The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 903 Live Broadcast (3)

The three of them were quite excited and watched with relish. They saw that the Feng Clan's bathing ceremony was indeed very unique. It was not what ordinary people imagined, but there were procedures, steps, and etiquette that made the guests feel that they were particularly respected. He's a big shot.

The scene was extremely erotic and exciting, and of course it was a bit bloody. The three of them were stunned and envious, and their horizons were widened.

Sima Kongchi was naked, enjoying Dong Bingzi's extremely humble and submissive service. He felt extremely comfortable.

However, what he didn't expect was that he was now a part of this good show and was being secretly spied on...


Xiao Xiang watched intently and screamed repeatedly. He was so excited that he unconsciously hugged Li Yun tightly and slumped against him.

"Xiao Xiang, haven't you also given me a bath? I've never seen you so excited!" Li Yun teased.

"Sir, I'm serving you by giving you a bath. How can it be as exciting as peeping like this?! I wonder how your Majesty does this kind of live broadcast? Can you be more clear?" Xiao Xiang asked curiously.

"Adults have their own ways! However, the scope is also limited. Some places can do it, and some places can't."

"That's it! No wonder some of these pictures are not comprehensive and detailed enough. If it can be done, that would be great!" Xiao Xiang grinned.

"Haha, you have a beautiful idea! It is not easy to avoid Sima Kong's spiritual observation. If you want to see those detailed pictures, there will definitely be problems!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, they will definitely have the ritual of treating each other with their own bodies later. Can it be broadcast in more detail?"

"This...can't be done. Let nature take its course and try your luck!" Li Yun said.

Live broadcasting through the spiritual consciousness network naturally has certain restrictions. Those thunder demon ants are actually hidden deep underground, and they cannot move during the live broadcast. Otherwise, it is very easy to cause movement. With Sima Kong's divine consciousness, he might be able to If you find out, there will be trouble.

If it were not Sima Kong, but someone with a lower cultivation level, he would be able to live broadcast in detail, such as the good show that is about to be staged on the other side.

Xiaodong shouted from the side: "Sir, Qiu Shuozi and Chun Yuzi are about to start too!"

The two people quickly looked around, and sure enough, they saw that these two people were raising the level of the formation in the room.

Li Yun thought,

After adjusting the position of the Thunder Demon Ant, sure enough, the picture was much clearer, showing more details.

"Sir, they are all your little slaves now. When they come to the Universiade Palace, you can ask them to act for you!" Xiao Xiang said with saliva on his face.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Haha, it is definitely not as exciting as peeping like this! Now, they don't know that they are being peeped by us, and because they are worried about being discovered by Yun Shi or Xia Huizi, they still do it secretly, so their performance must be the same as It’s different to do it under my orders.”

"Haha, that's what the adults said! The little slave suddenly thought of a good idea..."

"What's a good idea?"

"Whenever the adults want to take a peek at the little slave, you can remind them first. The little slave must behave well and make the adults watch more enjoyable..."


"Haha! My little slave still has many tricks that I haven't shown to the adults yet!" Xiao Xiang said proudly.

"Haha, okay! However, what you said is too deliberate and does not conform to the principle of voyeurism. The so-called voyeurism must be when the other party is completely unaware." Li Yun said with a smile. .

Xiaodong agreed: "That's true! If the other party has noticed it, his behavior will definitely not be so natural..."

The three of them were talking and following the progress of the scene.

The steam in the shower room was steaming. Dong Bingzi's face was flushed, and the hair all over her body was wet and flowed into strands. While rubbing it hard against Sima Kong, she asked: "Sir, do you feel comfortable like this?"

Sima Kong sighed: "Xiao Bing is such a chick! It's not easy to serve me. I have the body of a loose immortal. Ordinary service doesn't feel like anything at all. You must know what excitement points are on my body and what techniques are needed. How much strength and how much spiritual energy must be injected into the massage can make me feel more comfortable. Of course, these are my secrets and I will not tell them easily. "

"I see! Please tell me, my lord, that I will try my best to serve you!" Dong Bingzi suddenly realized.

"Haha, how can I tell you so much at once? My body is comparable to a large mountain range. There are hundreds of thousands of large excitement points on my body, which requires countless techniques. Moreover, with your current cultivation Because, there are only a few that can arouse these excitement points, and these excitement points cannot make me feel much at all..."

"What? That's how it is?!" Dong Bingzi was dumbfounded.

"Of course! Do you think it's so easy to be a pet slave? If you don't have enough cultivation, you won't be able to become one!"

"What should I do now, little slave?" Dong Bingzi asked urgently.

"It doesn't matter, just serve me according to the customs of your Wind Clan. Of course, I will also tell you a few exciting points and massage techniques on my body. In fact, these massage techniques are a set of high-level skills. You Once you have completed your cultivation, you can naturally come and give me a massage."

