The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 515 Hermaphrodite

Li Yun thought of the previous thunder and Feng Han, who were all being manipulated by him, and felt quite proud in his heart.

"Congratulations, master!" Xiaoxing and Xuan Dongmu laughed almost at the same time.

"Haha, we're both happy! It's just a pity that the Ruby Fairy doesn't have a witch on hand now..."

"Master, exchanging the red jade fairy for this purple and gold phoenix fan is such a bargain!" Xuan Dongmu laughed.

"It makes sense! I didn't expect that the purple and gold phoenix fan, which is considered the most precious treasure in this world, would be at my fingertips. It's really unimaginable..."

Xuan Dongmu laughed and said: "Only the master can do this! However, anyone who approaches the master and feels the strong Taoism in you will be attracted unknowingly and feel more cordial. That’s why I believe my master’s words so easily!”

"I see!"

When Li Yun heard this, he suddenly realized that Xuan Dongmu was right. It seemed that what made the great contribution was the strong Taoism revealed in him. No wonder even the people of the Feng Clan who never shed tears easily were deeply moved by him. Touched, Xuan Feng shed tears directly.

When he thought about this problem, Li Yun immediately felt his head was as big as a bucket. Because she and her father, Mr. Xuanzun, both shed tears for her. This is an extremely serious hidden danger that will explode sooner or later!

"We have to forget about this problem for the time being! Anyway, when the water comes, the soil will cover it, and the soldiers will stop it!"

Looking up at this vent, I wondered if it really should be closed.

Then I thought, if I seal it now, if Feng Han discovers it, I will definitely have doubts, which is not good. It seems that I still need to proceed with caution.

So he continued to practice Tianfeng Spirit Body.

While practicing, he informed Lei Xiang of the matter.

Lei Xiang was extremely shocked when he heard it. He was stunned for a while and felt bad all over!

"Brother Yun, that Xuanfeng said that his father was going to marry Tianfeng?!"

"Haha, I know you were salivating over Fairy Feng that day, but I heard you right! It's true! That person is Feng Shuai Ke Mo from Jianmu Fengjie. Maybe he's married now, so don't think too much about it. Got it!"

"This...if that's the case, forget it! Anyway, I like the Human Race now, not the Phoenix Race!" Lei Xiang said harshly.

He suddenly remembered something and said with a smile: "Brother Yun, you are going to be miserable! The leader of the Zijin Phoenix Clan, Ling Yunxuan, is also moved by you. It seems that you can't escape this time!"

"Oh? Do you know Ling Yunxuan?"

"Of course! Last time, in order to prepare phoenix eggs for Huang Yiqiao, I sneaked into the Purple Golden Phoenix Realm to steal the eggs. I saw him from a distance. His cultivation is very powerful. I heard that he is a low-grade Phoenix Master who can cover his face with one hand. God. He is so charming, even I want to torture him..."

"You...are so courageous!"

"Haha! Can't you just tell me? But if I see him now, I will get away as far as I can..."

"You are quite smart. However, this matter is really a bit troublesome..."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, the egg has been sent out. If he wants it, he can go find Huang Yixiao!"

"I'm not talking about you stealing eggs, I'm talking about their father and daughter's emotional affair. Why is this Phoenix Clan so weird that it makes trouble for someone even if it sheds tears?!"

"Haha! Are you still complaining?! You are so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed!" Lei Xiang laughed.

"Oh? How do you say this?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"The Feng people shed tears at most a dozen times in their lives! Some even never shed tears in their lives! I heard from Xuanfeng that Ling Yunxuan has shed tears for you several times. How glorious is this?! Like him? A person like this will never shed tears easily, even if his wife dies!"


Li Yun was stunned when he heard this and was speechless for a long time.

It seemed that calligraphy and poetry were all to blame, and Li Yun secretly regretted it!

"Brother Yun, even eldest brother, I admire you so much now! You can make a Phoenix Lord shed tears for you several times. Saying such a thing is simply shocking to the world and makes you cry. If you let me meet you, even if you meet me immediately, It's worth dying!" Lei Xiang sighed.

"The key...that Lord Xuanzun is an old man..." Li Yun muttered.

"Haha! So that's what you're thinking! Brother Yun doesn't know that although the beings of higher bloodlines such as the dragon clan, phoenix clan, divine beasts, true beasts, and blessed beasts are basically divided into men and women, the male and female have been extremely diluted. "It's just a matter of which characteristic is more dominant, because our reproduction can also be achieved through our own gestation!" Lei Xiang laughed.

"Greed by yourself?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"That's right! The eggs of elephants and phoenixes can be gestated in the bodies of male and female phoenixes. As long as there are some mutations to make them active, offspring can be born. Of course, this process is extremely long! To give birth to an offspring requires more than just It takes time and a little bit of luck.”

"So, Tianfeng and Xuanfeng are not necessarily both born to their mothers?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"That's right! I've never seen Xuanfeng, but Tianfeng might have been conceived by Ling Yunxuan. Because the two of them look so much alike!"


