The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4537 The Elephant of Sorrow

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone below fell silent. It was so quiet that only the sound of heavy breathing, the ubiquitous sound of wind and the rustling of leaves and other objects could be heard...

They were all shocked by Hei Mian's words!

It turns out that the monster is called the Eight-Winged Frog, and it is also the true form of Lord Phantom. I saw it being kicked around and being in such a state of embarrassment. I thought it was Lord Phantom who did it, but unexpectedly it turned out to be Lord Phantom!

So, there was someone else who drove away and imprisoned Yaoshu. Who was this person? How did he do it? !

Could it be Emperor Huang? !

Or are they those demons? !

Since the information on the screen was unclear, no one could confirm the matter. It would be possible unless Emperor Huang showed up to explain, but it was obviously impossible.

You must know that twelve heavenly demons have suddenly appeared in Dayan Realm. They are very likely to sweep across the entire Dayan Realm in the next few days. So Emperor Huang will probably avoid them at this time, right?

There are also great powers from all walks of life, as well as super powers in the star realm who may still exist, and they also need to gather together to discuss how to deal with it, right?

The situation is tense, and Emperor Huang is not here, and Black Face cannot confirm whether the Phantom is alive or dead. Therefore, the bet is actually unsolvable now...

Just listen to Heimian continue: "I know you all want to ask about the gambling, but due to the extremely complex situation, we cannot confirm the truth. Therefore, in line with the attitude of being responsible to every gambler, we will temporarily The gambling market is frozen, and everyone's gambling funds are sealed intact. When the truth is revealed in the future, we will honor the gambling market according to the true results! Don't worry, we will learn the truth as soon as possible through various means, and we will also A fair, just and open result for everyone! As for the fact that some people may have their lives and cultivation affected by the freezing of their gambling funds, that is not within the scope of our consideration. After all, everyone knows that there are risks in gambling, and a betting plate is the most important. The most important thing is the correctness and authenticity of the results. As betting operators, this is what we are responsible for!"


! "

"Oh my God!

! "

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

"I'm still waiting to win money to pay off my debts..."

"I almost have no money to practice..."

"Okay! That's how it should be!"

"I can afford to wait anyway!"

"I hope I can survive until the final result..."

"What kind of world is this..."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the silence on the scene was suddenly exploded. Everyone had a different reaction, but most of them still complained and expressed dissatisfaction with the result of the black face's treatment!

The vast majority of people here are people with a strong gambling habit. They will give up their cultivation time and come here to gamble. The purpose of course is to make money as soon as possible. Many of them not only lose everything, but are also heavily in debt. The leverage of participation All added, just waiting to make a fortune and get rich!

But now the betting market is frozen, and their money is frozen regardless of winning or losing, which is troublesome!

Not only are they unable to live a normal life and practice, they also have to deal with debt collection from moneylenders. If this is not a good thing, they may be forced into slavery!

In the world of cultivation, it is common for people to be forced to work as slaves to repay debts due to their inability to repay them. Those who have borrowed heavily suddenly panic when they think of this...

They immediately protested, and countless people gathered to demand refunds from the gambling group, and some even asked for money to be paid based on the winning odds. After all, no one knew the outcome, so they had reason to ask for money based on the winning outcome. !

The scene once again fell into chaos. A huge crowd of people shouted wildly and began to attack the large store of the gambling group. Some people even took the opportunity to make small moves and stole many cultivators' storage bags and storage rings. This caused a stir. There was greater chaos at the scene, and fighting scenes broke out in every corner...

Black Face looked coldly at the situation below from the air, without taking any action, smiled coldly, and disappeared!

This is what gambling means...

Since gamblers participate in gambling, they must be prepared to lose all their gambling funds, and may even owe a lot of debt.

Gambling is a road of no return. Once you fall into it, few people can escape unscathed. Countless people only wake up when they are bruised and have nothing...

To be fair, the decision of the gambling group is not wrong. As traders, they are responsible for handling the betting market openly, fairly and fairly. In a certain sense, this betting market is not over yet, because the real result has not yet been determined. It has not come out, but the waiting time for the results may be extended indefinitely...

Of course, the gambling syndicates are also making reasonable use of the rules. They have obtained the greatest benefits for themselves through this way of handling!

Even if they do not gain profits by manipulating the odds, they can make countless profits by freezing their gambling capital. First of all, such a large amount of money is in their own hands. As long as they operate other projects a little bit, they can make a lot of money. Even if you don't do a project, you can just lend out and earn countless interest. Secondly, I don't know how long it will be until the results are announced, and the dangers in the world of cultivation are everywhere and all the time. These gamblers now, when the time comes, they can How much do people who come to collect their gambling funds have left?

