The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 574 Coalition Encirclement and Suppression

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If Gu Buyi hadn't come up with this plan this time and played hard to get, letting Yang Lin rescue a plum, and then tracked and found out where the lair of Yang Lin and his gang was, he might not even know how he died one day!

"Father, with their strength, even if our Divine Artifact Pavilion goes out with all our strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to annihilate them all, and our own casualties will be very serious!" Gu Buyi said.

"This...what can you do?"

"This lair is actually one of their main bases, and there must be countless looted treasures stored in it. We use this as bait to unite with Xia Yang Sect, Wu Fu Sect, Tian Dao Sect, Flame Gun and other nearby sects to encircle and suppress them. The effect is better Much more!" Gu Buyi thought.

"That makes sense!"

Gu Tiancheng's eyes lit up and he looked at his youngest son with satisfaction and found that he was really getting better and better.

He immediately followed Gu Buyi's strategy and began to contact the heads of various immortal sects.

The existence of the swamp base quickly attracted the attention and interest of various immortal sects in eastern Daxia. These immortal sects quickly reached a consensus that this cancer must be uprooted!

It is obvious that the swamp base is Tiandu Mountain Yang Mingdeng's back-up left in Daxia. It is a sharp thorn in the hearts of various immortal sects in Daxia. If it is not extinguished, there will be endless troubles.

The high-level secret meeting was held in the "Xiayang Hall" of Xiayangmen.

Xia Kurong is the only Nascent Soul, and his status is extremely respected. He sits at the head of the table. The other Jindans sit on both sides, including Yang Wenqing, Cui Shen, Deng Qian, Ai Chu, Mao Xiong, Gu Tiancheng from the Shenqi Pavilion, and Zhang Kuai from the Flame Spear. , Xie Yuan from the Tiandao Sect, Peng Chong from the Wufu Sect, and others, Yingji and Gu Buyi are actually among them, which shows that the current status of these two people is quite extraordinary.

Gu Buyi recounted what he saw and heard at the swamp base, which shocked everyone present.

Gu Tiancheng also told the story of his encounter with Yang Lin and his group, which shocked everyone in the audience into a cold sweat!

Unexpectedly, the fighting power of this group of thieves is so powerful that they can force a Jindan to be exhausted and unable to fight back!

"If you have any good ideas on how to encircle and suppress these bandits, you might as well tell me!" Yang Wenqing said.

As soon as the words fell, everyone made plans one after another, deliberated carefully, and finally decided on how to attack the swamp base.

at last,

With Yang Wenqing as the commander-in-chief, Gu Tiancheng and Cui Shen as deputy commanders, Ai Chu as the coalition military advisor, and the others each led an elite team to form a coalition of about 30,000 people to launch an encirclement and suppression operation.

These people quietly gathered on a hilltop near the Shenqi Pavilion, closely monitoring the movements of Yang Lin and his group.

This scene naturally fell under Xiaoxing's surveillance.

"Master, there's a good show to watch!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Haha, that's right! If Yang Wenqing and the others knew that this encirclement and suppression operation had actually been informed by Yang Lin and the others, they wouldn't be as calm as they are now!" Li Yun said.

"Should we inform Yang Wenqing and the others?"

"When did you become so kind?" Li Yunqi asked.

"No... these people are very interesting, and it would be great for us to watch them play for a long time..."

"But if you inform them now, the show won't be possible."

"This is not necessarily true. Both of them will definitely make corresponding adjustments, and this scene may become more beautiful..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun thought well, it would be too fun if the coalition forces in eastern Daxia were completely destroyed as soon as they entered, so he rolled up a letter with his spiritual consciousness, carved it, and sent it to the camp where the coalition forces were located.

Yang Wenqing and others were discussing nervously in the big tent when Wang Zhi, a disciple from outside, hurried in.

"Master, there is urgent information!"

"Urgent information?! Where did it come from?!" Yang Wen asked anxiously.

"I don't know where this talisman came from, with the words "Emergency Information" written on it!"

When Yang Wenqing heard this, he grabbed the letter talisman in Wang Zhi's hand, sensed it, and his face suddenly became astonished!

"No! There's a traitor!" Yang Wenqing said loudly.

Ai Chu, Gu Tiancheng, Cui Shen and others were startled and no longer calm.

"The information about the encirclement and suppression operation has been leaked, and a new plan must be discussed immediately!" Yang Wenqing sighed.

Everyone took the letter talisman and sensed it one by one, and their expressions turned gloomy.

This letter talisman, which came from an unknown source, revealed an important piece of information to them. It turned out that Jiang Lang, an elite disciple of the Tiandao sect, and Luo Kuang, an elite disciple of the Five Talisman sect, had been developed by Yang Lin and his gang. As accomplices, the secret of this encirclement and suppression operation has of course been leaked a long time ago. As for what preparations their group has made now, the letter does not mention a word.

"This is unreasonable! These two traitors!!!"

Xie Yuan and Peng Chong roared and rushed towards the door, eager to arrest these two people immediately and punish them severely.

"Brothers, wait a minute!" Ai Chu said suddenly.

"Humph, what does Brother Ai have to say?!" Xie Yuan paused and turned around to ask.

