The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4440 World Spirit

"The Defender?" Huang Jiuxiao was slightly startled. He didn't fight anything yet, so why did he become the Defender?

Taoist Wuhen said with a smile: "This is the benefit of Tianji Mountain's ranking! Everyone knows that the origin of Tianji Mountain is infallible. Since it ranks you first, it must have its considerations in it. Therefore, Tianqiong World also Naturally, you are ranked first! In fact, Sky World will automatically move the list of people on the potential list. These people are ranked according to their positions on the potential list. Everyone on the list will be recognized and then eliminated. The rest of the geniuses in other interfaces are the supreme candidates in the cultivation world, so there are already many people on the supreme list!"

"I see... Are the contestants in Sky World all young people?"

"Yes, they are all below the Star God Realm! Those above the Star God Realm do not belong to the potential list, but have to be ranked on the Power List." Taoist Wuhen explained.

Huang Jiuxiao nodded. He had also seen the powerful list. The people on it were famous figures from all walks of life, and they were historical rankings. As long as people are still in this world, they can be on the list, so they are now at the top of the powerful list. They are all super powers in the astral realm, and many young people have never even seen their faces, because those people have been famous for a long time, and have been separated from the level of the realm, and rarely care about the things between realms anymore. matter.

As for the famous Star Emperors from all walks of life, their names cannot be found in the top 300 of the powerful list. The Qingtian Sword Emperor is ranked highest among the Star Emperors this time, but he is only ranked No. 1 on the overall list. Only three hundred and thirty-eight, this is already an extremely talented performance. You must know that there are countless amazing and talented people in the history of Dayan world. Many of them have ascended and gone, and there will no longer be any. ranking, but due to the blockage of the Immortal Road in the past 100,000 years, the ascension of other realms is also full of dangers, and death and destruction occur at every turn, causing many superpowers from all realms to stay in the Dayan Realm, and these people are all ranked. To be able to reach such a ranking under such circumstances, Qingtian Sword Emperor is actually proud enough.

However, as a Sword Emperor with lofty ambitions, this ranking was a great stimulus to him. He was extremely unwilling to do so. Perhaps this was what made Qingtian Sword Emperor decide after his enlightenment. The reason for rebuilding it!

After all, a person with such extraordinary talent like him would naturally not be willing to live under others for a long time, and would have to give it a try no matter what...

Taoist Wuhen continued: "We must disguise ourselves a little before we go there, otherwise we will be in trouble if we are recognized. In addition to some unnecessary harassment, there may also be spies from all walks of life mixed in. By then, your Information may be leaked!"


Both of them are powerful. After fine-tuning their facial bones and flesh, they quickly changed their appearance and transformed into a father and son, walking forward with the flow of people...

The further you go, the more people gather, and there are gradually more people doing business on both sides!

What is the best business to do in this sky world?

Naturally, it is a business involving virtual items or information. Since it is not yet possible to materialize things here, people's transactions are mainly in the form of "barter". However, there are always more ways than difficulties. Some people have come up with it. The medium of transaction is the spirit coin!

This spiritual coin is made of condensed spiritual energy. It is basically equivalent to the spiritual stone from the outside world. However, it is more practical than the spiritual stone because it can be directly transformed into the body of spiritual consciousness. It has very few impurities. Its quality is close to the high-grade spiritual stone and is quite valuable. high.

Making this kind of spiritual currency requires the cultivator to spend time in practice to purify and compress the spiritual energy. Since it exists in the form of concentrated spiritual energy, it can be carried by the divine consciousness clone into the sky world, or the cultivator can enter the sky world. It is made by purifying and compressing the spiritual energy in it. In terms of cost, the price is actually higher than a high-grade spiritual stone. In other words, you may not get a spiritual coin for the price of a high-grade spiritual stone, so people He is more willing to get spiritual coins, and spiritual coins will naturally become the currency of the sky world.

"Come and take a look, the real-time battle status from Arena No. 1 to Arena No. 1000 is available here!"

"Just one spirit coin,

You can check all the battle status! "

"Emperor Glacier vs. Great Demon White Fang..."

"Zi Wuyan is in the top ten of the potential list! Do you want to know what she is like?"

"Latest news! Latest news!

latest news…"

Many stall owners and store clerks along the way are doing their best to attract customers...

After a while, the vendors along the way were selling various exercises again. The exercises can also be carved by condensing spiritual power through the avatar of the consciousness. Someone will carve such exercise balls for sale. Buy The person can integrate the skill ball into the spiritual clone on the spot, and the transaction is completed!

Of course, this method consumes a lot of spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness, and many exercises involve inheritance and confidentiality, which is basically impossible to sell. Therefore, carvers usually carve some more popular exercises for sale. Some low-level cultivators are still attractive, but their appeal to the inner disciples, core disciples and elite disciples of the sect is extremely limited.

