The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 899 Almost going to dig back

"Of course I didn't think much about this...before the feast, but now, I really want to! Haha, let's think of this feast as a thank you for helping me find so many outstanding Wind Clan slaves!" Sima Kong laughed.

"Then junior, it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Yunshi smiled and took his seat, flanked by Zhong En and Gongsun Kui.

Seeing his arrival, Qiu Shuozi and the others became uneasy and quickly gathered around and sat on both sides.

"Xiao Yun, I almost poached you just now, are you nervous?" Sima Kong teased.

"Senior, you are joking! I have known for a long time that the people of the Wind Clan attach great importance to trust and commitment, so why should I be nervous?"

"Oh? I never thought you knew so much about the Wind Clan!"

"Senior, I have traveled to Fengling Realm before, so I know the Feng Clan quite well!" Yun Shi said.

"That's it! It seems that your understanding of this world has surpassed mine, which really puts me to shame!" Sima Kong said with a slight blush on his face.

You must know that he was stationed in this world on the order of the main body. With his ability and the fact that he has been in this world for a long time, he should have a very good understanding of the situation in this world, but now it seems that he has no control over this world. His knowledge seemed to be far inferior to that of Li Yun, which even he himself found a bit unbelievable!

Because at such a young age, Li Yun had only been in the world of cultivation for ten years, but he could have such amazing knowledge and achievements. This can no longer be simply described as a miracle.

Sima Kong spent a lot of effort to convince himself to admit the reality and believe that such a thing was possible, and it was right in front of his eyes!

"Haha, it's good that you're here! I'm worried about getting them to perform the expedition dance, but there is a lack of music masters like you!" Sima Kong came to his senses and laughed.

"Senior has just finished watching the group expedition dance, why are you still interested in watching it again? How about having a drink and chatting?" Yun Shi declined.

"You don't know something. The group expedition dance I watched just now was extremely unsatisfying. It was much different from the duet expedition dance performed by Xiaoshuo and Xiaoyu. In my opinion, the main reason was the lack of drum sound! "Sima Kong said.

Yun Shi nodded and said: "Senior is right! The level of the drummers in the group dance is indeed poor. In addition, the dancers are not naked, which does not reflect the true meaning of this dance."

"That's right! Now my little slaves like me can perform naked,

Coupled with your drum sound, the effect must be excellent! "Sima Kong said excitedly.

"Haha, seniors know that you can't eat all the good things at once. If you watch Zheng Wu all day long, no matter how good they are, you will get tired of watching them! But if you watch them every once in a while, they will bring you joy. for better visual enjoyment.”

"This...what you said makes sense!" Sima Kong said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Senior, why don't you take them to the Immortal Palace first, train them for a period of time, and then give them a performance next time I go to your Immortal Palace?"

"Very good, very good!" Sima Kong nodded repeatedly.

Yun Shi smiled and took out a space stone, handed it to Zhong En, and said: "Today is a feast to celebrate the Wind Clan's victory. Naturally, we can't come here to eat and drink for free. Let's share these Taoist dishes, Taoist fruits and Xingyun wine for everyone to enjoy!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Zhong En responded with great joy, took the space stone, and distributed star-luck buns, dumplings and star-luck wine to everyone in the audience.

"Dao Yao?! Dao Fruit?!"

"Star Wine? What kind of wine is it?"

When the people in the audience heard this, they were no longer calm.

"Haha, this Dao Fruit is the best Dao Fruit! This delicacy and Xingyun Wine were made by my family. It has infinite vitality and cannot be easily eaten even in the spiritual world!" Zhong En laughed.


Everyone screamed in surprise, their eyes flashed, and their saliva almost flowed down.

The value of this kind of Taoist food is immeasurable, it is probably much more valuable than the spiritual crystal, but Master Yun Shi can just use it as a small space stone, so that everyone can eat it at once! ! !

Such a generous act is many times more powerful than when Sima Kong used spiritual crystals to show off before? !

Moreover, these slaves also realized at this time that although Sima Kong used spiritual crystals to purchase, it was Master Yunshi who sold him the goods. It can be seen that the two parties are actually equal.

From the conversation between Sima Kong and Young Master Yun Shi just now, they learned that Young Master Yun Shi's music is extremely powerful. The music provided to Qiu Shuozi and Chun Yuzi can actually make them dance more powerful than the collective expedition dance. Much more Taoism comes out.

Look at Mr. Yun Shi in front of you. Every move he makes is calm and composed, full of moral principles, and infinitely charming. Compared to Sima Kong's clone, he is infinitely more attractive!

When these aspects are combined, all the slaves who joined Sima Kong's family regretted it, and many of them regretted it so much that their intestines turned green!

Dong Bingzi stared blankly at Mr. Yun Shi, feeling like his heart was bleeding!

Before he met Sima Kong, he received two letters from Qiu Shuozi. He had already decided to join Master Yunshi like him, but Master Yunshi never showed up, so he did not dare to miss the opportunity again. So he chose to join Sima Kongmen.

And now after seeing Young Master Yun Shi, although he had already sworn the oath, he really regretted it!

"What should I do? What should I do?!"

