The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 674 Inspecting the rear base

"Soul Warrior? Junior Brother, are you going to take them all away now?" Wuyuzi asked in shock.

"That's right! You already have three million new soul warriors here. If they stay here all the time, firstly, it will consume too many resources, and secondly, it will be detrimental to their growth. It's better for me to pick them up first. You can then Continue to recruit and train new immortal attendants!"

"I see. Junior brother is right. Putting these three million soul warriors here is really too much pressure. I'm really worried that someone will find out..." Wu Yuzi said with relief.

"Don't worry! I have upgraded the invisible formation here a long time ago, and no one will notice it. As long as you are careful when entering and exiting, you will be fine."

Li Yun quickly collected about three million newly trained soul warriors from Wuyou Peak, some of whom were transferred to the Xingyun flagship, and some were prepared to be transferred to the four branches of A Dong, A Xi, Anan and A Bei. Most of the rest of the Star Luck Fleet were put into the Space Stone, and Xiaoxing arranged to continue training, waiting for the completion of the super-giant ship refining before transferring it in.

He also allocated a large amount of resources to Wuyuzi, allowing him to continue to recruit and train immortal attendants, and continue to advance towards the goal of millions of soul warriors!

"Senior brother, as soon as the goal of tens of millions of soul warriors is achieved, I will take you around..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, senior brother, I've been waiting for your words! Don't worry, this goal will definitely be accomplished!" Wuyuzi laughed.

"Okay! Junior brother, let's go first. Every time you get two million soul warriors here, I will come and collect them!"

"This...does senior brother need to send a message?"

"No need! Just do your thing, senior brother!"


Li Yun felt the three million new soul warriors and happily left Wuyou Peak, but turned to Fenglingjiao.

This place is very likely to be noticed by Xing Suanzi, because the last time Sima Kong and the One-Horned Demon fought here, Xing Suanzi happened to be in the Qingyuan Gate.

Now that he knows that he is cultivating the Tianfeng Spirit Body, he will definitely search for corresponding cultivation locations throughout Daxia. It can be said that this is the place where he must come.

"Huh? Ming Kongzi's Tianfeng spirit body seems to have improved, reaching the late stage of dirty wind realm!" Li Yun thought to himself.

"Yun'er!" Ming Kongzi quickly sensed Li Yun's arrival and shouted.

"Congratulations on the great advancement of our ancestors' spiritual bodies!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, same joy, same joy! Huh? Why can't I see through your spirit body?" Ming Kongzi said slightly surprised.

" robe is of a higher level, so it's normal that I can't see through it."

"That's it! Why are you here today? Could something big happen?"

"It's not a big deal, but this place will probably be exposed. The star teller from Tianji Palace will definitely arrive in the near future."

"Star teller? What is he here for?"

"Tianji Palace is constantly following me, collecting my information and selling it for money! Not long ago, our ancestor revealed to the disciples that I was cultivating the Tianfeng Spirit Body, and he has already learned about it, so he will definitely find this place. Come. Of course, ancestors don’t have to worry about him, he can’t get into this formation, just be tighter in your words.”

Ming Kongzi's face turned red when he heard this. He didn't expect that he was the one who leaked Li Yun's secret.

"Don't worry, Yun'er, I will naturally deal with him carefully! By the way, a witch came here last time, and she was extremely powerful. Fortunately, Senior Lei asked her to retreat..."

"Haha, that witch is the Demon Lord Ruby Fairy in the Demon Realm, but it's just a fragment of her soul that has reached the level of Demon Commander! Now I'm afraid she has gone to Jianmu Feng Realm to cause trouble!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?! Demon Commander?!" Ming Kongzi was shocked and trembling all over.

"Ancestor, don't worry, we can stop this formation! I believe that even if she comes again, she won't make things difficult for you."

"Will she really come again?!"

"This... probably won't happen! You know, how can Jianmu Fengjie be shaken by a demon commander like her? Even that Ke Mo is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I am afraid that the Ruby Fairy's The demon soul is going to stay there..." Li Yun muttered.

"Haha, that's good! As long as she doesn't come to harass this world, everything will be fine!" Ming Kongzi laughed.

"Haha, that's what our ancestors said!"

"By the way, where is Senior Lei?" Ming Kongzi asked anxiously.

"Ancestor wants to find him?"


"Okay, then I'll send you there!"

Li Yun moved Ming Kongzi into the Lei Cha Corner space, changed its time to one day and one year, and asked Xiao Xiang to help torture him. He checked the formation here again and basically felt relieved.

Half a day later, he threw Ming Kongzi, who had been tortured in the space for half a year, out, and controlled Tianyun to go to the East Crest Gate.

He inspected various formations and comforted and encouraged all the slaves.

Now the number of large formations on the Dongcrest Mountain Range has reached thirteen, and each large formation is guarded by a demon clan team.

Among them, except for the thirteenth formation in the middle, which is guarded by a sixth-level dolphin clan team, the others are all fifth-level teams.

