The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4524 The Phantom Appears

It was precisely because of the defeat of that superpower that the Phantom, who had not been deployed for ten thousand years, had to return to the world to restore the reputation and status of the Hidden Weapon Sect...

"Stop yelling, haven't you seen that the odds between the two sides have almost increased to ten times?!" someone murmured.

Although the sound was small, it penetrated into everyone's ears, and it was obviously the work of great power.

The fans were shocked and quickly turned to look at the odds display and found that the numbers on it were beating rapidly, and the beating number was Huang Jiuxiao's odds. At this time, it was already close to ten, and Phantom's odds were The rate is almost close to one, currently at one point five.

According to the rules, if Phantom wins, he will be compensated with one Five Spirit Stones by throwing one Spirit Stone, and if Huang Jiuxiao wins, he will be compensated with nearly ten Spirit Stones by throwing one Spirit Stone. This shows that those who look at Huang Jiuxiao are too disappointed. many!

Looking at the amount of bets on both sides, the amount of spiritual stones currently invested in the Phantom side is huge. People have lost count of how long that number is. In short, if it were replaced with real spiritual stones, it would definitely crush a large mountain range!


Although the number of spirit stones invested in Huang Jiuxiao's name is quite large, it is far inferior to that of the Phantom side. At least people can still basically see how many there are. If the Phantom side is a large mountain range, Then Huang Jiuxiao's side is just a peak in this large mountain range, and the gap between the two sides has completely widened...

In addition, under this big betting market, there is another branch of the betting market that is the most attractive to bet on, and that is how many moves the Phantom will use to kill Huang Jiuxiao. Among them, the option of using only one move is the most popular one, because everyone is betting on it. We know that what people in the Hidden Weapon Sect pursue is a sure kill. Those who can kill with one move will not use the second move. Therefore, this is especially true for Phantom, the ace killer of the Hidden Weapon Sect. It is said that he is ten thousand years old. When he took action before, he killed the great demon who was causing trouble with just one move, and his reputation has been far-reaching since then!

In the eyes of the bettors, Huang Jiuxiao is just a young man who has just entered the Star God Realm. How can he be compared with an old man like Phantom?

If he didn't escape but faced the phantom directly, he would be punished on the spot with just one move!

Of course, people who hold this idea have selectively ignored the fact that Huang Jiuxiao defeated the Astral Realm killer of the Hidden Weapon Sect last time. It's not that people don't remember this, but because the killer is not famous. He's not dead either. Who knows what's fishy about it?

But this Phantom mission is real. With Phantom's reputation, you won't use your own reputation to lie, right?

In the world of cultivation, real superpowers still care about their reputation. Moreover, the Phantom's battle is also related to the reputation of the Hidden Weapon Sect. It can even be said to be the future and destiny. If Phantom messes up, who else will look for hidden weapons in the future? Zong Lai kills someone?

Even if there were, the Hidden Weapon Sect would probably no longer have its original prestige in the eyes of those powerful and super-powerful people.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Countless fans looked at the beating numbers with pale faces and murmured...

Many people are not worried about their money. On the contrary, although many of them are fans of Huang Jiuxiao, they honestly put their hands on Phantom when betting...

They felt sorry for the people of Huang Jiuxiao, because everyone believed that Huang Jiuxiao was doomed!

Having his whereabouts locked by the Phantom means there is no way to escape, and there is a huge difference in strength compared to the Phantom, which makes Huang Jiuxiao basically equivalent to a dead man!

In the eyes of many people, given Huang Jiuxiao's level of genius, if he could be given another 10,000 years to develop, he might be able to kill the Phantom, but it's too late to say anything now...

"What a blessing in disguise!"

"How could Phantom kill such a good person like Emperor Huang?"

"Yes, Emperor Huang spared the life of one of their killers last time. What Phantom did was really unpopular!"

"Hmph, are you still here beeping nonsense? If it weren't for you people who were betting like crazy, would Phantom still be out? He was forced to do this by you!" someone retorted.

"This..." Everyone was startled when they heard this.

I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Yes, many people agree with this truth. In fact, in many previous counterattacks, Huang Jiuxiao had spared the assassins of the Hidden Weapon Sect and did not let them suffer on the spot. In the eyes of outsiders, this was an extremely smart move. That is to let the people of the Hidden Weapon Sect voluntarily give up this mission, so as not to be hunted down all the time.

The same was true of the public opinion in the cultivation world at that time. Some people had been calling on the Hidden Weapon Sect to give up this mission quickly, lest its reputation be ruined!

However, it is precisely because of the rise of the Tianji Mountain gambling market that it has attracted a large amount of capital to invest in it, which makes the Hidden Weapon Sect itself unable to do so. After all, many of the people who invest in the gambling game are the Hidden Weapon Sect's financial backers. If these people are offended, , then many big customers will be lost in the future, which is also unacceptable to the Hidden Weapon Sect, so they can only accept the mercy of the gamble and continue to perform tasks.

