The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4123 Xiaoling lied to us?

"Ah this...this...according to what you said, are these things that are happening in front of me all caused by me in the final analysis?!" A Gu said in shock.

Little In communication, both parties look at the problem from their own perspectives. The situations they see may be completely opposite. The way you think about the problem and solve the problem is also different, which creates a sense of internal tension, but Due to the natural asymmetry of power between masters, slaves, and maids, they will naturally not take the initiative to communicate with you. Instead, they will be suspicious and fighting with each other internally. In particular, the friction between senior people and newcomers is becoming increasingly fierce. And all this The conflict finally reached its climax after you left... It can be said that the main responsibility for what happened before you lies with you. Of course they are also responsible, but judging from the relationship between you two, their responsibilities are relatively minor. of…"

"Oh my god..." A Gu screamed and fell down in his seat, feeling a little dazed...

He needs to think about this matter carefully, think about what Ling Daozi said, think about what those slaves said, because if these things cannot be solved, I am afraid that the entire force will collapse due to internal fighting...

Watching Bai Deng and others being tortured by the ghost outside the formation, Sakura and Xiao Tao couldn't help but tremble. In their opinion, this ghost was more violent, bloody, and terrifying than the legend. If they were like this If we really enter that prison for the first time, I'm afraid the end will be even more tragic than that of Bai Deng and others...

"My lord..."

"Your elder is thinking about a problem, don't disturb him!" Xiaoxing said.

"Ah?! He's still thinking about the problem? If he thinks about it any more, these people will die!" Sakura trembled.

"Wouldn't it be better if they were dead?" Xiaoxing teased.

"What? Do you really want to destroy them? You have no grudge against them..." Sakura said in shock.

"Haha, I have no grudges against them, but I hate them as much as they hate them. They threw Xiaofeng and the others into prison, where they were tortured by evil ghosts. They also destroyed your foundation of cultivation. They want you to be ruined for the rest of your life. Such evil people Are they still allowed to continue doing evil in this world?" Xiaoxing laughed.


"But what?"

"Now that they have been punished, your Excellency also knows their evil deeds. I believe that when you come back, they will be punished. If we kill them now, we may be in chaos because the main affairs of the force have been destroyed. They are handling it!" Sakura said thoughtfully.

"What? Are you still letting them handle affairs? Do you want your life? If they hadn't stepped down, you and Xiaofeng would have been retaliated to death by them soon!" Xiaoxing reminded.

Xiao Tao on the side heard this and said anxiously: "Little Master, we must never let them take power again! It is better to let you and Xiao Feng take power, so that we can survive!"

"I'm here to take charge? How can that be done? I'm a weak woman, and I'm new here. I have no authority at all. They won't listen to me..." Sakura quickly declined.

"But if you and Xiaofeng don't come to take power, there are still many people who are not very good to newcomers like us. No matter who comes to power, they may be detrimental to us!" Xiao Tao said.

"This... let's run away! Yes, that's right! Run away first, and then we'll come back when the adults come!" Sakura suddenly thought of this and said excitedly.

"Escape? Where can we escape? They are all so powerful. Even adults here may not be able to keep us safe. If we hadn't been cautious during this period, we would have been dead!" Xiao Tao said.

Xiaoying was stunned when she heard this, with a sad look on her face, and sighed: "Don't say such depressing words. If the master is here, of course we will be safe, but he can't always look after us. There are so many things in Rongbaotang, it's already amazing that he can take care of them all by himself.

As for us, it is best to do our best and not cause him any trouble! "

"Oh, little master, you are so considerate, but at this time, it is useless no matter how kind you are. They all want us newcomers to disappear quickly, so as not to threaten their identity and status. When the adults come back, they will still be there. You can continue to compete for favor. I heard that many newcomers have disappeared inexplicably over the years. It is likely that they were plotted by them and were thrown into the town prison..." Xiao Tao said.

"Huh?! Don't talk nonsense..."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Aren't Xiaofeng and the others in the prison right now?" Xiao Tao argued.

Speaking of Xiaofeng, Xiaoying's eyes finally lit up and she said anxiously: "Yes, now let's quickly find a way to rescue Xiaofeng and the others, and discuss a solution together!"

"Go and save them? We can't get in without the token! So, little master, you must be in power. Without power, we can't even save Xiaofeng and the others!" Xiao Tao said.

