose. What matters is that sooner or later, a massacre like this will happen here!

In other words, he may become one of such mass murderers at any time, but what everyone expected is that the Black Hole Clan has not yet broken out a war, but they first saw the Black Hole Clan's low performance in massacring the treasure star. Races like this are really unpredictable and unpredictable...

For a moment, everyone's hearts were cast into a shadow, because they knew that although it was the fleet led by Ji Ying that was carrying out the massacre here, they were not completely unrelated to them. At least this fleet was still there before. Among the joint armies, they came here together with their own royal fleet, and the two parties are still partners so far!

Since they are partners, what they do is more or less related to themselves. They are bombarding the lower races on the treasure star. If there is any sin, it will definitely involve themselves...

A sense of guilt and shame arose in everyone's hearts. Everyone's breathing was involuntarily accelerating. Looking at the shells falling like raindrops, everyone was in a daze...

Pa Siba reacted first and said loudly: "Look! It's okay! It's okay!! It's really okay!!!"

"Is everything okay?!!!" Everyone was shocked, and they all reacted, with a look of surprise on their faces!

Yes, it's really okay!

No reaction at all!

Those shells that roared down like the god of death showed no sign of detonating. After sinking into the clouds and mist, they just disappeared into the sea without even raising a single wave...

"Wo!!!" Now everyone was completely uneasy...

It can be said that they have never seen such a strange thing in their lives. With so many shells, even if some of them are dead bombs, it is impossible for them all to be dead bombs, right?

Of course it's impossible, but why didn't they detonate?

It didn't even cause any disturbance in the cloud formation. What's going on? !

Wen Yuan and Dou Mo stared at this scene blankly, and suddenly there was a strange feeling in their hearts, because to them, this scene seemed familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere...

"Is it a formation?!"

"Xingyun Palace?!"

The two shouted almost at the same time.

Pa Siba glanced at them and said, "Have you remembered?"

Dou Mo nodded heavily and said: "That's right! This is what happened when the Ouyang Group bombarded the charity merchant group in Tailao Black Hole! All the shells were like nothing but nothing!"

Wen Yuan murmured: "Xingyun Palace! It must be Xingyun Palace!!! They are the ones protecting Tiangang Baoxing from behind!!!"

Sha Qing's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said loudly: "How is it possible?! This is a whole treasure star! How can the small territory of some charity business group be compared?"

Subotai nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, this is completely a problem of two levels! If you want to lay out such a level of formation on the entire treasure star, I don't know how much manpower, material and financial resources will be spent. The most important thing is There is still not enough time! No one can set up such a formation in such a short period of time. Even if there is, it must be full of loopholes..."

"Full of loopholes? That is, if Ji Ying and the others change the direction of their attack, or if Hu Buwei and the others also start attacking, they might be able to hit the treasure star with cannonballs!" Sha Qing quickly agreed.

Hearing this, Basiba hummed: "Then let's take a look, I'm afraid they have almost thought of it..."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Season Eagle Fleet to find out that there was something wrong with their attack. So many shells failed to explode. It must have been some kind of protective method used by the opponent. This suddenly aroused their anger!

Yes, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation,

I didn't expect that the lower races on the treasure star could actually challenge them. How could this be possible? !

In the past, when they faced such low-level races, they could do whatever they wanted. They could do whatever they wanted with them. Countless lives were robbed by them, working for their plantations, serving them, providing them with entertainment, and providing them with entertainment. They work hard to make money...

If not, how could their power develop so rapidly and become so huge?

In fact, many interstellar business forces are doing the same thing, because everyone knows that it is not easy to stand out in such a level of business competition. To make big money, you must reduce costs and come up with good products. Of course, like resources As with basic agricultural products, large quantities are also a great advantage, so a huge amount of manpower must be invested in work, so that we can have a say in the market. This is very important. If the output is insufficient, we can only follow the market, but If the output accounts for the vast majority of the market share, you can control the product price and grasp its trend...

In such a level of competition, manpower is an extremely important factor. So where does the manpower come from? For the higher races, it is certainly impossible for them to drive their high-blooded people to engage in such low-level work, so they will Focus on the lower races, use up the nearby ones, then recruit them from far away, and capture them if they can't be recruited. In the end, they will plunder everywhere...

