The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4240 Realm Suppression

"This..." The two looked at each other, and their eyes lit up!

Yes, I didn't expect that the two old guys were really living and returning, and they were not as big as a little kid. With their realm and experience, how could they not understand the principle of finding wealth through danger?

The reason why we are in this situation is actually mainly because our horizons are too small. Before, we didn’t even know about the existence of the secret realm and the outer universe, and we didn’t even know about the existence of those hidden powerful people. As a result, he closed his door and claimed to be the king, and even lost all sense of crisis and lived a comfortable life. Everyone knows that if these comfortable days are too long, people will become useless. There is nothing left to rush up and carry to death. What about that energy?

In fact, many planetary civilizations were not destroyed by some terrible and irresistible catastrophe, but were destroyed by this comfortable and decadent life. After enjoying it for a long time, they naturally lost their fighting spirit. The predecessors worked hard to conquer the world. But the younger generations may not even know what fighting is like. Without the spirit of bravery and enterprising spirit, they will lose their due fighting power. Once they encounter any trouble, they will naturally lie down first, without even the courage to resist. Such a civilization Immortality is simply unnatural in this universe where the weak eat the strong!

Along the way, Basiba and Basilu have witnessed the ups and downs of countless such civilizations. It is impossible to say that they lack the spirit of bravery, but their edges and corners have been dulled by the comfortable days in recent years. It was quietly smoothed and polished, so that in such a critical moment, he didn't even have the spirit to stand up, but he had to ask Wang Shishen and the Xingyun Palace behind him for help. It is also embarrassing to say...

Fortunately, the foundation of the two of them is still there, they are both heroic figures, and Pasiba is both brave and intelligent. He can be said to be a genius, so it is definitely not too late for them to wake up now.

You must know that in a situation like Yunhe Secret Realm where resources are not sufficient, it is definitely not easy for them to cultivate to the point where they are now. If they are taken to the outer universe, environmental conditions change and opportunities increase, they are very likely to It will soar into the sky, reaching an unimaginable level!

This has long been witnessed in the outer universe. Many geniuses who came out of secret realms with poor resource conditions found themselves in the big universe like a fish in water, growing rapidly until they became giants, which stunned the original forces in the big universe. , shocked...

"Thank you so much, Xiao Wang!!! I'm so ashamed that I let myself fall without knowing it. Fortunately, Xiao Wang reminded me. It seems that this old age in me should be gone!" Ba Siba said with emotion. The aura on his body suddenly changed, and the whole person's energy seemed to become clear all of a sudden. The vague aura of twilight that originally enveloped him also dissipated, replaced by an uplifting aura of vitality...

"Old man, you... are you going to the outside now? You can't just leave this place and go anywhere!!!" Bastulu yelled with his eyes wide open.

He had a close relationship with Pa Siba. Seeing Pa Siba's aura at this time, it seemed that he had returned to his youthful age. How could he not know what Pa Siba was thinking about? His mentality must be to move forward bravely and not be afraid of anything. It seems that he must have been inspired by Wang Shishen's words just now and wanted to venture out to the outside...

Basiba hummed: "Yes, staying here can only lead to continuous degradation. There are too few resources and opportunities, and it is impossible to cultivate to a higher level. I have made up my mind to go to the periphery. Maybe that is where I really am." The stage!”

" the Giant Elephant Clan is coming in to seek refuge. There is no difference between you going out and seeking death. Besides, there are me here, your disciples, countless industrial wealth, and even the terrifying Yuguan Clan and Zhouguan Clan. , can you just walk away without any worries?" Batulu roared.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Wang Shishen was watching the show with a smile on his face...

"This..." Pasiba was stunned and couldn't answer for a while.

Indeed, as Bastulu said,

This is where my foundation lies. All my experiences, all my feelings, all my worries, all my stories are here. Can I really leave so decisively?

And what's the point of leaving like this?

Pa Siba calmed down a little, thought about it carefully, and suddenly found that leaving still made sense, and it was of great significance!

He said excitedly: "You are right, how could I not care about this place, but do you know why I want to leave?"

"Hmph, aren't you just doing it for the environment and resource conditions of the outer universe? Do you want to practice to an extremely high level? Let me tell you, you are doing this for your own selfishness!!!" Ba Tu Lu roared fiercely.

"you are wrong!"

"I am right!"

"It's just wrong! Can't you think about it any further? Why should I cultivate to a higher realm? Isn't it to protect this secret realm and protect everything I care about?" Ba Siba said.

