The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 809 Changping is in emergency

When Lian Po, Guo She, Tan Bing, Shen Youxi, Fairy An Dai and Qi Shi saw this scene, they couldn't help but be overjoyed and locked on these three powerful monsters and launched a pursuit.

The demon clan team abandoned their helmets and armor along the way and fled far away in a state of embarrassment.

Everyone chased them all the way until the main force of the demon clan came to rescue them, and then they stopped.

"Haha, thank you so much, Brother Shen! Fairy Dai! Brother Qi!" Lian stroked his beard and laughed.

"Easy to say, easy to say! They are all human race!" Shen Youxi said with a smile.

"The killing is just not enough!" Qi Shi said loudly.

"Hehe, Brother Qi, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to charge and kill in the future, don't worry!" Fairy Andai said with a sweet smile.

This battle was Zhao's first victory in recent times, and it was a counterattack, which greatly stimulated the morale of the Zhao people and gave this race war a new dimension!

"By the way, what team were those three powerful demon clan members defeated by? Why didn't I feel it?" Lian Po asked curiously.

"That's right! All three of them seem to have disappeared mysteriously. If not, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to win so happily!" Guo She agreed.

The others also looked at each other, suddenly realizing that this matter was indeed extremely strange.

"I saw that the last monster was hit by a ship from the Great Zhou and then disappeared mysteriously!" Tan Bing said.

"Yes, that is our Great Zhou Qingyuan Sect's Meteor Fleet!" Shen Youxi nodded, his mind spinning.

"Meteor fleet? This fleet is extremely powerful. It was their giant cannon that completely scattered the demon clan team!" Tan Bing exclaimed.

"Hehe, of course, this is the elite fleet of our Great Zhou Dynasty. It is no problem to deal with these powerful demon clan teams!" Fairy Andai said with a sweet smile.

"Haha, I didn't expect the Great Zhou fleet to be so powerful. It's really beyond my expectation!" Lian Po praised.

"Yes, yes!"

"Thank you so much for this time, Da Zhou!"

Guo Shehe and Tan Bing thanked him repeatedly.

Everyone led the team back to Yongping Pass, which was breached by the demon clan, and began emergency repairs.

"Weird..." Lian Po suddenly felt something was wrong.

Mouthing in his mouth.

"Commander, what's strange?" Guo She asked.

Lian Po said: "Brother She, didn't you notice anything was wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Guo She asked curiously.

"You see, we fought fiercely for several days, and the city was full of broken corpses, broken weapons, and rivers of blood... However, now the city is extremely clean, not even a corpse can be seen, a handful of broken Isn’t it strange that there are no weapons?”

Guo She was startled, her face changed drastically, and she said in shock: "Brother Po, it is really so! Moreover, after hearing what you said, I also remembered something!"

"What's the matter?!"

"We were chasing all the way, and the road should have been full of all kinds of trophies. However, when I returned just now, I found that the road was extremely clean, and the situation was almost the same as in the city!" Guo She said anxiously.

"Is there someone following behind to clean up the battlefield?!"

"This... is extremely possible!"

The two immediately summoned the soldiers in the city to inquire about the matter, but no one knew who did it.

The three Great Zhao Transformers were no longer calm, and immediately approached Shen Youxi and the others to inquire. The three of them were greatly frightened. They immediately inquired about the various teams below. Of course, the result was the same. No one knew anything about it.

Something so weird happened that shocked everyone!

The battle was won, but the fruits of the battle were easily picked off, and even all the original accumulated resources in the city were looted and disappeared. This is really speechless to say.

However, now that the matter has come to an end, security is more important, so everyone has no choice but to spend their own money to repair the city defenses.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Tuzhenzi looked at the three demon masters in the spiritual cage, and his eyes almost turned into slits with laughter!

"Congratulations, ancestor!"

All the golden elixirs saw this scene on the light screen and congratulated loudly.

"Same joy, same joy! Hahaha!" Tuzhenzi laughed.

Seizing these three powerful monsters is the key to reversing the situation of this war. No wonder Tu Zhenzi is so proud.

Now, all three of them have their demon veins locked and their souls sealed. They are like useless demons, imprisoned in a spiritual cage, but they don't know how to deal with them.

Just as Tuzhenzi was thinking, Yun Qi's voice came to his ears: "Ancestor, please leave these three powerful monsters to me to avoid accidents!"

"Yun'er?! OK... OK!" Tuzhenzi said quickly.

"Ancestor, just throw them out of the Qingyuan ship." Yun Qi said.

Tuzhenzi's consciousness moved slightly, and he moved the three spiritual cages out. With a "swipe", they were swept away by a stream of consciousness!

"Yun'er, you've arrived in Da Zhao too?!" Tuzhenzi asked in surprise.

"That's right. Don't worry about hunting monsters and training your team. I will follow you in secret!" Yun Qi said with a smile.

"Great!" Tuzhenzi heard this and felt that he had a backbone.

Although he is a Nascent Soul and Li Yun is a young disciple, he knows that if he fights, he is no match for Li Yun. Having Li Yun in control of the overall situation will make him feel more at ease than if there is no opportunity here. Much more.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Yun Qi was just a clone of Li Yun.

