The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4447 Debate and Alliance

But I heard the head of the family, Shi Yi, interject: "Well, I found out some clues about this matter!"

Everyone was startled when they heard this, and Erqiuzi asked, "Come and listen!"

Shi Yi said: "From the descriptions of Xiao Xin and Xiao De, I felt that the spaceship was very similar to the Yao Qi Sect's Diamond Sky Shuttle, so I sent people to Tianye Star to inquire about it. Sure enough, it was built in front of the Yao Qi Sect. That Diamond Tissot disappeared at some point..."

"Missing?!" Everyone was stunned!

Erqiuzi said in surprise: "It's impossible, right? That's a famous sixth-level magic weapon in the cultivation world. How can you just say it's missing?"

Everyone nodded in agreement...

Shi Yi laughed and said: "This is indeed the case. The Diamond Sky Shuttle disappeared mysteriously, and the giant elephant tribe miraculously possessed a Diamond Sky Shuttle that could enter the Yunhe Secret Realm. Is there any mystery between the two? Where’s the contact?”


"Could it be..."


Everyone has different expressions and reactions, and they all look a little weird...

These people are actually human beings. Of course, they know very well that Shi Yi is secretly criticizing Sha Yao from the Yao Qi Sect by saying this, because this Diamond Tissot can be said to be one of Sha Yao's masterpieces. It is said that it is better than the two ships of the Xiu Alliance. The spaceships that enter the secret realm are much more advanced, but when the Xiu Alliance asked Sha Yao to help the alliance build a Tissot, Sha Yao refused at the first glance, simply being very direct!

He also said that this Tissot was his first and last sixth-level spaceship, and it would be impossible to build it again in the future. This shows how much he values ​​this Tissot.

Just imagine, how could a Tissot like this disappear so easily?

Therefore, after everyone heard the news from Shi Yi, they all agreed that there must be something fishy in it!

This weird thing might be related to the small tribe of the giant elephant tribe. Therefore, Shi Yi's meaning is obvious. He is telling the Xiu Alliance that Sha Yao is likely to collude with the small tribe of the giant elephant tribe...

So, what conclusions can be drawn if we think further?

Everyone present was smart, and they soon thought of one thing, that is, Sha Yao most likely used the small tribe of the giant elephant tribe that no one paid much attention to to enter the Yunhe secret realm in order to explore the massive resources that may exist in it!

If this is true, then Shi Xin and Shi De, who were captured by the Xiu Alliance, are not only innocent, but also meritorious, because they clashed with the Giant Elephant Clan and the Giant Kun Clan when they tried to prevent them from entering the Yunhe Secret Realm. As for the complete demise of the Jukun tribe, it is said that it was due to the harsh environment in the secret realm and the three-party drama. In other words, Shi Xin and Shi De were also among the victims of the three-party drama. First, the root of the problem actually lies with Sha Yao and the small tribe of the giant elephant tribe...

Of course, there is one thing that flashes in everyone's mind, that is, there seems to be an irresolvable hatred between Sha Yao and Shi Wuya. The two have never had a good look when they met in the alliance, and they often have bad feelings about some issues. Tit for tat, so this time Shiyi will specifically investigate the Tissot incident, it may be an abnormal operation. So, can Shiyi's words be trusted?

"Hahahahaha..." A burst of laughter suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked up and saw a figure coming from the sky, quickly arriving outside the hall and striding in...


! "Everyone was startled, how could it happen by such a coincidence?

"I have met the Great Emperor and everyone here!" Sha Ban said loudly.

When Erqiuzi saw it, he said: "You came just in time. I wonder if you can explain the disappearance of Zuan Tisuo? This matter is related to the grievances between the three parties. I hope you can speak with the facts!"

"Fact?! Of course! We, the people of Yaoqi Sect, will not speak freely like some people and use some conjectures as evidence!" Shaban snorted and glanced at Shiyi. Of course, Shiyi was not to be outdone, and also He glared back hard!

"Brother Sha, if you have something to say, just say it, if you have something to say, let it go!" Shi Yi retorted.

Shaban's hair almost stood up when he heard this, but thinking about the heavy task today,

He still endured it and said: "The emperor and the elders are here today, and I won't argue with you! You just said that the Diamond Sky Shuttle built by our ancestors disappeared for no reason. I wonder where you got the news?"

"Does this need to be said? Hasn't the Diamond Tissot always been placed in the exhibition hall of your Sha Yao Sect? But it disappeared from the exhibition hall not long ago, and the person responsible for looking after the exhibition hall did not know that it had escaped. Where have you gone..."

"That's it? Are you saying that it disappeared for no reason? And it fell into the hands of the small tribe of the giant elephant tribe?" Sand Ban mocked.

"Facts speak louder than words. If the Yaoqi Sect hadn't colluded with that small tribe, how could they have owned the Diamond Sky Shuttle built by Lord Sha? Even the headquarters of the Mammoth Clan can't afford this shuttle, right?" Shi Yi hummed.

