The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4639 Postscript

"Study the meaning of Tao?!"

"All kinds of Taoist ideas?!"

Everyone couldn't help but fall into deep thought after hearing this...

These people are currently at the top of the Dayan Realm. Naturally, they don’t want to be overtaken by younger generations if they cannot improve any further. No matter how reasonable Huang Jiuxiao’s words are, they will still believe that they can reach a higher realm of cultivation. , even top figures like the legendary top Immortal Lord and Great Immortal Lord...

The front waves are definitely not willing to be beaten by the back waves on the beach, so they seep into the ground and flow back to the sea through the seaside groundwater system, and then become the back waves of the back waves...

In fact, Huang Jiuxiao did not look down on them, because these people must be geniuses themselves, but their geniuses vary in quality. If there is a good environment, good guidance, good resources, and various resources, Such as elixirs, mineral deposits, skills, immortal energy, etc. Of course they have the opportunity to be promoted, but it is not easy to reach the level of the Immortal Lord.

It should be noted that the Immortal World has only given birth to a handful of top figures over the years, and the resources of the Immortal World are many times richer than those of the Dayan World. They are not comparable at all on the same scale.

Even with the help of Xingyun No. 9, the interface of Dayan Realm has been upgraded and the aura and fairy energy have doubled, but it is still nothing compared to the fairy world. The fireflies and the sun and the moon are also...

And it is even more incomparable in terms of quality. For example, many immortal skills have been accumulated and developed by countless geniuses in the immortal world from generation to generation. Only with such top-level skills can it be possible to create the most top-notch characters.

But in the Dayan Realm, except for the techniques owned by a few immortals, there is not even one immortal-level technique. Everything must be explored and created by themselves. This process will definitely take an extremely long time. time, and because the genius base of Dayan Realm cannot be compared with that of Immortal Realm, if you want to give birth to top figures among limited geniuses, this difficulty is comparable to the difficulty of hell, and it is an impossible task to complete...

Unless, how should I put it, the star fortune world will support them with a few more stars?

But this is impossible, because Xingzi's growth is extremely fast, and the evolution of the Dayan world will take a long time. They simply cannot wait until the time when the Dayan world has the nine-day environment of the fairy world...

Therefore, Xingyun No. 9's biggest purpose in dealing with the Dayan Realm in this way is actually to protect it well and complete the tasks assigned to them by the Realm Master Li Yun. As for what Huang Jiuxiao said to them, it was just a picture for them. A piece of pie that allows them to still be full of fighting spirit even after being sealed away...

The Immortal King asked with some confusion: "Studying Taoism is a lifelong process for those who cultivate immortality.

Many people continue to study their own way and keep climbing until they reach the pinnacle of the great way in their dreams... Of course, although everyone has talked about the great way since ancient times, except for those immortals and great immortals, they have never heard of it. Has anyone ever been able to master an entire avenue... In fact, even the Immortal Master and the Great Immortal Master, no one dares to say that he can master the entire avenue, right? It can only be said that the Taoism they have understood on this avenue has reached the top of everyone else, but in front of the avenue, I am afraid they still need to continue to explore..."

"Senior Immortal King's words are quite reasonable! Indeed, the avenue is endless, and everyone needs to explore it up and down! However, what the senior just said is a common situation in the world of immortality, that is, many people choose the path they want to explore. After realizing the intention, they will often devote their whole life to this Taoist intention and continue to study it, with the intention of reaching a higher level. There is nothing wrong with doing so, and it is also believed by many people and feels effective, but our senior said There is another situation, that is, the Taoist meanings that cultivators study intensively are often Taoist ideas related to killing, the five elements, alchemy and weapon refining, and the various arts of cultivating immortals. These Taoist ideas have been passed down from ancient times and have increased or decreased from generation to generation. There is improvement from time to time, thus continuously promoting the improvement of his Taoist level, but..."

"But what?!" the Immortal King asked urgently.

"Our seniors believe that practicing these Taoist ideas is still too narrow!"

"Narrow?! He means..."