As long as it is less than 10%, the gambling syndicate will be able to count the money until its hands cramp...

The gamblers did not think so much. They only knew that they would be miserable if they did not get the money. Therefore, except for a few people who enjoyed gambling, many people were extremely anxious and frantically rushed to the window of the gambling group. But gambling How could the group be afraid of this kind of posture? They had already thought of such a result when they announced this handling method, so a formation of light quickly appeared at the window of the on-site gambling group, and then a suppression team appeared. They were well-trained. Preface, he quickly occupied various strategic points, and used various magic weapons of isolation and suppression in his hands one by one. For a time, treasure light appeared everywhere, energy waves spread everywhere, and all areas of Tianji Mountain were soon shrouded in a treasure light. , and the people inside were caught off guard and imprisoned by these magic weapons. Many Star God Realm powerful people tried to resist, but under the pressure of waves of imperial power, they could only helplessly wait to be captured...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

In the cave deep in Tianji Mountain, Long Xingtian and others couldn't help laughing wildly when they saw the scene...

It’s so cool!

They also did not expect that it was precisely because of the uncertainty of the outcome that they had a good reason to freeze the betting market first, thus having a huge amount of funds on hand in a short period of time. This money was actually a fund. The pool gives them a huge operating space. As long as they operate a little bit, they can bring huge benefits to themselves. It is really a windfall!

This is an unexpected gain, so now they would rather not know the result of the duel between Emperor Huang and Yuan Yin. It is best that this result never comes out. In short, they can delay it as long as they can. The longer it is, the better it will be for them...

"Boss, we are really in a big position now!"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about running out of money in the future..."

"It seems that this bet was really done right!"

"Hey, speaking of which, I would also like to thank Emperor Huang and Yuan Yin..."

"What? Thank you to those demons!"


! "

Everyone was startled when they heard this, and their expressions changed slightly!

After a brief period of excitement, these people finally realized that the current situation seemed not to be good...

Twelve terrifying heavenly demons appeared in Dayan Realm, but none of the star realm superpowers on the battlefield outside the realm were seen. This situation can no longer be described as dangerous. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an imminent disaster!

Even though there are several star realms of the gods here, they dare not say that they can fight against those heavenly demons. To be honest, when they see those heavenly demons who are covered in armor and glowing with thick magic light, they already feel a huge fear. Under the pressure, I felt as if I was extremely weak in front of them. How could I have the courage to fight against them?

These twelve heavenly demons are like twelve mountains that instantly press on everyone's heart. They know that the disaster of Dayan Realm has finally arrived!

Not only the interfaces such as the cultivation world, the demon world, the demon world, and the barbarian world, but even the gods like them may not be immune, because the purpose of the demon is to occupy the entire Dayan world, and the star fields occupied by the gods are often in the Dayan world. It is an extremely fertile part, how could the demons let go of such fat meat?

"No, this news must be spread back to the clan as soon as possible!"

"If the Heavenly Demons occupy the Dayan Realm, what's the point of making more money? Shouldn't it all be dedicated to the Demons?"

"Yes, we may have the life to make money, but not the life to enjoy it..."

"Did Xuanyin Sect really attack?"

"Brother Yan, Brother Jin, Brother Cheng, Brother Po and others are all dead?!"

"It doesn't seem right. If they died, wouldn't there be mourning in this world?" Tianyi said with a frown.


! "Everyone's eyes lit up.

Not bad, Sad Elephant!

This situation is quite unique, almost unique to those with superpowers in the astral realm.

You must know that every star realm superpower is a treasure of the Dayan Realm. They come from the Dayan Realm and represent the Dayan Realm. At the same time, they also shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Dayan Realm. Therefore, they are in the Dayan Realm. When fighting, they can obtain some power from the source, thereby further enhancing their combat power. If they unfortunately die, there will be a mourning image, which means that the Dayan world is mourning for them, just like the Dayan world has lost itself. The treasures are as sad as tears...

Of course, not every star-level superpower who dies can receive such an honor. Generally speaking, grief will only occur when they die in the process of defending the Dayan Realm. If they die due to personal reasons If the person dies, or if he makes a mistake and is suppressed and destroyed by others, there will be no mourning phenomenon.

In today's situation, twelve heavenly demons appeared in the world, but no mourning elephant appeared. It is obvious that those super powers of the star realm did not engage in fierce battles with the heavenly demons, nor did they die...

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