The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4534 Cutting

"I see!"

"The emperor is right!"

"Let me just say, the origin has been tracking the information about the two of them. If both of them are gone, wouldn't this scene be over?"

"Great! Master Phantom is not dead! What happened to the monster? How could it suddenly appear there and be sealed?"

"Well, if we go by the Emperor's theory, could it be that the monster crashed into the spaceship and Lord Phantom took action to imprison it?!"


! "When people heard this, they suddenly realized that the possibility was indeed very high. The monster was probably a starry sky beast that came from nowhere. As a result, it ran into Lord Phantom's spaceship for no reason. Lord Phantom flew into the air in anger. Its confinement...this process is the most reasonable!

Everyone at the scene calmed down again, and the scene returned to an orderly state, except that a mess was left on the ground, and many injured people were still groaning on the ground. Fortunately, this pair It’s nothing to the organizers. After some cleaning up, Tianji Mountain returned to the lively scene before it returned...

Heimian also nodded slightly, feeling that the guess of the man below was very reasonable, and the truth should be like this. However, at this time, there was a whisper in his ear, which made his face change slightly!

These words were naturally transmitted to him by Long Xingtian. After listening to Long Xingtian's words, Heimian realized that he was ignorant and that the monster was actually Lord Phantom!

That is Yuan Yin, the leader of the Hidden Weapon Sect!

And Yuan Yin has now revealed his true form, becoming an eight-winged hawk, and seems to have been imprisoned. This means that Yuan Yin has been in danger, but the person who took action does not know who it is? Where to hide?

Yuan Yin's enemies can't be seen at all from the screen information, so even Long Xingtian and others are guessing whether it was Emperor Huang's move...

Black Face felt a little bad after hearing the truth. If the truth was later revealed on the screen, wouldn't he be ridiculed for standing here?

Did the character you created so hard just collapse?

Fortunately, he appeared wearing a mask, and no one knew who he was under the mask, so he was secretly grateful, and at the same time made up his mind to just duck and escape!

"Eh? Where is the Emperor?!"

"Why did the Emperor leave?"

"The emperor only appeared to suppress the chaos just now. Now that the chaos has been resolved, he will naturally leave..."

"That's right. The Emperor is very busy, so how can he be in the mood to be with the likes of us?"

"Haha, you are quite self-aware..."

People didn't feel anything wrong with Hei Mian's departure and continued to watch the screen closely, but they simply didn't expect that their previous guesses were wrong, so no matter how they looked, they were just blindly watching...

In the secret cave deep in Tianji Mountain, Long Xingtian, Tianyi and others looked at the scene with shocked faces, and their whole bodies were trembling with excitement...

This kind of excitement is not because their predictions are accurate and they can make a lot of money, but a sense of happiness that they will survive the disaster!

If we continue on the previous path, this bet will probably collapse by now!

Everyone here will lose a lot of money, and some may even owe huge gambling debts. I am afraid this hole will not be filled in a lifetime.

Fortunately, Tianyi brought the divination results of Master Qiyun. Fortunately, Long Xingtian and others finally believed the results and adjusted their strategies in time, so that the big hole was finally filled!

"Where is Emperor Huang? I haven't seen the shadow of Emperor Huang!" someone said.

"It appeared before, but then Yuan Yin left alone, and Emperor Huang didn't seem to follow behind!"

"Then who is doing it now? Being able to trap Yuan Yin is not something ordinary people can do!"

"Of course, definitely not anyone we know of!"

"Could it be from the outside world?!"

"Look! There's something moving..."

Everyone quickly stared at the screen, and saw a figure suddenly appeared above Yongzhu.

Looking playfully at Yuan Yin who was rushing left and right below...

"No way! It's actually him?!

! "Tian Yi shouted, with a look of disbelief on his face!

"Who?! Who is this person?!

! "Long Xingtian asked urgently.

"Bai Lifu! The leader of the Demon Realm's Horned Demon Clan!" Tianyi responded. For him, this information was naturally easy to come by. After all, Bai Lifu was considered a figure in the Demon Realm, and his information had long been disclosed by cultivators. He is well known, but Long Xingtian and other people from the God Clan usually don't pay much attention to it, so they don't know him.

"How is that possible?!" All the elders of the God Clan looked stunned.

How could a leader of the Horned Demon Clan do something he couldn't even do?

Tianyi said: "According to Bailifu's latest information, his cultivation level is that of a new Demon Emperor, and his combat power is relatively low. In the Demon Alliance, his role is more about making plans. In terms of personal combat effectiveness, there is no outstanding record..."

"What about now? How should we explain it?" Long Xingtian asked curiously.

"This... maybe there is something hidden in it that we haven't learned yet..." Tianyi said, and he issued an order to ask the people below to step up the investigation of the matter.