"Really?!" Dong Bingzi said in surprise.

"Haha, I will teach it to you first. With your qualifications, you will be able to master it very quickly."

"Thank you, sir!" Dong Bingzi said sincerely.

Sima Kong popped up a ball of light and merged into Dong Bingzi's mind.

Dong Bingzi closed his eyes and sensed it for a while. Sure enough, he got something. A look of surprise appeared on his face and he said, "Sir, this set of exercises is very suitable for Xiaonu's wind spirit roots. It is extremely powerful!"

"Of course! Those Wind Clan skills of yours are just child's play, how can they be compared with my skills?" Sima Kong said proudly.

"Sir, that's what you said! With this set of skills, it's easy for Xiaonu to defeat other top wind masters!" Dong Bingzi said with great joy, feeling really impressed.

"Haha, what's this?! I have so many skills, I'm sure you won't be able to learn them all!"

"This... Sir, why don't you teach me a few more skills so that I can serve you better?"

"You?! Don't be too greedy. Although this set of exercises is simple, it will take some time for you to master it. Don't be greedy and learn too much. Haste makes waste!" Sima Kong snorted.

"Yes...yes, what you said makes sense! I will use this set of exercises to serve you first."

Dong Bingzi said, and started testing it on Sima Kong.

Sure enough, using this set of exercises to massage the corresponding excitement points on Sima Kong's body caused Sima Kong to react immediately, and he began to grunt, with an extremely comfortable look on his face.

"Haha, this is pretty much the same, there is progress!" Sima Kong praised.

"This is a good lesson from the adults! The little slave studies hard and naturally learns quickly!" Dong Bingzi said with a charming smile.

Unexpectedly, after serving Sima Kong, she would get a set of high-level skills, which made Dong Bingzi feel happy and happy.

Moreover, this is just a set of simple exercises. Sima Kong has many more waiting for him to learn. When Dong Bingzi thought of this, his heart was extremely hot, and he quickly started massaging with all his heart.

Sima Kong was radiant after being served by Dong Bingzi, his whole body was extremely refreshing, the fragrance was overflowing, and he was very happy. He praised: "Xiao Bing, it seems that you have great potential, I have to look at you differently!"

"Thank you, sir!" Dong Bingzi said happily.

"Okay! I can't wait to enjoy your highest-level reception, why not start now?" Sima Kong said enthusiastically.

"Sir..." Upon hearing this, Dong Bingzi's face suddenly turned red and her whole body trembled.

"Haha, are you still so shy?" Sima Kong laughed.

Dong Bingzi couldn't help but flinch a little when she came to the end, and muttered: "Sir, little slave... I can't transform now..."

"You?!" Sima Kong was startled.

"Sir... little slave..." When Dong Bingzi saw Sima Kong's expression, she secretly thought something bad and stopped talking.

Sima Kong thought in his mind, he could understand this situation. Dong Bingzi grew up in this lower world, and the distinction between male and female was very clear, and he was extremely disgusted with it. If he forcefully asked him to sleep with him now, I'm afraid he wouldn't be comfortable either. Where to go.

Moreover, the main reason is that the heavenly approval of Dong Bingzi's recognition of his master has not yet taken effect. If it had taken effect, Dong Bingzi would never shrink back when the end came, but would serve him with great joy.

However, this is only a matter of time, and there is no need to rush.

At this time, it was necessary to appease Dong Bingzi's frightened mood.

"Haha, you look so cute! Well, how about you wait until you can transform and then serve me?" Sima Kong said with a smile.

"Really?!" Dong Bingzi said in surprise.

"Of course! I will never force anyone to make things difficult for me. I will only accept it if you are willing to serve me wholeheartedly."

"This... Your Majesty won't blame the slave, right?" Dong Bingzi muttered.

"I won't blame you! I like how you are now. Otherwise, how about I transform and let you serve my female body?" Sima Konghu said.

"What?!" Dong Bingzi was stunned.

"What? Isn't it okay for you to give jade dew to me?"

"Yes...yes! My little slave...must do his serve the adult's female body..." Dong Bingzi said quickly with her heart beating wildly.

"Hmph, I'll open your eyes today, and you won't have any mental barriers to serving me in the future. However, it's not easy to transform an immortal body like me..." Sima Kong said.

"What should we do?!" Dong Bingzihu asked.

Sima Kong smiled and took out a jade box and said, "Fortunately, Xiao Yun gave me some sesame cakes as a gift earlier. They are really precious!"

"Shaobing?!" Dong Bingzi was stunned.

"This is not an ordinary sesame cake, but a Taoist delicacy with extremely powerful Taoist power. It is difficult to find in the entire spiritual world. A piece of such sesame cake will probably not be worth enough for your entire Qiu Feng Sect."


Dong Bingzi screamed, her mouth opened wide, and her saliva was almost drooling.

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