The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4097 Distorting Time and Space

Basiba sighed: "Actually, let alone one against six, looking at this situation, adding more fleets to attack will not have any effect on it, because I have a feeling that this formation seems to be changing and becoming Getting stronger!"

"Getting stronger?!" Everyone was startled.

"Yes!" Pasiba nodded affirmatively.

"Eighth brother, can you really feel it?!" Subotai said in surprise.

"Actually, I can tell..." Pasiba changed his words.

"Oh? Did you see that?" Everyone was startled again.

Ba Siba nodded and said: "Yes, you may not have noticed the changing speed of the cloud and mist formation. According to the changing pattern of this cloud and mist formation, there are nearly 100,000 changes in its cloud and mist forms, but the speed of these changes is almost zero. Change always starts over and over again and proceeds step by step. This is largely limited by the supply and speed of energy. Changing at such a smooth speed is the most energy-saving way, but this stable state is gradually being changed. Break, based on my photographic memory, I can see that the current shape change speed of the cloud formation has increased by nearly one-third compared to before, and this actually happened in one day, indicating that the energy of this formation is at least higher than before. One-third fuller!"

"Oh my God!"

"one third?!"

"The energy of such a large formation is increased by one-third. How much energy does it take to achieve this?"

"That's right..."

Everyone couldn't help but marvel when they heard this...

Subotai thought: "Could it be that the local forces on the Tiangang Treasure Star have discovered the anomaly and released so much energy into the cloud formation to enhance its protective capabilities?"

Ba Siba shook his head and said: "No! The function of the cloud formation is not to protect, but to cover up. The reason why the forces on the treasure star devoted all their efforts to create this formation is just to keep the Tiangang treasure star in the universe. They are just hiding to avoid being discovered by people from the outer space, so the amount of energy they release at this time can be said to be useless, and it has no effect at all against Ji Ying and Hu Buwei's attacks..."

"So, these energies were not released by them?" Subotai asked suspiciously.

"Definitely not! If they were to release it, it would be impossible to release so much energy into the formation in one day, because this is far beyond their ability. Therefore, the sharp increase in the energy of the formation , is probably related to the attack by the six major forces. In my opinion, these surges of energy should come from another invisible formation, which is the protective formation arranged by the Xingyun Palace!" Ba Si Tomoe analyzed.

"You mean, the Xingyun Palace formation releases energy to the cloud and mist formation? How is this possible? At this time, the Xingyun Palace formation should be condensing energy to resist attacks. How can it release energy into useless clouds and mist? Where is it in the formation?" Subotai asked curiously.

Ba Siba pondered for a moment and nodded: "Brother Su is right! According to common sense, it is indeed unreasonable for Xingyun Palace to do this, but..."

"But what?"

"The formation of the Xingyun Palace has a strong ability to disperse attacks. It can disperse the attacks received. So where will it disperse the energy of the attack?" Ba Siba reminded.

"This... you are saying that after the Xingyun Palace formation absorbed the attacks from the six major forces, it released all the energy into the cloud formation?" Subotai suddenly said.

"Not even if they are all released! Through simple calculations, if the energy of the cannonballs launched by the six major forces so far is absorbed, it can at least add five times the energy to the cloud formation. But now the cloud formation is only improved It only absorbs one-third of the energy, so most of the energy is still retained in the Xingyun Palace formation!" Ba Siba said.

"That's so?!" Subotai and the others were stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect that Pasiba was so powerful. Everyone was here to watch, but what they saw was far inferior to him. It can be seen that the master is after all. Master!

Subotai still had some doubts and said: "Eighth brother,

You see, the cannonballs they fired did not explode, and did not even cause any waves. Does that mean those cannonballs did not explode? If it does not explode, then its energy will not be released. If it is not released, how can it absorb energy? "

"Haha, what Brother Su said makes sense! If that's the case, then naturally I can't justify it, so I'll just treat everything I just said as invalid! However, I don't quite believe that the Xingyun Palace's formation can be so powerful that even the opponent's formations are already in an explosive state. The cannonballs are also restricted, so that their explosion process will be automatically terminated!" Pasiba stroked his beard and smiled.

"But we really didn't see them explode?" Subotai said.

"Well, again, what we see with our eyes is just the appearance, but what we don't see is the more important situation! Now we don't see the shells exploding, but that doesn't mean they all misfire. With such a large number of artillery shells, the six major forces will definitely make adjustments during the attack, so there are always some artillery shells that are about to explode when they hit with a certain force and release their corresponding energy. There is energy!" Pasiba said.