"Of course it is to be more comprehensive, broader, and all-encompassing, rather than just limited to such Taoist ideas that are closely related to cultivation!"

"This..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

"All-encompassing? Do we still need to waste time studying the so-called Taoism that has nothing to do with cultivating immortals?" the Immortal King asked suspiciously.

"That's right! Whether you think it is related to cultivating immortals or not, as long as you have some insights and gains, it can be used as a research object! For example, look at our Xingyun No. 9. Some of you could have imagined that it would be possible before. Is it an aircraft?" Huang Jiuxiao asked.


“This is truly unexpected!”

"What a genius! The aircraft can be built like this. To describe it as a genius is far from enough..."

Everyone expressed their emotions one after another and kept praising...

Huang Jiuxiao smiled and said: "Then can you imagine that this aircraft alone can lead the Dayan Realm to get rid of the control of the quasar and arrive at another location in the starry sky?"

"This is even more unexpected!"

"It's incredible..."

"However, I wonder if it was the ability of the big guys on the aircraft that allowed Dayan World to get rid of the quasar? Rather than the aircraft itself?" said the Immortal King.

Huang Jiuxiao shook his head and said: "Of course that's not possible! No matter how powerful they are, they can't control and transport a large interface like Dayan Realm. The one who can do this is of course the aircraft itself!"

"I see... But compared to the Great Evolution Realm, the aircraft is just like a particle of dust. How does it do this?" the Immortal King said incredulously.

"Senior Immortal King, don't underestimate our Xingyun No. 9 aircraft! Don't think that it is just a spaceship. In fact, it has an independent space, independent rules of heaven and earth, and independent operation methods. In a sense To put it bluntly, it does not belong to this universe, but is an independent small universe!" Huang Jiuxiao said.


"Little universe?!!!" Everyone was stunned for a moment. It was hard to imagine that this circular aircraft was actually an independent small universe. If this was true, then it was unimaginable that the force behind Huang Jiuxiao was so powerful that it could actually create a small universe. , isn’t this already getting rid of this universe and heading towards another universe?

Huang Jiuxiao smiled and said: "It is indeed an independent small universe, and it is also one of a series of small universes we have cultivated. What you see is actually a projection of it in this universe, and it actually runs in a different space layer. Of course, this is to avoid being excluded by the rules of this universe..."

"Then how does it move in this universe?"

"Its actions are outside the space layer, but it affects this universe by creating energy bodies through projection. Since energy will not be rejected by this universe, this will not affect its actions. For it, this is The operation is no different than if it came here in person!”

"Is this so?!!!" Everyone was shocked again...

What Huang Jiuxiao said was far beyond their imagination. These things were basically outside the scope of their daily contact and thinking. However, when they heard Huang Jiuxiao say these things, they subconsciously felt that they had missed something. , can’t help but feel slightly confused...

"Seniors, what I said just now is not that I want to show off the power of our power, but I just want to give you a reminder. If, I mean if, everyone is devoted to the cultivation of immortality that they have studied carefully. "Can we build Xingyun No. 9? Can we get rid of this universe and create our own independent universe? Can we use Xingyun No. 9 to rescue the Dayan World?" Huang Jiuxiao said.

"Impossible!!!!" everyone responded in unison.

"Yes! Because of all the Taoist meanings related to Xingyun No. 9, many of them have nothing to do with the usual Taoist ideas of cultivating immortals and are ignored by people. However, these Taoist ideas are real and have always been ignored. People ignore and abandon it because everyone believes in the law of the jungle and the strong. No one wants to be cannon fodder and a stepping stone for others' growth. Everyone wants to become stronger as soon as possible and gain more resources to maintain. Self-cultivation, so everyone will give priority to those Taoist ideas that can help them become stronger, which is what everyone usually calls the Taoist intention of cultivating immortals... Over the years, the world of immortality has long gone astray, and it is going further and further down the wrong path. It is getting farther and farther, so many people have forgotten that many beautiful Taoist ideas in the universe are actually worth studying, and who can say that they are not helpful for cultivating immortals?" Huang Jiuxiao said.

