The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4459 The fusion of time and space

"Is this the Great Rift Valley?!"

"Why has it changed so much?!"

This was the first reaction after Emperor Haoran and Emperor Xuanqing entered the Great Rift Valley of Xiuxing.

The empress smiled coquettishly and said, "Can't you recognize it? This is the grand work of Tiansuozi and Duguchen!"

This place has indeed undergone tremendous changes compared to before. Previously, this place was a wild rift zone, long, narrow and deep. The narrowest point was less than a hundred meters, and the deepest point could not even be measured by the Xiu Alliance. From its depth, only smoke can be seen, making it difficult for humans and animals to approach!

There are many wide places in the rift valley. The widest part has almost formed a large area. It cannot be seen that it belongs to the scope of the rift valley at all. But in general, this area is like a rift on the planet that was suddenly cut open by a sword. , and the river flowing at the bottom of the valley seems to be like blood flowing out of the center of the earth, looking so shocking on the earth...

In fact, the three great emperors, as well as Erqiuzi, Heshenbei, Dakan and Munro, all knew in their hearts that the Great Rift Valley of Xiuxing was really cut open by someone with a sword, and this person was the one before. Xin Zun, who appeared at the scene of the siege of the Demon Seeds and helped Yan Zun!

Xin Zun's swordsmanship is extremely sharp. One of his swords can disembowel a planet. It is not too difficult to cut such a crack on a planet...

However, today's Great Rift Valley has almost no trace of the planet's cracks!

The entire rift zone is covered by a layer of misty light. This layer of light looks like a layer of mist from the outside. People who are not familiar with star cultivation will almost naturally ignore it because they blend in with the surrounding environment. As one, there is nothing special about it.

However, just below this layer of mist, there are formations one after another, interlocking and layer upon layer. Entering here is like entering a maze, and the formations may be triggered at any time, triggering... Horrible changes are coming...

The seven people didn't have to worry about triggering the formations, because they all had special formation marks on their bodies and were of the highest level, so they could pass through unimpeded. However, after seeing these formations passing by, they couldn't help but gasp. In the cold air, a sense of awe could not help but appear on his face!

Munro often comes in and out here. He walks at the front, explaining to everyone while walking. At this time, he proudly said: "Everyone, the killing formations you just saw were just mixed in with the big dishes. They are just snacks, but the big dishes are what really scare people. Among them, what I think is the scariest thing is the acceleration of time!"

"Time is accelerating?!" Haoran and Xuanqing both stared at each other!

"Yes! The original purpose of these formations is mainly to generate the treasures of heaven and earth in the formations, so they can adjust the time! Moreover, this range can be adjusted at any time, at least ten times slower than the original. The maximum speed can be accelerated to more than ten times the original value. That is to say, for one day in the outside world, a person can be inside for less than an hour, but it can also be ten days later. If a person is trapped in the formation, we If you want him to age quickly, you can speed up the passage of time in the formation, and then his longevity will be lost very quickly!" Munro said with a smile.


! "Everyone heard a soft roar...

"Is every formation here like this?" Haoran asked urgently.

"Yes! Moreover, according to Brother Tiansuo, they can now apply the formation, and the effect is even more terrifying!" Munro said with some fear.

"How to use the formation? What is it?" Haoran Qi asked.

"It's just a ten-fold formation on top of another ten-fold formation. How fast do you think time is lost?" Munro said.

"This... one day outside, twenty days inside?!" Haoran asked tentatively.

Everyone looked at Munro, who said proudly: "Wrong! It's a hundred days!

! "


“One hundred days?!

! "Everyone exclaimed...

This effect shocked them extremely. One day passed outside and a hundred days passed inside. If they were locked in and couldn't come out,

Wouldn't the longevity be taken away like running water? !

Maybe when people outside open the formation and take a look, the people inside may turn into a pile of bones...

Munro said with certainty: "Yes, it's a hundred days! I saw the two of them doing experiments with my own eyes. A monster was aging in the formation at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they put another layer on it. After the formation, that monster aged faster!"

"Can I add another layer of formation?!" Xuan Qing asked in shock.

"Yes! The three-layer formation is a thousand days!

! Munro said tremblingly.

"Oh my god..." Everyone couldn't help but screamed, their expressions changing dramatically!

Looking at the formations in front of them, they hid far away like snakes and scorpions...


If you really fall into the three-layer formation, then how much longevity you have is fake. I am afraid that soon the beauty will turn into bones, and the boy will turn into an old man...

