The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 886 Defeating the enemy’s forward

"You sign an agreement with me first. No matter how much you want, I can provide it!" Qiu Shuozi said.

"Really?! Can you give it now?!"

"As long as you pay for the spirit stones, you can naturally get the goods in stock!" Qiu Shuozi said confidently.

"Okay...that's great!"

Chun Yuzi was overjoyed, and quickly signed an agreement with Qiu Shuozi, and then ordered someone to go to the warehouse to bring the spirit stones.

The situation is urgent now, and the fear is that the goods will be out of stock. Naturally, Qiu Shuozi has the final say on the price.

"Brother Qiu Shuo, where is the goods?" Chun Yuzi handed over a spiritual stone full of space stones and asked loudly.

After giving out such a large sum of spiritual stones, even if he is the head of the Spring Breeze Sect and a top wind master, he still feels his heart trembling slightly and the fat all over his body shaking slightly.

"Haha! Don't worry! The goods are here!"

Qiu Shuozi took out several large space stones like magic. Naturally, they contained spirit caps, recovery pills, mugwort powder and mugwort cannons.

When Chun Yuzi saw it, she was so ecstatic that she burst into tears. This was truly a timely help!

He quickly took these items and went outside with Qiu Shuozi to arm the sect team.

When the Chunfengmen team learned that there was such a weapon, their morale was immediately high, their mental outlook was renewed, and their fighting spirit was stimulated.

"Haha, with this hat, do you still have to worry about the little sting of the wasp?"

"That's right, this hat can also make you invisible. Even if a bee stings you, you still don't know what's going on!"

"That's right! This is a good time to counterattack, you must seize it!"

"That makes sense!"

All the soldiers were talking about it, and they were all very happy.

They soon discovered the uses of mugwort powder and mugwort gun, and they were even more surprised!

Unexpectedly, there is such a strange thing targeting the Sky Bee Team. This is definitely their nemesis.

"Brother Qiu Shuo, how should we fight this battle?" Chun Yuzi asked.

" elder said,

It's best for you to hold on and just use mugwort cannons and wind arrows to fend off the enemy. "

"What? How can we defend it with just these two things?!" Chun Yuzi said in shock.

"Haha, my master said you can defend it, so you must defend it! Don't underestimate the power of the Aixing Cannon. It is not only effective on the Tianfeng Clan, but also on other demon clans, including our Wind Clan. It works!" Qiu Shuozi laughed.

" just smells..."

"Smell is also an extremely powerful weapon. You will know it once you have seen it. If you really can't stop it, my Lord still has the formation talisman here. Our Qiu Feng Sect used the formation talisman to defeat the demon army from the beginning. This That forced them to turn around and deal with you!"

"Oh? There are also formation talismans? This sounds more reliable!" Chun Yuzi's eyes lit up.

"Haha, formation talismans are not cheap. You should use the Ai Xing Cannon first!"

"I see... that's fine! Let's use the mugwort cannon first, but we also need some formation talismans first."

"no problem!"

Chun Yuzi soon purchased a large number of formation talismans from Qiu Shuozi.

Now he is in urgent need of medical treatment. As long as it sounds effective, he wants to buy it. Anyway, if he can't keep it, the money will be in vain for the demon clan.

He is naturally very clear about this.

All the surrounding Wind Clan teams have withdrawn and reorganized.

The Spring Breeze Sect's Spring Breeze Transformation Rain Formation is fully activated, making it look dazzling. However, the Feng Clan has never relied on cultivation items to fight, but relies on its own combat power to fend off enemies. Therefore, this formation is only a sixth-level low-grade one. Compared with the Qiu Feng Sect's The fallen leaves array is even lower.

The wind and thunder cannons are fully deployed, and each team is nervously modifying the cannonballs and stocking up on wind arrows...

Not long after, the demon army had approached Chunyu Gate for about thirty miles, and the aura of the spring breeze transforming into rain formation could be seen.

Qing Lian looked into the distance, his eyes suddenly condensed slightly!

"Strange... Chunyu Sect seems to be on guard!" Qing Lian murmured.

"Whatever! They must have received the message and just temporarily activated the formation. It will be broken with one attack!" Juzhao of the Tin Dog clan said loudly.

"Well, that makes sense! In that case, let's go straight to Chunyu Sect in one go!" Qing Lian shouted.


All the demon clan roared wildly and accelerated forward.

The demon army is as fast as lightning, with the Sky Bee team in front and the Iron Dog team behind. One is in the air and the other is on the ground. Like two torrents, carrying the billowing smoke and dust, they rush toward the Spring Breeze Gate in a mighty manner!

"Oh my God!"

In the great formation of spring breeze turning into rain, the Wind Clan team saw the momentum of the demon army and screamed in their hearts!

Such a demon army is like an extreme wind that can swallow up everything it encounters along the way...

The confidence they had previously built up in their hearts evaporated in an instant, and some people couldn't help but run away!

"Well, why does it stink?!"

"Is it the smell of mugwort powder?"

"No...someone is incontinent..."

"Shame! How could a dignified soldier of the Wind Clan be so cowardly?!" Chun Yuzi roared, implying spiritual power that shook the minds of the soldiers.


Those incontinent Wind Clan soldiers all had red faces, trembling slightly, and regained their composure...

"Come on!"