The Jiying Group has taken such a typical path. They have taken bigger steps and gone further than others, so they have developed faster. Over the years, their strength has ranked first in the Sishui Black Hole, and even the royal family has also Don't be ignored by them!

Seeing that his attack didn't even make waves, Ji Ying was completely angry!

Feeling that he had been humiliated, if this matter was known to other forces, he would probably lose all his face. He immediately ordered to change the attack method, upgrade the attack to a higher level, and increase the attack range...

For a time, ships roared to and fro above the starry sky, and shells fell like raindrops. Moreover, they often concentrated on attacking a certain area, which greatly amplified the attack pressure on that area. This method of attack was often extremely effective and could quickly break through the formation. method to achieve the intended effect...

On the other side, the Hu Buwei Group also started the attack mode. The sound of cannons was faintly heard, and the other four group fleets also knew about it. They did not receive the message from the forward fleet while waiting, and found that Ji Ying and Hu After they attacked Tiangang Baoxing, Buwei suddenly realized that something must have happened to the forward fleet, otherwise Ji Ying and Hu Buwei would not have been able to activate such an attack mode, so they followed suit and started bombarding them. Indiscriminate bombing…

There is so much excitement in space, but the people on the Tiangang Star are completely unaware. They are not aware that their planet is suffering from such a terrifying external attack, so they should eat, drink, and sleep. Everything is as usual, leisurely and comfortable...

But Tong Yi, who saw this scene in the calling space, was frightened and couldn't believe his eyes!

He never expected that these so-called advanced races, these Black Hole tribesmen would act like this!

If Liufeng hadn't laid out such a formation for Baoxing, I'm afraid that the lives on Baoxing would have encountered a horrific catastrophe, and from now on, they would probably fall into endless darkness, and people would be miserable. All possible disasters are likely to occur, and even oneself may be captured by a black hole tribesman as a slave for fun. This possibility is not small. You must know that not long ago, even the little Doro Technique was They all took a fancy to themselves...

It can be said that Liufeng is not only the protector of Baoxing, but also his own protector. Without him, all Tiangang people would be doomed!

Looking at the young man who was observing Baoxing's condition, Tong Yi felt a surge of boundless reverence and gratitude in his heart. At this moment, no words could describe his mood. In his opinion, for this young man, no matter what I can’t praise him enough…

At this time, Wang Shishen next to Li Yun locked the Ouyang fleet's mothership and said: "This is the Ouyang Group's fleet. Please stop sailing immediately! Please stop sailing immediately!!"

Ouyang Tong was sleeping. He had taken the elixir given by Ling Daozi before. At this moment, the medicine was at its peak, which was of great help to his recovery. He also absorbed the power of the medicine in this way of sleeping, and felt that the medicine was rapidly rising in his body. In the restored world, he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction...

However, this sense of satisfaction was interrupted by a sudden voice. He was still a little confused. He opened his eyes and looked around suspiciously. He didn't know where the voice came from. He only heard the ship spirit say: "Master, Someone told us to stop sailing immediately!”

"What? Stop the flight immediately?! Who is it?!!!" Ouyang Tong was startled and asked quickly.

"Unclear, the speaker has not been locked yet..."

"What? No one? Where did that voice come from?!" Ouyang Tong said in shock.

"This... I haven't found out yet..."

"How unreasonable?! What a ghost!" Ouyang Tong snorted angrily!

"Senior Ouyang, please stop sailing immediately!" The voice came in again...

Ouyang Tong was so frightened that the hair on his body stood up. Not only could this person transmit his voice into the mothership without showing up, but he also knew his identity. What was going on? !

", you, you...who are you?!"

"I am Wang Shishen, from the Xingyun Palace!"

"Xingyun Palace?!" Ouyang Tong was stunned.

"That's right! I believe the seniors also know some of the situation in the Xingyun Palace, right?" Wang Shishen said.

"This...good! Since you said you are from the Xingyun Palace, I will give you a chance to meet you for the sake of Ling Daozi delivering medicine. You should show up quickly and come to my mothership!" Ouyang Tong said.

"I'm not in your starry sky right now. I'm just having a remote conversation with you. As for showing up, please wait..."

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