The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4487 How hungry is he?

Po Lang nodded and said: "That's true! Bailifu is extremely powerful. If he swallows other low-level demons, his strength will definitely reach an unimaginable level. By then, all of us together will not be able to resist him. With that, So, why not catch the other demons first and ruin his plan!"

"But there is a problem here..." Yan Zun said.

"What's the problem?!" Po Lang was startled.

"These low-level demons not only have extremely high body levels, but also have extremely hard protective armor. We cannot break through their defenses. The most we can do is consume their magic power and then seal them. In this way, even if we can seal all Low-level demons, they will still become the target of Bailifu, and for these low-level demons, we will definitely have a decisive battle with Bailifu one day! What's even more frightening is that we have to beware of his surprise attacks at all times. ..." Yan Zun said.

"This..." Everyone was stunned!

We are all smart people. After hearing what Yan Zun said, we immediately understood that the current problem is very serious. Maybe there will be a decisive battle with Bailifu soon. It can be said that Bailifu has become a person who may explode at any time. A threat point, everyone in the team may be attacked, assassinated or even counterfeited by him...

Others are easy to kill, but pretending to be is extremely dangerous, because Bailifu can kill a Venerable and then pretend to be him, and then wait for the moment to devour everyone in the team one by one. Thus realizing his "grand" plan!

Yes, not only those low-level demons, but also these sages will also be Bailifu's devouring targets. Each of them is a huge moving energy body. The effect of devouring them is much better than devouring other substances. This Everyone knows this, they just don't want to say it...

Po Lang's face changed drastically, and he sighed: "What should we do? With Bailifu's current strength, we can still resist it. If we wait for him to take a step further, without him defeating them one by one, we will not be able to stop him..."

Chengfeng remained silent, but he was secretly proud in his heart. It seemed that he had the foresight to deal with a high-level demon like Bailifu. If you can't defeat a high-level demon like Bailifu, then join him. This choice can't be wrong, otherwise it will be I have endured endless hardships. The idea of ​​putting interface interests first like before Polang was just a manifestation of passion. In the end, I will return to the path I chose...

He was waiting for a good show, but Yan Zun, Xin Zun, Po Lang and others were actively thinking of ways. After a quick discussion, they decided not to hunt other low-level demons at all, but to encircle and suppress Bailifu. !

This decision is quite bold, but when you think about it, you have to take the right path, because only by taking advantage of Bailifu's current strength to recover, can you possibly eliminate this serious trouble, otherwise if you wait, Once he recovers, it will be too late to do anything else.

Yan Zun even thought of a way, that is to invite foreign aid!

Since the number of other hunting teams is not large, they can only try to hold off other low-level demons, so the only ones who can take action are these people. It is obvious that such manpower still lacks absolute certainty, so they can only ask other foreign aid for help In order to increase the probability of winning.

"I wonder which master you want to invite?" Po Langqi asked.

You must know that almost all the available star realm masters in Dayan Realm have been dispatched this time, so where are the foreign aids?

Others also looked at Yan Zun curiously, only to see him say: "Xuanwu from the Immortal Realm!"


"Xuanwu from the Immortal Realm?!

! "Everyone was shocked. Even Chengfeng was refreshed. Could things be turning around?

Yan Zun told the story about his encounter with Xuanwu when he was looking for immortal fate last time. Everyone couldn't help but get excited after hearing this. They didn't expect that there was actually a Xuanwu from the Immortal Realm lurking in the Dayan Realm. Even if he came to recuperate and avoid disaster, after so many years, He should be recovering soon, right?

In this way, his strength is probably much stronger than Bailifu. After all, Bailifu has just succeeded in seizing the body.

"Great! If Brother Yan can invite Xuanwu here, we will definitely assist him with all our strength, and we can also agree to help him speed up his recovery in the future!" Po Lang said happily.

Yan Zun shook his head and said: "Whether Xuanwu can come or not is not up to me! I didn't have an in-depth talk with him last time. It's probably not easy to ask him to come out this time..."

Chengfeng snorted from the side: "Brother Yan is overthinking! Everything is just profit. All Xuanwu wants is to recover his cultivation as soon as possible, and we can help him do this. As long as we negotiate the terms with him, we won't be afraid of him." Don’t fight!”

Yan Zun muttered: "What Brother Cheng said makes sense, but will Xuanwu open his mouth like a lion and put forward conditions that even we can't realize, or will he be timid and ignore the life and death of our Dayan world? Everything is at stake." The number is undecided, so…”

Chengfeng said loudly: "Well, why don't Brother Yan and I go and talk to him! No matter what, let him help us in Dayan Realm once! As long as he can capture Bailifu, all problems can be solved !”

"Wait!" Po Lang suddenly shouted.

"But why?" Chengfeng was startled.