This shows that the power of money is huge. Even those as powerful as the Hidden Weapon Sect have to lower their stubborn heads under the pressure of money!

No wonder it is said that the law and earth of a wealthy couple are the four elements of cultivation, among which financial resources are ranked first.

After a brief silence, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, the origin is out of the screen!

! "

When everyone heard this, they quickly looked around and found that another group of light and shadow appeared above the light curtain of the gambling room. They saw a burly figure appearing in it, wearing a golden robe and a monster mask. It was wrapped tightly, but it was revealed from him. Judging from his chin, neck and hands, this person must be muscular and hairy. One look gives people a strong sense of power!

"This...should be Lord Phantom, right?"

"Yes, this costume is the same as when it appeared more than 10,000 years ago!"

"Oh my God, he's so majestic, isn't he?"

“It’s as majestic as a mountain!

! "

"And look, a huge nebula has gathered under his feet, and he is currently flying on the clouds... Tsk, tsk, tsk, there are only a handful of people who can do this in the starry sky, right?"

"Haha, I don't know if it's just a few, but I'm sure I've never seen it before!"

"The Phantom is mighty! The Phantom is mighty!

The phantom is mighty!

! "…

There was a roar on Tianji Mountain, and the sound became louder and louder, and soon swept the entire area.

It can be said that the Phantom attracted everyone's attention and conquered everyone's hearts as soon as he appeared on the scene, making people unable to help but cheer for him...

Even many fans who had been clamoring for Huang Jiuxiao now turned to fans and shouted desperately for Phantom...

The Phantom seemed to have heard the shouts from Tianji Mountain. He raised his hand and waved in the direction of Tianji Mountain and nodded. This made the fans even more excited. The cheers went straight into the sky and shook the entire Tianji Planet. area…

They were so enthusiastic that they didn't even notice the changes in the amount of money on the betting light screen. In fact, the amount of money betting on Huang Jiuxiao was quietly increasing at this time. The amplitude was not large, but it never stopped, and it was even more obvious a few times. jumped, but it was all covered up by the fanatical atmosphere at the scene!

However, the fans did not notice that the person hosting the gambling game was always watching. At this time, someone immediately reported this phenomenon to the leaders of the gambling game.

In a hidden corner of Tianji Mountain, there are many powerful people gathered here. These people are naturally the agents of many financial owners, helping those financial owners to host this gambling game. For these people, this gambling game is almost theirs. This was the easiest time in my hosting career, because there was almost no possibility of a comeback for Huang Jiuxiao. Judging from the betting situation on the spot, there was no doubt about this.

Because it is an open market, they also adopt a more conservative attitude in hosting, that is, they only earn agency fees, that is, service fees for gamblers' bets, and they will never favor any party. Changes in odds are entirely determined by the gamblers' decisions. Determined by betting behavior.

I have to say that this is the smartest approach, and it is also the principle adhered to by many giants in the gambling industry, because only in this way can the water flow continue and profits can be maintained forever.

Of course, if you look at this terrifying betting amount that exceeds the historical record, you will know that these big investors can make a lot of money just by earning agency fees!

However, things are not that simple. Although the bet is correct in the general direction, it is still slightly biased in some branches of the betting market, because judging from the direction of the gamblers' bets, Huang Jiuxiao will undoubtedly lose, so the big bettor They still thought a little bit and decided to control the branch betting a little bit. For example, they took the trouble to send people to promote the anti-killing theory to Huang Jiuxiao's fans, and also gave betting discounts, which made many Huang Jiuxiao fans believe that even if Huang Jiuxiao Being killed can at least support a few more moves instead of defeating with one move. In this way, on the bet on which move to kill, the betting amount of Huangfan is obviously much larger, and this amount is also It's extremely scary, but in the eyes of the bettors, this is a big crystal pig that they can control to kill the pig!

Therefore, they allocated a considerable amount of effort to keep an eye on this branch of the betting market, and most of the changes in the betting volume of Huang Jiuxiao just now also appeared on this branch of the betting market.

"Sir Black Face, the betting volume of this branch's betting market has suddenly jumped. Should we follow up?"

More than a dozen Star God-level people gathered in a small space, and the one sitting on top was a Star Emperor-level person. He just wore a black mask on his head, so he couldn't tell who he was. He was the person in charge of the gambling in this branch. Known as "Black Face".

Heimian stared closely at the light curtain in the space and pondered: "Has the identity of the bettor been found out?"

"We are checking! But judging from the names and betting amounts, it seems that they have never appeared before. They are a few new households!"

"Check again!"


"It seems that this branch plate has attracted the attention of big investors, but they are actually optimistic about Huang Jiuxiao, which is strange..." Hei Mian said.

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