The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 72 Space Upgrade

The river is surging and rushing forward.

The fallen trees rustled, and the apes on both sides of the bank cried.

A figure that looked like a woman loomed in the river, attracting the attention of a large ship. There were three people on the boat, an old couple and a young girl.

"Miss! There is a woman who fell into the water, she seems to be alive!" the old man shouted.

"Bring her up," said a sweet voice.


The three people on the big boat worked together and finally fished the woman out of the river.

"How pitiful! I wonder if I'm still angry?" the old woman sighed.

"She's still alive! I saw her still struggling in the water." The old man said.

"Quick! Help her up!" the old woman shouted.


The woman who fell into the water spit out a large amount of water, slowly regained her breath, and slowly opened her eyes.

"I...where is this?"

"This is Tianlongjiang. Sister! Come, have a drink of hot soup first." A sweet voice said.

A beautiful girl with a beautiful face came to the drowning woman with a bowl of hot soup, and fed her with a spoon.

"I didn't expect my sister to be so could she fall into the river?" the girl asked softly.

"I... eh, fairy seedling?!" The woman who fell into the water grabbed the girl's hand and shouted in shock.

"Sister, what kind of fairy seedlings are you talking about?" The girl's face turned slightly red and she freed her hand.

The woman who fell into the water had flashing eyes and was speechless.

The woman who fell into the water was Yang Qian, who disguised himself as a woman. In order to escape the pursuit of the demon fox Qingxiang, he soaked in the river for many days. Even though he was a monk, he was already exhausted.

If Li Yun were here, he would definitely recognize the three people on the boat as Miss Xianxian, Old Man Gao and Grandma Li who disappeared during the Battle of Tingchao City.

The three of them have been wandering around the Tianlong Empire during this time, but now they want to visit the Tianlong Emperor's capital.

With the eyesight of Uncle Gao and others, they were unable to recognize that Yang Qian was pretending to be a woman. After waking him up, they helped him live in an empty room on the ship.

In the upper reaches of the river, there are rugged rocks and dense forests on both sides of the river.

An enchanting female figure slowly walked from the forest to the shore, looking at the surging river water with a slightly crazy look in her eyes.

The woman is none other than the demon fox Qingxiang. When she came back from visiting friends, she discovered that Yang Qian had escaped and followed him all the way.

"Qianyang...haven't you noticed that the Nu family treats you differently from others? The Nu family has fed back all the yang energy absorbed from other people to you, and your cultivation is improving by leaps and bounds..."

She said sadly, and a storage bag suddenly appeared in her hand. She stared at it and her mind changed slightly, "Qianyang! I haven't even opened your storage bag in order to return the original thing one day. Now. ...The slave family is about to be opened. Do you think you have escaped the slave family’s pursuit? As long as the slave family finds out where Tiandu Mountain is, they will know who you are... You have to wait for the slave family to come..."

"It seems that we need to go to the Tianji Pavilion in the Tianlong Imperial Capital first to check..."

Qingxiang murmured to herself, and with a flash of green light, her figure disappeared.

Li Yun swayed slightly, regained his composure, opened his eyes and exclaimed "Wow".

" this still the original jade space?!"

"Master, yes, but it has indeed changed a lot!" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

Li Yun fell into the middle of the black soil, observing the space in front of him in shock.

The sky seems to be much higher, the number of stars has increased dramatically, and they are twinkling, making it look full of movement.

There are four golden clouds floating in the sky, one big and three small, which are extremely beautiful.

The four golden clouds seemed to have no consciousness of their own, and were just pure energy bodies, floating freely in the sky.

The heaven and earth are filled with rich spiritual energy, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The area of ​​​​the black soil under the feet has expanded nearly five times to more than 120 square meters. With the increase of the five elements of soil around it, it has also reached more than 50 square meters. The entire ground is nearly 180 square meters, and it looks much more open. .

However, outside the land, it was still dark.

I grabbed the black soil on the ground and squeezed it. I found that the soil was now darker, more fertile and full of vitality.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that after absorbing the dragon energy, the space could become like this. It's incredible!" Li Yun giggled.

"Master, it is not only the dragon energy, but also the contribution of so many waste materials."

"Yes, the Five Elements Earth relies on waste materials, but the dynamic aura in the space is mainly due to the dragon's energy. I feel like I am in a fairyland." Li Yun said with a smile.

Suddenly he remembered that he had come in to practice, so he immediately took out a low-grade spiritual stone given by Wuyouzi, activated the Qingyuan Sect's mental technique, and started practicing.

With a thought in his mind, his spiritual energy circulated, and Li Yun found that his spiritual sense was extremely sharp in an instant. His body was like a drought-stricken desert, and the spiritual energy in the space was flowing in like spring water.

The four golden clouds began to rotate, and traces of innate aura penetrated into Li Yun's body.

The spiritual pressure gradually increased, and the entire space was like a running formation, continuously drawing in spiritual energy from the outside world, forming a spiritual energy ball, surrounding Li Yun.

Li Yun's expression suddenly changed. If he didn't resist such pressure desperately, the consequences would be disastrous!

Immediately speeding up the circulation of spiritual energy in the spiritual veins, Zhou Tian, ​​who was originally sluggish, finally pushed aside the shackles and moved forward under the pressure.

