The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4310 Ten Thousand Domains Sky Competition

Dakan asked: "Brother Er, I wonder what the new plan made by the alliance leaders is?"

"Well, this plan is called the Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament!" Erqiuzi said.


"It's actually a competition?!" Everyone was a little confused...

Dakanqi said: "Could it be that the alliance leaders want all casual cultivators to participate in the competition and select some geniuses? But there are so many casual cultivators and they are scattered throughout the star field. No matter how much manpower and material resources the alliance invests, they may not be able to win. It’s impossible to organize a competition of this scale, right?”

"That's true..."

"The territory of the cultivation world is endless. How easy is it to get all the casual cultivators to participate?"

"It's too difficult!"

"Maybe the Alliance can do something?"

Erqiuzi nodded slightly and said: "Yes! Such a large-scale competition is unprecedented in the history of our cultivation world. The difficulty is beyond imagination, so the leader and others are just trying this time. However, if they are not sure, It is impossible for the alliance leaders to make such a decision!"

"Oh? I wonder how sure the alliance leaders are?" Dakan asked quickly.

"It should be eight points!"

“Eight points?!

! "

"That's great!"

"How is that possible? Even if all the casual cultivators are allowed to come to the main star to compete, I'm afraid many of them won't be able to get here..."

"Of course, not to mention those people in remote star areas. I'm afraid they haven't traveled far yet, and they will encounter the risk of death as soon as they come out..."

"Haha, many people may not even be able to safely break through the Gangfeng layer of this planet!"

"That's right..."

The people present were talking a lot, and they were basically skeptical about the alliance leader and their 80% certainty...

But Erqiuzi said: "Please don't use your own inherent opinions to comment on the new plan of the alliance! The reason why the alliance launches such an event naturally relies on it, that is, with the efforts of the alliance leaders, the alliance has already Create a virtual space that can cover most of the star field in this world!"


! "

"Virtual space?!

! "

Everyone was shocked when they heard it. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. Why hadn't they heard of it before?

But when many people think about it carefully, it seems that someone has mentioned the creation of a virtual space a long time ago, but it has never been successful. Later, no one mentioned it. Unexpectedly, the leader and the others have been working hard, and now they have finally announced that they are done. !

At the thought of this, many people couldn't help but get excited, because they all knew what this virtual space meant. With this virtual space, no matter where they are in the world of cultivation, every monk can enter it with the help of a helmet-type magic weapon. , so as to achieve the purpose of contacting other people in the virtual space. People can do many things in the virtual space, including the competition mentioned by Erqiuzi just now, which is one of the main functions.

Munro said excitedly: "Brother Er, have the leaders really created a virtual space?"

Erqiuzi smiled and said: "Yes, this virtual space is called the Sky Vault Space. It is built with the Immortal Artifact of the Myriad Domain Star Xuan Bell as the core of the space. Using its power, the Sky Vault Space can cover three thirds of the cultivation world. In addition to some particularly remote star fields, people in the surrounding star fields with the main star as the core can use a helmet magic weapon to connect to it, and use their own spiritual consciousness to carry out activities in the space. , with the current functions of the sky space, several main functions can be realized, such as information transactions, transfer transactions, world evolution, etc., and the most important function is to hold events and select cultivating talents for the alliance!"


! "

"It's incredible!"

"Great! With this space, I can get to know geniuses from other star regions..."

"Yes, I can't wait to compete with them!"

"Haha, brother, you are really warlike!"

"Hmph, how can we tell the difference without fighting?"

"I wonder what the competition rules are in the Sky Space?"


Hurry up and find out..."

The people below exclaimed, and many people were already eager to understand this new thing...

Erqiuzi waved his hands to signal silence and said loudly: "Everyone, the sky space is currently in the trial operation stage. It will take about a year before it is officially opened for operation. In addition to the trial operation, there is also the helmet law. Due to the lack of helmets, the alliance is asking the forgers of the Tianye Star Region to step up their production. A certain amount of helmets will be available after one year. In the future, the alliance will provide a certain number of free helmets to the forces in each star region, but what is needed after that Helmets must be purchased by oneself. After all, there are too many monks, and the alliance does not have the financial resources to give everyone one for free. I hope everyone can understand..."




"What if everyone gave it away?"

"Those casual cultivators definitely need to purchase it themselves. As for our major forces, it is natural to have a certain free quota..."

"I hope those casual cultivators can afford it..."

"Haha, it's just a magic weapon. If you can't afford it, then just stop cultivating!"

"That's right..."