"The two rebels have been exposed, but they don't know it. This is good news for us. We can use it to our advantage!" Ai Chu said while stroking his chin and shaking his head.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up. These people were all cunning and cunning, and they immediately gathered together to discuss.

"I wonder if Brother Ai has any clever ideas?" Xie Yuan asked.

"Well... having a traitor is naturally very distressing. Fortunately, we haven't thrown ourselves into the trap yet, so we have taken the initiative." Ai Chu said slowly, stroking his beard.

Everyone nodded as they heard this. Without this secret letter, the horrific consequences would have been unimaginable.

"However, this letter is a bit strange. You two must confirm again. If you find that these two people are really a group of Tiandu Mountain, don't be alarmed yet. We can let them bring wrong information to Tiandu Mountain."

"Okay!" Xie Yuan and Peng Chong responded simultaneously.

"But what wrong information do we want them to bring?" Xie Yuan asked.

"At this moment, a group of thieves in Tiandu Mountain must have opened their pockets in the swamp and are waiting for us to enter. The original plan was to watch the third watch tonight, but now we can tell them that the plan will be advanced to the first watch!"

"First update?! Why?"

"As soon as the plan is advanced, the other party's arrangements must also be advanced. In this way, the spies we sent can detect what arrangements they have made, and..."

"And what?!"

"The time for us to actually launch the attack has been postponed to the fifth watch!" Ai Chu said slowly.

"Fifth watch?!" Everyone was startled.

"Why is it the fifth watch?!" Peng Chong asked.

"Hmph, think about it. They have to be on full alert from before the first watch. They can't see the enemy until the fifth watch. Their energy has long been exhausted. This is called a decline and exhaustion. By the fifth watch, it's time to This is the time when we are recharging our best strength, and we have already figured out their true and false intentions. This battle..." Ai Chu said proudly.

"Haha! Okay...okay! Just use Xiao Ai's plan!"

Xia Kurong, who had been listening quietly next to him, had a rare smile on his face and said loudly.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison with high spirits.

Yingji and Gu Buyi looked at the old fox Ai Chu and marveled in their hearts. They didn't expect this fat-faced guy who looked harmless to humans and animals to be so powerful in his conspiracy!

Sometimes, a higher level of cultivation can only save your life, but a higher level of intelligence can kill someone!

No matter how good your cultivation is, your intelligence and scheming are inferior to others, and you will still be passive and controlled by others. This is absolutely true.

Sure enough, after Xie Yuan and Peng Chong revealed the new movements of the coalition forces to the two rebels Jiang Lang and Luo Kuang, the two rebels quickly found a way to get the news out!

Seeing this scene, Xie Yuan and Peng Chong had mixed feelings in their hearts.

These two people are both elite disciples in their respective sects. They have spent a lot of resources in their sects to get where they are today. Unexpectedly, they turned to Tiandu Mountain and were willing to become bandits.

Moreover, the Tiandao Sect and the Five Talisman Sect were originally medium-sized sects with limited resources. They must have paid a heavy price to cultivate such elites, which made the two sect masters feel even more shocked.

However, in order to stabilize the two of them, Xie Yuan and Peng Chong did not expose the matter, but secretly monitored...

In the swamp, Yang Lin quickly received the information from the two men. The news that the coalition forces were attacking in advance caught him off guard, so he quickly adjusted his arrangements.

Many people who were still recuperating were called up and took urgent action.

Even the blood-sworn ceremony was omitted, everyone started moving, and everything was in a little chaos.

All this was seen by spies sent by the coalition forces.

It has to be said that the old fox Ai Chu's plan was very clever. With one move, Yang Lin and his gang were put into a passive position.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were also amazed when they saw this.

"Master, it seems that Yang Lin and others are in a worrying situation!"

"What? Do you want to take action again?"

"Hehe, I don't want the treasure in the mountain to fall into the hands of the coalition forces..."

"Oh? Let's not talk about how many treasures there are. In this battle alone, they will probably be completely damaged." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Then we'll pick it up in advance!"

"No need! If you get it in advance, you won't be able to see this battle." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Okay! Since we want to see it, why don't we arrange more black-veined butterflies so that we can see it more clearly."


Li Yun listened to Xiao Xing's suggestion and sent many black-veined butterflies to fly to the swamp.

Since the swamp is a blind spot for Thunder Demon Ants, but the Monarch Butterfly can penetrate deep into it and is extremely concealed, this time the observation was basically based on the Monarch Butterfly.

Li Yun was cultivating the Tianfeng Spirit Body while waiting with great interest for the war to break out.

The surrounding light curtains are one after another, all made of small stars, allowing the whole battle to be seen more three-dimensionally and intuitively.

However, things were far from that simple. On the fourth watch, an accident happened!

At this time, Yang Lin and his gang were waiting like ants on a hot pot at various ambush locations. Everyone was a little impatient and began to doubt the accuracy of the news.

The coalition forces have quietly gathered around the swamp and began to collect their pockets.

To everyone's expectation, a sudden change occurred in the swamp. The clouds and mist were turbulent, and seemed to be stirred up by some force. Whether it was Yang Lin's group or the coalition forces outside, they were all caught in the clouds and mist, panicking and shouting. Screaming, dizzy...

...(To be continued.) Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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