"Would it be possible to find Xuanwu in the Immortal Realm now that the distant water cannot save the nearby fire? It may be too late in time. Moreover, Bailifu may appear anywhere, that is, any place where low-level demons lurk. I believe he has a way to find those Low-level demon..." Po Lang analyzed.

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but nodded slightly when they heard this. This possibility is too great. If he is really a high-level demon according to everyone's judgment, then he may have a strong sense of those low-level demons. After all, with his cultivation level Realm is not only fast, but also has a wide sensing range. In his eyes, Dayan Realm is probably just an ordinary small interface. Maybe he can go through it just by browsing...

Yan Zun waved his hands and said: "What Brother Po said makes sense! I also thought about this issue just now, so my idea is that we don't need to negotiate terms with Xuanwu, but just send him a message directly. Baili Fu intends to The information that swallowed him told him, giving him a strong sense of crisis and forming a kind of hostility towards him..."

"I'm afraid that's not enough, right?" Po Lang asked suspiciously.

"Of course, Immortal Xuanwu will be doubtful after receiving this message, and may not take the initiative to attack, so the next step is our business. As long as Bailifu is lured to the misty swamp where he lives in seclusion, a fight will definitely break out between the two sides. In the battle, what you need to know is that Xuanwu in the Immortal Realm is a natural devouring magical skill. Compared with Bailifu's practiced devouring demonic skill, it is probably even better. If we are here to help, I believe Xuanwu will definitely Can defeat him!" Yan Zun analyzed.


! "Everyone heard a soft cry, and smiles finally bloomed on their faces. Yan Zun's strategy is extremely feasible. If this still doesn't work, then it can only be said that he has tried his best!

"Okay! Let's do this, everyone!" Chengfeng said with rare appreciation.

"Notify other hunting teams immediately and let them act according to this strategy!" Po Lang ordered.

"Yes!" Someone soon sent out a talisman to inform other team members.

After discussing with Yan Zun and others, they decided to take the initiative and go to the Great Triangle Star Territory to set up an ambush on the Horned Demon Star. If they could succeed in one fell swoop, there would be no need for the fallback route of Xuanwu in the Immortal Realm. But if it still didn't work, then Baili would Led to the misty swamp...

At the same time, Yan Zun also sent a message to Tianyi of Tianji Pavilion, asking him to act according to the plan and tell Xuanwu of the Immortal Realm about the matter first. All this was completed in a very short period of time...

But Bailifu, also known as Du Ke, escaped into the void to hunt down the Demon Eye Demon. Because the Demon Eye Demon was extremely cunning, and he had just seized the body, his cultivation level had not yet been consolidated, and his combat power had not even been restored to 10%. , so after chasing for a long time in the void, he failed to catch up with the Demon-Eyed Demon, which made him become a little anxious. This low-level demon was his first target, and its importance was unquestionable. He had to catch it no matter what. If it is swallowed, it will greatly increase his strength and lay a solid foundation for future swallowing plans. It can be said to be the most cost-effective swallowing. If it fails, not only will the plan be delayed, but even the confidence will be hit hard. , Du Ke will never let such a thing happen.

He gritted his teeth and launched the Blood-Burning Demonic Technique. His speed increased out of thin air, and he quickly approached the Demon-Eyed Demon in front of him...

The Demon-Eyed Demon was immediately frightened when he realized that the opponent was approaching at high speed. He didn't expect that this high-level Demon who appeared out of nowhere would actually use the Blood-Burning Demon Technique to deal with him. How hungry was he?

Feeling the strong crisis, the Demon Eye Demon couldn't care so much anymore, and also activated the Blood-Burning Demon Technique. This technique is actually relatively common in the Demon World, just like the Spirit-Burning Technique in the cultivation world. Most people You can come into contact with it and learn it in the early stages of cultivation, because in a certain sense it is an excellent means of escaping. Although it requires a high price, it is still much better than dying, and it can be used in the future. Recovering through rest and supplementary medicine is also very cost-effective.

When Douko saw that the other party also used the blood-burning technique, he couldn't help but cursed in anger. It seemed that this kid was bound to end up with him, but he didn't even think about it. He wanted to devour the other party. What could the other party do? Aren't you going to risk your life with him?

While the Demon Eye Demon was escaping, his mind was also spinning rapidly. It was not easy to get rid of the other party now, because the other party was obviously determined to capture him, so what other way to survive was there?

He suddenly thought of his companions and couldn't help but feel refreshed. As long as he found his companions, they could join forces to deal with each other. I didn't believe they couldn't defeat him!

Moreover, it is not difficult for him to find his companions, because he has magic treasures on him that he can check...

Of course, this magic weapon cannot directly display the current location of those companions, but if you can get close to them, there will be a reaction within a certain distance!

Therefore, while the Demon Eye Demon was escaping, he started searching for the magic treasure to see if any of his companions were close to him...

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