The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 57 Dragon Qi

Very high in the sky in the northwest of the Tianlong Imperial Capital, there was a faint riot in the air mass!

This is the top of the sky and is not within sight. Even people with extremely high levels of Xuan Gong cultivation cannot sense it.

Only those who are cultivators may be able to vaguely sense the turmoil of this airflow.

The air mass is turning slowly, like a spinning top, spreading thousands of miles.

In the middle of this gas cloud, there is a small stream of air, slightly light yellow in color, which is jumping up and down, and seems to be extremely unstable.

Upon closer inspection, you can see that this yellow airflow looks like a legendary dragon, but it is extremely small.

Tianlong was making a terrible roar at this time, stirring the surrounding clouds and mist, and seemed to be venting his anger!

Listening carefully, you can notice that its voice is a bit like His Highness Long Kui. If Shi Chang, the counselor of the Royal Palace, were here, he would definitely feel strange, "What is the relationship between this little yellow dragon and His Highness Long Kui?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the distant sky: "Kui'er, why are you so irritable and restless today? It disturbs my dreams."

When Xiao Huanglong heard this, he immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, kept quiet for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Father, please forgive me! My child encountered a bottleneck in his practice today and has been unable to break through, so he feels a little impatient."

"That's it. People who practice martial arts should be careful not to be impetuous, eager for quick success, and practice blindly. You might as well rest for some time before trying to break through the bottleneck."

"Thank you, Father, for your teaching!" Xiao Huanglong said.

"We must not do such stupid things again in the future! Fortunately, the Imperial Master is not here, otherwise, if he or other cultivators discover that our Royal Family of the Tianlong Empire possesses dragon energy, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Yes...Father, the child was careless and failed to control his emotions. He really deserves death!" Xiao Huanglong said tremblingly.

"Hmph, it's your first offense, let's forget it this time! You must keep this in mind in the future!"

"Yes! Father, don't worry, the child will never do it again!" Xiao Huanglong said firmly.

The two voices became lower and lower, and finally faded away.

The little yellow dragon in the center of the air mass also died down, became quiet, and slowly fell into a deep sleep. Its body was wrapped in the thick air mass around it, and slowly disappeared...

Li Yun was completely shocked!

After being sucked into the black hole by Jade, in a blink of an eye, Jade took him to where the little Huanglong was, and happened to see this scene.

"Dragon Qi?! What is Dragon Qi?!"

"Master, Dragon Qi is a magical breath naturally produced in the heaven and earth. It is an innate Qi and has a great effect on luck. Its production is also related to the Dragon Veins."

"Xiaoxing, how do you know this?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Among the classics collected by Wuliangzi, there is a book of Chinese anecdotes about dragon energy." Xiaoxing replied.

"I see."

"Among the mortal empires, not every empire can produce dragon energy. In fact, the probability of this happening is so low that no one would ever think of it." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, as his father said just now, the national master Wuliangzi has been in Tianlong Empire for so long and has not found dragon energy. Maybe he has never thought of checking whether dragon energy is produced here." Li Yun nodded. .

"It should be so. Today we passed by Dragon Claw Mountain, and I found that this mountain looks a bit like a huge dragon claw. Maybe there is really a huge dragon vein here, which can stimulate the dragon energy to come out." Hoshi speculated.

"If it is true as you said... there is a dragon vein here, and the dragon claw alone is as big as a Dragon Claw Mountain, then wouldn't the entire dragon vein be almost the same as the entire Tianlong Emperor?" Li Yun thought.

"It's possible, maybe it will be bigger! Maybe it's buried deep underground, and what's exposed is just the tip of the iceberg." Little Xing said in surprise.

"If that's true,

That is really unimaginably big! However, now we have found two groups of dragon energy, and I don’t know if there are more? "Li Yun pondered.

What he didn't know was that there were four dragon auras on the dome of the Tianlong Empire, one big and three small, which were owned by the Emperor of the Tianlong Empire and his three sons.

Since they were just born, they are mostly in a sleeping state.

Before it fully grew up, the strength of Long Qi was extremely weak, so the emperor and his three sons did not dare to expose it at all, and carefully guarded this astonishing secret together.

When the Imperial Master was in the imperial capital before, they didn't even dare to practice. After learning about the death of the national master, they dared to practice a little bit.

While Li Yun was thinking, a figure flashed, but Yang Qian had also arrived.

The jade stone was completely invisible, and of course Yang Qian didn't notice Li Yun.

After he sensed this strange agitation in the palace of the Third Highness, he arrived at an extremely fast speed. However, he was already a little late and did not see the little Huanglong or hear the conversation.

However, the airflow here was still very obvious, which made him quite curious.

"It's strange. This space is a bit weird. It actually contains such a thick air flow. Moreover, some of the breath in it seems to be very helpful for cultivation..."

Yang Qian quickly discovered the strangeness of this air mass.

