The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 805 The Disaster of Insect Gu

"Commander, do we want to go out of the city to pursue him?!" Tian Li asked.

"Sir, what do you think?" He Zhuo turned around and asked Ji Gao.

Ji Gao stared at the outside of the city, shook his head and said: "Although the demon clan suffered a heavy setback, it only injured the front team, not the root cause, and it is beyond our control! Besides, there is a forest of fire outside the city, and there are poisonous rain and poisonous clouds in the sky. , it is not appropriate to start a war."

"Yes, the top priority is not to fight the monsters outside the city, but to deal with the internal troubles first!" He Zhuo nodded.

"Exactly! Now, we must use this gap to hunt down Xiao Beibei and his gang, and at the same time, eliminate the small flying insects that are raging in the city!" Ji Gao agreed.

"Brother Li, you still stand firm at the top of the city. Mr. Ji and I will take care of the internal troubles first!"

"Don't worry, Commander!" Tian Li said quickly.

He Zhuo and Ji Gao immediately returned to the city and organized a team to encircle and suppress the spies.

In a corner of the city, Wen Yuan was staying far away from Xiao Beibei, but he was not in a hurry to start a fight with him.

While Xiao Beibei was dodging, she was muttering in her heart, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

The formation in the city has not exploded, which means that the demon army outside the city did not receive support from the city when it attacked. If they rely on their physical bodies to attack the city, even if they can finally defeat it, both sides will be hurt and suffer heavy losses.

The faint shouts coming from outside the city did not seem to be shouts of killing, but screams, indicating that the situation of the demon army was not optimistic.

"It seems that those monster thunders must have been discovered. For now, we have to escape first. Otherwise, once they are surrounded by several other gods, it will be impossible to escape!"

Xiao Beibei's mind was racing, she made up her mind, and immediately flew out to the side of the city and fled to the rear of the human race.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yuan chased him for a while. Seeing that he seemed to have made up his mind to escape, he knew that it was unlikely to catch up again, so he had to return to the city.

I happened to meet He Zhuo and Ji Gao, and when I learned about this, I couldn't help but sigh that this female fox was so cunning that she could predict that the two of them would come to surround and capture them.

"Commander, let's eliminate the small flying insects first and rescue the people who have been infected by the insect poison!" Ji Gao said.


The three of them immediately turned around and looked around the refugee camps. Suddenly they felt something was wrong!

The plague of insect poison has spread seriously.

Almost all of the first batch of refugees were disemboweled, and their cultivation foundation was damaged. These small flying insects were extremely powerful, especially because their mouthparts were extremely long and sharp, and they were designed to attack human heads. They were as fast as lightning, making them difficult to guard against.

Moreover, not only were the monks in the city attacked, these little flying insects had already flown out of the city, entered among the mortals, and started wreaking havoc!

"Seal the city immediately, seal it tightly and kill the small flying insects!" He Zhuo immediately ordered.

At the same time, a team of monks was dispatched to hunt down the small flying insects.

When I came to the famous doctor Yan Xi, I saw that he was treating those who had disemboweled their bodies, and his face was extremely heavy.

"Mr. Yan, how is the situation?!"

"Commander, this is not good!" Yan Xi sighed.

"What?!" The three of them were stunned.

Yan Xi said: "These small flying insects belong to the insect voodoo planted by the Heavenly Bee Clan. The insect voodoo absorbs the essence of the host's body. After hatching, it is extremely powerful. Its combat power is comparable to that of a Qi Refining Monk. Moreover, these little bees fly extremely fast. , extremely flexible and extremely difficult to catch! It is basically a dead end for mortals, but it is impossible for monks to take precautions against them. Moreover, even if they die, they will lay eggs again in the victim's body and use them as hosts!"


The three of them were dumbfounded and stood on the spot.

"Mr. Yan, can the injured monk be saved?" He Zhuo came to his senses and asked urgently.

"They... will not die if they die, but their internal organs are damaged in many places, their Dantian and spiritual roots are damaged, and their cultivation foundation is greatly affected. Even if they are rescued, it will be difficult to restore their qualifications!" Yan Xi sighed.


The three of them felt sad for a while. They didn't expect that the situation was much more terrible than they imagined.

Once these victims are poisoned by insects, they will become useless people. This is even more uncomfortable than killing them!

"Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely try my best to rescue them! The top priority is to root out these insect pests in the city. In addition, there must be ways to prevent them in advance. Otherwise, when we encounter the Tianfeng clan in the future, we will still have this kind of problem. Question!" Yan Xi said loudly.

"What you said makes sense! We will definitely find ways to prevent it!" He Zhuo said quickly.

The three of them returned to the city lord's palace and immediately informed the army about the matter. They must strictly guard against the Sky Bee team. At the same time, they organized the powerful people in the city to urgently study how to deal with the insect poison.

After the soldiers of Tongyang City repelled the demon tribe's first attack, they rejoiced and celebrated for a while. Unexpectedly, not long after, they received shocking news about the plague of insect poisons. They were all frightened to the point of turning blue and trembling all over.

I never thought that being stung by that little celestial bee would turn me into a cripple. This is simply too scary!

Cultivation is not easy, and it is not easy to enter the world of cultivation. If you just get pricked and all your efforts are wasted, the price is really too high!