At this time, Yuan Yin also discovered Bailifu's appearance. He was not familiar with Bailifu, and what he felt was not the breath of Bailifu from the Horned Demon Tribe, but a very threatening breath of the Heavenly Demon!

"Who are you?! Why did you attack me?!" Yuan Yin yelled.

"Do I need a reason to attack you? As for who I am, you will know it after I swallow you!" Douko said proudly.

He first destroyed the spaceship, and then used his own small world to make the beast run for his life, which greatly consumed his combat power. Now it was naturally time to enjoy this delicious food. Time was extremely precious to him, and he had to do it as soon as possible. The earth swallowed this Tao Tzu and transformed the power of his blood into his own fighting power. It would be best to successfully transform Tao Tzu's magical powers as soon as possible, so that he would have enough foundation to fight against the twelve Low level demon...

Douko knew very well that villains are ruined by talking too much, so he just hummed a few words and immediately took action, and a huge force of the world strangled Yaozhu!

After Yuan Yin heard what the other party said, he immediately remembered what Huang Jiuxiao had said to him before, and shouted: "Are you Du Ke?!"

"Eh?! You actually know me?!" Du Ke was also slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this stupid young man actually knew him. Is his reputation that big?

The key is that this is the Dayan Realm. I have been hiding here for a long time and only came out recently. Not many people should know about it...

He paused for a moment, then said with a ferocious smile: "Now that you know who I am, I can't keep you! Dedicate your blood and magical powers to me!"

The power of the world pressed heavily on Yuan Yin's body, causing the armor plates on his body to suddenly bear huge pressure, and cracks began to appear in some fragile parts...

Yuan Yin was speechless after hearing this. He didn't expect that Huang Jiuxiao's guess would become reality so quickly. It can be seen that what Huang Jiuxiao told him before was true. It's a pity that he didn't listen to him and chose to leave alone. Now He fell into Douko’s massacre!

Moreover, it seems that Douko has noticed his divine beast bloodline and the magical powers he may have. He cannot easily let him go in order to improve his strength!

Thinking of this, Yuan Yin knew that he would not be able to survive if he did not fight. If what Huang Jiuxiao said was true, then this Duke's original cultivation level was that of the Demon King, and he was the top in combat power, possessing extremely powerful demon-devouring skills. , if you want to escape from him, you must play some trump cards, otherwise you will not be able to leave safely...


Suddenly, the demonic light surged from Yuan Yin's body, the demonic wind blew wildly, and wind blades rose out of the air, slashing towards Douko's world cage...

These wind blades are so huge that even people watching from Tianji Mountain can see them, which shows that their size in the starry sky is staggering!

However, what is unexpected is that after such a terrifying wind blade struck the surrounding invisible cage, it actually disappeared into nothingness after splashing a rain of light, but it was unable to allow Yuan Yin to break through the siege of the cage.

A sneer appeared on Douko's face when he saw this, and he did not say anything. He continued to stimulate the small world. He was now very worried that other low-level demons would catch up, and he might be surrounded by them. Moreover, in As he expected, other low-level demons may have discovered the abnormality here and will soon trace it here. Therefore, he must complete this action before they arrive so that he can have enough time to digest this. reward…

But he still underestimated the capital that Yuan Yin's ancestor had invested in him. When Yuan Yin saw that the wind blade was ineffective, he was not panicked because he had expected it. He suddenly folded his four pairs of flying wings. , at the same time, the scales on the body stood up, and the whole body seemed to be covered with sharp blades and spikes, and then rolled forward at an extremely fast speed!

Invincible, the matter in those small worlds could not stop this level of cutting, and they were all solved. The entire small world was suddenly opened with a huge and terrifying crack. Moreover, if you look closely at this crack, you will find that the edges are broken. It was so miserable that it was basically impossible to recover!


Douko screamed, and a large amount of black blood spurted out from his body, almost dyeing the entire starry sky ink...

This "cutting" is the innate magical power that Yuan Yin has. Originally, he could not use it freely due to his cultivation level, and it would be difficult to have such a huge power if he used it, but he just swallowed a piece of it given by his ancestor. An explosive blood elixir. This elixir contains a drop of blood from the ancestors. It is this drop of blood that instantly more than doubles Yuan Yin's combat power, allowing him to use it more easily, and the effect is also impressive. He immediately Du Ke was hit hard!

After being brutally destroyed, Douko's small world had already developed weaknesses. Yuan Yin could have taken advantage of the impact to rush out of the crack, but this was the first time he used the Explosive Blood Pill. After swallowing it, he discovered that it stimulated This elixir has exhausted his poor magic power. At this time, he is exhausted and unable to continue...

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