The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4283 Tower of Eternal Conjecture

Therefore, as long as the ten Xingyun disciples themselves do not tell anyone, no one in the Dayan world can track them, and it is impossible to know that they are the owners of these ten special physiques.

However, as long as they take action, they will definitely leave some traces. If they are discovered by someone who is interested, it is also possible to guess what is special about them. This is why Zhuge Shang feels that he needs to be vigilant. It seems that he will be vigilant in the future. You must be cautious when taking action, especially in front of some powerful and super powers, and you must not easily show your flaws and reveal the details...

He carefully thought about the information on Huang Jiuxiao's list and found that the list simply listed Huang Jiuxiao's name and cultivation level, as well as his record of defeating a supreme demon, and ranked his overall combat power in Among the top 100 people in the Starry Sky Realm, there is no more involvement in the others. As a result, no one knows his age, gender, interface, skills, secret skills, etc., so the things that can be exposed are not too big. many.

However, there are many capable people in the world of cultivation, especially in the Tianji Star Territory. There are many people who can do divination and calculation. Although Huang Jiuxiao will not be exposed due to the protection of the soul of the castle, his opponent does not have this ability. Those powerful figures in the art of divination can completely "see" the fighting scene between the two sides through their opponents, and can even deduce some information about the opponent from some of the words spoken by the opponent!

Fortunately, the list does not list who the supreme demon that Huang Jiuxiao defeated is. There are countless supreme demons in the world. But it is basically impossible to deduce who his opponent is from such information. Therefore, if If you want to know the information about the Supreme Demon, you may need another way!

In Zhuge Shang's view, there are two ways to do this. One is to find out which supreme demon has been defeated recently, and he was defeated by a Xingchuan-level man named Huang Jiuxiao. However, he wants to find out with such simple information. I'm afraid it will take a long time, and it also requires a certain amount of luck. Secondly, people who are in the art of divination are more likely to do it, especially people from Tianji Pavilion, because they can communicate with the original aura of the Dayan Realm. Come and target the Supreme Demon!

If enough price is paid and the original aura is willing to reveal this information, then they can restore the scene when the two fought, even what the two sides said at the time, their respective fighting skills, etc. Of course, because Huang Jiuxiao was protected by the fortress With the protection of the soul, even the origin of Dayan Realm cannot expose his specific image.

"It seems that as long as there is a move, there will be hidden dangers! In the final analysis, we still need to improve our cultivation and combat power as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we are targeted by those superpowers, the final result may be to be teleported back in advance. The road to the Star Emperor Realm It can only be accomplished in the world of stars!" Zhuge Shang sighed inwardly.

He thought for a while, secretly wrote a message and sent it to the information system, and distributed it to Huang Jiuxiao and other nine people through the information system, reminding them of what they saw and thought today...

This is one of the benefits of having an information system. Even if the stars are far apart, they can still communicate instantly through the information system and exchange information!

In order to maintain the relative independence of the trial process, there will be very little communication between them unless it is very necessary, such as what Zhuge Shang discovered today.

Originally, they could also implement remote calls and videos, but this function would basically not be used unless they said hello and agreed on a time in advance.

After sending the message, Zhuge Shang felt relieved a little, but his heart was still quite heavy. He believed that the appearance of these ten people with their special god-level physiques would definitely cause a tsunami in the Dayan world. , so the next trial journey is destined not to be smooth sailing, but will be full of thorns and risks. However, isn't this exactly what I want to experience?

It is difficult for flowers in a greenhouse to withstand the wind and frost. Only by daring to put yourself in the wilderness and accept the temper of nature can you grow into a giant tree...

Tower of Eternal Conjecture, here I come!

The number of people gathered here is no less than those before other lists. Except for the followers and related personnel of those who entered the tower,

There are also a large number of outsiders. If there is any disturbance in the tower and the tower spirit spreads it, it will definitely attract people's attention quickly.

The Tower of Eternal Conjecture will be opened to the outside world once every hundred years, and anyone holding a token to enter the tower can enter the trial. Therefore, in the hundred years before the opening day, people from various forces will compete for the token to enter the tower in an extremely fierce manner. The extent is even terrifying!

Tianji Pavilion has certain restrictions on the number of people entering the tower. This is mainly because the total number of trial personnel that Wanshi Guess Tower can accommodate at the same time is 100,000, so the total number of tokens is also 100,000.

Even though one hundred thousand tokens may seem like a lot, in fact it is far from enough just in the Tianji Star Territory, because there are so many forces here that they are countless. Even one person from each force is not enough, not to mention that there are some outer star fields. Many divination geniuses will also come to compete for this opportunity, which leads to a shortage of tokens to enter the tower and fierce competition.

