The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4100 Eternal World

As the detector continues to deepen, the world displayed in front of them is constantly changing, becoming more and more beautiful and full of vitality and charm. Everything is as if it is in front of them, as if it is around them, as if they are immersed in it. The environment is within reach...

What they didn't realize was that they were now really immersed in the scene. Their spaceship and their fleet had been quietly shrouded in the cloud and mist formation, making them become part of this world and began to follow the cloud and mist. Wandering and swimming in the changes...

Near the place where Ouyang's fleet disappeared, Ba Siba suddenly opened his eyes, stared closely at a piece of information, and screamed: "The six fleets have disappeared?!"

"What?!!!" Subotai and the others screamed when they heard this!

"Go and have a look!" Pasiba shouted.

"What about here?" Subotai asked.

"Here... leave it alone for now! I have gained something, but I can't see any clues yet. The disappearance of the six fleets is no joke. I must find the reason quickly, and maybe you can provide me with some new information. The idea..." Pasiba said.

"Okay...Okay!!! Go right away!!!" Subotai quickly ordered after hearing this.

The small fleet quickly turned around and came to the place where they were originally standing. They were shocked to find that the distance between the cloud and mist formation seemed to be much closer than before. With the naked eye, they could see the rolling clouds, flowing rivers and waterfalls. Thunder and lightning…

"What's going on? The cloud formation has increased even more?!" Subotai said in surprise.

Nai Yan on the side said: "Commander, didn't the great elder say before that its energy has increased by one-third? This should be the reason why it expanded, right?"

Dou Mo also said: "Now that the range of the cloud formation has crossed the starry sky where the six fleets were originally located, will the six fleets have already entered the formation?"

"Oh my god..."

When everyone heard this, they screamed in surprise and couldn't help but look at Pasiba...

Ba Siba looked at the cloud formation in front of him, his face looked extremely serious, and after a while he loudly said: "Quickly retreat!!! We can't stay here any longer!!!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone was shocked and broke into a cold sweat!

Subotai immediately gave the order, and the small fleet quickly retreated and left its position far away...

"Brother Eight, is this distance safe?!" Subotai asked urgently.

"I feel that the energy of the cloud formation is extremely abundant, as if it could catch us at any time, so we can no longer stay in this starry sky and must leave immediately!" Ba Siba said loudly.

" mean we have to leave here? No more observation?!"

"It's too dangerous to observe here. We can put a detection net here to see what is under the clouds and fog..." Basiba said.

"Yes..." Everyone was suddenly stunned...

Subotai immediately asked the ship spirit to set up detectors, and the small fleet left far away, only remotely controlling the detectors to enter the cloud formation...

It didn't take long for a space world full of vitality to appear in front of Ba Siba, Subotai, Nai Yan, Dou Mo, Wen Yuan, Sha Qing and Yi Zhang, and this world seemed more vibrant than before. , high-spirited and uplifting, the state of life in it is simply too good to be good, so that everyone is deeply attracted by it at a glance, and even intoxicated by it...

It can be said that this is definitely the most beautiful and lovely world they have ever seen in their lives. It is so pure, so vivid, and so vigorous. Every corner of the world and every life is blooming, which is irresistible. The beauty of the world, a warm current gurgling by, nourishing everyone’s hard heart of the universe...

What they didn't notice was that a gentle smile appeared on their faces involuntarily, as if they were thinking of someone they loved deeply, and such a smile hadn't appeared on their faces for an unknown period of time. …

"Eh? Isn't that the Jiying Fleet?" Sha Qing suddenly shouted.

"Yes!" Wen Yuan agreed after seeing it.

"What's going on with them? They're actually floating inside,

Have they all lost their motivation? "Yi Zhangqi said.

Sha Qing shook his head and said: "If you lose power, you will fall. It is impossible to float around..."

Wen Yuan looked at it for a while and said with certainty: "They are not floating around, but flying according to the changes in the clouds and airflow inside..."

"What? Did they sneak into it by themselves?" Yi Zhang said in surprise.

"It's hard to say..." Wen Yuan shook his head...

It is really impossible to figure out this matter without seeing it with your own eyes. After all, it is highly possible for the six fleets to sneak into the clouds and mist to see if the attack has any effect. If people like myself hadn't had Ba Siba's guidance, I'm afraid they would have thought of it. Go inside and take a closer look.

