The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4288 Old Monster

Those who have access to high-level questions must be those talented trialists with sufficient cultivation level. They will not be short of money, and they will not be bored enough to reveal the questions to these stall owners. Furthermore, guess the questions of the tower. They are all random, and it is almost impossible for the same question to appear twice. This is the long-standing experience of many people.

In other words, the questions in the tower may only be similar, but never the same. Those who enter the tower for the second, third or countless trials must start from the beginning every time, and the questions they encounter None will be the same.

As a result, it is impossible to pass through the test by answering questions.

Only by relying on a solid foundation of skills and understanding of Taoism, constantly improving your ability to deal with difficulties, and solving problems according to circumstances is the correct way to overcome obstacles.

After a short period of understanding, Zhuge Shang understood more accurately how to break through the levels in the Conjecture Tower. As his understanding deepened, his interest in entering the tower for trials became more and more intense. Unfortunately, the situation was dangerous. , let’s leave such attempts to the future...

When he walked to a secluded place, he suddenly felt a little strange: "Hey, no one seemed to be setting up a stall in this place just now, why is there a child now?"

Based on his current cultivation level in the middle stage of Xingchuan Realm, after merging the soul of the castle and the origin of Dayan Realm, his spiritual consciousness ability is many times stronger than that of people of the same level. Even compared to those who are one level above him, The Supreme Saint was no less generous than him, so he was extremely keen, but he just felt dazzled for a moment. When he calmed down, he discovered that there was an extra child setting up a stall under a tree in front of him!

This child is extremely cute. He is wearing a white short robe that looks like the best quality at first glance. His face is baby fat, and his big eyes are looking closely at a booklet he is holding in his hand...

"There's something weird..." He was secretly alert, and his eyes involuntarily glanced at the things the child placed. There was only one item, a small white jade tower that was all white!

This small tower is definitely the most beautiful one he has seen so far, bar none.

He looked around and found that this location was relatively remote. No one was setting up stalls around, and there were not many people coming and going. However, the people passing by seemed to have no interest in this stall and walked over without even looking at it. , this situation is really abnormal. In Zhuge Shang's opinion, these people didn't seem to notice the child at all.

However, although he knew something strange had happened, he still couldn't control his legs. It seemed as if there was a voice in his mind urging him to go up and have a look, so he walked over involuntarily and asked: "Where is your adult? This little boy How much does the tower cost?”

The child didn't even raise his head when he heard his words. He was still reading the pamphlet with gusto, and his mouth was almost watering...

Zhuge Shang felt slightly strange, what exactly was going on in this pamphlet?

He turned his consciousness to the booklet for a moment, and saw that it seemed to be blank. Damn it!

Could this child be reading a wordless heavenly book?

However, looking at the child's expression, he must have seen something. Since even a child can see it, how could he not see it?

Zhuge Shang didn't believe in evil, so he quietly used his spiritual power and opened his super vision. Sure enough, he could vaguely see some relatively vague images on the album page, but the images were still too dim to be seen clearly.

"It's a bit strange that I can't see through it with my super sharp eyes..."

Zhuge Shang was a little unbelievable, because he had great confidence in his super-sighted eyes. Under his super-sighted eyes, there was almost nothing that could not be seen through. Even extremely powerful illusion formations could see through the location of their formation eyes at a glance. He had tried this repeatedly, but he never expected to fail on this album.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help complaining to the information system and scorning the Super Intelligent Eyes. However, the information system quickly replied to him with a message: "It's not that the Super Intelligent Eyes are dishonest, but there is a special forbidden formation on that album, and you need to use it." The power of your physique is the key to unlocking the ban! If the two don't match up, no matter how powerful your super vision is,

It’s impossible to see through it either. "

"That's it!" Zhuge Shang suddenly realized.

"No wonder, there is a special forbidden formation on this booklet? It seems that this child can see it because of the right physical strength. Then I will give it a try..." He secretly transferred the physical strength to Above my eyes, I felt a slight shock, and the picture on the album suddenly became clear. It turned out to be a giant tower shrouded in clouds and mist, and this giant tower was still dynamic, because the clouds and mist kept rolling, and the giant tower flashed with precious light from time to time. , exuding a strong Taoist atmosphere...

What made Zhuge Shang even more speechless was that on the giant tower, there was actually a line of scrolling subtitles that read, "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?"

"Haha, you kid is actually reading such a profound question!" Zhuge Shang couldn't help but laughed. He was very familiar with these three questions, because this is an extremely classic three questions in philosophy, almost every time When I encounter these three questions, I will be attracted to think about them, but it is not easy to answer them. After all, not everyone can have such profound philosophical thinking. Even a wise person like himself cannot face it. I was also frightened when I asked these three questions...