When Li Yun heard this, his mouth opened in a circle and he could fit a big duck egg in!

"Brother Yun, the reproduction of life forms in Xuanling Continent is diverse. Demon Lord Xiang can directly generate soul-splitting life; masters of painting can directly draw life, just like you draw that bamboo; masters of the puppet method can You can give life to a puppet, making it exactly the same as a real person; another example is real beasts, which are actually bred from real blood, and are formed through the fission of real blood during reproduction. They have no distinction between male and female. Points..." Lei Xiang said again.

Li Yun immediately thought of the Jiuying he saw at the foot of Iron Finger Mountain last time. When he was swallowed by Xiaofu, he had turned into a drop of thick blood. It seemed that this drop of thick blood was split from other true blood.

"Haha, have you learned a lot?"

"Brother... Could it be that... you can also give birth to offspring?!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Of course! It's just that I don't have the intention now!" Lei Xiang said.

"You?! Really can?!"


"I do not believe!!!"

"Why are you so stubborn? Then I will tell you when I show you the egg uterus in my body!" Lei Xiang said helplessly.

As soon as he mentioned the egg palace, his face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, he already had a dark face, so Li Yun didn't notice.

"Okay! Ming Kongzi is here!"

Li Yun withdrew his consciousness and greeted Ming Kongzi.

I saw that Ming Kongzi looked very excited, and it seemed that he was having a lot of fun in Qingyuan.

"My ancestors are so happy. Could it be that they have encountered something happy?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha! It's true!"

"Can you tell me this to my disciples and make me happy too?" Li Yun said with saliva on his face.

"No problem! I pretended to be a young monk this time, using the pseudonym Xiaoqiang, and picked off many dojos in Qingyuan Garden one by one. Now, Xiaoqiang's name is already famous in Qingyuanmen!" Ming Kongzi said proudly .

"What?! Xiaoqiang?!" Li Yun exclaimed softly, his eyes widening.

"How's that for a name?"

"Not bad!"

"Haha, that's right! Xiaoqiang Hengkong was born and showed off his power on the stage of Qingyuan Taoism. Many foreign monks were unconvinced and came to the stage to challenge. Naturally, I punished him severely!" Ming Kongzi laughed! Mouth from ear to ear.

"Congratulations, ancestor!"

"Joy and rejoice together!"

The two of them are practicing separately, but Xiaoxing here quits!

"Master, Old Antique actually dared to steal my name. I can't do anything without repairing him properly!" Xiaoxing said angrily.

"It's just a name. Besides, there are so many people with the same name, so it doesn't matter!" Li Yun quickly advised.

"No! He must have been so impressed by my teasing last time that he chose this name. This is simply plagiarizing my work!"

"This..." Li Yun was startled.

Xiaoxing transformed into Xiaoqiang at that time, invaded the points exchange system, and greatly teased Ming Kongzi, which was something Xiaoxing was extremely proud of.

Now that Ming Kongzi actually used his name, he couldn't stand it.

"Master, next time he comes back, I will send a clone to fight with him! We must let him know how powerful the real Xiaoqiang is!"

"Haha, that's fine. He's pretending anyway, and no one will know who he is if he loses. But you have to be merciful!"

"All right!"

"What do you think of what Lei Xiang said?" Li Yun asked.

"Master, it is not uncommon in the former universe for men and women to be downplayed. In the beginning, life forms were basically gender-neutral, and reproduction was through their own fission or gestation. It was only later that the environment changed, and life adapted accordingly. , the distinction between male and female appeared, but the life of hermaphrodites, parthenogenesis and asexual reproduction did not really disappear, but always existed!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Like what?"

"Many single-celled life, plants, and animals are. For example, a pest called an aphid reproduces parthenogenetically. An aphid can reproduce many offspring in a short period of time..."

"Aphids?" Li Yun was startled, thinking of a small and hateful crop pest.

"Yes. In addition to aphids, there are earthworms, snails, jellyfish, schistosomiasis, squid, barnacles, sea bass, nudibranchs, corals, leeches, groupers, some individual lobsters...retaining hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis and asexual reproduction Characteristics that allow them to have stronger survivability and adapt to harsh living environments.”

"It makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

"In the previous universe, in order to adapt to the long and harsh cosmic environment, the human race also developed the phenomenon of hermaphroditism in some ethnic groups. However, the master's branch was well prepared when exploring the universe, and this mutation phenomenon has not yet occurred."

"Really?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Really. There are records of this in my think tank data. For example, the Triangle Star Territory, the Necklace Star Territory, the Creation Pillar Star Territory, the Cancer Star Territory, the Spiral Star Territory... all have hermaphroditic human races..."


Li Yun screamed in his heart. It seemed that he was still biased.

Life does continue to evolve and adapt as the environment changes. Although this process is long, it is ongoing.

…(To be continued.)

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