Juzhao roared wildly and rushed forward first. His speed was not much different from Qinglian's. The two of them were like two lightning bolts, and they were suddenly in front of the formation!

"Xi Yu, fire the cannon!" Chun Yuzi shouted.

"Boom——" "Boom——"

Two rays of lightning were directed at Qinglian and Juzhao!

The two of them smiled coldly, waved their hands, a demonic light flashed out, there were two loud "boom" sounds, and two huge energy waves exploded in the air, spreading out in all directions!

"Uh...uh uh...uh uh..."

The two people's expressions suddenly changed, they felt nauseated, their stomachs were churning, and their bodies suddenly stopped!

When Chun Yuzi saw it, his eyes lit up and he shouted: "Xi Yu, let's do it again!"

"Boom——" "Boom——"

Qinglian and Juzhao were about to vomit, but they had no time to react. They were hit by these two wind and thunder blasts and flew backwards far away!

When the demon army saw this scene, their forward momentum stopped, but they continued to move forward involuntarily.

"The whole army fires!" Chun Yuzi shouted excitedly.

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"

The wind and thunder cannon swallowed the tongue of fire, and the thunder light poured out, exploding in the demon army, stirring up countless demon shadows!

The forward demon army was stunned by this attack. Moreover, they soon smelled a terrible smell. They felt extremely nauseated. Some had numbness in their mouths and noses, and even their spiritual reactions seemed to be sluggish.

"Fire the arrow!!!"

"Whoosh——" "Whoosh——" "Whoosh——" "Whoosh——" "Whoosh——"

The wind arrows are shot out like raindrops, carrying the power of the wind spirit, and can be shot to an extremely long distance. Under the chaotic and slow situation of the demon army, they pose a great threat, and they are almost hit!

"Get out! Get out quickly!!!"

Qing Lian reacted and shouted quickly.

The demon army in the vanguard was actually in chaos and became the target of Wind Arrow. Qinglian and Juzhao had no choice but to retreat back in embarrassment with a small amount of demon army...

"Brother Qiu Shuo, how are you now?!" Chun Yuzi asked urgently.

"Let the main team charge for a while and annihilate the opponent's forward demon army!" Qiu Shuozi said loudly.


The two had the same opinion, and Chun Yuzi gave an order, and the elite team of the Wind Clan came out to kill them under the cover of wind arrows.


"Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Wind Clan team has been holding back for a long time, and now they are like tigers emerging from the cage, unstoppable!

The forward demon army was so dizzy from the smoke of the mugwort cannon that they all had slow reactions and weak body skills. They used at most 30% of their ten-success power, and some even fainted directly. As a result, it was naturally difficult to resist the Wind Clan team. It didn't take long before they were completely wiped out.

"Retreat the troops!" Qiu Shuozi shouted, his voice ringing in almost everyone's ears.

These team members were in the mood to fight, but were awakened by this order. They quickly stopped chasing and retreated quickly.

It is of course a smart move to give up when things are good.

This battle greatly dampened the spirit of the demon army and inspired the confidence and courage of the Wind Clan team!

Qinglian and Juzhao picked up the remaining defeated troops, joined the rear army, and regrouped in the distance. At this time, they felt as depressed as they could be.

"What's going on? We haven't seen the Wind Clan's wind and thunder cannons before, but where did this smell come from?!" Juzhao yelled.

"This stench... contains the smell of mugwort! But it is several times more stinky than mugwort!!!" Qing Lian said with a gloomy face.

"Argyi cordata? What is it?" Juzhao was startled.

"Hmph, this is the treasure of our Heavenly Bee Clan! I don't know where the Wind Clan got this thing from, and they actually know how to use this method to deal with us..."

When Qing Lian said this, he felt extremely uneasy.

Unexpectedly, my clan's special skills have been frequently cracked recently. On the Daqin battlefield, I encountered the resistance of the spirit cap. The plague of insect poison was also solved by the human clan's pills. When I came to the wind clan battlefield, I encountered the smell again. Weapons, if this continues, the future of this clan will be extremely slim...

"Who? Who is it?! He actually developed such a powerful weapon against our Heavenly Bee clan?!" Qing Lian's face changed drastically, and his thoughts were spinning.

"Brother Qinglian, what should we do now?" Juzhao asked loudly.

"Stabilize your position first and let me think about it carefully..." Qing Lian sighed helplessly.

The demon army set up camp outside and surrounded the Spring Breeze Gate...


The spring breeze turned into rain, and the cheers were like thunder. Everyone clapped and danced to celebrate the victory!

Chun Yuzi smiled with her face flushed, as if a spiritual flower had bloomed. The dark clouds that had been hanging over her head for many days dispersed, and she saw the bright sunshine.

After eating and drinking with his disciples for a while, he quickly dragged Qiu Shuozi, the great hero this time, to his palace, set up a banquet, and entertained him alone.

"Brother Qiu Shuo, if you hadn't arrived in time this time, I'm afraid our Chunfeng Sect would have been in disaster!" Chun Yuzi said with emotion.

"Haha, you have to thank my master for this. If it weren't for these items, not to mention your Spring Breeze Sect, even all the sects in the Xia Feng Realm and Qiu Feng Realm would have suffered!" Qiu Shuozi laughed.

"Brother Qiu Shuo's words make sense! I wonder...can you invite your family to come so that I can fulfill my duties as the host?" Chun Yuzi said sincerely.

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