What made him laugh was that this kid at such a young age was actually thinking about such a problem. It was really unbearable. It's not too late to think about it when you grow up...

When the child heard his laughter, he finally turned around and said in a sweet voice, "What are you laughing at?"

"Why are you laughing? I'm laughing at you for thinking about these three classic questions at such a young age. This is not what a child should do..." Zhuge Shang said proudly.

"Then can you answer?"

"Answer? Little brat, are you kidding me? Even the emperor can't answer such a question. Stop thinking about it and go find your master quickly to avoid being abducted!" Zhuge Shang said.

"There are no adults in my family, I'm the only one!" the child said.

"What?!" Zhuge Shang was stunned!

"There are no adults in your family, then who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here?" Zhuge Shang asked curiously.

"This is exactly what I was thinking about just now..." the child said in a confused tone.

"This...were you thinking about these questions just now?"

"Yes, when I think about something, something will appear on the tower. It's so fun!" the child laughed.

"Is that so? Then why don't you think about other issues?" Zhuge Shang was a little unsettled and said quickly.

When the child heard this, he concentrated for a moment and saw that the content of the scrolling note above the giant tower on the album changed again. It read, "Who is this child? Can he actually see through the physical restrictions? Does he have an immortal or immortal constitution?"

When Zhuge Shang saw it, a chill suddenly came over him!

"Who is the child you are thinking of?!" he asked tremblingly.

"Giggle, of course it's you! You're not even a fraction of my age, what are you if you're not a child?" the child said with a proud smile.

Zhuge Shang trembled all over, turned around and left!

However, what he didn't expect was that he wanted to leave, but his body was disobedient and he couldn't move at all...

"You haven't answered my question yet?" the child said.

"No comment! But I can tell you that curiosity killed the cat. If you insist on knowing my situation, the consequences will be serious!" Zhuge Shang said harshly.

Now, how can he not know that this child is not a child at all, but an old monster, and such an old monster suddenly appears here, one can imagine what its purpose is!

Looking at the abnormal situation before, those around him turned a blind eye to this place. It was obvious that he had used the formation to isolate him. He had been targeting him early in the morning!

The world of cultivation is indeed too dangerous, and there are many capable masters. However, I still underestimated the heroes in the world, thinking that no one can see me, and wandering around Tianjifang City without knowing that I might be seeking death...

"Consequences? Geez, you are still a child after all. Even if you have all the means, you probably can't move now, right?" the child teased.

"You can try it!" Zhuge Shang said coldly.

"Can you really move? Then touch the little tower in front of you and see..." The child said suspiciously, blinking his big eyes.

When Zhuge Shang heard this, he turned his eyes and landed on the small pagoda in front of him. Under his super keen eyes, he suddenly felt that the small pagoda's precious light was flashing wildly, and the fairy energy was lingering. The whole small pagoda exuded a strong Taoist aura. He couldn't help but reach out and touch it!

With a "swipe", the small tower disappeared!


! "Zhuge Shang was startled and shouted softly. He seriously suspected that he was dazzled just now. Maybe this small tower didn't exist before, maybe it was just a projection...

"I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy..."

He closed his eyes tightly to calm himself, then slowly opened his eyes, and couldn't help but scream again!

Even the kid is gone!


"What's going on?! That old monster can't let me go. He must be up to some conspiracy..."

His mind raced, and he quickly sensed his surroundings, only to find that the child was really gone. Even the isolation formation that had previously enveloped him disappeared, and the bustling night market appeared in front of him again!

"Boy, what are you doing here? Don't block the way!" someone shouted.

Zhuge Shang suddenly realized that he was actually standing in the middle of the road, blocking other people's way, so he quickly moved to the side of the road...

"You silly dog ​​dares to block my way! Brainless! Psychotic... Huh? Little fresh meat?! Ah..." A charming female cultivator spat at him, cursed and screamed, but she just discovered that the man blocking the way was a male. When he was shocked, he screamed and fell to the ground!

"What's going on?!" People around him exclaimed. It is absolutely unimaginable that such a tragedy happened in Tianjifang City.

In order to avoid disaster, many people will hide in Tianjifang City even if they spend a lot of money, just to find a safe place, because no one dares to take action here, even if there is great hatred, they have to wait until the enemy Don’t take action outside of Fangshi, otherwise you will definitely be severely suppressed by the Fangshi managers, and there will be no luck...

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