As soon as he entered the space, Li Yun didn't feel any discomfort. With a sweep of his consciousness, he had a panoramic view of the scenery in the space.

The space is surrounded by a vast body of water, and the land it is located on is like an isolated island. This island is very large, with mountains and water, extremely beautiful and rich, and a variety of vegetation. Among them, there is a big tree that seems to be particularly eye-catching. It can be as high as the sky and cannot be reached. At the top, the lower branches and leaves cover almost half of the island. Among the greenery, there are still more than a dozen huge fruits hanging, green and fragrant, making people salivate.

"Boundary tree?!" Li Yun shouted softly.

This big tree is extremely familiar to Li Yun, it is the boundary tree.

The fruits above are realm fruits. With Li Yun's eyesight, he can judge that these realm fruits have reached the standard of Tao Fruit. It can be seen that the space level here is extremely high, so it is possible to bear Tao Fruit level fruits.

Looking at the island again, wherever you look, you can see beautiful mountains and clear waters, full of greenery, flowers blooming, bees flying, butterflies dancing, birds dancing, animals herds, and not far away there is a stone tablet with three red inscriptions on it. Big words: "World Island".

Li Yun looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him with a leisurely attitude, and said with a smile: "Today on the World Island, the flowers of the beauty world reflect each other. The beauty does not know where to go, but the flowers of the world still laugh at the spring breeze..."

I saw that the boundary tree in the distance seemed to be echoing Li Yun's chanting. It slowly spit out many flower buds on its branches and leaves, and gradually grew up. The flowers bloomed, gorgeous and beautiful, gently blowing in the warm warm wind. Shake gently…


With a soft cry, a beautiful figure, as pure as jade, without a trace of fireworks, flashed gracefully in the air, staring blankly at the astonishing changes on the boundary tree, and his eyes were a little dull...

Li Yun looked around and saw this woman wearing a light yellow robe, with high temples, long hair hanging down her waist, a face like a goose egg, smoky eyebrows and bright eyes, a beautiful nose and a cherry mouth, a slightly tilted chin, skin like gelatin, and lotus-rooted arms with slender fingers. , with an amazing temperament all over his body...

"Li Yun, I didn't expect that your chanting power has reached such a level..." The female fairy came back to her senses and said in surprise.

"Fairies are amazing! There are such blooming world flowers to welcome the appearance of fairies. It's really amazing!"

"Giggle, giggle! Even if you don't let the boundary flower bloom, I will still appear, but I haven't figured out where yet..."

"Oh? Could it be that when the fairy asked me to come in, she actually planned not to show up?"

"Didn't I show up! However, Master Yun actually made me show up with Taoism, but I didn't expect it!"

"Haha, I don't know why the fairy calls me Master Yun. Have you ever heard someone call me that?"

"Well... you guessed it right! If not, how would I know that the four people from the Yanlong clan have become your little slaves?" the female fairy said proudly.

Li Yun suddenly realized that the information that the Star Operator got was all told by this woman. Since she had such a space, and the Star Operator obeyed her words, there was no doubt that this woman must be a high-level official in the Tianji Divine Realm.

This can also explain why the star operator was able to target him from such a distance just now. The reason should still be this woman.

Li Yun could guess that this woman must have sneaked into the Tianhuo Peak of the Yanlong clan and secretly observed Huo Qingjue. He also discovered that Huo Mantian, Huo Shaotian and Huo Qingpo were also discussing the sale of new pills with Huo Qingjue. In the process, it is inevitable that you will say something about yourself.

And with this woman's intelligence, it is not difficult to guess that the Master Yun Zun they are talking about is herself!

What surprised Li Yun was that this woman's cultivation level was so high that she could easily sneak into the hinterland of the Yanlong Clan without even being discovered by dragon masters like Huo Mantian and Huo Shaotian.

She got such precious information, its value is immeasurable!

Now it's a bit troublesome. Now that she has guessed that Master Yun Zun is herself, can she guess that the new elixir is provided by her?

"I wonder how the fairy can be sure that they are talking about me?" Li Yun asked tentatively.

"Hehe, how can there be Master Yun Zun from the lower world? With your Taoist fruits, Taoist food, and power of chanting...even I am far inferior.

If those four people don't worship you as their master, who will they worship? "

"This...could it be that just now, you were completely sure that the Master Yun Zun they were talking about was me?"

"That's right! When I learned about it, I was of course very shocked. How could I believe that Lord Yunzun who took in two Dragon Lords, a Dragon King and a Dragon Commander was you? But after all my searches, I really didn't find the spirit world. Is there any Lord of Fortune in the lower realm who can have such charm... Until just now, I ate the Tao fruit and Tao food you gave to the star operator, and saw that your chanting could actually make this million-year-old world tree bloom. Only when such a splendid world flower appeared, I completely believed that it was you!" The female fairy talked eloquently.