Everyone's conversation revealed a strong disdain for the casual cultivators, which shows how much they hate the casual cultivators...

Erqiuzi looked at it, and finally said: "The Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament will accept registrations from now on. The registration method can be reported uniformly by the disciples of the major forces organizing their own forces, or by individuals to the qualified forces in this star field. Register and purchase a helmet. Those who submit personal reports must undergo inspection by the alliance to prevent demons, monsters, barbarians, ghost cultivators or evil cultivators from mixing in!"


! "Everyone responded in unison.

After the rally, the Alliance Mission Hall began to be busy, and there was a long queue of people to sign up and accept missions. Fortunately, the mission hall has a large accommodation space, so it will not cause too much chaos...

In fact, in the mission hall, in addition to the major missions released by the alliance, there are also countless other small and medium-sized missions. The issuers of these missions come from major forces and individuals. Countless monks will stop by when they come to the main star. Take a look here to see if there are any suitable tasks to do, because even if the tasks here are very small, they are quite important in some star fields. If you complete them, there will definitely be a lot of benefits, so it is quite attractive.

At this time, after hearing about such a heavyweight event as the Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament, these people joined in the registration process and quickly spread the information about this mission. Soon some surrounding star fields began to understand, and then The information began to spread further to the outer circle...

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Everywhere in the cultivating world began to be excited, and this information was also learned by people in the demon world, demon world, and barbarian world. They also ordered their secret agents to follow up on this event and see what the hell the cultivating alliance was doing...

After learning that Xiujie suddenly launched this event, the upper levels of the Demon World and other interfaces were basically skeptical, because whether they are demons, monsters or barbarians, they all believe in the law of the jungle and the strong, so they pay more attention to improving themselves. The blood and body of the monks can be used to enhance personal combat power, rather than studying these fancy things. Yes, in their eyes, many of the things that monks value, such as the Hundred Skills of Cultivation, are basically just show-offs. As long as they have their own strength, If you are strong enough, you can defeat Qianqiao with one force. No matter how strong your formation is, I can still defeat it with one punch. This is their belief!

Therefore, the upper echelons from all walks of life almost sneered at the virtual space in the sky created by Xiu Alliance, just waiting to see the joke...

Tianji Starfield, as the originator of the information world, of course got this information right away and immediately put it on the shelves. After seeing it, many people bought it and learned about it. As a result, the Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament quickly became popular among people. With the promotion and dissemination, countless casual cultivators smelled the breath of a rare opportunity, and immediately became extremely excited and rushed to tell each other, hoping that the competition could start immediately!

After Zhuge Shang got this information in Tianjifang City, he immediately sent it to the information system. In his opinion, this was a training opportunity for their top ten stars, because participating in the competition can gain combat experience and test their own abilities. He also understands the strengths and weaknesses of the major star field geniuses, and is very likely to be selected by the alliance to participate in the war of cultivating demons. This is the main task of the top ten stars!

They not only want to become Star Emperors in the process of training, but also help the cultivation world fight against the demon world, and the Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament, which lasts for more than a hundred years, can just test their achievements along the way!

However, what surprised him was that the cultivation level of the Xiu Alliance seemed to be quite high. He originally thought that this kind of virtual space competition only existed in the astral world. Unexpectedly, the Xiu Alliance was also developed. It can be seen that the Xiu Alliance was also developed. The world is also full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so we must not underestimate them.

He secretly said in his heart: "That's fine. The harder the journey of cultivating the world, the more training you will get. The harder it is, the more challenging it is. If it's not difficult, then what's the point of training?"

"Boy, are you very interested in this competition and want to participate?" Xiaota teased.

"This event is very interesting, I must participate!" Zhuge nodded.

"What's the point of participating in this? You might as well concentrate on breaking through the levels in my tower. Not only can you increase your understanding and strength, but you can also get a lot of rewards. Maybe you can get through a wave of fat from a certain high-level person and soar to the sky. !" Xiaota snorted.

Zhuge Shang smiled and said: "Thank you for your words! However, these two things are not in conflict. I guess the tower is just around the corner. I will try my best to break through the level. The Ten Thousand Domains Sky Tournament will last for more than a hundred years. I will wait for my strength to increase." It’s not too late to participate!”

"So this is your plan..."

"Yes, you see that the Sky Dome Tournament is still in trial operation and will not start until a year later. Next, each star field will be divided into various competition areas for competition. Among them, there will also be a ranking competition for cultivation of various arts and comprehensive combat power. After that, there will be There are endless challenges, how long will it take to win so many games before you can stand out?”

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