Everyone felt a chill on the top of their heads, and they were afraid that even in their dreams they would dream of being stung by a little celestial bee.

Tian Li patrolled the city and understood the feelings of all the soldiers very clearly. He was extremely worried. This state was definitely a big hidden danger for Tongyang City's preparations for war.

Just as he was about to return to the city lord's palace to report the matter, he was suddenly stunned. His consciousness quickly scanned the outside of the city, and his heart started to beat wildly.

"What's going on?! What's going on?!" Tian Li screamed in his heart, his expression changing drastically.

On the battlefield outside the city, all the corpses of demon bats, demon eagles, demon bees, mammoths, flying leopards, silver-winged wolves and other demon clans had disappeared. Even the giant wooden formation had been cleared away. net!

The location of the formation has turned into huge pits, which is shocking!

"Could it be that the demon clan came quietly to clean up?!"

He immediately asked the soldiers guarding the city, and found that no one noticed this.

Immediately observe where the demon tribe is and find that they are reorganizing the remaining defeated troops and reorganizing the army. There is no way they have time to do this.

"Monitor closely. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately!" Tian Li shouted.

"Yes! Sir!" All the soldiers at the top of the city responded in unison.

Tian Li did not dare to neglect, and immediately contacted He Zhuo and Ji Gao with his spiritual consciousness to inform them of the matter.

When the two heard the news, they were surprised and immediately came to the city. They saw that it was indeed the case.

"Sir, let's go over and take a look!" He Zhuo said.


The two flew out of the city and came to the outside of the city. They took a closer look. The scene in front of them shocked them greatly!

The entire battlefield was extremely wide, but it was completely cleaned at this moment. Not even a single demon part was seen, not a single demon weapon, and not even a trace of blood. The scene was so clean that it was a bit strange...

"Commander, it's impossible for the demon tribe to do this. Someone else must have done it!" Ji Gao said in deep thought.

"Who could it be?"

"To be able to accomplish this without our defenders noticing, his cultivation level must be extremely high, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible!"

"A person with extremely high cultivation level? Why do you need to come to clean up the battlefield? You are full after eating?"

"This... is indeed puzzling!" Ji Gao sighed.

"Is this person's purpose of cleaning up all traces on the battlefield to reduce the obstacles for the demon clan to advance?" He Zhuo asked in surprise.

"Commander, clearing the battlefield has both advantages and disadvantages for both sides. It not only reduces the obstacles to the demon clan, but also helps us have a clear line of sight. Therefore, this person should only be cleaning up the battlefield, not to help any one party."

"Well, I hope so!" He Zhuo muttered.

The two quickly turned around and found nothing further, so they had to return to the city.

"Brother Li, this matter is extremely strange. You must be more vigilant!" He Zhuo warned.

"Yes! Commander!"

Tian Li responded, and then said: "Commander, the generals in the army are extremely afraid of the insect poison. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, it will affect the morale and combat effectiveness of the army!"

"We are organizing manpower to study and solve the problem. You should try your best to appease the military morale first!" He Zhuo said.

"I wonder how long it will take to solve it? I'm afraid that the demon army will launch a second wave of offensive soon!" Tian Li said anxiously.

"This...I'm afraid it won't be solved in a short time. This kind of insect poison is extremely powerful. Even Mr. Yan Xi is helpless now. Now we can only eliminate all the hidden insect poison dangers in the city first. We must stick to the formation. Absolutely not They were invaded by the Heavenly Bee Clan!" He Zhuo sighed.

"Oh my god! What should we do?!" Tian Li was stunned.

"I have reported this to Leader Yan, and hope that the Ding Alliance can figure out a way to deal with it as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be extremely passive in this war!" He Zhuo said.

Tian Li's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he murmured: "In this case, do we have plans to abandon the city? At least we must keep our strength!"

"What Li said makes sense! Mr. Ji and I have this idea. Now we must return to the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible to discuss this strategy!" He Zhuo nodded.

Suddenly, a letter talisman flew over. Ji Gao picked up the sensor, his face slightly surprised.

"Sir, what's wrong?" He Zhuo asked.

"Commander, Mr. Yan sent a message, saying that he has found a good medicine that can cure insect poisonous insects, and there is also a magical weapon to prevent the little celestial bees!" Ji Gao said loudly.

"What?! Really?!" He Zhuo and Tian Li said in surprise.

"Quick! Go and have a look!"

Ji Gao and He Zhuoru Fei left.

When the two came to Yan Xi's place, they saw him chatting with a young man in purple robe, holding a hat in his hand and looking at it carefully.


"Commander, look! This spirit hat is specially designed to target the attacks of the Heavenly Bee Clan. It is extremely effective. If every soldier can be equipped with it, their defense capabilities will be greatly enhanced!" Yan Xi said loudly.


The two people quickly looked at the spirit cap, and were soon deeply attracted by it, and couldn't help but admire it again and again.

"Commander, this spirit cap was provided by Mr. Yunba. Moreover, he also has elixirs on hand to treat victims who have been injured by insect poison. After taking the elixirs, the recovery effect is excellent!" Yan Xi said again.

"What?! This is really great!" the two said in surprise.

Looking at Mr. Yunba, I found that he had a smile on his face and a very charming appearance, which made people feel close to him.

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