Dong Bingzi was screaming in her heart while eating Dao fruits and Dao dishes and drinking Xingyun wine.

This is even more true for other slaves. Bu Li, Bu Cai and Feng Tao had already seen Young Master Yun Shi when they were at Qiu Fengmen. Unfortunately, later, because Young Master Yun Shi didn't show up, they had to seize the opportunity to join Sima Kong's side, but now they are the same. I regret it so much!

"Haha, sir, this dish is really delicious!!!" Qiu Shuozi laughed proudly.

"This Taoist fruit melts in your mouth and has infinite spiritual power. It is simply the best fruit I have ever tasted!" Chun Yuzi agreed.

"Exactly! And this Xingyun Wine, I bet it's definitely the best wine in the world!" Xia Huizi said loudly.

After these three people saw the expressions of Dong Bingzi and others, they were so proud that it was indescribable. They deliberately laughed loudly, making Dong Bingzi and others hate them until their teeth started to itch.

However, they knew in their hearts that they had already sworn an oath and had said everything they had said before. If they reneged on it on the spot, there would be no good results, because this would obviously violate the Wind Clan's nature of paying attention to promises!

Master Yunshi could refuse to accept them based on this alone.

Moreover, once they regret it, Sima Kong will definitely not accept them again.

Now, Dong Bingzi and others had no choice but to knock out their teeth and swallow. After eating these Daoguo delicacies and Xingyun wine in their mouths, they felt like they couldn't even taste the taste.

Sima Kong's spiritual consciousness is so sharp that he can naturally see the expressions of Dong Bingzi and others, but he is quite helpless in his heart. He has long known that if this kid Yun Shi appears, bad things will happen. As expected, now he is simply trying to dig in the other direction. The rhythm of the corner!

Fortunately, these little slaves have sworn their oaths and the deal is done, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!

And Yun Shi must have known this, so he showed up and entertained them with Taoist food.

The purpose was naturally not to poach people, but to reward them. After all, it was a big war, and there was hard work without credit. What's more, Yun Shi also made a lot of money from the Wind Clan...

Not long after, the little Feng Clan slaves below ate so much Taoist food that they were all a little drunk and staggering around. Seeing this, Qiu Shuozi, Dong Bingzi and others placed Yun Shi and Sima Kong in separate places. Go out and make arrangements for the return of each Wind Clan team.

Yun Shi moved Zhong En and Gongsun Kui back to the small space.

"Sir, when will we go back?" Zhong En asked.

"Don't worry, there's still something good to watch!" Yun Shi said with a smile.

Gongsun Kuiqi on the side said: "Sir, what else is there to do?"

"Haha, let's wait and see here..."

"Okay! How about the two of us sleeping with you?" Gongsun Kui said with saliva on his face.

Yun Shi smiled and said: "According to the rules of the Universiade Palace, the adult's clone is not responsible for taking care of the slave now."

"This..." The two of them were slightly stunned and helpless.

Yun Shi said again: "Just now, the main body sent a message, saying that the two of you have made great contributions this time. We can make an exception and let you sleep with me!"

"Really?!" The two were overjoyed.

"It's absolutely true! The main body is also waiting to watch the show!" Yun Shi said with a smile.

"I see!"

The two immediately warmed up the bed for Yun Shi...

Yun Shi cast a lot of light curtains, and what was playing on them were scenes from all over the city.

I saw Dong Bingzi confessing to several elders of the Dongfeng Sect that he had become a disciple of the powerful Sanxian, bid farewell to the Dongfeng Realm completely, and sent all the Wind Clan teams back, and then he stayed.

This matter is naturally a big event in the Dongfeng Realm. It is a great loss to the Dongfeng Realm. But on the other hand, it also means a great honor for someone to become a disciple of the Sanxian Sect. Moreover, it is also a great honor for other people. It is also an opportunity for people. Maybe someone can achieve this goal in the future.

Therefore, the people in the Dongfeng Realm not only did not feel that it was a pity to lose Dong Bingzi, but they all celebrated happily and celebrated for a long time before bidding farewell to Dong Bingzi and setting off to return.

Dong Bingzi felt infinite emotion in her heart. After watching these people leave, she immediately hurried to the palace where Sima Kong lived.

"Sir, the slave is here!" Dong Bingzi said respectfully.

"Okay! Come quickly!" Sima Kong said with a smile, while chewing Dao Fruit and drinking Xingyun Wine.

Dong Bingzi hurriedly posted over and said, "Sir, these Taoist foods like Mr. Yun Shi are really delicious!"

"Not only is it delicious? Food like this is not something you can eat casually!" Sima Kong said.

"Really?!" Dong Bingzi was startled.

"Not bad! Do you regret it now? Didn't you join his disciples?" Sima Kong teased.

"! The little slave has already made an oath to the Lord, so naturally he will not switch to his sect again!" Dong Bingzi said quickly.


"It's absolutely true!" Dong Bingzi vowed.

"Okay! You finally didn't disappoint me! In fact, if you regret it, I won't blame you, because Xiaoyun is so charming that even I can't stand it, let alone you?!" Sima Kong sighed .

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