The leaders of the fifth-level team are all fifth-level monsters whose cultivation is equivalent to the human Nascent Soul. Their combat power is certainly sufficient in this sea area, but it is naturally incomparable with the strength in those sea areas in the Beast World.

The only one who can take advantage of this is the Dolphin Clan Team. This is the ace division in the East Water Sea, but now it is in the hands of Li Yun.

I sensed it for a moment and found that three life-long slaves, Fairy Liuying, Fairy Tunqiao and Tunba, were working tirelessly to breed spirit shells on the seabed. I was extremely satisfied!

With their cultivation, they can move extremely fast, and they have now spread to the Daning Sea!

In this way, the monsters coming from the East Water Sea will be monitored by Xiaoxing no matter they go back and forth, and the situation will be much better.

He quickly found the three of them, comforted them, and handed them a large number of new spirit shells before returning.

During this inspection of the East Ridge Gate, a large number of sea resources and sea creatures were retrieved from various formations. This batch of sea creatures was extremely important to Li Yun.

Since the sea has now appeared in Tianyun, Li Yun decided to release some sea creatures in the sea to facilitate the circulation of ecological materials. Therefore, he collected a large number this time and released them again.

In Tianyun's environment, these creatures must grow extremely fast, but they will all be under Tianyun's absolute control, so there is no need to worry.

Li Yun can also use this opportunity to expand the scope of research on food ingredients, thereby increasing the amount of Dao silk on his body.

The greater the amount of organisms, the more opportunities there are to grow Daosi, and the organisms in the sea have always been much more abundant than on land. Therefore, the opportunity for the sea to appear in Tianyun is really timely!

"Sir, there are nearly 50,000 types of creatures in this batch of creatures, all of which have not been carefully studied before. I'm afraid that by then, the number of Daosi on your body will be too many to count!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Haha, that's true, but the level of these species is slightly lower, so the strength of the Dao wire should not be too great."

"It doesn't matter, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes! As long as all of them are studied, the light of Dao Yun in the adult can be turned into a robe of Dao light!"

"Hearing what you said, I'm really looking forward to having such a Taoist robe! Moreover, there are nearly a million species in the fairy world, and the level of these Taoist lights must be extremely strong. Oh my god, I can't help but think about something. If you don't do anything, just focus on research..."

"Hehe, there's nothing wrong with that. We have plenty of time anyway!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Then start quickly!"

Li Yun happily returned to Xuanyunjiao with a full load.

This time I came out to inspect the rear base and gained a lot. There were three million new soul warriors, a large amount of resources, and a large number of marine biological species, which was enough to keep me busy for a while.

"Sir, Feng Bing has been waiting for many days. It's time for him to go back and recover." Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun quickly ducked over.

"Sir!" Feng Bing shouted excitedly when he saw it.

"I finally made the new elixir in the past few days, and the quantity is more than last time!" Li Yun took out a space stone and said proudly.

In fact, he had already refined these elixirs, he just needed to put the recovered Tiantian Dou on them.

Recently, the number of Tiantian Dou has increased by more than 20,000, and the total number has reached more than 60,000. Therefore, Li Yun has a lot more room to move around.

"Great!" Feng Bing said with great joy, his eyes shining when he saw the pills in the space stone.

"Haha, how are you? Are the buns and dumplings made by adults delicious?"

"Of course! I can't stop eating, little slave. I've already finished it!" Feng Bing said so hard that his mouth watered.

"That's good! I'll bring you some more this time, as well as Dao Fruit, and give them to my little slaves!" Li Yun took out another space stone and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty cares about them so much, why don't you go to the Purple Gold Phoenix Realm with me? They are all looking forward to your favor!" Feng Bing encouraged.

"It's... don't rush. There are a lot of things going on here. I can't leave for now. I will go over and take a look after the arrangements are made."

"I see!"

"Come on, Xiao Bingbing, change your body quickly and let the adults see..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir..." Feng Bing's face turned red and his whole body became hot.

"Haha, sir, I seem to have not seen you transform... By the way, why did I forget the fairy robe..."

Li Yun immediately concealed his fairy robe, and the astonishing Daoguang robe suddenly appeared, tightly covering Feng Bing. Feng Bing couldn't bear it, and soon transformed into a purple and gold beauty, with his whole body trembling slightly, and hot tears rolling down his face. , the whole person is intoxicated...

"Haha, Xiao Bingbing's soft juice... is simply better than Xiao Xuan's..." Li Yun praised.

"grown ups?!"

Xiao Bingbing's face turned red with embarrassment and she felt bad all over.

"To be honest, has Xiaoxuan ever asked you to change your body?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir... No, you can sense it, right? Brother Xuan's Dao power is not enough to transform Xiaonu..." Feng Bing explained.

"No wonder it tastes so good. It turns out yours is also the first juice! You are really lucky!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

"Thank you, sir! After my transformation, my qualifications must have improved..."

"That's good! When you become Phoenix King in the future, I will be even happier!"

"Xiao Nu will definitely become the Phoenix King! By the way, Brother Xuan said that Ran Zi was too entangled. Next time he plans to bring him here in person. Is that okay?" Xiao Bingbing asked softly.


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