The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4133 Rowing

"What else?" Shipling Xiaogu asked.

"Uncle Gu in the video just now said that the Xingyun Palace used a formation to capture all the Ji Shui Black Hole Fleet and let them stay forever at the moment they entered the formation. Can you believe this is true? What kind of Can the formation capture the powerful Jishui fleet? Their strength is such that even our Jianyang fleet dare not claim victory easily. To say that they can sweep across a large area of ​​​​the pan-starry sky is a sure thing. How can it be possible for even a mere Can't you break even a single formation?" Doro Shu snorted.

The ship spirit was stunned and thought: "The master said that it is an eternal sounds very high-end..."

Doro Shu laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "You even believe this?! What kind of bullshit eternal formation?! Is there anything else in this world that is eternal? Everything in the starry sky is changing every day. What you see today will be different from what you see tomorrow. Everything you see is different, isn’t it?”

"This..." The ship spirit was stunned again, unable to think of how to refute Doro Shu's statement...

"Oh, there's no need for this or that, and there's no need to worry about so much. Even if we sink the battleship behind us, Uncle Gu's ability will be completely safe. Now I want to see what other tricks Tai Lao wants. Leave us alone!" Duoluoshu shouted loudly.

His hand didn't stop, and while he was talking to Xiaogu, he was already controlling it. When the words fell, there was a flash of cold light, and a cannonball had already rushed towards the battleship behind with the cold air of death like lightning!

Xiao Gu was stunned by Doro Shu's move. After reacting, he quickly looked towards the light and shadow. The result surprised him again, "Missed?!"

I saw that the battleship behind showed no signs of being hit by the shells. It still stayed in the same place, with a heavy metallic aura shining all over its body, and its outer shell was intact...

"Impossible! How could my control go wrong? It just showed a hit!!!" Doro Shu exclaimed in disbelief.

The two people quickly re-checked the situation of the cannonball fired just now. It didn't matter. They were both shocked. The cannonball did hit the bronze-class battleship, but the effect was not satisfactory. The energy shield level of the battleship was It must be extremely high, but it just flickered a few times before returning to normal. It looked like it was just being scratched...

"What's going on? It's obviously a bronze-class battleship from Tai Lao, even half a step lower than the bronze-class battleships of our Jianyang fleet. Why can it easily block our ship's shells?" Duoluoshu shouted.

"Yes, even if it is a gold-class battleship, it is impossible to behave like this after being hit like this. Is its level higher than the gold-class?" Xiaogu asked suspiciously.

"No! Absolutely impossible! Uncle Dou said last time that Tai Lao has no gold-class battleships at all. Their so-called gold-class battleships are half as low as our gold-class battleships. They are subject to our Such a blow will definitely cause serious damage..." Doro Shu said loudly.

"You brat, don't you believe what I'm saying now?" A roar came from none other than A Gu!

The two of them were shocked, and finally remembered that there was A Gu looking at them...

"I...Uncle Bones, is what you just said true? How is that possible? How can a small starry sky beast threaten our entire pan-starry sky? How can a small formation capture a The entire Jishui Black Hole Fleet?!" Doro Shu said unconvinced.

"Hmph, you are still young and have not enough experience, so it is normal for you to say such a thing! But how do you know how powerful the real starry sky beast will be? In front of them, the Jishui Fleet is just a small force. It's just an ant team, what's the fuss about them being captured by a formation?" A Gu said.

"This... I really can't believe what Uncle Bone said! Have you ever seen such a starry sky beast and formation with your own eyes?" Doro Shu asked in return.

A Gu was startled and couldn't speak anymore. After all, he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he still didn't have enough confidence to speak. He had to turn to Ling Daozi and said: "Xiao Ling, tell me! I am about to be betrayed by these two people." The boy is so angry!"

Little Star felt secretly happy,

Said: "Senior, why bother with them? You can tell at a glance whether it is true or false!"

"Look? What do you think?" A Gu was stunned.

"Well, Brother Duo seems to have doubts about what he sees before him, so why not go and see for yourself?" Xiaoxing said.

"Go and see it in person? You mean... to see that giant beast?!" A Gu said in shock. The expressions of the others also changed after hearing this. If they go to see the giant elephant clan, wouldn't they have to cross the entire pan-starry sky?

You must know that the giant elephant tribe is still wandering around the periphery of the bubble of Pan-Starry Sky and has not come in. How can you see it with your own eyes?

"Of course it's impractical to see the Mammoth Clan now, but it's easy to see the Eternal Formation. With the speed of these two battleships, it won't take long to go have a look and come back. Of course, the premise is Brother Duo can keep up with our ship..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Duoluoshu felt bad when he heard this, and said loudly: "What a joke! Do you think my golden battleship can't keep up with your bronze battleship?"

