The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 831 Crisis at Shanhaiguan

"Thank you, Master! Master, it really makes me ashamed to say this!" Yan Zheng said sincerely. quΩww『wb

"Haha, okay, just take care of the affairs of the Great Qin Cauldron Alliance. I will stay in Great Qin for a while to enjoy this race war..."

"Appreciate it?!" Yan Zheng was stunned.

"This appreciation, of course, means staying out of the situation."

"Sir, you can't stay out of this, you have to help the human race!" Yan Zheng said urgently.

"On any interface, war cannot stop! In a certain sense, war is also a catalyst for the progress of cultivation civilization. Human race can only make progress in the confrontation with demon clan. If I help human race, I only need to take action to All the powerful monsters have been captured, but this does not mean much to either the monsters or the human race. Besides, I have helped the construction of Tongguang City and Tongyang City in the name of making money. The big formation, repelling the monster army, was a bit too much..."

"This..." Yan Zheng was stunned, his mind was spinning, and he thought carefully about Yun Ba's words.

"Haha, don't you still want to do business with me? I have a lot of cultivation items. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can naturally buy them in large quantities." Yunba said with a smile.

Yan Zheng suddenly realized it and said happily: "That's it! I will naturally buy more cultivation items from the young master. I hope that the young master's goods can be adequately supplied!"

"Of course!"

The two of them came to the Houfu together, where Gan Mao, Leyi, Shen Feihu, Xiang Yi and Wu Qi were already waiting.

"I've met all the alliance leaders!" Yunba saluted.

"Master, please!" Gan Mao said loudly.

Everyone sat down, and Yan Zheng briefly talked about the situation facing Da Qin now, focusing on Shanhaiguan and the demon clan's demonization of Da Qin's land.

"Sir, I wonder if you can go to Shanhaiguan first and build a seven-level spiritual formation? If you can, then our Great Qin's territorial boundaries will be guaranteed!" Yan Zheng asked.

"Yes, sir! If Shanhaiguan is preserved, our Daqin will have a solid base to carry out recovery operations on the large territory between Shanhaiguan and Tongyang City!" Gan Mao said loudly.

The rest of the people nodded repeatedly. Shanhaiguan's strategic position is extremely high, and its survival currently has a great impact on the situation. If it can be successfully defended, it will naturally greatly boost morale.

Yunba said: "Shanhaiguan, if you want to rescue you, you have to do it as soon as possible, because..."

"Because of what?!" Yan Zheng asked anxiously.

"After the seven-level formations appeared in Tongguang City and Tongyang City, the strategy of the demon clan will naturally change. Previously, they surrounded Shanhaiguan without attacking, but now..."

" they want to capture Shanhaiguan directly?!" Yan Zheng said in shock.

"Haha, as long as the demon clan is not too stupid, they naturally don't want Shanhaiguan to be like those two cities, with super formations appearing overnight. Therefore, they will still think of taking advantage of it. As long as they take Shanhaiguan as their own Yes, this occupied area is completely under their control, and the situation is excellent..."


Yan Zheng shouted and stood up, his face turning red.

"Leader...should we go out to rescue Shanhaiguan now?" Gan Mao asked.

"Not bad... Young Master, what do you think?"

Yan Zheng was slightly startled when he saw Young Master Yunba's relaxed demeanor, then his thoughts changed and he asked quickly.

"Well, I'm in business. I can't interfere in the war between you and the demon clan. The analysis just now is just my personal opinion. Maybe the demon clan is basically just surrounding you, waiting for you to surrender. There’s a snare!”

Gan Mao said: "No! Young Master's analysis is very insightful, but we were a little carried away. We did not expect that as the situation develops, the demon clan's strategy will continue to adjust and change. Now, Shanhaiguan is in danger and is in urgent need of rescue!"

"Exactly. I don't know if it's too late for us to rush over now!" Yan Zheng sighed.

Shen Feihu said from the side: "Please show us a clear path, Master, we will definitely act according to what Master said!"

"Huh? Not bad,

Please tell me the strategy to rescue them. I, Da Qin, would be very grateful! "Gan Mao reacted and said anxiously.

"Yes, sir, please tell me!" Others agreed.

Unknowingly, these people seem to have become centered on Yunba, and they have almost forgotten about using their brains. This is a bit incredible for this group of powerful gods, and it is very different from their usual behavior. .

You must know that every god-transforming power is a top talent in the human race, not to mention these big figures at the leader level, almost all of them are decisive and wise decision-makers.

However, when they were with Yunpachi, they developed a sense of dependence, as if no matter how good they thought, they were not as good as Yunpachi's opinion.

Yan Zheng felt this atmosphere, and felt quite surprised in his heart, because this was obviously the influence of a kind of personality charm. Young Master Yunba was here, raising his hands and feet, and there was a faint feeling in his words. The superior person's spirit cannot help others not being convinced.

Even he himself was quickly infected by this atmosphere, his eyes slightly intoxicated.