Tianji Pavilion takes this opportunity to make a lot of money. They will sell part of the tokens at high prices and auction part of the tokens regularly. Each auction will attract many people to compete. It can be said that Tianjifang City is prosperous in this way!

Yes, the Wanshi Conjecture Tower is located in the center of Tianjifang City, the largest city in Tianji City. People come and go every day, and there is an endless stream of traffic, attracting countless people from this area and outside to come to search for treasures and compete for one. Fight for tower tokens.

Generally speaking, the price of tokens sold at a high price is too high, which makes many people discouraged or feel that it is not worth it at all. Therefore, they hope to have a chance to get it at a lower price during the auction. This kind of mentality of picking up the slack is always effective. Sometimes it doesn’t work, but sometimes it actually works and makes people enjoy it.

Why can Tianji Pavilion continue to sell tokens for a hundred years after it was opened?

This is because although a person who enters the tower for trial may theoretically stay in the tower for a hundred years, and can still insist on staying on a certain floor of the tower to solve problems after a hundred years, then this person can not only continue If you go on, you will be regarded as a genius among geniuses, the favored son of heaven!


This is almost impossible, at least it has never happened in the past thousand years. Although it has happened in history, it is rare and few people can do it.

Basically, after entering the tower, people will start to quit within a few months. Sometimes it is even more outrageous. Some people were sent out by the tower spirit within a few days of entering without even solving a single question!

Some of the reasons are simply because the solution cannot be solved, and the solution process is so terrible that the tower spirit of the Wanshi Conjecture Tower is disgusted and sent out; some are because the solution process is not bad, but no good results are obtained, and three answers are given. After exhaustion, they were judged to have failed and were sent out; some people gave up voluntarily. There are various reasons for this. After all, solving problems is not mandatory for some people. Sometimes they just come to try their luck and experience it. , or just to earn some rewards, but for some people, it may be that they work too hard and their spiritual energy is exhausted, they are seriously injured by the backlash, or even on the verge of death and have to quit.

In this way, as soon as the people in the tower exit, the token will be recycled, and Tianji Pavilion can take it out for sale or auction for the next hundred years. Such recycling makes the token for entering the tower seem to be only One hundred thousand yuan can actually be sold continuously, and it can also arouse the hearts of outside onlookers at all times, making the market always very popular. This kind of business is simply not very exciting!

But having said that, even if you don't do this, just with the two titles of Tianji Mountain's origin and quasi-immortal weapon, as well as the stimulation of various ranking information, there is no way that this place will lack popularity.

Therefore, each token requires a huge price to obtain, which is why Xiao Tao did not think that Zhuge Shang, a poor man, could afford it.

But why did Taoist Yuding casually take out a piece and give it to Zhuge Shang before?

In fact, this is completely a misunderstanding. Taoist Yuding took out a token, but he did not take it out casually. The main reason was that he thought that the gourd Xingyun Wine was completely worth the price, and he also thought that the token It was exactly what Zhuge Shang needed, so he gave it in exchange.

Although everyone knows that Tianji Pavilion is using tokens to make money, in the eyes of those competing for the tokens, the trial opportunity represented by the tokens is completely worth the price!

First of all, a considerable part of the fees collected by Tianji Pavilion will be used to supplement the consumption of the quasi-immortal weapon of the Eternal Conjecture Tower. Everyone knows how terrifying an immortal weapon is. It almost only exists in legends, and few people can see it with their own eyes. Although the level of quasi-immortal weapons is slightly lower than that of immortal weapons, it is also extremely rare in the world of cultivation, no. You can see it if you want. Just the fact that this tower can accommodate 100,000 people for trials at the same time is extremely shocking. To maintain its operation for hundreds of years, this consumption is unimaginable. In the eyes of some people, if If the people who enter the tower are too talented, there are too many of them, and they stay for a long time, then Tianji Pavilion may not make any money at all, or even lose money!

Secondly, the training and gains gained by those who try it out in the process of solving problems will be even more valuable. There are many powerful divination experts in the Tianji Star Territory who have almost all benefited from the trial in this guessing tower. Make a breakthrough!

Many people even achieved breakthroughs one after another in this tower. They were still little monks when they entered, but when they came out, they turned into powerful men, making countless people envious!

Therefore, for many geniuses in the art of divination, the Eternal Conjecture Tower itself is a huge opportunity. As long as their cultivation reaches a certain level, they will come here to give it a try. Maybe they can achieve a huge transformation like a carp leaping over the dragon gate!

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