Since you can engrave exercises, you can also engrave other valuable things and sell them, such as maps, miscellaneous notes, cultivation experience, alchemy experience, weapon refining experience, light symbols, talismans, spiritual power boxes, etc., as With the increase in such products, business in the Sky World has begun to flourish, and many people have begun to make a fortune relying on this method!

In fact, these practices can also indirectly increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the sky world, because many spiritual items are brought in from the outside world. The more people come in, the more external spiritual energy they bring in, although many of them will still be Being taken out, there will always be a consumption of spiritual power in the process. Don’t underestimate this consumption. When the number of people reaches a certain level, this consumption can become a torrent, which will bring great consequences to the sky world every day. Considerable spiritual income.

These external spiritual powers are naturally also boosting the growth of the world spirit called Wanyu Xuanzhong. In places where people don’t pay much attention, the world spirit space has actually quietly appeared and gradually expanded...

This was detected by the ray of divine consciousness that Huang Jiuxiao separated!

Due to his extremely fast speed and deliberate search, he soon discovered clues in the depths of the Sky World. This world spirit space is not too big at present and is extremely secretive. If Huang Jiuxiao hadn't come with his own super insight, he would have found clues. Mastering the way of time and space, I am afraid no one can discover it.

"This world spirit space is quite promising!" Huang Jiuxiao exclaimed in his heart.

It is worthy of being an immortal treasure, and it is also a treasure involving the way of space. The world spirit space is filled with a layered feeling. Ordinary people entering here will probably get dizzy and never get out!

Moreover, Huang Jiuxiao discovered that the internal space here is not just as simple as stacking, but also curved and straight, large and small, twists and turns, large sets of medium, medium sets of small, small, medium and large, and even some There are signs of space locks!

It can be said that if a person can pass through this world spirit space, then he must have achieved extremely high attainments in the way of space. There is no problem in saying that he is a small Chengdu in the way of space.

Daodao Xiaocheng, this is a very high evaluation, that is, only a space fairy treasure like Wanyu Xuanzhong can get such a high evaluation from Huang Jiuxiao!

His spiritual consciousness was observing and analyzing, and through the overlapping space barriers, he finally saw the depths of the space, "Eh? World Spirit?!

! "

He exclaimed softly, because he saw a spirit body at the core of this world spirit space, it must be the world spirit!

I saw that this world spirit did not seem to sense the detection of Huang Jiuxiao's divine consciousness. At this time, he was enjoying himself sipping fairy tea, listening to fairy music, and looking at the boundless light and shadow in front of him, with a look on his face. Smile...

"This group of light and shadow...isn't it the world of sky space?" Huang Jiuxiao looked at it and couldn't help but suddenly said.

It seems that this ball of light and shadow is the mapping space of the entire sky world, and this is how the world spirit controls the entire world!

I saw this ball of light and shadow constantly surging under the control of the world spirit. Countless figures and things flashed through it, and many battle scenes were also played out one by one...

Suddenly, the spiritual consciousness of the world spirit locked on a scene, and moved the scene to the front and enlarged it. Huang Jiuxiao was shocked when he saw it. Isn't this the father and son that he and Taoist Wuhen had disguised themselves in?

Why do world spirits pay attention to them? !

But I heard the world spirit murmur to himself: "Interesting, interesting, this human genius came in again and changed his appearance. Do you think you can escape from my grasp like this? However, why do I feel more and more invisible?" It’s through him…”

The world spirit's muttering shocked Huang Jiuxiao. Sure enough, the world spirit still noticed him!

In this way, as long as you enter this space, some characteristic information of the cultivator will be recorded by the world spirit, and it will be difficult to hide from his tracking through disguise.

And this world is under the control of the world spirit. Once he turns his back and refuses to recognize anyone, it will be almost impossible for all the consciousness clones to escape his control!

This is also the reason why World Spirit dares to make such bold statements. In his opinion, these spiritual consciousness bodies that have entered the space are within the palm of his hand, and no one can escape...

Huang Jiuxiao even thought of another possibility. The world spirit could obtain the information of these spiritual consciousness bodies in the space, copy them, and become another of their spiritual consciousness clones. If he used these divine consciousness clones that he controlled, What will happen if the consciousness clone goes to the outside world to seize their original body? !

Thinking of this, Huang Jiuxiao was startled and secretly thought it was not good!

Because it is entirely possible. If the world spirit can do this, he can turn all the people in the outside world into puppets under his control, and the entire cultivation world will become his territory. No one can truly escape from his grasp. Heart!

However, there are not many people coming in now, and his ability is probably not enough, so he is still secretly accumulating energy, but this plan may have been implemented secretly...

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