The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4269 Demon Seed

"There is a hidden demonic aura here..." Li Yun said slowly.


! "Everyone's expressions changed!

How could a demon appear in the realm of cultivation? And it’s still here in Super Sun?

You must know that the Heavenly Demon Realm is a higher interface than the Dayan Realm. It is difficult for the beings in the upper realm to come to the lower realm. In addition to the world here repelling them, they will also be attacked and weakened by various attacks on the way. There are rules of heaven and earth, and there are also secret arrangements by forces from other walks of life. Maybe you will die!

Moreover, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the rejection. Creatures that have reached a certain level are destined to be unable to go down to the lower world, even if they are willing to pay a huge price, otherwise they may never be able to return.

Zhu Ruoji and others also know that for the safety of the Dayan Realm, there is currently a small group of top figures in this realm, that is, those top Star Source Realm masters who were born in this realm, who are guarding the battlefields outside the realm to prevent demons. People invade this world!

Deputy Realm Master Ling Daozi is also observing the clues on the battlefield outside the territory at this time...

It can be said that it was precisely because they discovered some information about the demon that Li Yun and Xiaoxing decided to go out together to grasp the relevant situation as soon as possible and formulate countermeasures!

Although the capability of the information system is very powerful, it is remote observation after all, and the real-time information received only starts after the laying is completed, which has certain limitations.

Of course, the capabilities of the information system are much more than that. After it is built, it can not only obtain real-time information, but also perform review, but the review requires scanning items with recorded information, such as some books, jade slips, armor tablets, etc. etc., especially the information stored by some information institutions. After obtaining this information, the information base can be gradually enriched until it is greatly improved. However, this will of course take a long time and cannot be compared to real-time information. That's it in one fell swoop.

In addition, when it comes to more detailed information, someone still needs to observe and analyze it more closely. For example, now that Li Yun has arrived near here, he can mobilize countless monitors in a large area around the super sun for centralized observation and analysis, so that The resource conditions and observation capabilities are countless times more powerful than remote control, and the information that can be obtained is much larger!

It is precisely because of this that Li Yun was able to capture a hint of the devil's breath from the vast smoke-like information!

In fact, Li Yun himself has not seen the demons with his own eyes, but this does not prevent him from judging that this is indeed the demon, because he has learned some general information about the demons, including their appearance and characteristics, from the information system on the battlefield outside the territory. , bloodline aura, realm skills, combat power tactics, etc. Moreover, since Xiaoxing is now around the battlefield outside the territory, the two of them can contact each other in real time, so after their analysis, they both unanimously confirmed the matter.

Zhu Ruoji was shocked when he heard Li Yun's judgment, but he still couldn't believe it, and said: "Boundary Lord, the lower realm of the demon will be weakened, and the realm will be restricted by the rules of the heaven and earth of the Dayan realm. At most, it will reach In the Star Source Realm, if they want to enter the Dayan Realm, they must pass through the extraterrestrial battlefield, but isn’t there a Star Source Realm powerful person stationed there? With formation protection and powerful guards, they cannot easily pass through. Bar?"

Li Yun nodded, but said: "That's what I said, but as the demons are creatures in the upper realm, they should have some special means to break through such restrictions..."

"Special means? Don't they also know the world master's quantum teleportation method?" Zhu Ruoji said in surprise.

"Impossible!" Li Chan, Gao Xiang, Liang Ze and others all shouted. They absolutely did not believe that the demons also knew quantum teleportation. Such a method only belonged to the Xingyun Palace, and it was impossible for people in other interfaces to understand it.

Li Yun smiled slightly and said: "It is indeed impossible! Quantum teleportation was developed by Xiao Ling. This method is completely unrelated to the common cultivation system. It is indeed a method unique to us."

"How did the demon break through the limitations of heaven and earth that day?" Zhu Ruoji asked.

"Analyzing from the perspective of the cultivation system, in order to achieve such a large-scale transmission that breaks through the rules of heaven and earth, the demons should have adopted the method of blood sacrifice!" Li Yun judged.

"Blood sacrifice?!"

"Yes, by offering sacrifices to Heaven and paying a huge price, they can achieve some kind of compensation from Heaven, allowing them to achieve their goals in the lower world!" Li Yun said.

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that the demons had such terrifying abilities. They could even communicate with the way of heaven, and they succeeded in the lower world after making sacrifices. If what the world leader said was true, wouldn't the Dayan world be about to be destroyed? Have the demons taken over? !

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Yun certainly knew what they were thinking, so he said: "You don't have to worry too much. Demons need to pay a heavy price to achieve the lower realm in this way. Such a price will be so high that even They don’t dare to use it too much, so it’s absolutely impossible for a large number of demons to descend into the realm in groups.”