"That's right! If you can keep up and dare to keep up, then you might as well fly with us to see the Eternal Formation. Otherwise, you should find a place to hide first, or escape to the United Army. To be honest , the current situation, don’t take yourself too seriously. Without you here, this battle can’t be fought. If your combined army doesn’t go back quickly, I’m afraid that when the giant elephant tribe runs in, the entire Jianyang Star Territory will be destroyed. There will be big trouble!" Xiaoxing said.

"What?! How troublesome is the Giant Elephant Tribe you are talking about?!" Doro Shu was a little unsure, because people are like this. You can doubt what one person says, but if a second person says it, he will start to have some doubts. Shaken, if there is a third person or a fourth person who also said it, then he may completely believe it...

Little People will walk all the way to the dark side and never believe anyone's advice, so I don't think we need to talk about these useless things here. How about flying to see the eternal formation now? But..."

"But what?!" Doro Shu was startled.

"We don't have enough time, because Xiaoyun has to fly back to read a book, and we have to fly back to watch the beauty's flower party under the moon, so if you think you can't accomplish such a task, forget it!"

"Xiao Yun? Is he your controller?" Doro Shu asked.

"That's me!" Chen Yun's image also appeared on the light and shadow of the Duo Luo Shu battleship.

"You...are you the one who caught up with me?" Doro Shu gritted his teeth and asked.

"Haha, that's right. It's a piece of cake to catch up with you. I heard that you haven't even beaten our Quan Xiaochan, so there's no need to compare with me!" Chen Yun said with a proud smile.

"Ah?, you, you...are also from the Xingyun Palace?!" Doro Shu screamed in surprise.

"You're smart! How about it? Do you have the ability to catch up with my bronze ship? If you don't, just go back quickly, so as not to delay my reading..." Chen Yun snorted.

"Nonsense! I've never been afraid of people in rowing!" Duoluoshu's face turned red and he roared angrily!

"Hey, you still have some guts. Not bad, not bad. Then I'll let you fly for an hour first, aiming for the direction of the Tiangang Treasure Star. The first one to arrive wins!" Chen Yun said.

"You dare to underestimate me?!" Duoluoshu became even more angry. He didn't expect that Chen Yun would give himself up for an hour as soon as he opened his mouth. Is his strength really so weak?

At the full speed of the golden battleship, it would take only an hour to fly to Tiangang Baoxing. Is it possible for Chen Yun's battleship to arrive before him?

"Start the timer!" Chen Yun did not answer, but made a gesture to start the timer!

This is exactly the process of a regular rowing match. Others can't understand Chen Yun's gesture, but Duoluo Shu is very familiar with it, because what Chen Yun made is exactly the rowing gesture from Jianyang.

"Okay...Okay...Since you are so generous, don't blame me for being rude!" Doro Shu stopped being verbose and started to control quickly. With a "swish", the mothership flew out like lightning and disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the chaotic starry sky...

The ship spirit saw this and asked: "Xiaoduo, are you really going to fly to Tiangang Treasure Star? Or are you taking the opportunity to fly back to the United Army?"

"Of course it's Tiangang Baoxing!"

"But why? You couldn't be angry and have a brain problem, right? If you don't run away from such a good opportunity, are you really competing with that Xiao Yun? What's the comparison now?" Jian Ling asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, I'm not out of my mind yet!"

"Then tell me why?" Ship Spirit asked puzzledly.

Duoluoshu hummed: "The distance to Tiangang Baoxing is much shorter than that to the United Army. If Xiao Yun can catch up with us even in such a short distance, it will be even more impossible for us to escape to the United Army! But if he fails to catch up with me, it will prove that he is just bragging, and it will not be too late to join the army then!"

"It makes sense!" Ship Spirit suddenly realized.

"Haha, what I'm worried about now is whether Xiaoyun can keep his promise and set off an hour later than me..." Duoluoshu laughed.

"This...if he secretly leaves early, we can't stop him!" The ship spirit sighed.

But I heard A Gu's voice: "Can't you see the light and shadow Xiao Ling casts in your cabin? Even if you run to the horizon, you can't escape Xiao Ling's pursuit, so you want to take the opportunity to escape. Stop thinking about things like that and just concentrate on flying your ship!"

"Oh my God!!!" The two people screamed, looking at the light and shadow with wide eyes, and found that the bronze-class battleship still stayed in the chaotic halo area, motionless!

The surrounding distractions were surging, but they did not affect its existence at all. Obviously, Chen Yun was really waiting for the departure time to arrive...

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