"This..." Ba Tulu choked.

Ba Siba continued: "You also know that the resources of this secret realm are limited, and the opportunities are even more pitiful. It lacks energy, skills and knowledge. Without these things, even if you have amazing talents, you will not be able to cultivate to a higher realm, so that Now there is a giant elephant tribe escaping from the outside. We cannot resist it! It can be said that our Yunhe secret realm is as dangerous as an egg. If it were not for the protection of the Xingyun Palace this time, I am afraid it would be over! All the wealth you think With the power, our disciples, relatives and friends are actually in crisis. If we don’t catch up and become stronger as soon as possible, do you think we will have such good luck next time?”

"This...what should we do? You can't just run away, can you? How can I stand it alone? Tell you, if you dare to run, I will definitely leave. By then, as long as the Yuguan clan and Zhou When the Guan Clan people come over, there is no need to protect everything you want to protect, because they have already been wiped out and there is nothing left!" Ba Tulu said fiercely.

"I..." This time it was Ba Siba's turn to be speechless. Indeed, if he went to the periphery and practiced to a very high level according to his own wishes, but when he came back he found that everything here was finished, then what would happen to him this time? All the effort is wasted...

The two stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what to do...

In fact, both of them know in their hearts that venturing into the outer universe is the only way to go, because these races in the secret realm are too weak now and cannot protect themselves at all, even the Yuguan Clan and Zhouguan Clan, which they regard as their formidable enemies. In this way, although they have saint-level powers and dozens of semi-saint-level masters, they are still extremely weak compared to the outside world. As long as a god-level power comes, they can all be destroyed, and the god-level powers can destroy them all. It's really scary to be just a backbone figure in the outer universe, but there are even stronger superpowers above!

Only by truly going out and training in the outer universe can all the tribes in the secret realm have the opportunity to greatly improve their combat power and protect their own world. Otherwise, sooner or later they will be annexed and suppressed by the strong men in the outer world, and even It is possible that he was devoured by the poisonous clan in the secret realm.

But now the various races within the territory are facing crises, and the periphery is also full of risks. It is indeed not a good time to go out and practice. What if the strong men and geniuses have gone out, and the enemy attacks at this time? ?

"It's really touching that these two seniors are working so hard for their clan. However, the situation outside is currently in turmoil. With your strength, it is really not a good time to go out at this time. You must know that even if you encounter an opportunity, you must have the strength to fight for it. Rob and protect, otherwise it is very likely that the opportunity will not be obtained and Qing Qing's life will be lost, which will not be worthwhile..." Wang Shishen said aside.

Upon hearing this, Ba Tulu couldn't help but praise: "Xiao Wang's words deeply touched my heart. How can opportunities be so easy to come by? With our level of cultivation, we are almost at the bottom of the periphery. How can we possibly compete with others? Opportunity? In my opinion, it is safer to hide here. After all, there is a protective film, so no one can come in after so many years..."

Wang Shishen shook his head and said: "Senior's words are wrong. You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime. What should come will eventually come, just like the giant elephant tribe this time. They encountered a crisis and had to come in. But before that There must be other people who have come in, but we don’t know about it. Maybe those people are lurking somewhere waiting for an opportunity, or they have already taken action and are quietly expanding and infiltrating. Otherwise, do you think there are so many hidden strong people? How many people can have enough resources to cultivate to the point where they are now?”

"What? Are you saying that some of them may be strong foreigners?!" Batulu said in shock.

Wang Shishen nodded and said: "This possibility exists! Because we have long discovered that once strong outsiders enter this secret realm, they will be suppressed by the rules of the secret realm, and their realm will fall below the Star God realm. In other words, within the secret realm, Their life can only reach the supreme level of the Star Saint Realm. If a god-level powerful person from the outside comes in, he will be suppressed and lose a big realm to the Star Saint Realm. This kind of suppression from heaven and earth will make them act cautiously. Be cautious and don't dare to act rashly. However, once they become familiar with this place, they will be able to use their existing advanced skills and experience to display stronger strength at the same level. Their combat power will greatly exceed that of all the powerful people in the territory. At the same time, they may also create their own forces and look for geniuses within their borders to train. Under their training, these geniuses will naturally progress much faster than you, the geniuses of local races. Therefore, what you see now The hidden powerhouses, some of them may very well belong to the forces founded by those powerful outsiders..."


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