Zhu Ruoji thought: "The demon people need to pay a heavy price to achieve the lower realm, and the people in the lower realm will be subject to various restrictions, and even suffer serious injuries, and their cultivation and combat power will be greatly reduced. Even the strong men in the Dayan realm may fight But aren’t they doing more harm than good? Do they really need to do this?”

"Well said! If the demons want to occupy this world, the best way is to break through the shackles between the two worlds, go straight to the outer battlefield, and then break through the natural protection of the entrance and the star sources in this world It can be said that the Heavenly Demons are currently doing this with the protective formations set up by masters of the realm, but this will take an extremely long time, because the shackles of heaven and earth are not so easy to break through, and even if they are broken through, a heavy price will be paid. It may be unbearable for the demons, especially if their actions are discovered by people from the immortal world, it is very likely that all their previous efforts will be in vain!" Li Yun said.

"That's right, it's impossible for the Immortal Realm to let the Heavenly Demons occupy these subordinate interfaces! It's a pity that for some unknown reason, the Immortal Realm has turned a blind eye to this Dayan Realm until now. Even the ascension passage has been closed for many years. Those Star Source Realm masters have been closed for many years. Unable to ascend, almost all of them stayed here waiting to die..." Zhu Ruoji sighed.

Li Chan interjected: "Could the slowness in the immortal world also have something to do with the demons?"

Li Yun said: "It is possible, but there are too many subordinate interfaces in the fairy world. Sometimes it is possible that some of these interfaces have not been ignored for a long time. As for whether the demons will specifically set up obstacles to the fairy world for a certain interface, I think Of course there is a possibility, but this kind of behavior is most likely just the work of a certain force in the demon world..."

"A certain force?! Is there really such a powerful force?!" Everyone was stunned for a while.

Li Yun smiled and said, "Do you think the entire Heavenly Demon Realm is dealing with the Dayan Realm?"

"Is not it?!"

"Of course not! If the entire Heavenly Demon Realm had to deal with the Dayan Realm, then the Dayan Realm would have been finished long ago! You have to know that the vastness of an upper realm like the Heavenly Demon Realm cannot be compared to that of the Dayan Realm? Maybe? The Dayan Realm is at most a small corner of the Heavenly Demon Realm, and it is nothing at all. Therefore, those who want to deal with the Dayan Realm should only be a certain force in the Heavenly Demon Realm, perhaps because they are relatively close to the Dayan Realm and are familiar with it. The situation is just easier to start with. Similarly, although the Dayan World is under the control of the Immortal World, for the Immortal World, the Dayan World is also an insignificant small interface. Even if it is left alone for a long time, it does not matter if it is left to fend for itself. Therefore, If you want to save your own destiny, Dayan World had better rely on yourself!" Li Yun said.

"But in front of the demons, what can Dayan Realm do?" Zhu Ruoji sighed.

"Yes, didn't the Realm Master just say that the aura of the Demons has appeared here? This means that the Demons have penetrated in, and the protective formations and Star Source Realm masters on the outer battlefield seem to have been reduced to decorations!" Li Chan agreed.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Li Yun said.

"Oh?!" Everyone couldn't help but perked up after hearing this!

How could they forget how powerful the Realm Lord is?

Maybe the Realm Lord already has a way to deal with the demons!

Li Chan asked urgently: "World Master, how are we going to deal with the demons here? In my opinion, how about we pass this information to the Star Source Realm masters on the battlefield outside the territory and let them send people to destroy them here?"

Zhu Ruoji nodded and said: "This is indeed a good idea! We don't need to take action at all. After all, we don't know much about the situation of the demon people. It's better to let them take action first while we observe in secret. This will be good for us in the future." Very helpful in dealing with demons..."

"World Master, what do you think?" Gao Xiang couldn't help but ask.

Li Yun pondered for a moment and said, "Do you know what the devil's aura I discovered is?"

"This..." Everyone was startled and shook their heads.

"It's a demon species!"

"What?! Demonic species?!

! "Everyone took a breath of cold air...

Zhu Ruoji's thoughts whirled and he exclaimed: "So that's it! No wonder the demons are willing to pay a heavy price to come to the lower world!"

"You're right!" Li Yun smiled.

Everyone present was a powerful figure. After hearing Li Yun's prompt, they all figured it out, because the demon man did not let a powerful person come down to the world, but he allowed the demon to plant seeds in the world after paying a heavy price. coming!

They all know a little bit about demon seeds. In the demon world, there is a method that can transform a demon into a seed. It can also be cultivated, using super distractions, some high-level bloodlines and monsters of heaven and earth to form demon seeds, and then Raise a demon!

Of course, the cost of doing this is extremely high, so the demons selected must have extraordinary qualifications and great growth prospects. At the same time, those distracting, high-level bloodline and monsters of heaven and earth must also have great demonic nature and power. Only in this way Only those demons or monsters are qualified to be cultivated into demon species to achieve the goals the demons want!

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