The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 48 Recovering the Underground Palace

"Master, use the 'Wind and Thunder Sword Technique'." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

It is said that the soul is most afraid of thunder, so Li Yun immediately turned to the Li family's wind and thunder sword technique.

As soon as he displayed his sword power, his figure was like a wisp of smoke, and he took the initiative to charge towards the white-robed demon, "Thunder shook the sky".


The thunder was loud and the sword was as powerful as lightning. The white-robed demon was caught off guard. Forced by the cold light of the fairy sword, he panicked a little and kept retreating.

However, the white-robed demon's figure was erratic and difficult to pin down, and Li Yun's profound power could not imprison and kill it at all. He could only use offense instead of defense to see if he could polish off the opponent's demonic power.

This situation is a bit delicate. The two sides seem to be attacking and defending, but in fact they are fighting for consumption. Li Yun's profound energy seems to be consumed faster, and Xiaoxing's reserves are being continuously used at this moment.

"Master! This cannot continue like this. The energy consumption is too great. Once it is consumed, we will have no power to fight back. The opponent's consumption seems to be very large. Implement the second plan as soon as possible to prevent it from doing anything else!" Xiaoxing made an accurate judgment on the situation at this moment.


Li Yun chose to trust Xiaoxing unconditionally. He knew what the second option Xiaoxing was referring to.


The white-robed demon was struggling to hold on when he suddenly found that Li Yun's offensive had weakened and his sword moves were a bit sloppy, and he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

His demon power was already close to running out of ammunition, and his light and shadow were already a little shaky. If this continued, he wouldn't even be able to save his own soul seed, let alone kill his opponent.

I was thinking hard about how to reverse the passive situation, but I didn't expect that Li Yun didn't have enough stamina at this time, and the opportunity finally came!

He shouted loudly: "You brat, no matter how high you wear your hat, I can't save you this time!"

Without hesitation, he performed his best trick, leaping into the air, avoiding the sword light, and struck at the top of Li Yun's head.

A ray of light and shadow flew into the hat on Li Yun's head like a shooting star!


"You brat, you...what is in your hat?!!!" the white-robed demon exclaimed.

After he threw himself into the hat, he realized that things were not that simple. Not only did the sting fail to penetrate the top of Li Yun's head, but his whole body was trapped by dense sticky threads. After struggling desperately, he was getting tighter and tighter.


Li Yun shouted loudly and did not answer again, thinking: "Nonsense, how can I reveal such a secret to you?"

He concentrated on it, took out more black spider webs from behind and stuffed them into his hat, and finally stuffed them into a white sticky ball. The white-robed demon could no longer move or speak inside.

Sensing the movement in the hat, Li Yun raised the jade stone with his left hand and smashed it in. There were a few crisp sounds of "pah pah pah", and all the light and shadow slowly dissipated!

"Master, it's successful! The bee demon is already dead!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Ha ha!"

Li Yun let out a breath of anger, put down his sword, and finally a joyful smile appeared on his face.

He knew that after this dangerous battle, he could finally feel at ease.

However, what he didn't notice was that the blood on his hands during the fierce battle was being absorbed by the jade stone held tightly in his palm, and the jade stone seemed to glow slightly.

"Congratulations, master!"

Xiaoxing said happily: "Kill this idiot, and now we own this underground palace!"

"Haha, your contribution is also great. Now your calculation and reasoning abilities are really getting stronger and stronger." Li Yun praised.

"Of course, how can this idiot compare to a smart brain like mine? How did he know that this second plan is an advanced trap that I designed after hundreds of millions of calculations. Haha!" Xiaoxing said proudly. said.

"Okay! Now, we will officially take over this underground palace."

Li Yun interrupted Xiaoxing's words and quickly strode towards the red building.

Entering the building, the first thing you see is the huge body lying on the stone bed. It is the body of the bee general. It looks to be twice as tall as Li Yun.

If you look closely, you can see that the abdomen, wings and feet of this body are all damaged. The most fatal thing is that the long mouthparts are also broken.

Li Yun tested the hardness of this body and found that it was much stronger than the Xuan Sword. Especially the mouthpart, which could cut even the fairy sword in his hand, was definitely a rare treasure.

"I didn't expect that such a treasure would be broken under the attack of jade!" Li Yun felt a little incredible.

When he thought of jade, Li Yuncai realized that he was still holding it tightly in his left hand. He looked down and screamed!

"Xiaoxing, the jade is shining!"

"Yes, I thought it was just a stubborn rock, but I didn't expect it to move on its own." Xiao Xing said curiously.

Li Yun looked carefully and found that the black and white stripes on the jade seemed to be much moisturized and looked very vivid.

He picked up the jade and smashed it on the remains of the bee general again.


The remains of the bee general disappeared instantly!

"What...what's going on?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Master, it seems that he was sucked in by this jade." Xiaoxing said.

"How can it be?!"

"..." Xiaoxing was speechless.