The empress asked weakly from the side: "Then how many layers of formations can they use at most?"

Munro shuddered and sighed: "How dare I ask? I ran away after seeing that monster die of old age soon. If I stay here any longer, I feel like I'm going crazy!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, but they all nodded. Indeed, just thinking about such a situation makes one's hair stand on end. What's more, seeing it with one's own eyes, I would probably have run away like Munro...

"Haha, how can it be as scary as you said?" A burst of laughter came from it, it was Tian Suozi.

I saw Tiansuozi's face glowing red, his energy doubled, and his whole person seemed to be filled with a kind of excitement from the inside out, and he almost looked up to the sky and roared...

The empress smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Tiansuo looks like he is going to be a boy again! But what great news do you want to tell us?"

"Hey, you really got it right!" Tian Suozi said in surprise.

"Oh? Tell me what's going to happen?" the empress urged.

"Our Heavenly Lock Formation has been upgraded!"

"Upgraded? How many levels has it been upgraded to?!" the empress asked in surprise.

Tiansuozi waved his hand and said: "This upgrade is not a matter of how many levels, but a qualitative leap!"

"What kind of qualitative leap?!"

"Didn't Brother Meng just explain to you the effects of our time formation? Now, the time formation has been integrated into the sky lock formation, causing the entire formation to blend in time and space. Guess what happened?!" Suozi asked rhetorically.


"The fusion of time and space?"

When everyone heard this new word, their thoughts suddenly began to wander, and they became a little uneasy...

Erqiuzi asked suspiciously: "Can the time formation really be integrated into the sky lock formation? As far as I know, an advanced space formation like the sky lock formation is extremely repellent to time, because the difference between the two It’s difficult to be compatible... After all, we rarely hear of people who can master the art of time and the art of space at the same time. This seems to be a dead end..."

Emperor Xuanqing said: "It's not a deadlock. There are still people who can understand the meaning of these two Taoisms at the same time. It's just that they are often proficient in one of them, while it is difficult to achieve proficiency in the other. According to ancient records, among them The reason seems to involve an important reason..."

"What's the reason?!" Everyone asked, even Tiansuozi stared at Xuanqing closely...

Xuan Qing said: "Look at the world we live in, is it a three-dimensional world?"


"The so-called three-dimensional thing, you see, the ground is a flat surface. When this crack appears on the ground, it turns into a three-dimensional block, right?"

"Indeed..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Just like our physical body, it is also three-dimensional. Otherwise, if we could only live on a plane like the ground, what would the world look like?" Xuan Qing asked.

"Oh my God!

! "Everyone screamed, they couldn't imagine the question raised by Emperor Xuanqing!

If the scope of human activities is only within the plane of the ground, wouldn't it be doomed? !


Seeing everyone's expressions, Xuan Qing smiled and said: "There is another way to live in the flat world, but it is not what we can imagine now. Think about it again, this world is three-dimensional, but if there is no time, it will What does it look like?”


"Without time, wouldn't this world be frozen?!" Emperor Haoran said.

"Yes! People who are proficient in the way of time will use this kind of body-fixing technique. From a Taoist perspective, it actually means that time cannot flow temporarily, so the world will stand still! In other words, if there is no time in this world, , then this world is just an ordinary three-dimensional space, lifeless. For those who set up the space formation, they can control such a three-dimensional space through some means, but without the means they arranged, This space formation may never change!" Emperor Xuanqing said.

Tiansuozi nodded and said: "That's true!"

Emperor Xuanqing continued: "But it's different with the time formation! Once this three-dimensional space has the meaning of time, it will come alive!"

"Alive?!" Everyone shouted in shock.

"Yes! Just like the immobilization spell has passed, the world will return to its original state, and it will continue to operate along the previous model, and some new changes will slowly appear. And the space array has the time array With the addition of three-dimensional space, this three-dimensional space will slowly evolve into a world. This world is alive and alive. Maybe over time, it will evolve its own formation spirit according to the rules set by the organizer. Take control of this new world..."


! "Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and their eyes were full of disbelief...

Tiansuozi looked at Emperor Xuanqing in great shock and said loudly: "Brother Xuanqing, you are really amazing! Have you ever seen someone achieve the fusion of time and space before?"

Emperor Xuanqing shook his head and said: "That's not true. I just thought of it. However, the thought of these is also related to what some ancient books of my Taoist sect said. I just prefer to study those classics. Besides, I just On paper, it is too far away from your ability to truly integrate the two..."

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