"Oh my God!!!!" Everyone exclaimed, as if they were enlightened, and a big light suddenly appeared in front of their eyes...

"Xingyun No. 9...Xingyun No. 9...Xingyun No. 9..."

"Independent universe...independent universe...independent universe..."

"You've gone astray, you've gone astray!"

"They are all harmed by these so-called wise sayings in the world of cultivation..."


"I feel like there's still something I can't figure out here..."

Everyone yelled, some murmured, some stamped their feet and sighed, some looked suspicious...

Huang Jiuxiao said: "Seniors, I just copied the words of our senior for you. As for what and how much you can realize from it, that is your own business! Xingyun No. 9 is here to pick up the light path. Sorry, I can only wish you all a long and prosperous journey and good luck!"

Although Xingyun No. 9 was able to transport Huang Jiuxiao and others to the ship instantly, in order to be less shocking and to create a greater shocking effect on the people present, they chose to cast a pick-up light path to ascend to the fairy world.

"The same goes for Young Master!" the Immortal King said with emotion.

"Thank you so much, Young Master, as well as Young Master's partners, and the Immortal Sect forces behind Young Master!"

"I hope the young master can come to our Dayan world more often in the future. He will definitely have a different look!"

“I hope you guys can come here more often!!!!”

The Immortal King and others shouted one after another, looking at the bright beam of light transmitted from the distant world, with envy on their faces...

Huang Jiuxiao and Duguchen flew up slowly, heading straight to the pick-up and drop-off path, waving to everyone...

“We will definitely come back!”

“See you later!!!”

"Wait for me!!!!" A voice shouted urgently, and a figure rose into the sky and headed towards the two of them. When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be Wu Zhongyang, and they all suddenly realized that the Xuanwu clan was powerful in the immortal world. Da Pang, as a direct descendant, he will definitely go back...

However, Xiao Tianlei, Zi Wuyan, Su Qianqian, as well as Feng Qi, Zhan Bafang and other Xingzi who have not yet arrived here have temporarily stayed because they will not go to the fairy world and will return to the star after this experience. Luck world.

On the other side, Zhuge Shang, Huang Xiaoyi, and Duan Shengong are also flying towards another ascending light path at the same time. They will meet up with Huang Jiuxiao and Dugu Chen. These five young human geniuses will ascend to the fairy world together!

The story of Dayan Realm has come to an end now, and the future story will slowly unfold in the Immortal Realm...

*************************************************** **

Postscript: The writing of this book has basically explained the context of the entire story. The story of the fairy world will be interpreted in the future fairy world chapter, which should be a new book.

It’s not easy to write this book wholeheartedly for so many years, especially after three years of difficult times during the epidemic and various changes in the platform. I’m thinking, if it weren’t for the support of many book friends along the way (yours The names will coexist with this book. I have memorized many names, and some names have been quietly written into the book. I don’t know if you have noticed it :). I would also like to express my special thanks to book friend Wdows, Because he has been reading the book from beginning to end since it was uploaded, chapter by chapter. It is definitely an honor for me to have the long-term support of such a senior book friend! ), if it weren’t for my personal love for creation and my responsibility for fulfilling the website cooperation agreement, I definitely wouldn’t be able to persevere!

Fortunately... the manuscript was finally delivered perfectly! There was not a single day in between!

To me, this is the biggest victory!

Because I feel that I have gained a lot, not profit, not fame, fame has nothing to do with me. What I have gained is a whole prosperous spiritual garden gained after perseverance, a pair of eyes that can distinguish between reality and the future, and a heart that still has warmth. Smoking heart…

No matter in the world of cultivation or in other parallel worlds, no matter how thorny the road ahead is, no matter how difficult and difficult the world is, people must always keep their original aspirations, because only when the heart is soft can one prove that one is alive and has vitality. Yes, there is warmth. If your heart is dark, hard, and cruel, you can adapt to the outside world better and live more prosperously, but so what? What's the point?

Thanks again to all my dear book friends for your support along the way! ! !

There is still a bright light ahead of the universe, let’s encourage you! ! !

Qinyuan Jushi, 2023, 9, 16

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