Li Yun was a little surprised. He took the jade and touched the broken mouthparts of the bee. With a "swish" sound, the mouthparts also disappeared!

"Really! It's true!!" Li Yun shouted.

"Master, maybe this jade, like the storage bag, also has space inside, and can store many items." Xiaoxing judged.

"But, how can it suck things by itself?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Master, I just checked the recent records and discovered a phenomenon!" Xiaoxing said anxiously.

"What phenomenon?"

"When you were fighting fiercely with the bee general's remnant soul, the blood on your hand was completely absorbed by the jade. Then, it emitted light slightly and changed." Xiaoxing said.

"So... it was my blood that activated it?!" Li Yunqi said.

"Yes, that's the fact. Maybe... you recognized it as its owner!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Recognize the master?!"

"Yes, according to General Bee's notes, some magic weapons can recognize their owner through blood. After recognizing their owner, it will act according to your wishes. As long as you want it to do something in your mind, it will execute it."

"Yes, I just wanted it to suck in the bee general's mouthparts." Li Yun said in surprise.

"That's right! Maybe it sucked the remains of the bee general because you wanted to smash it with it." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Great! I'll try again!"

Li Yun aimed at the stone bed and thought about sucking it in, but he got his wish again!

"God help me! I was worried about not being able to take away so many mysterious weapons and packages. With the help of jade, the problem will be solved!" Li Yun laughed.

He quickly returned from the palace and came to the battlefield.

He spread out his body and started to swim.

Whoosh! Whizzing! Whoosh whoosh!

Various items were instantly absorbed into the jade stone under his will.

After working for nearly two hours, he finally cleaned up the battlefield. In the end, even the remains of Wuliangzi and his female disciple were sucked into the jade by him.

"Hehe! Looks like I have to leave first."

Li Yun saw that the sun was setting in the west, walked to the strange rocks in the valley, and took out the key that Wuliangzi had placed in the recess.


The corridor slowly closed and returned to its original state. Apart from the remaining horrific traces of the battle, the surrounding area had not changed much.

"Master, we don't need to enter through this door in the future, we can just go through the side door." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, without the key and map, the door here will not be discovered. Even if someone comes here to check, it will be difficult to find any clues." Li Yun nodded.

Beikunshan fell into darkness, but there was still a person wandering here.

Li Yun has a jade stone in his left hand, a fairy sword in his right hand, soft black iron armor on his body, and a black spider hat on his head, slowly circling around the underground palace as the center.

"Master, if this continues, I'm afraid it will take a long time to go back."

"There is no other way. To discover and eliminate the remnants of these bee demons, we can only do it slowly."

Li Yun was afraid that there were still remnants of the small celestial bees in Beikun Mountain. At the same time, in order to clean up the corpses of those who had fled, he decided to circle in the mountains.


"Look at me!" Li Yun waved the fairy sword in his hand, and five little celestial bees fell down in response.

Sure enough, another mutilated corpse was found nearby. Li Yun waved his left hand and sucked him into the jade.

"Strange, why do these little celestial bees only bite humans and not the mysterious beasts in the mountains?" Li Yun was a little confused.

"Master, the skulls and skins of many mysterious beasts are very hard, and the little celestial bees cannot be inserted at all. Even if they are inserted, they cannot reach the brain. Moreover, according to General Bee's records, the little celestial bees he trained, It just targets humans." Xiaoxing said.

"I see. It seems that I have no choice but to attract the bees with my own body. I will fight to keep Chaocheng safe!"

After a night of hard work, when the sun rose the next day, Li Yun finally moved to the outside.

"Great! Finally all cleaned up!"

Li Yun put down a big stone in his heart and looked at the rising morning sun with a bright smile on his face.

"Lucky! Lucky!"

With a loud roar, a figure rushed over, it was Li Wei.

Those survivors returned to Tingchao City, but Li Yun was nowhere to be seen. This made Li Wei very anxious. He did not dare to enter the mountain because it was too late, so he kept guard on the outside.

When he saw Li Yun coming out, he was overjoyed.


Li Yun had tears in his eyes.

"Is that Imperial Master really as awesome as they say?" Li Wei asked with a smile.

"That Imperial Master... is so amazing!"

Li Yun was startled, remembering that the Imperial Master was lying in the jade, but he couldn't say this.

"It's really too dangerous this time! With so many warriors, less than one-tenth of the original number came back, and of the three major families, only a dozen people from each came back, causing heavy losses. Some families were completely wiped out. ." Li Wei sighed.

"Hey, Chaocheng has been really in trouble recently." Li Yun said sadly.

"Yes, if there was no luck, Tingchao City would have been doomed long ago!"

"Father, I have killed all the remaining wasps in Beikun Mountain, so you can feel at ease in the future."

Li Yun recounted his actions tonight.

"It turns out that Yun'er didn't go back first to avoid future troubles. But it made me worry all night in vain! Haha!"

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