Sha Qing said: "If they took the initiative to dive down to check, is the expansion of the cloud formation related to their actions?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Pasiba...


Basiba coughed a few times and said: "I'm afraid it's too early to draw a conclusion on this matter. We only saw Ji Ying's fleet, and it's unclear whether the other five fleets are also inside, but judging from their presence Judging from the disappearance of our monitors, they must have entered the cloud and mist formation. In my opinion, in front of such a weird formation, Ji Ying and the others may not dare to dive down to check, but They will drop probes just like us, and if they do, they should also see the world we see..."

"It makes sense!" Everyone nodded after hearing this...

Ba Siba thought: "There is such a strange world in the cloud formation. I am afraid no one can imagine it! We once thought, where did those cannonballs go? Did they explode and produce Effect? ​​Now it seems that they have probably never exploded, otherwise this world would not exist!"

"That's true..." Everyone unanimously agreed with Pasiba's statement...

"Then, combined with the twisted space we saw before, we can be sure that the Xingyun Palace did hide the Tiangang Treasure Star. At the same time, it also disguised a so-called cloud and mist formation, making us mistakenly think that this is The location of the Tiangang Treasure Star! And here, the formation they arranged produced an incredible effect, that is, it can prevent all cannonballs from exploding..." Ba Siba said.

"How is this possible?! Those shells must have entered the explosion process. Whether it is timing or contact, it may cause an explosion. Is there any external force that can make them stop this process?" Subotai asked urgently.

"Now it seems that if there is any external force, then it is the power of this strange world under the cloud formation!" Ba Siba said, stroking his beard.

"The power of the world?" Everyone was startled.

Ba Siba nodded and said: "The world in front of us is so strange. It is full of vitality and brings incomparable warmth to everyone. Almost everything can feel its beauty and hope after entering this world. Even the most hard-hearted people may not be able to make up their minds to destroy it..."

"This..." Everyone looked at Pa Siba in surprise, wondering what he said had to do with the inability of the shell to explode?

"Eighth brother, you wouldn't say that after those cannonballs entered this space world, you couldn't bear to explode and destroy the world, right?" Subotai asked.

"How is that possible?!" Everyone objected unanimously!

Ba Siba laughed and said: "Your statement is a bit fanciful, but it is not impossible at all. After all, our shells all have weapon spirits. Although the level of the weapon spirits is not too high, in a sense , they are actually a form of life. If after entering this world, they are infected by the vitality of this world and choose not to explode, then the extremely weird attack scene we saw will appear... "


"That's not really the case, is it?"

"How can this be?!"

"Is the contagion of this world really that strong? So strong that even the weapon spirit can't bear to destroy it?"

"Eighth brother, your statement is too mysterious, isn't it?"

"Anyway, I can't believe it..."

Everyone expressed their doubts...

Basiba shook his head and said: "You think this world is not so infectious. That may be because we are far away from it now. If we are in it, the feeling will be very different from now! Just look inside Those things that are usually inconspicuous have now become lifelike, as if they are alive, which can prove the magical power of this world..."

"Eighth brother, you don't really think that it is the vitality of this world that caused all the artillery spirits to collectively stop the explosion process, do you? Are there not so many weapon spirits who chose to explode before they were infected?!" Butai said.

"Haha, what Brother Su said makes sense! So, what I just said is just a possibility. How big this possibility is remains to be confirmed. However, I do think of another possibility..."

"What?!" Subotai asked urgently.

While looking at the picture from the detector, Ba Siba stroked his beard and said: "The vitality of this world is extremely powerful. It may be the most powerful world I have ever seen! Since it has such a powerful vitality, Taoism, it means that time has lost its meaning here, because everything is immortal. As long as this world exists, everything in it will not disappear! Therefore, when these cannonballs enter this space world, They literally stopped time on their own!!!"

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone exclaimed, their eyes widened with disbelief...

"Automatically stopped time?!" Subotai asked emphatically.

Basiba nodded and said: "Yes! This space world probably does not have the rule of time, or its time is static and eternal. Once the cannonballs enter it, they will be controlled by the rules of this world, so they will immediately terminate the program. , there is no chance to explode..."

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