"That makes sense!"

"What the eighth brother said is absolutely true!"

"Once our artillery shells enter the explosive state, they are almost irreversible. No one can stop them from exploding!"

"In fact, when our artillery shells are fired, the internal state has already entered the explosion stage. As long as they encounter a slight obstacle, they will definitely explode when the time is up. It is indeed impossible for external forces to intervene..."

"Okay, I admit that the formation of Xingyun Palace is indeed magical, but it can't be so magical. I think they just cover up the explosion scene of those shells, so as to give the opponent the greatest shock. , produced unexpected effects…”

"But how did they do this?" Yizhang, the prince of Sishui Black Hole, asked suspiciously.

Ba Siba thought for a while and said in deep thought: "Prince Yi asked a good question! It is indeed not easy to cover up these explosion scenes, but it is not impossible. If we look at the disappearance of the six forward fleets before, I think The formation of the Xingyun Palace should have adopted some Tao method that distorts time and space!"

"Distorted time and space?!" Everyone shouted in shock.

Subotai said anxiously: "Brother Eight, distorting time and space seems to be the crazy idea of ​​some crazy people in this cave, right? No one can distort both time and space, right?!"

Everyone else was stunned by the idea of ​​distorting time and space. They all looked at Pasaba in shock, wanting to hear what he had to say...

Basiba shook his head and said: "Distorting time and space is not a crazy idea, it actually exists!"

"Does it really exist? You mean, is there really a phenomenon of space-time distortion in the universe?" Subotai asked urgently.

"Of course! I have examined the time and space around this cave. In some star fields, there is a phenomenon of time and space distortion. Some star fields are hidden due to the distortion of time and space. They cannot be seen from the outside world. Only by entering the corresponding time and space , those star fields will appear in front of us!" Basiba said.

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone exclaimed...

Basiba continued: "Such a phenomenon is actually extremely dangerous for space navigation. In the past, many interstellar voyagers have mysteriously disappeared. It is very likely that they accidentally entered the distorted time and space and came out. If you don’t come, you will have to survive and develop in that space and time from now on…”

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar when they heard it, and their hair stood on end. They couldn't believe that what Pasiba said was true...

Sha Qing said in a trembling voice: "Eighth brother, those distorted time and space should be naturally formed by the universe, right? I think only the power of the universe can cause such a situation, right? And the formation of the Xingyun Palace must have been made by manpower, and How is it possible to distort this space-time?"

"It shouldn't be possible with human power..."

"If it is possible to distort space, but how powerful is it to also distort time?"

"Yes, and this formation covers the entire planet. Tiangang Bao Xing is a high-level planet. How difficult is it to distort the time and space around it!"

"If time and space is really distorted, then what we see now is still the original Tiangang Baoxing?"


Everyone expressed their thoughts one after another...

Ba Siba was secretly happy. The effect of proposing this statement was already within his expectation. Behind the crazy idea of ​​proposing the phenomenon of space-time distortion in the Jianyang black hole, he was secretly leading the way. Many people were under his influence. Next, I also developed a strong interest in this phenomenon and joined the ranks of this research one after another...

After seeing the attack scene of the six major forces, he had already had this idea in his mind. As the war unfolded, he became more and more certain that the Xingyun Palace's formation must have adopted this method. , so that you can't see any explosion scenes, or even a completely transparent formation, making it impossible to see its true face...

He said: "Everyone, human power may not be able to distort the space and time in the universe as large as the star fields, but it is still possible to achieve small distortions, and as long as the time and space are slightly distorted, a larger effect can be achieved. A good masking effect is more than enough to prevent us from seeing the explosion scene..."

"So that's it..." Everyone was suddenly stunned...

"Where is the Gang Bao Star that day? Is it also covered up?!" Sha Qing asked.

Ba Siba thought: "Brother Sha's question really puzzles me. If the formation of the Xingyun Palace distorts part of time and space, then the Tiangang Baoxing we see will definitely not be like the original one, but we The treasure star that I see in front of me is still exactly the same as the original data. Even the cloud formation outside is running smoothly. Therefore, I can only say that there may be other formations in Xingyun Palace. Many effects, such as camouflage, can disguise the original appearance of the treasure star, making us think that the treasure star is still here, but it is very likely that it is already in the distorted time and space and is not here at all..."

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