"Of course! People like Feng Hua Xue Yue, He Weiyang, Xu Yue, Niu Shenzi, Bai Li Yao, Shangguan Yin, etc. are naturally ranked geniuses." Xiao Xing said.

"That's right. When I think of geniuses, I think of young people such as Yang Qian, Gu Buyi, Yingji, Qi Ren, and Jiang Ying. In fact, many geniuses have already grown into real powers!" Li Yun's expression changed. Wei Hong said.

"That's right! Just like Xu Yin from Yuyong Gate in Dayue Cultivation District, he is a real genius. He became a powerful person at the eighth level of Nascent Soul before he was five hundred years old. This is also rare in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Xu Yin..."

A square-faced monk with messy beard and hair appeared in Li Yun's mind, and he smiled secretly in his heart. Now that his junior brother Xu Yue is staying in his body, he wonders if Xu Yin, who does not have a concubine, will be even more sloppy...

"My lord, why not take him as a slave for life? He will definitely become a god!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it when we meet him. The stronger his Taoist intention, the easier it will be for me to conquer him."

"That's right, let's fatten them up first and then kill them..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Haha, it makes sense, it makes sense!"

Li Yun completed this time's spiritual journey and slowly concentrated.

This kind of spiritual consciousness training almost once a day is of great help to the improvement of his spiritual consciousness ability, and it will not delay his physical training.

It is difficult to estimate the extent of the power of his spiritual consciousness. Even Xiaoxing cannot explain it clearly, because no one can explain this kind of spiritual consciousness that can travel across such a large area in a short time. You will believe it, let alone have any records and evaluations!

If Li Yun collects all the light points of spiritual consciousness in the underground network into his brain, he is afraid that the strength of his spiritual consciousness will reach an extremely terrifying level.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a river of spiritual consciousness!

"It seems that my Kamigawa Kung Fu has reached a small level of success!" Li Yun murmured.

Now looking inside my mind, I can see a galaxy running across the sky, extremely bright, slowly rotating around Tianyun and the small stars, and it is extremely majestic!

The galaxy is filled with aura, dense, colorful, and full of mystery...

Slowly the wind whirlpool was removed, and the figure appeared. Xuanyunjiao suddenly became calmer, except for the wind that was still blowing out from the vent above.

Look at the Lei Cha Corner space. Lei Xiang and Wang Yi are playing chess while Xiong Bing watches blankly.

"These living treasures are actually having fun playing games, so it's best not to disturb them!"

Li Yun flashed back to Lingxian Peak and did not see Xuandong Mu. Only then did he realize that he was probably building his own palace.

Only Xiaofu was still sleeping soundly on Lingxian Peak, looking cute and drooling all over the floor.

"I wonder when this little guy will be able to transform and speak..." Li Yun shook his head and thought to himself.

Seeing that the quintuplets, Kidaozi and Xiaokong were all building palaces, Li Yun suddenly thought that Wang Yi and Xiong Bing did not have a palace yet, so he thought slightly, separated two small spaces, and built one for them first. Prototype.

"By the way, build one for Xiaofu and move it there. Lingxian Peak will completely become your own territory, which will be beneficial to the subsequent space upgrade."

Li Yun thought of this and immediately created a prototype to send Xiaofu there.

These separate spaces have been separated from the main body of Tianyun. No matter how big the upgrade of Tianyun is, they will not be affected. Therefore, I can rest assured to condense the golden elixir here.

Now that my Tianfeng Spiritual Body has reached the peak of the Pulse Wind Realm, I will soon be able to enter the Danfeng Realm and prepare for the formation of Danfeng.

Looking at Tianyun, it has almost become a world of mist at this time. Everything is hazy. You can't see far with your eyes alone. You can only see clearly with your spiritual consciousness.

This is a sign before the upgrade. As long as the waste accumulated in the space warehouse is poured into the swallowing mouth, it should be able to activate.

"If another batch of scrap material arrives, we will be more confident about starting... By the way, why doesn't Lei Dong come?" Li Yun thought in his mind.

"Sir, the time has not come yet! It will probably take another month." Xiaoxing said.

"Haha, it seems I'm a little anxious."

"Don't worry, he will probably send you scraps when you enter Danfeng Realm! Now, I have discovered Nokun!"

"Nokun? Where is it?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"We have arrived at the Qingyuan Gate."

The little star cast a light screen, which revealed a human figure. He was wearing a purple gold robe and had a strange appearance. He had curly hair, thick eyebrows and a big mouth. His beard was as iron as flesh. He was calm and powerful. This was exactly the information. Image of Zhongnoquin.

It is not appropriate to say that he is a powerful monster of the demon clan, because Nuo Kun is the biological son conceived by Lord Kun, and of course he belongs to the true beast clan. His bloodline level is extremely high, only slightly lower than the dragon clan and phoenix clan.

It must be because he is still young and has not been practicing for a long time. He is only a sixth-level demon master and has not been able to enter the spiritual world.

This is only compared to the longevity of real beasts. Nuo Kun is at least more than 20,000 years old. It is estimated that he will soon become a demon general and enter the spirit world.