After saying that, he cast a line of light and shadow. The image in the light and shadow was the exhibition hall used by the Yaoqi Sect to display the Diamond Tissot. Everyone looked at it and found that there was indeed no shadow of the Diamond Tissot there. As the face of a weapon refining sect, Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a product to disappear like this, not to mention that the Yaoqi Sect can also receive countless visiting fees from the exhibition of Diamond Tissot. There is really no reason to put it away...

Almost everyone here has seen the Tissot in that hall, so they couldn't help but burst into an uproar when they saw it...

Sha Ban smiled and said: "Will your Tiandan Sect put your best and most precious elixirs outside for people to visit and taste?"

"How is that possible?!" Shi Yi said reflexively.

"Isn't that what it is?! The best, most precious and most representative of the level of alchemy, the elixir must be kept tightly. How unsafe is it to leave it outside? It will also lose its spiritual energy, right? The same is true for our Diamond Tissot , it was built by our ancestors personally. If these great experts here go to visit, then our ancestors will naturally bring out the real diamond Tissot for you to watch, but it will naturally be put away in normal times, in order to satisfy ordinary guests. If you want to see it, we will put a high imitation as a substitute, which is understandable, because those ordinary customers can’t understand it..." Sha Ban said proudly.

"I see…"

"Let me tell you, the one I saw last time must be the real thing!"

"That's right, Venerable Sha Da wouldn't even refuse to let us see the authentic product..."

"The Diamond Diamond is really the top magic weapon in the Dayan world. It is very likely to become a spiritual treasure or even an immortal treasure in the future..."

"That's right..."

Everyone talked a lot and praised him repeatedly.

Sha Ban heard this and said: "You don't know, Diamond Tissot is already a spiritual treasure!

! "


! "Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Erqiuzi stood up even more excitedly...

"Oh my God..." There was a chorus of exclamations in the palace...

The level of the Lingbao is second only to the Immortal Treasure, and one level higher than the sixth level of heaven. It can be said to be the top treasure in the Dayan world. In the Dayan world, even ten fingers may not be able to count them all!

But I didn’t expect that the Diamond Tissot has been upgraded to a spiritual treasure. This is definitely great news for the Dayan world!

That's right, what we are talking about here is the Dayan world, not just the cultivation world. Treasures like Lingbao are extremely rare in the entire Dayan world.

The empress' eyes lit up when she heard this, and she sighed in her heart. It seems that Venerable Sha's level has improved again. Could it be that he has advanced to the Star Emperor realm? !

Not only did she think of this question, everyone present quickly thought of it, so they all asked, but Shi Yi's face was a little ugly. This news was not good news for him. After all, the Shi family and Sha The family has always had deep resentment, and Shi Wuya has not yet reached the Star Emperor realm. If Sha Yao really advances to the Star Emperor realm, then a certain balance between the two families will be broken, and it will be a big blow to the Shi family. It's obviously quite disadvantageous to say.

But I heard Sha Ban say: "My ancestor has not achieved the Star Emperor realm, but he has improved in the way of refining weapons. Only then can this heaven-level magic weapon be upgraded to a spiritual treasure!"

"I see..." Everyone couldn't help but feel a little regretful when they heard this. If Sha Yao could be promoted to the Great Emperor, then one of the top combat powers in the cultivation world would be added, and his confidence would naturally increase a lot.

Shi Yi was secretly happy in his heart. If he didn't become a Star Emperor, it wouldn't mean anything. Compared with the Sha family, the Shi family could definitely hold a candle to them. After all, monks relied much more on elixirs than on utensils...

Sha Ban said again: "So to say that Zuan Tiansuo disappeared for no reason is completely nonsense! Can a spiritual treasure disappear for no reason?"

"Impossible..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Shi Yi said unconvinced: "Then why can that small tribe of the Giant Elephant Clan have a spaceship like the Tissot? Don't say it is a fake. A fake one will never be able to fly into the Yunhe Secret Realm!"

Shaban snorted: "This is one of the reasons why I came here specially! We did an investigation on this matter and finally discovered the problem!"

"Oh?!" Everyone was startled. They didn't expect that things would turn around again. Could it be that what Shi Yi said was true?

"Let me just say, it must be your problem!" Shi Yi said proudly.

"It depends on how the problem occurred. If it is our responsibility, of course we will be responsible. If not, then we will still be held accountable! The thing is like this. There are actually three Tissots built by our ancestors. But two of them were semi-finished products. Although they were usable, they lacked many functions. Later, they were completely abandoned due to difficulties in material supply and were stored in a semi-finished product warehouse. Most of the semi-finished products and waste products stored in such a warehouse are , the management is indeed a little looser, but the discrepancies are still very clear. We found that not long ago, the entry and exit accounts of the warehouse were deliberately tampered with, resulting in a semi-finished diamond Tissot that was turned into scrap and flowed out, and was also sold at a low price. The acquisition is gone!" Sha Ban said.

"Is there such a thing?!" Erqiuzi said in surprise.

"It's true. I've brought all the evidence here. You can watch it if you don't believe it! In addition, according to our investigation, the warehouse manager was manipulated when he went out to have fun, and such mistakes and omissions occurred. The name of the person who is his hands and feet is Shi Xin!

! "

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