The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 891 Dong Bingzi

Previously, because he was too busy and excited, Dong Bingzi didn't even notice that the man named Zhong En next to Bree was a superpower, but now, as reminded by Qiu Shuozi's letter, he immediately sensed it.

Zhong En's cultivation is in the Yin and Yang realm. If it exists or does not exist, it has already exceeded the limitations of this realm. It is not something Dong Bingzi can see through. Therefore, he quickly concluded that Zhong En must come from the spirit world.

Qiu Shuozi mentioned in his letter that Zhong En was just a slave of Young Master Yunshi, and Young Master Yunshi also had several other slaves, all of whom had such a level of cultivation, which shows how high the status of Young Master Yunshi was. , there is no doubt about the strength of the power.

It also mentioned that Mr. Yunshi was filled with a rich and charming charm of vitality, and that Qiu Shuozi had joined his family as a slave. This made Dong Bingzi's heart tremble, and his thoughts flashed wildly.

In the end, Qiu Shuozi naturally suggested that Dong Bingzi also imitate him and become a disciple of Young Master Yun Shi, and dance naked for him or bathe with him to show his sincerity.

Just as Dong Bingzi's thoughts were turning secretly, a letter talisman flew over, and he quickly picked up the induction.


After reading it, Dong Bingzi screamed and her expression became extremely exciting!

"Lord Bingzun, what's going on?" Bree asked anxiously.

"This...Chunfengmen has defeated the demon army's vanguard team, including the Sky Bee team and the Iron Dog team. Now, the demon army is regrouping..."

"Great!" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

"Brother Qiu Shuo informed us that Mr. Yun Shi has made a plan of encirclement and annihilation. As soon as we arrive at the designated place, he will launch an encirclement and annihilation to drive the demon army out of Fengling Realm!"

"Okay!" everyone shouted.

"Haha, the whole army is speeding up and must arrive at the northeast corner of the Spring Breeze Realm before sunset!" Dong Bingzi ordered.

"Yes! Master!" All the generals responded in unison.

The order was issued quickly, and the teams in the Winter Wind Realm quickly accelerated, heading south...

Dong Bingzi's heart was still pounding. It turned out that Qiu Shuozi's letter also mentioned that he and Chun Yuzi would dance for the top ten people. Now, including Xia Huizi, the three of them have already He went to the door of Mr. Yun Shi.

This kind of thing made him feel a bit stunned. He didn't expect that the three top wind masters in Fengling Realm would leave like this.

If he doesn't leave,

Naturally, he is the most powerful person in the entire Fengling world!

But such power means nothing to him. As a cultivator, he pursues more avenues, a broader world, and immortality...

Dominating the Fengling Realm is definitely an act of sitting in a well and watching the sky. With Qiu Shuozi's recommendation, if you don't grasp it well, the opportunity will slip through your fingers. This is definitely not what Dong Bingzi thinks.

He quickly made up his mind to join Qiu Shuozi, Xia Huizi and Chun Yuzi and join Master Yun Shi, so that he would have a backer in the spiritual world in the future.

Thinking of this, he immediately pulled Zhong En and went to Feizhou's main room to talk secretly.

"Senior, this junior has something to ask me!" Dong Bingzi said respectfully.

Zhong Enren is extremely handsome, with slightly dark skin and very good looks. He has already received the inspiration from Yun Shi and knows that Lord Yun is very interested in these top wind masters and wants to recruit them to the palace to train the slaves. When Zhengwu heard Dong Bingzi's words, he smiled and said, "Haha, if you have anything, just ask!"

" he really Young Master Yunshi's lifelong slave?" Dong Bingzi muttered.

"That's right! Young Master Yun Shi is actually the tenth avatar of Master Yun Zun, and his true form is also paying attention to the battle in front of him!" Zhong En nodded.

"What?! The tenth clone?!" Dong Bingzi said in surprise.

"Well, Sir, there are many clones, but I don't know them all!"

"Wow! Then... Qiu Shuozi, Chun Yuzi and Xia Huizi have really become Lord Yun's lifelong slaves?"

"That's right! They have joined the sect, they just need the oath-taking ceremony." Zhong En affirmed.

Dong Bingzi's expression was shocked when he heard this, and he was confused for a while. He gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, I also want to join Mr. Yun Zun's disciples. Is it possible?"

"Haha, I've been waiting for your words! Mr. Yun Zun is very interested in you top wind masters, especially your Wind Clan's Expedition Dance. He wants to recruit you to teach it in the palace, so, this This is indeed an excellent opportunity for you!" Zhong En laughed.

"Really?!" Dong Bingzi said in surprise.

"It's absolutely true! Xiaoshuo and Xiaoyu's dance has been praised by the adults. Moreover, other slaves in the palace are watching at the same time, and they are all full of praise. In addition..."

"What else?!" Dong Bingzi asked urgently.

"There is also a powerful clone named Sima Kong who also saw their performance next to the adults. He is rushing over to recruit you as a slave, haha!" Zhong En laughed.

"What? This happened?!" Dong Bingzi was stunned.