"This... token? Isn't it on Bai Deng's body? Xiao Ling, can you help us take out the token on Bai Deng's body? I will definitely thank you profusely! By the way, there is also the pill. , I will definitely pay you!" Sakura said.

Xiaoxing hummed: "What do you think the value of that pill is? Can you afford it?"

"I...I know that pill pill like that must be a priceless treasure! Don't worry, I will do my best to pay for it. Even if it takes me a lifetime to pay it back, I will definitely pay it back!" Sakura said decisively, her tone of voice so firm that it was unacceptable. doubt.

"I believe you will pay it back, but if you don't take power, or don't escape and find a safe place to hide, you will die soon. Who can I ask for money from?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Ah...if I die, my adults will help me pay back the money..."

"Okay! Of course I will get the money, but wouldn't it be better if you could live and repay it yourself? I can help you hide it in a safe place until your adults return, how about it?" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god... you can really help me? That would be great!!!" Sakura exclaimed excitedly, and Xiao Tao beside her was also a little excited, with excitement finally showing on her face...

Little Someone will be sent to pick you up, so hide there for a while! Your adults will go back soon!"

"Sir, will you be back soon?! Is the war over there over?" Sakura asked in shock.

"It's not what you imagined. Don't spread this news. Just know it yourself. Wait patiently for him to come back!"

"That's... no problem! We will definitely keep it secret! Then I want to save Xiaofeng and the others. If you can help them hide for a while..."

"Xiao Feng and the others have turned into evil ghosts and are torturing Bai Deng and the others within the formation..." Xiao Xing snorted.

"What?! Oh my God!!!" Sakura and Xiao Tao couldn't help but screamed when they heard the news. They both fell to the ground and almost fainted...

They never expected that Xiaofeng and the others who came in almost at the same time as themselves would have lost their lives now. It was really terrible!

It seems that even if you take refuge in a powerful master, you may not necessarily be protected. You still have to walk the road on your own. As for your life, you can only save it, because no matter where you are, there are countless pitfalls. What awaits you ahead is reality...

"Okay, pack your things, and now go out through the back door while no one is looking. Someone will pick you up!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes...yes yes...Xiao Feng...I hope you can live better in the ghost world than here..." Xiaoying murmured, and she and Xiaotao hurriedly packed some simple luggage, and then slipped out quietly from the back door. Rongbaotang…

Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked out, the person in front of them screamed in fright, and fell to the ground with a "thud" and "thump"!

"Xiaoying, Xiaotao, what's wrong with you?!" the man asked in surprise.

"Are you...are you humans...or ghosts..." Sakura asked in a hissing voice, her whole body trembling...

"What?! Of course we are human beings, how can we be ghosts?! However, I look very embarrassed, almost like a ghost. Xiaoling asked us to wait for you two here, and the people from Xingyun Palace are also here. , let’s leave quickly! Things will change if it’s too late!!!” This person said, it was Xiaofeng!

"Xiao Ling?! That's it...this brat...actually lied to us!" Xiao Ying suddenly realized.

"Xiao Ling lied to you? What did he lie to you for? Impossible!" Xiao Feng wondered.

"He said that you have all turned into evil ghosts and are torturing Bai Deng and the others!" Sakura sighed.

"Ah?!" Xiaofeng and others were stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect Xiaoling to make such a joke. However, this also shows that Xiaoling is a child at heart...

At this time, the person sent by the Xingyun Palace said: "Everyone is here, follow me quickly!"

Xiaofeng, Xiaoying and others did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed him forward...

Xiaoxing saw this scene and said proudly: "Don't you want to talk? Or don't you want to pay back the money?!"

A Gu's eyes suddenly opened and he said loudly: "Don't worry, the money for that pill will be credited to me, and I will pay you double it!"

"Oh? It seems like you quite dote on Sakura..."

"This is not a matter of pampering or not. If you don't kill me and you help me so much, no matter how much you pay, it doesn't matter!"

"Humph, you swear first and then pay. As for things here, just remember that Xiaofeng, Xiaoying and Xiaotao are in my hands now!" Xiaoxing said.

"This..." A Gu was completely stunned!

"What is this? Hurry up and do it, we still have to go enjoy the flowers!" Xiaoxing urged.

"Okay...right now!" A Gu said helplessly.

He quickly swore an oath, saying that not only would he not kill Ling Daozi in the future, but he would also become friends with him, never betray him, always help each other, etc. Then he paid double the money for the pills, and then they returned together. Go to the main hall...

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