The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 750 Ice Skin Shaobing

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Li Yun asked Xiao Jue to build his own palace, returned to Lingxian Peak, and began to study the Yanlong tribe ingredients brought by Xiao Jue.

These ingredients all have extremely strong fire properties and are quite rare.

Although the quantity was extremely large, with the current research capabilities of him and Xiaoxing, all the ingredients were analyzed within a month.

Then, he studied the seeds of the Flame Dragon World Spirit Grass, Spirit Flower and Spirit Tree brought by Xiao Jue one by one. It took a little longer because it was necessary to analyze the entire growth process in order to obtain the thread of Tao Yun.

After half a year, it was all completed.

As a result, countless new fire-attribute species appeared in the Tianyun world, some of which have their own owners, and some of which are just free-range species.

What makes Li Yun happiest is the formation of a fire bamboo forest. In the past, he only got three fire bamboos from Yang Mingdeng, the sect master of Tiandu Mountain, which were extremely valuable. But now he got a large number of seeds from Yanlong Realm, which sprouted and grew quickly. , already looks like a bamboo forest.

In the sky above it, a bright red fire cloud formed, surrounded by red mist, which was charming and dense. When the sun shone, it was as brilliant as a rosy cloud...

The delicacy of Yanlong Realm, "Bamboo Shoots", can be produced in the bamboo forest!

The nature of bamboo shoots is cool, but bamboo shoots also have fire properties. In this way, the nature of bamboo shoots is warm, with a unique flavor, which is extremely rare. No wonder it was favored by the gourmet Huang Yimiao and became one of the tributes. one.

In addition, a large number of red lotuses are also raised on a lake. The red lotus seeds produced by the red lotus are also warm in nature and are definitely one of the delicacies. This large lotus leaf reaching the sky has also become a scenery in the sky, which is quite popular. For spectacular!

Li Yun built a pavilion by the lake and enjoyed the scenery while practicing music. It was really a lot of fun...

"Haha, more than half a year has passed, and countless threads of Tao Yun have been added to my body. The effect is really good!" Li Yun said happily.

"Sir, you can ask Xiao Jue to collect species from other dragon realms. This will be more helpful to our research!" Xiao Xing said.

Li Yun nodded and said: "That's right! Let him take the small space to search. This task is still very important! However, now I suddenly want to make a new food..."

"New food? What kind?"

"Do you still remember the ice and fire spirit of the Ice Soul Fairy that you saw in the Ice Soul Palace last time?" Li Yun asked.

"Of course! Making fire out of ice and making ice out of fire are indeed very good ideas..."

"So, I applied this creativity to this new food, and called it 'Snow Skin Shaobing'!" Li Yun said proudly.

"Snow-skinned Shaobing? Not bad! Just..."

"Just what?"

"Judging from the name, it's just fire in the ice..."

"Haha, how can you judge just from the name? Shaobing can also contain ice inside, and ice can contain fire. If you layer it layer by layer, you can constantly experience the two ultimate feelings of ice and fire. !”

"That's it! It seems like the adults want to make it look like a thousand-layer cake or a ten-thousand-layer cake?!" Xiaoxing shouted.

"Thousand-layer cake? Ten-thousand-layer cake?" Li Yun was stunned.

He really didn't expect to make so many layers of ice-skinned biscuits like Xiaoxing said, and he would probably eat them all himself!

"Exactly! If you want to do it, of course you have to make the ultimate dish!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Okay!" Li Yun said excitedly.

The two immediately began to study recipes and methods, and kept experimenting. This time, they would not do it, and they would reach the ultimate level once they did it!

In half a year, I constantly overturned the original ideas, generated new ideas, and through tens of millions of experiments, finally achieved results...

Ten Thousand Layers of Shaobing…

If it were made in a normal way, it would probably be taller than a human being, so how could it be eaten?

Therefore, each layer must be as thin as a cicada, and in each layer, there is the ultimate experience of ice and fire. Ice and fire blend with each other, there is fire in the ice, and ice in the fire, rather than absolute separation!

The connotations of ice and fire are different from layer to layer. If they were all the same, a lot of surprises and fun would be lost, and diners would not be able to experience the changes.

Therefore, in each layer of ice and fire, there are surprising changes in the meaning of ice and fire. This is of course achieved by adjusting the proportion of ice and fire. In addition, the combination of ice-attribute ingredients and fire-attribute ingredients is also different.

The collision between various ingredients creates different sparks, giving people new feelings all the time. Even a gourmet like Huang Yimiao cannot fully experience how many flavors there are!

No matter how many sesame cakes he eats, he can't exhaust the changes in their flavors!

Based on this idea, Li Yun discovered that if only the two elements of ice and fire are not enough to reflect the ultimate change of sesame cakes, if other elements can be combined with it, the changes in flavor will be truly endless.

Of course, the two elements of ice and fire are the main ingredients of this Taoist dish. This will not change. It can be called a Jun dish!

So, what kind of food goes well with generals and ministers?