"That's true. The Expedition Dance has aroused his interest, and now three of the four top wind masters in Fengling Realm have been taken away by you, leaving only you. That's why Sima Kong can't wait to recruit you."

"This..." Dong Bingzi was startled, and her mind was spinning.

Zhong En said: "I was going to tell you about this. This was the order of Mr. Yun Zun. He asked me to explain the situation clearly to you, so you can make your own choice, whether you choose Sima Kong or Sir, it’s okay. After all, accepting a master or taking a slave requires fate, and neither party needs to force it.”

"Master Yun Zun really said that?!" Dong Bingzi asked.

"Of course! Your Excellency has already sent me a message to explain this matter. Moreover, Sima Kong is almost here now. I can feel that he is less than five thousand miles away!" Zhong En said with certainty.


Dong Bingzi screamed in surprise, she didn't expect that Zhong En was inside the flying boat, but in fact his spiritual consciousness had covered such a vast area, and his power was unimaginable.

In fact, the current cultivation level of Sima Kong's clone is the same as Zhong En's. They are both in the Yin and Yang realm, and the two of them can sense each other.

The development of the matter was beyond Dong Bingzi's expectation. She didn't expect that she was quite popular now, and a powerful man came to recruit her.

"Senior, I wonder who this Sima Kong is?" Dong Bingzi asked.

"This person... is of course a person of great prominence. He is the domain lord of the Dragon Horse God Realm in the spiritual world. His true form is the Lord of Sanxian. He has nearly 50,000 slaves under his sect. His clones are spread all over the world, and his power is extremely huge!" Zhong En said.

"What?! He's a Sanxian?!!!" Dong Bingzi was stunned.

"Haha, that's right! He is a very good person, and he is a good friend with Master Yun Zun. Therefore, it is good for you to join his disciples. There is no doubt about this!"


When Dong Bingzi heard this, his expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and his whole body was trembling.

Zhong En looked at him with a smile and said nothing, knowing that Dong Bingzi was having an intense brain battle at this moment, and the choice he made at this time would have a decisive impact on his life.

"Senior, I wonder if you can tell me who Mr. Yun Zun is?" Dong Bingzi seemed to have come to his senses and asked again.

"Lord Yun Zun... He is twenty years old this year, and his cultivation is at the Golden Core stage. His servants... are of course much younger than Sima Kong. He does not have his own sphere of influence, that is, he does not have any divine domain..." Zhong En said with a smile.

"What?! Only twenty years old? Golden elixir stage?!"

Dong Bingzi was completely stunned.

"Not bad! Therefore, Mr. Yun Zun also thinks that if Sima Kong really wants to accept you, it would be better for you to choose him!" Zhong En said.


"It's absolutely true! These are Lord Yun's exact words."

"This...could it be that what you just said were Lord Yun's true words?" Dong Bingzi asked curiously.

"You can say that!" Zhong En nodded.

Dong Bingzi pondered: "So, Master Yun Zun basically wants to push me to Sima Kong?"

"Haha, you have come to your senses! In my opinion, Mr. Yun Zun is too embarrassed to take you all in. Since Sima Kong is interested in you, he just naturally suggested that you vote. Of course, Mr. Yun is not completely interested in you either. Close the door, if you want to throw yourself under the master's door, that's fine!" Zhong En laughed.

"I understand! Thank you, senior!!!" Dong Bingzi said sincerely.

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

The two of them returned to the front of the windboat. Dong Bingzi stared at the rapidly passing clouds, feeling infinite emotions in her heart!

At this critical point in life, no one can be too calm. With Dong Bingzi's intelligence, he naturally knows that although what Zhong En said just now is plain, it contains countless information and needs to be interpreted by oneself.

A twenty-year-old Jindan, with a powerful slave like Zhong En, can provide such high-level cultivation items, of course there is something special about it.

There's probably nothing wrong with investing in it yourself.

However, no matter what kind of person Mr. Yun Zun is, it is not as real as a loose immortal clone chasing him.

Becoming a slave of Sanxian is definitely an opportunity that ordinary people cannot imagine!

Even Lord Yun feels the same way.

This can be felt from Zhong En's words. Master Yun Zun seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so he let Zhong En say such words. The purpose was of course to push himself towards Sima Kong.

"Sanxian... Sanxian... Oh my God!!!" Dong Bingzi screamed in her heart.

With a "swipe" sound, there was suddenly a person in the wind boat. He was wearing a purple robe, with a rich face and a curvy beard. It was Sima Kong.

"Who?!" Dong Bingzi was startled, turned around and shouted.

I didn’t expect that visitors were not restricted by Fengzhou at all, and they could come in whenever they wanted!

This is absolutely terrible!

"I've met Senior Sima!" Zhong En saluted quickly.

"Haha, who are you? You actually know me?" Sima Kong stroked his beard and laughed.

"Junior Zhong En, I am Lord Yun's servant!" Zhong En said respectfully.

"Zhong En? That's it! How did you come here?" Sima Konghu asked.

"Senior, this junior is here to sell weapons on your orders."

"Oh? That's it?"

"That's all!"

"Okay! Then I'll be relieved! Haha!" Sima Kong laughed.

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