Li Yun sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that he would summon this woman by showing off his power of chanting Taoism, but this woman would confirm his identity. It was really not worth the gain!

"Haha, although what the fairy said is not unreasonable, the world is huge and capable people are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are many people who are better than me. Just relying on my Taoist dishes and this little Taoist power just now, How can you arbitrarily conclude that I am the Lord Yun that the fairy heard about?" Li Yun said with a smile.

The female fairy stared at Li Yun with her wonderful eyes and said slowly: "Although there are many capable people in the world, there are only a handful of people with such Taoism. Your Taoism contains nearly 240 Taoist threads of vitality." Nineteen silk threads, but it is absolutely impossible to make a million-year-old world tree bloom so many world flowers without the power of more than five hundred silk threads... Such a person may not be able to do it in the spiritual world. I can’t find anyone! Only such a person can make the four dragons willingly worship themselves as their masters and be called Lord Yun..."

"You?! Can you really tell that there is so much vitality and charm in my Taoism and Taoism?" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Of course! Since I am Lord Xingzun's chief disciple, if I can't even be sure of this, how can I dare to go out to do things?!"

"Chief disciple? Don't you know the name of the fairy?"


"It turns out that she is Fairy Tianya. She is truly as her name implies. She has a blue heart and a pure temperament, and a graceful demeanor. She is beautiful and fragrant. She is as charming as a hibiscus. Her beauty is peerless and admirable..."

"Giggle, giggle, Master Yun, thank you for your compliment, but don't think that you can seal my mouth..." Tianya laughed so hard that her delicate body trembled, and her branches were flamboyant.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Everything I say comes from the bottom of my heart. With the temperament of a fairy, I can certainly deserve it!"

"He is worthy of being a rising star of literature and music in the spiritual world. He has an extraordinary bearing. No wonder people say that 'there is poetry and calligraphy in the belly,' and it seems that I, Tianya, have seen it!"

Fairy Tianya couldn't help but praise Li Yun when she saw that Li Yun was so calm and calm, as if he was strolling in a courtyard, and his words were full of Taoism.

"Haha, the fairy is overrated! The fairy is the first disciple of the famous Lord Xingzun. He has a prominent position and is extremely noble. With his status as a fairy, he actually comes to this world and allows me to see his beautiful face. What a blessing!" Li Yun said sincerely.

"Really? Why do I feel that I really want to see you and have repeatedly requested Master Xingzun to come here?" Tianya teased.

"Oh? I wonder why the fairy wants to see me? Is it because of the so-called Master Yun Zun mentioned by the four dragons?"

"Hehe, don't you know the status of your information in Tianji Palace?"

"Please tell me, fairy!"

"Okay! Your information has been classified as Tianzi level by Lord Xingzun himself. This is the highest level of information in Tianji Palace. Only a very few people can view all the information. And the part we sell to the public is only a very small part of it. , but this part alone is already worth a piece of low-grade spiritual crystal. Recently, your information has been selling very well, and our Tianji Palace has gained a lot!" Tianya said, with a charming smile on his face.

"Haha, this sounds surprising to me, but it still feels good to be able to make your Tianji Palace make money!"

"Do you just feel good?"

"Of course, won't your Tianji Palace give me some of the money?"

"Hehe, it's not impossible to give some to you, it depends on your cooperation!"

"Cooperate? I wonder what the fairy means?"

"Lord Yun Zun is so smart, why can't he guess it?"

"Haha, I's better if I don't make this money!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Fairy Tianya tilted her eyes and hummed: "If you knew how much money this would have, you wouldn't say that!"

"Even if I know, I still don't want to make money!" Li Yun said.

"Okay! You are indeed a Tianzi-level Lord Yun! Do you know how many people in Tianji Palace have information about Tianzi level?" Tianya said.

"I don't think the fairy will tell me such confidential information?"

"Hehe, of course! However, I can tell you that there are no more than a thousand such people! And you are the youngest among them! The young cannot be any younger! Because, everyone else is An old antique! An extremely old antique!"


"Why are you dizzy?!"

"Why do I feel like I'm being put on a shelf, and it's also a shelf in an antique stall?!"

"You?!" Tianya was startled.

She didn't expect that she would be ridiculed by Li Yun when she said such important information, and she was a little stunned for a moment.

You must know that the entire spiritual world, as well as all the living beings below, are counted in billions and billions. Among such a vast sea of ​​​​people, ranking among a thousand is a supreme honor in itself!

But Li Yun felt no joy at all about this, more like a feeling of being betrayed.

"Haha, in my opinion, this might be a money-making strategy for Mr. Xingzun to introduce a new person in the name of Tianzi level. This will certainly attract the attention of many people, and they will naturally spend thousands of crystals to understand this What's going on with the newcomer! Has Lord Xingzun never thought that this would lead to a newcomer being praised?" Li Yun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tianya's mind raced, and she suddenly felt that what Li Yun said was not unreasonable!

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