I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and gradually found a sense of balance under internal and external pressure.

However, as the spiritual energy in the space continued to increase, the spiritual pressure continued to increase. After about an hour, the low-grade spiritual stone in his hand had turned into ashes, and the Zhoutian cycle in the body was completed twice.

Li Yun could no longer hold on, so he stopped practicing.

Space seemed to understand what he meant. The replenishment of spiritual energy stopped, and the spiritual pressure gradually weakened and slowly returned to normal levels.

With a long sigh of relief, Li Yun found that his clothes were soaked through and almost dyed black by the impurities discharged from his body!

"What...what's going on?! Why do I feel like I'm practicing in a spirit gathering array?" Li Yun was a little out of breath.

"Master, it is indeed a spirit gathering array! The jade stone uses four dragons as the eyes to construct a small spirit gathering array, which continuously replenishes the spirit energy from the outside world. In this way, there is no need to consume any spirit stones. We have made a big fortune. !" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"It's really... great! An hour of cultivation in such a space is probably equivalent to a month of normal cultivation. Moreover, with the innate Qi as the formation eye, the spiritual energy is extremely pure and high-quality, and my spiritual power will be extremely pure and thick. ." Li Yunxi said.

"Master, there is another advantage. I just tested it and found that the time in the space is five times that of the outside world. In other words, if you stay here for five days, only one day has passed outside!"

"Five times the time?! It seems that the time in space is almost the same as the increase in black soil."

"Yes, the two seem to be related."

"If we continue to feed it waste materials and increase the land area, it is estimated that the time multiple will increase simultaneously." Li Yun guessed.

"Yes, from this point of view, the Jade Space is a time and space system that can be continuously upgraded. This... is really a bit shocking!" Xiaoxing exclaimed.

"Time and space system?! It makes sense. A time and space system... is a small world. Maybe this is an independent small world. When I come here, I actually travel to another world!"

Li Yun's eyes flashed, as if he had grasped something.

"Master, are you saying...that there are two different world systems inside and outside jade?"

"Exactly. Jade is just a bridge between the two worlds. Through it, we can travel freely between them."

"This is really amazing!" Xiaoxing exclaimed.

"Hehe, the world inside the jade stone is now completely in our hands. This is really an immeasurable wealth. We must make good use of it."

"Congratulations, master!"

"It's a pity that with such intensity of training, I can only insist on it twice a day at most. Otherwise, I really want to keep practicing, and then soon..."

Li Yun could no longer imagine how shocking it would be if things continued like this.

"Master, don't be anxious. If you insist on doing it twice a day, it is equivalent to two months of practicing in the outside world. Coupled with the doubling effect of time in the jade space, your growth rate is astonishing. Based on the condition of your spiritual roots, in the world of cultivation, Come on, it is absolutely useless material, and it should be very fast in cultivation, but now that there is a jade space, everything will change."

"Hehe, if a loser with nine spiritual roots improves as fast as a super genius with heavenly spiritual roots, I'm afraid many people will be shocked..."

"Master, maybe even the lenses will be broken to pieces..."

Suspending his spiritual practice, Li Yun began to take care of the land.

Many of the spiritual grasses planted last time are ready to be harvested.

All the spiritual valleys were harvested and put into the treasury, and the spirit wormwood grass had grown into top-grade spiritual grass and was all put into the treasury. A lot of land was immediately freed up.

The longer the spiritual creatures such as ginseng, ganoderma, golden spirit flower, red lotus, and nine-petal orchid grow, the higher their grade. Naturally, all of them should be kept.

"Xiaoxing, it seems we need to make a comprehensive plan for this land."

"Yes. I think we should add a pond to store the spiritual liquid condensed in the space. This will also allow you to practice in it. The effect will be very good!"

"Liquid pool?! I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to that spiritual pressure for a few moments!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Haha, that's true. But, this is your current level. If you slowly improve, if you persevere, think about it..."

"Okay! Let's get started!"

There is no doubt about the beauty of the spiritual liquid pool. Li Yun immediately observed the land. After thinking carefully, he left a circle in the center of the black soil as his daily practice place.

Half of the circle outside the center of the circle is used as a waste swallowing port, and the other half is planned as a spiritual liquid pool. The excavated black soil is piled on the center of the circle. In this way, the center of the circle is equivalent to a high platform, overlooking the entire land.

Expand outwards and plan according to circles. The inner circle is planted with spiritual things that take a long time to grow, and the outer circle is planted with spiritual things that can be harvested regularly, such as spiritual grains and spiritual wormwood.

Since the area has now expanded, Li Yun first transplanted the original ginseng and other spiritual objects, and then began to resow seeds in the open space and added some varieties.

"Master, we need to grow some spiritual grass. The demand for this kind of spiritual grass is very high in the world of cultivation. The higher the grade, the greater the value."

"Spiritual Talisman Grass? Is it the spiritual grass used to make talismans?"

"Exactly. Let's make more varieties and make talismans for sale in the future. Wuliangzi's collection includes talisman pens and spirit beast blood, as well as the "Full Collection of Talismans", which you can use to practice your skills."


Li Yun remembered the power of Yang Qian's random teleportation talisman, and without any further thought, he immediately planned a circle of land and planted the talisman grass alone.

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