The riot of the little yellow dragon caused some of the innate energy to escape, and the innate energy is a great supplement to those who cultivate themselves. Even if there is only a small amount, it can benefit them a lot.

Yang Qian greedily absorbed the escaped innate energy, feeling that his cultivation level had actually deepened!

"Great! Maybe there will be more of this kind of spiritual energy in that air ball. If you can take all this air ball into your own, I'm afraid it will be easy to advance!" Yang Qian became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Looking at this huge air mass, probably thousands of miles in diameter, Yang Qian's mouth almost watered down.

However, with his cultivation at the third level of Qi Refining at this time, it was simply impossible to contain this Qi ball.

"It seems that I have to find a way to collect it." Yang Qian murmured to himself.

He immediately turned and left.

Li Yun watched Yang Qian leave and knew that he must be thinking of something.

"Based on Jade's behavior tonight, it must also be attracted by the dragon's energy. I wonder if it can contain it?"

Li Yun was a little confused, but with his current cultivation level, it was impossible to succeed without the help of jade. The only thing he could do was to wait.

After a long time, Yushi seemed a little reluctant to leave, but he still took Li Yun back to the palace of the Three Princes.

"Well, it seems that I don't have the ability to get jade now, so I have to give up this opportunity first."

Jade came back to his mind, and Li Yun appeared.

"Master, if you want jade to improve your abilities, I thought of a way." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"What solution?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Feed it."

"Feed it?!"

"Think about it, the remains of the corpses last time were all items rich in profound energy or even fairy energy. After all of them are absorbed by it, the soil will be so fertile. I just saw that the seeds we sown last time have already They have all sprouted, and some have grown quite tall. If we give it more things to devour, it will be able to accumulate more energy, and its abilities will naturally increase!"

"It makes sense! But what should I feed it?"

"All kinds of waste! We can give it a try. The waste doesn't cost much anyway. I think there must be a lot of it in the Three Princes' Mansion. In addition, we can also go to various shops in the imperial capital to buy it, depending on its appetite. how old are you."

"Hehe, I also want to see what will happen after feeding it." Li Yun said with a smile.

In a residence of the Third Prince's Mansion, the counselor Wu Zhi is responsible for coordinating and arranging the training of talented young people from various places according to the orders of the Third Prince.

In terms of financial resources, the Third Prince's Palace is incomparable with the Great Prince's Palace and the Fifth Prince's Palace, so the network for selecting geniuses cannot be spread too widely, and the number of talented young people in reserve cannot be compared to the other two palaces.

According to Wu Zhi's suggestion, the Three Princes' Mansion emphasizes quality over quantity, and if they want to improve quality, they must improve their training level, and even their actual combat level, so that they can win more places as immortal attendants.

However, what made him happy was that among the talented young people who came with the Third Highness this time, there were two who could definitely win the spot of Immortal Attendant, and that was Yang Qian and Li Yun.

Especially Li Yun, he was greatly impressed by his amazing performance in resolving the return crisis!

While he was thinking about this, a subordinate walked in.

"Report! Mr. Li Yun is visiting!"

"Oh?! Invite me quickly!"

You can really come to whoever you want. After a while, Li Yun walked in with a smile.

"Sir, please sit down! It's really a nice wind today."

"Thank you Mr. Wu."

"Young master is really a genius. I was just trying to communicate with you more, but I didn't expect that you came here first. I'm so ashamed!"

"Oh?! Sir, he has so many things to do every day. How dare you let him take a step forward?"

"Hey, Master, you are too polite. I wonder what business you have when you come here so early in the morning?" Wu Zhi asked.

"Hehe, I would like to know if there is a place to store various waste materials in the Three Princes' Mansion?"

"Waste?! I wonder what type of waste you are referring to?"

"No matter what kind it is, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc."

"Oh? I wonder what the young master is asking about where the scraps are for?"

"I wanted to do an experiment to see if I could extract something useful from the waste."

"That's it. The waste materials from the three princes' palaces were all dumped in a small valley outside the north gate of the palace. That place has been abandoned for many years. All the waste materials were left to fend for themselves. Young master can see it in the past."

"Okay! Thank you sir."

"Can the experiment done by the young master open my eyes too?"

"This... hasn't been successful yet, let's wait and see when it's done."

"Okay! I heard that the young master likes to make wine, and the wine he brews is of the highest quality. I was just thinking of asking the young master for some samples." Wu Zhi said with a smile.

"No problem. When I have time to brew some more, I will definitely invite you to taste the wine together. By the way, I didn't see Yang Qian just now. I wonder where he went?" Li Yun asked.

"Young Master Yang asked me for leave early in the morning. He said that he had to go out for something. He might be able to come back in seven or eight days. I wonder what the Young Master wants from him?"

"I see. I just want to spar with him. Since I'm out, let's wait until he comes back."

Li Yun bid farewell to Wu Zhi and headed to the north gate.

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