The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 839 Shanhaiguan (4)

Guan Lie said aside: "What a coincidence! In the last battle of Tongguang City, the entire battlefield was cleaned up. I thought it was a little strange at the time. I didn't expect that Shanhaiguan was like this. The same thing happened next time!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other and felt a little uneasy.

"Find out immediately to see who cleared the battlefield. It's impossible that no one saw such a big event!" Zhu Zan ordered the bearded monk.

"Yes! Commander!" the bearded monk responded and hurried away.

Zhu Zan turned to Yan Zheng and asked, "Leader, what do you think of this matter?"

"This incident is indeed extremely weird! However, since it happened outside the city, it will have little impact on the city. Moreover, clearing the battlefield will not do any harm to the main force of the demon army in the future..." Yan Zheng pondered.

"Indeed! If the main force of the demon clan arrives and sees the demon corpses all over the ground, it will probably arouse boundless anger and attack madly, which will be very detrimental to us!" Zhu Zan agreed.

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

This is very possible. If the demon army sees the demon corpses all over the ground, they may have two reactions. One is to be frightened and turn around, and the other is to retaliate crazily. Considering the strength and nature of the demon army, the latter will The possibility is greater!

Yunba said with a smile: "What the commander said is true! Now, why not ask the commander to activate this formation, so you don't have to worry about those crazy demon armies!"

"Is what the young master said... true?!" Zhu Zan said in surprise.

"Well, by activating this formation eye, the city defense formation can be raised to the seventh level, which can basically block the main force of the demon army! Coupled with the formation talisman, we can ensure that there is no danger. We can easily create a continuous The seven formation eyes that came down!" Yunba nodded.

"Great! Young Master is really the savior of Shanhaiguan!!!" Zhu Zan praised wildly.

Immediately sprinkle out the best spiritual stone, insert it into the corresponding concave position, and activate the formation eye here with a flick of the spiritual light in your hand!

"Woo" "Woo" "Woo"

The large-scale spirit-gathering formation in the eye of the formation instantly emitted a short and powerful chirping sound, and the spiritual energy began to spread and became increasingly dense.


Such rich spiritual energy makes people feel refreshed, their breath is fresh, and their spirits are high.

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!"

Faint spiritual lights emerged one after another, nourishing the city's defense formation, making it look gleaming and crystal clear!


Another powerful spiritual light rose into the sky, lighting up the sky and making people dazzled!

Everyone in Shanhaiguan was shocked when they saw this scene!

After a while, the entire formation slowly recovered, but it just looked brighter than usual.

"Oh my God!"

"I feel it now!"

"That's great!"

"This formation seems to have been completely transformed. The sense of security has been greatly enhanced!"

They talked a lot, with smiles of great joy on their faces...

The activation of just one formation eye brought such a big change to the city defense formation that no one in Shanhaiguan expected.

There is no doubt that if the other seven formation eyes are also opened, the power of this formation will reach an incredible level!

The seventh-level mid-level spiritual formation will protect Shanhaiguan from falling!

"Haha! Hahahahaha!" Zhu Zan laughed heartily, feeling very happy in his heart.

"Hee hee, Young Master is really amazing. Such a large formation can be built in one day. I'm afraid no formation master in this world can do it!!!" Fairy Feifei said with a sweet smile.

Fairy Jingjing hummed: "Of course! How can Young Master be comparable to the formation masters in this world?!"

"So... the young master is from another world?!" Fairy Feifei was slightly stunned.

"Hmph, I never said that..." Fairy Jingjing curled her lips.

He leaned sideways close to Yunba, blocking Fairy Feifei's sight.

Fairy Feifei's eyes were slightly surprised and thoughtful...

Yan Zheng said: "Brother Zan, the demon army is a hundred thousand miles away from here, and it will probably take about half a day to reach the foot of the Tieling Mountains.

Please go and arrange the defense of the city. By the way, these formation talismans were purchased from Young Master. You can use them first. If you don’t have enough, buy them again! "

"Yes! Alliance leader!"

Zhu Zan took the formation talisman and left in a hurry with Wang Han and others.

Yunba, Yan Zheng and others continued to direct the construction of the other seven formations, and were very busy...

The Tieling Mountains is a middle-grade spiritual vein, which is extremely rare in this world.

With a spiritual vein like this, it is difficult for even the monks and monsters to shake it. The so-called ability to move mountains and seas is only for ordinary mountains and rivers.

If you want to capture Shanhaiguan, which is built like an iron barrel, you can only use other methods, either by force, by trickery, or by trapping and killing...

Garpu, Xiao Yingying, Danmeng, Ao Xue, Mengma, Kantong and other powerful experts led half of the demon army in a hurry, bypassing Bamboo Pass and approaching Shanhaiguan from the west. Now, Tieling can be seen from a distance Mountains.

Why half the main force?

Of course, it was because when they were halfway there, they were shocked to hear that Snowflake City, the commander-in-chief, was being attacked by the main force of the human race, so they sent half of their troops to rescue them. Among them, Kun Qiang, Ao Gu, Ona, You Ji and other powerful leaders took the lead.