Tuzhenzi stayed by his side, nodding and bowing, smiling apologetically, and followed cautiously.

Just listen to Nuo Kun hum: "Li Yun really went out to travel?"

"Yes! Many people have come to look for him recently, and now they are all staying here temporarily waiting for him!"

"Where is his cave?"


"Take me to his cave, I won't believe it until I see it!"

"Yes...yes! Senior, please come with me!"

Nuo Kun followed Tuzhenzi to Li Yundong Mansion and was startled when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Why is this place so messy?!" Nokun asked suspiciously.

"Senior didn't know something. It really makes me heartbroken to talk about it! A lot of people came to our door to look for Li Yun some time ago. As a result, many things were missing. I don't know who took away all the calligraphy and paintings, even the tea he made. The tea sets were all stolen by others. They did keep the spiritual crystals, but based on the value of Li Yun's calligraphy and paintings, those spiritual crystals are barely enough!" Tuzhenzi said loudly.

"Spirit crystal? Someone really left the spirit crystal?!" Nokun said in surprise.

You must know that spiritual crystals are extremely valuable even in the upper world, and they are not widely circulated. Most monks still mainly use spiritual stones.

In the lower realm, spiritual crystals are rare and rarely appear. No wonder Nuo Kun is so surprised.

"Senior, please look!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Tuzhenzi's hand, and several sparkling stones appeared. The aura filled them like mist, making them appear extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

"It seems that I'm still late..." Nuo Kun looked at these pieces of spiritual crystal, his expression was startled, and he sighed.

These few spiritual crystals are the best proof of what Tuzhenzi said just now. Nuo Kun can't help but not believe it, because he only has a few such spiritual crystals on his body.

He didn't believe that the little Qingyuan Sect would possess the spiritual crystal, so it must have been left behind by others as compensation.

Staring at the spiritual crystal in Tuzhenzi's hand, an impulse to snatch it away flashed through his mind, but he resisted it. He came to ask for paintings, not to rob, and, as Tuzhenzi said , the value of these few pieces of spiritual crystal is not even a fraction of the value of Li Yun's calligraphy and paintings, but you can't lose a small amount!

"Senior, if you want to paint, how about staying here and waiting for luck to come back?" Dozhenzi asked cautiously.

"Do you know where he wanders?"

"The monks' movements are unpredictable, and they only have one general direction. When Yun'er went out this time, he only said that he was heading north..."

"How long?"

"Maybe a few months, maybe a few years..."


When Nuo Kun heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

After thinking about it, he took out a letter talisman and handed it to Tuzhenzi, saying, "If Li Yun comes back, immediately send this letter talisman to inform me!"

"No problem! Senior!" Tuzhenzi responded loudly.

He took Nuo Kun out of the Four Elephant Formation and sent him out of the Qingyuan Gate.

Watching his retreating figure, Tuzhenzi felt a huge weight drop in his heart. Only then did he realize that his robes were soaked through!

"It's really not easy... Yun'er, you must not come back..." Tuzhenzi lamented in his heart.

Something like this had happened many times recently, and it frightened him every time.

In his opinion, with the current situation, if Li Yun comes back, he may be taken away by others if he advances with the front foot, so it is better not to come back at all.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't go back!" Li Yun's voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Yun'er?!" Tuzhenzi looked around suspiciously.

"It's me, the leader! Just receive them the way you just did. If you have any questions, just go to the ancestors!" Li Yun said.

"Okay...okay! Be careful outside! By the way, where is Senior Lei?"

"He will come find you after a while!"

"Okay! Then I'm relieved!" Tuzhenzi said happily.

Li Jun followed Nuo Kun's movements and discovered that after leaving the Qingyuan Gate, he went straight to the west of Daxia, completely ignoring the Swordfish team that was searching around the sea.

"It's strange. If he doesn't go to the Dolphin Clan team, why would he go to the western part of Daxia?!" Li Yunqi said.

"That's true. You know, Tuzhenzi told him just now that you went north..." Xiaoxing also felt confused.

The two followed the matter and discovered that Nokun's destination was actually Tianji Palace in Longyefang City, where they purchased a piece of information about Li Yun.

"That's it!" The two of them suddenly realized.

It seemed that the purpose of Nokun's trip was to come to Li Yun to ask for calligraphy. As for the search for the Dolphin Team, it had been handed over to the Sailfish Team, and he did not want to interfere.

Tianji Palace has listed Li Yun's information as the highest Tianzi level. The portion sold in this lower realm is even less than in the spirit world, so what Nuo Kun saw was only a small part of it.

However, this part of the information mentioned that Yan Ruoxu, Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi and Fairy An Dai had visited the Qingyuan Sect and obtained Li Yun's calligraphy, which made his eyes light up.

As Li Yun had expected before, his target immediately turned to these human gods. As long as he found them, whether through exchange, purchase, or robbery, he would get calligraphy. As long as he had calligraphy, he would have a way to reach the spiritual world. In the world, find Huang Yimiao to exchange for the longevity pill.

Soon, he made up his mind and headed towards Dazhou...

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