"This... I wonder if you know about the Changping Battle that took place in Da Zhao?" Yunba said helplessly.

Originally, he didn't want to interfere too much, but he brought up the Shanhaiguan crisis, so he should say a few words about it.

"The Battle of Changping?!" Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

During this period of time, they were already so busy with matters concerning Da Qin that they could not care about the Changping War in Da Zhao.

"This happened not long ago. The demon tribe surrounded Changping Pass of Great Zhao and was about to capture it soon. However, Yongping Pass of Great Zhao used a strange trick and not only successfully rescued Changping Pass, but also Moreover, they also defeated the demon clan and reversed the situation of the race war. Now, the human race and the demon clan in Da Zhao have entered a stage of mutual attack and defense!" Yunba said.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They did not expect that the situation in Da Zhao had changed so drastically. This sounded like it was much better than Da Qin!

"Of course! The five demon clan armies are extremely powerful. If Yongpingguan goes directly to rescue them, not only may they not be able to save them, but they will be trapped themselves. Therefore, they came up with a clever plan..."

"What kind of clever idea?!" Gan Mao asked anxiously.

"They first sent a team to attack the Monster Clan's base. There were only the old, weak, sick and disabled members of the Monster Clan there, and the defense was not strict. This was because the Human Race had never thought of attacking the Monster Clan..."

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Of course this is just the beginning of this plan. After hearing the news, the demon clan sent half of its troops to rush to the base in order not to affect the attack on Changping Pass. As a result, they were annihilated by the Yongping Pass army that had been ambushing halfway!"

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed, with excitement on their faces.

"The Yongping Army took advantage of the situation and attacked Changping Pass. They attacked the Changping Pass defenders from both inside and outside, and annihilated the other half of the demon clan team!"

"What a brilliant idea! What a brilliant idea!" Everyone was mesmerized and praised loudly.

"Haha, if we win this battle, Zhao will naturally be victorious. From then on, we will have mutual offensive and defensive defenses with the demon army." Yunba said with a smile.

Yan Zheng suddenly came to his senses and said loudly: "Thank you for the reminder, young master! It seems that to rescue Shanhaiguan this time, we can also imitate the strategy of the Changping Battle. The only way to attack the monster clan is to save them and ambush them halfway!"

"That's right! This kind of strategy is a truly smart tactic!"

"I never expected that someone in Zhao could come up with such a tactic!"

"This move is an excellent way to deal with the demon clan!"

Everyone agreed.

Yunba looked at this scene and sighed: "No! If Great Qin wants to save Shanhaiguan, it can't just use this tactic mechanically, otherwise it will be disaster!"

"Oh? But why?!" Yan Zheng was stunned.

Gan Mao and others also kept a close eye on Yunba.

"The situation is different, and the tactics will naturally have to change. Shanhaiguan has long been surrounded by multiple demon armies. After the demon army there received the information that the main force of the demon army was defeated from Tongyang City, they would be suspicious and make some tentative actions. An attack will not pose a great threat to Shanhaiguan. But if the main force of the demon army rushes over, there will be real danger. So..."

"What should we do?!"

"What really wants to attract the demon army to rescue is their main army this time. However, this army is extremely powerful. I am afraid that with the strength of your Tongyang City, even if they divide half of their troops to rescue, you will not be able to annihilate them. On the contrary, there is a possibility of being counterattacked by them!”


"It means being killed by them."

"This..." Everyone was startled and nodded in agreement.

The team strength of this demon army is really incomparable. Even if only half of the team comes back to rescue, its strength is quite amazing and it is impossible to be annihilated.

"Therefore, once you fail to ambush successfully, this plan will be considered a failure. Not only will Shanhaiguan fail to save you, but you will also get involved!"

"Sir, what do you think we should do?!" Gan Mao asked loudly, with stars twinkling in his eyes.

"Haha, of course it is necessary to attract them to rescue them. Just ambush them on the way! Now, they are using Snowflake City as the main rudder, so attacking Snowflake City is their must-rescue point, and the momentum must be bigger. In this way, they will return The number of rescue teams will increase, and you will naturally have to retreat to Tongyang City in time to avoid being attacked by them from both inside and outside."

"Then...where is Shanhaiguan?!" Gan Mao asked.

"Over there... if we lose half of the demon clan team, we should be able to sustain it for a longer time, right?"

"Sir, even if we hold on for a longer time, we can't save the fire from far away. Most of the Ding Alliance's combat power is in Tongguang City." Gan Mao said anxiously.

Yunba pondered for a moment and sighed: "Well, as long as you are willing to pay, I naturally want to do business earlier and make money. With my speed, I should be able to arrive at Shanhaiguan before it is breached..."

"Wow! Thank you sir!" Gan Mao said in surprise.

"Don't worry, Young Master, the spiritual stones from the Ding Alliance are being mobilized, enough to buy Young Master's formation! Please, Young Master, sign an agreement with us to help Shanhaiguan!" Yan Zheng said aside.

"no problem!"

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