"Military advisor, the human race actually dares to take the initiative to attack our chief helm?!" Garp couldn't help but wonder when he thought of this.

Xiao Yingying said: "Is this strange? We have already suffered defeats in Tongguang City and Tongyang City. Of course, the human race has become bolder! But..."

"But what?!"

"What makes me wonder is why the timing of their attack on Snowflake City is so coincidental? They actually attacked when our army was halfway there?!"

"This...that's what the military advisor said! How could they be such a coincidence?!"

"Hmph, the human race is extremely cunning now. The timing of the attack on Snowflake City was so good that we had to allocate half of our troops to rescue them! In this way, the number of troops to attack Shanhaiguan was reduced by half, and the difficulty was naturally greatly increased. Increase!" Xiao Yingying sighed.

"This... our decision to capture Shanhaiguan is extremely confidential, and we acted quickly. However, judging from the human race's action time, they set off to attack Snowflake City almost at the same time as we set off. It can be seen that this is a complete coincidence. ?”

"Impossible!!! How can things in the world be such a coincidence?! There must be something wrong somewhere. If we don't find it out, we may be even more passive in our actions in the future!" Xiao Yingying screamed.

"Passive? That's not true, is it? Even if we only have half the force, it will be easy to take down Shanhaiguan. Once we take it down, let's see if I don't capture a few powerful human beings to torture me!!!" Garp said fiercely said ruthlessly.

Suddenly, I saw a bone sculpture demon soldier fluttering its wings in the distance, paused in the air, and reported: "Alliance leader, the Crazy Knight is waiting in front!"

"Kuanxiao? If he isn't surrounded by Shanhaiguan, why are he here?!" Capucci said.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be nice if he came to greet us?" Xiao Yingying said with a sweet smile.

"That's what the military advisor said!"

The two of them led Danmeng and others past the demon army in front, and sure enough they saw Kuangxiao leading the demon army to greet them.

"Leader!!!" Kuangxiao saluted and shouted as soon as he saw Garp.

"Brother Xiao, long time no see! Why do you look so bad?! Could it be that you haven't eaten enough meat?!" Capucci said.

Kuang Xiao's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Leader, I suffered a huge defeat this time and suffered heavy losses. You must avenge me!"

"What?! Big defeat?! Where did the defeat start?!" Xiao Yingying said in shock.

"Military advisor, after I received your message yesterday, I wanted to sneak attack Shanhaiguan in the middle of the night. I didn't expect that they were prepared for it and lured us to attack the city. As a result, they were caught off guard by their counterattack. Even the main camp was attacked. They burned me down, so I had no choice but to flee back to the Beast Realm. Today, I rectified the remaining defeated soldiers and brought some of the defenders of the Mountain City with me, and then I came here to greet you!" Kuangxiao said.


Garp, Xiao Yingying and others were stunned when they heard this, their mouths opened so wide they could fit a big duck egg in!

"How unreasonable?!" Garp roared.

I had suffered defeats in Tongguang City and Tongyang City, but I didn't expect that Kuangxiao would also suffer defeat in this small Shanhaiguan. This is simply intolerable!

"Alliance leader, calm down! It's all my fault that I didn't follow the military advisor's instructions. It would have been fine if I was just going to harass and attack, but I wanted to take this city in one fell swoop and sent out all my troops, but I ended up being defeated like a mountain..." Kuang Xiao sighed.

"Hmph, come with me immediately. If we don't take Shanhaiguan today, we will not withdraw our troops!" Garp roared.

"Yes! Alliance leader!"

All the monsters responded in unison and rushed forward first, followed closely by the monster army, which was more than twice as fast.

It didn't take long for the army to arrive at the foot of the Tieling Mountains. Seeing the majestic and winding Tieling Mountains stretching away, I was extremely shocked!

Looking at the top of the mountain in the distance, the clouds and mist and the lush vegetation look quite mysterious...

Shanhaiguan is hidden in the clouds and mist, and cannot be seen at all, which makes people feel awe.

"Fuck me!" Garp yelled.

"Yes! Alliance leader!"

The demon army shouted in unison and began to climb the mountain.

Of course, those with wings flew low and up. Before long, the army crossed the mountainside, and finally they could vaguely see the Shanhaiguan Pass.

"Brother Xiao, you said you had a bloody battle yesterday, why didn't you see a single body or a weapon along the way?!" Capucci said.

"This... is indeed strange! There is not even a trace of blood smell, it is simply unbelievable!!!" Kuang Xiao agreed, with a suspicious look on his face.

Xiao Yingying said: "The human race must have cleaned up the battlefield in order to prevent our demon army from having a revengeful mentality. It can be seen that the current human race is simply too cunning!"

Garp and Kuangxiao were stunned when they heard this, and their hearts were shaken.

"Strategic Advisor, the human race seems to be a little different now! Even considering this psychological effect, I'm afraid there are many things we can't imagine!" Garp said hesitantly.

"What? Are you scared?!" Xiao Yingying teased.

"Am I afraid?! What am I afraid of?! Aren't I thinking about the safety of our demon army?" Garp's expression changed.

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