He immediately issued an order for the fleet to temporarily rest and reorganize in preparation for another battle.

Yongping Pass was repaired in a very short period of time. Not only were the original formations strengthened, but many auxiliary formations were also added, making the entire city impregnable.

After the news of the victory at Yongping Pass spread through the Tianji Palace, it immediately became an important base for the Zhao people, attracting many nearby human monks to come and join them, and gradually formed a relatively powerful force in the Da Zhao cultivation area. Have a pivotal position.

The demon clan attacked Yongping Pass several times, but not only did they not win, but they also returned with miserable defeats each time. They gradually avoided this place and went to plunder other passes.

Yongping Pass became famous, and the reinforcements of the Great Zhou Dynasty also became famous, especially the Meteor Fleet among them.

In every battle, as long as the Meteor Fleet is dispatched, the demon tribe will be defeated and defeated.

Moreover, what is strange is that whenever the powerful demon clan tries to stop the Meteor Fleet's offensive, they will be inexplicably injured or killed. This also causes the battlefield of high-end combat power to be unbalanced, allowing the human race to win in one fell swoop!

The magic of the Meteor Fleet has attracted more and more people's attention, so much so that Feng Zhenzi's status is now almost comparable to that of the God of Transformation!

Now, in the meeting at the Yongpingguan City Lord's Mansion, in addition to all the powerful gods, Feng Zhenzi also needs to be respectfully invited in and treated well.

At this moment, Feng Zhenzi received the notice and excitedly came to the city lord's mansion to attend a high-level meeting.

As soon as he entered the mansion, he found that Lian Po, Guo She, Tan Bing, the gods of transformation from Great Zhao, and Shen Youxi, Fairy An Dai and Qi Shi, the gods of transformation from Great Zhou, were all there.

"Brother Feng, please sit down quickly!" Lian Po greeted Feng Zhenzi in a loud voice as soon as he saw him arriving.

"Okay! I wonder what the military news is today?" Feng Zhenzi sat down and asked carelessly.

"Brother Feng, the Changping Pass of Great Zhao is now in a critical situation. It is surrounded by five groups of monster clans. We are asking for help from our Yongping Pass!" Lian Po said.

"Oh? Are you going to rescue me?"


The gods in the mansion all looked at each other, hesitant.

Lian Po said: "Brother Feng doesn't know something. Although Changping Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the five demon clan teams have been besieging them for nearly a month. The city's resources will be exhausted and it is extremely dangerous. Maybe we can pass by now. , the city has been destroyed! And..."

"And what?!"

"The strength of the five demon clans is extremely strong. There are about fifteen powerful demon clans of the sixth level, which is more than our two cities combined. Among them, there are three powerful demon clans of the late sixth level, with a fighting strength of It’s so powerful that it’s beyond our reach!”

"That's it!" Feng Zhenzi suddenly realized, and his face changed slightly.

He didn't know whether the Qingyuan fleet could handle such a situation, so he naturally didn't dare to say anything.

"Yes, right now, we at Yongping Pass are helpless! As long as the human base can be saved, it's a piece of cake..." Lian Po sighed.

Guo She echoed: "What Brother Lian said is true! If we fail to rescue and suffer losses instead, it will not only be useless to Changping Pass, but also affect Yongping Pass, and we will be in trouble!"

Tan Bing said: "In my opinion, Changping Pass will definitely fall this time. We might as well organize a team to pick up the defeated soldiers. On the one hand, we can rescue the emergency, and on the other hand, we can also strengthen the strength of Yongping Pass. .”


"That makes sense!"

"That's how it should be!"

The rest of the people nodded in agreement and were ready to take action.

"Wait a minute!" Feng Zhenzi suddenly shouted.

"Brother Feng, what do you have to say?" Lian Po was startled and asked.

"Commander, I think we should go rescue Changping Pass!" Feng Zhenzi's expression changed slightly and he said in a deep voice.

"Rescue?! Brother Feng, we really have no confidence!" Lian Po sighed.

Feng Zhenzi stood up, cast a light curtain, displayed a map, and said: "Everyone, please see, Changping Pass is about 500,000 miles away from Yongping Pass. For the Monster Race team, this distance is only two days. It’s just a journey, once they capture Changping Pass and use their victory to attack Yongping Pass, Yongping Pass will not be Yongping either!”

"This..." Lian Po and others were startled.

This result seems to be foreseeable. With the fall of Changping, the morale of the Zhao people will definitely be dampened, and the demon clan comes with the power of victory, and Yongping is in danger.

"Brother Feng, even if we go to rescue him without the protection of the formation, we will still be throwing eggs at rocks and dying in vain!" Guo She sighed.

"Haha, the demon clan is so powerful. Of course we can't attack directly and start a fight. This is the next best thing!" Feng Zhenzi laughed.

"Oh? I wonder what brother Feng has in mind?" Guo She asked anxiously.

Feng Zhenzi pointed to an area on the map and said: "Look, everyone, this is the area occupied by the demon clan. They have built a base. It forms a triangle with Changping Pass and Yongping Pass. From the information, these five The Lu Yao Clan is from here, and their main force was sent out to besiege Changping Pass. Only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in the base. If we send a team to attack, think about what will happen?"

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