Li Yun was thinking of the element of thunder, which was the element he was most familiar with. Moreover, using the element of thunder as an ingredient can allow people to experience a violent impact, completely erupting the meaning of ice and fire, creating the most powerful impact!

Imagine that when a person eats sesame cakes, his beard and hair turn fiery red for a while, turn ice white for a while, and explode for a while... What would that feel like? !

I'm afraid he seems to be floating on the clouds already...

I guess not many people can tolerate such Taoist food, right?

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and started making it.

There are a lot of ingredients, and each one must be carefully made according to the designed proportion. When the three ingredients are gathered together, they form a thin pie crust...

Naturally, there is no need to add any fillings to this kind of sesame cake, because the fillings have already been integrated into the crust.

The spiritual consciousness is divided into ten thousand strands, each strand is responsible for making a layer of cake skin, and the layers of cake skin are stacked layer by layer to become ten thousand layers of cake skin...

The consciousness is like a knife, divided into ten thousand-layered cakes, and then wrapped with a layer of pure and crystal clear ice. This ice-skinned biscuit is basically made.

After trying it, I found that it was difficult for the first-level strange fire to fully realize the potential of this sesame seed cake, so I had to call the second-level strange fire. Then, the blue second-level strange fire wrapped and baked these sesame cakes, hanging on the The sky is like blue ice lanterns...

There are so many slaves now, so if you want to do it, just do it once!

Li Yun didn't stop at all and continued to make...

As I became more and more skilled at it, there were more and more jade boxes containing sesame cakes, filling up the space cabinets...

"Sir, the ingredients are gone!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Haha, we have done enough! If we do it again, we have to wait for the next batch of ingredients to grow!" Li Yun laughed and let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the time, it actually took a month to make the ice-skinned biscuits, setting a small record.

"Sir! It seems that the little slave wants to have a taste first!" Xiao Kong had seen this scene long ago and couldn't wait to say.

"no problem!"

Xiaokong immediately summoned a blue fire, put away the strange fire, and revealed the sesame cake inside.


I saw that this piece of sesame cake was like a piece of crystal jade, exquisite and clear, with a layer of light white mist...

Through this layer of white mist, the crust of the cake is looming, and the layers are no longer distinguishable. The two elements of ice and fire are shining with white and red light, and a little thunder element flashes from time to time, which is quite stunning.

The changes were so rich that Xiao Kong was reluctant to eat them.

"Eat quickly!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Okay...okay!" Xiaokong muttered, and swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as this cake is taken into the mouth, all the tastes are mobilized and strongly impact the brain. The information is so rich and the changes are so varied that it is impossible to fully appreciate its full flavor.

Somersaulting the teeth, the more you chew, the more flavorful it becomes, and you really can’t bear to swallow it. Between the extreme ice and the extreme fire, there are thunderstorms, which completely shocks the feeling of ice and fire. The whole person suddenly feels like a volcano and extreme fire. He shuttled back and forth between the frozen mountains and was thrown violently...

The sesame cake turns into sweet juice and flows smoothly into the stomach, and bursts of spiritual power continue to explode in the body!

Xiaokong's black beard and black hair were dyed with a layer of ice white for a while, burned into a ball of fiery red for a while, exploded violently for a while, and shrank back tightly for a while...

The body has changed strangely, and even the skin color on the body is changing from red to white to black, changing faintly without stopping...

"Oh my god! It's so delicious!"

Xiaokong screamed in surprise, with piercing eyes, he immediately summoned another sesame seed cake and started eating it!

He couldn't eat such a sesame cake, but he couldn't tell how much vitality and charm it contained. This was the first time for him, which showed that the richness of the changes in this cake was inexhaustible.

You know, there are countless changes in each layer of the ten-thousand-layer cake crust, and after eating it, there will be changes after the layers are blended together. This is by no means tens of millions of changes, but countless billions of changes!

Even if Xiaokong is an immortal, with his Tao power, he cannot calculate so many changes. Only Li Yun and Xiaoxing can do this.

Foodies also need to have strong computing power!

Xiaokong felt a little bad. Eating such sesame cakes made him truly feel the infinite charm of abdominal desire. This charm was more interesting than studying immortal magic, which made him unable to stop at all.

They swallowed them in one after another like raindrops, leaving Li Yun stunned.

"Xiaokong, you can't eat like this. You have to taste it carefully, otherwise, my dish will be a pity!" Li Yun reminded.

"Yes... what you said makes sense!" Xiao Kong said with a slightly red face.

"Haha, eat slowly, make sure you have enough, make sure you are full!"

Li Yun said with a smile, while continuing to collect and box the sesame biscuits. After working for a while, he put all the sesame biscuits away.

I chewed one myself and tasted it carefully.

"Not bad, it's delicious!" Li Yun boasted.

He put so much thought into making the sesame cake this time, so it’s no wonder that it doesn’t taste good. He has absolute confidence that this cake must be a very high-level delicacy.

"Haha, if this dish isn't delicious, I can't think of anything else that's delicious!" Xiao Kong laughed.

"Haha, to be praised by Xiao Kong like this, it seems that your efforts have not been in vain!"

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