The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 936 Changes in the Netherworld

He estimated in his mind that if he entered the mountain directly, he would probably be frozen due to his cultivation, so he could only explore as much as he could from the outside.

With the flame gun in hand and his spiritual consciousness fully deployed, Zhang Ben advanced towards the center of the iceberg...

As soon as the goose feather snowflakes fell on him, they quickly melted and disappeared. This scene shocked the team members behind him!

However, Zhang Ben was complaining in his heart. Not long after he entered, he needed to use his fire spirit power to resist the severe cold. He was afraid that he would not be able to penetrate very far.

After turning around a small ice peak, he felt that it was even colder. Even the exploration range of his spiritual consciousness was greatly reduced. With his golden elixir spiritual consciousness, he could only see a radius of more than ten miles, and the scenery was still extremely blurry.

The consciousness was filled with snow and ice, and there were no clues to look at, which made Zhang Ben feel quite disappointed.

"Eh? Why is there a person walking in the snow? Wow!!!"

Zhang Ben suddenly screamed, feeling uneasy!

In his perception, there was a figure walking in the ice and snow about ten miles away. Moreover, this person was actually wearing only a pair of cow-nose shorts, his whole body was naked, and he looked leisurely and contented!

Taking a closer look, I saw that this person had a rather strange appearance. He was obviously different from the human race. He had thick beard and extremely thick body hair. There was a trace of heat coming from his body, and there were beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. The body hair on the body flows into strands...

"Oh my god! Who is this person?! He's not afraid of the cold at all?!" Zhang Ben was extremely shocked.

He sensed this person closely, trying to find out as many clues as possible. However, this person seemed to be aware that he was being watched, and looked slightly panicked. He quickened his pace and walked deeper into the iceberg.

Zhang Ben's consciousness monitored this person, and he quickened his pace to catch up. He had realized that there should be a certain connection between the appearance of this person and the sudden appearance of the iceberg, so he must not let this person Got away.

Judging from this person's cultivation level, he is just a cultivator with a very low level. As long as he is arrested, it is possible to find out the reason for the appearance of the iceberg.

He was a little excited and chased after him. Not long after, he caught up not far behind this person and shouted loudly: "Stop!!!"

This person was extremely panicked when he saw it. He couldn't stand still and ran away towards the mountains with all his strength!

Zhang Ben stretched out his hand and grabbed it,

The spiritual power formed a bundle and controlled this person from a distance. I was so happy that I immediately moved back!



He screamed, and the prey in his hands somehow escaped his control and disappeared instantly!


Zhang Ben roared and scanned his consciousness wildly, but found no trace of this person. He seemed to have flown out of thin air, leaving not even a breath behind.

He frantically searched around here for a long time, until he was about to freeze and had to withdraw. His whole body felt like he was about to collapse...

"Young Master, are you okay? Did you find anything?" someone in the team asked urgently.

"'s okay! There's not even a single person in this damn place, how can we find anything?!" Zhang Ben said vaguely, his livid face turning red.

"What should we do? It seems like the snow is getting heavier here!"

"Go back to the sect immediately and find a way to change the climate here, otherwise the iceberg will only get bigger and bigger!"

Zhang Ben looked at the sky full of goose feathers and heavy snow. His heart was beating wildly. He didn't dare to stay any longer. He led his team and quickly returned to the sect in a flying boat...

"They ran really fast!"

In the small space, Wu Xingzi's slave Yu Nan saw Zhang Ben and others leaving and laughed.

"Haha, Zhang Ben must be frightened. Whether he dares to come again is still a question." Wu Xingzi said with a smile.

After receiving the message from Li Yun, Wu Xingzi decided to come over to check it out in person, so he left Qingyuan Gate with his slave Yu Nan and came here all the way. He had already caught several weirdos, and just now he happened to see Zhang Ben grabbed the naked prey and snatched it away.

"Sir, these people are extremely weird. They are not afraid of the cold and are even sweating!" Yu Nan said in surprise.

"They are from the Nether Clan, so naturally they are not afraid of the cold. This kind of weather is too hot for them!" Wu Xingzi said with a smile.

"Oh? The Nether Clan?" Yu Nan was stunned.

"Yes, they are the Nether Clan who are very close to the way of heaven and take care of the reincarnation of life and souls."

"That's it! I didn't expect that the Nether Clan would look like this!" Yu Nan suddenly realized, feeling that today was an eye-opener.

"It's normal that you haven't seen it before, because they live deep underground and rarely come to the surface. I wonder why this Netherworld tribesman came here? Could it be that... the appearance of the iceberg is related to the Netherworld tribe?!"

Wu Xingzi pondered, feeling a little bad.

The Nether Tribe is so powerful that if they plan to move from underground to the surface, they will be a great threat to the life forms on the surface.

However, this situation is almost impossible, because they are accustomed to living in the underground world. Even if an iceberg climate is created on the ground, it will be extremely hot for them, making it impossible to live.

Unless something happened in the underground world that forced them to come to the surface.

Thinking of this, Wu Xingzi quickly searched the souls of these Nether Clan members carefully. After a while, his face couldn't help but become a little heavy.

"Sir, how are you doing?" Yu Nan asked.

"Sure enough, a change occurred in the Netherworld! These people were thrown out by the violent explosion caused by the change!" Wu Xingzi sighed.

"Mutation?! What kind of mutation can throw them out?"

"These people have low cultivation levels. They were all ignorant when they were thrown out. They had no idea what happened. Therefore, there is no information of great value in their memories."

"So that's it! I don't know why the changes in the Netherworld caused icebergs to appear on the ground. It's really strange!" Yu Nan said in surprise.

Wu Xingzi nodded and thought: "The reason why there are climate abnormalities, ice and snow disasters, and even the sudden appearance of icebergs is probably related to the overflow of a large amount of underworld water in the netherworld. These extremely cold things are, of course, Able to change the climate in the region.”

"Water from the underworld? Sir, this is a good treasure. There can't be too much of it, right?" Yu Nanqi said.

"What you don't know is that there is a large amount of underworld water in every Netherworld space, and huge lakes are formed. Therefore, this kind of rare treasure on the ground is very common for the Netherworld clan."


Yu Nan shouted, his eyes twinkling with stars, feeling a little uneasy.

Unexpectedly, water as precious as Huangquan can be so abundant that it can form lakes. This sounds really shocking!

Seeing Yu Nan's expression, Wu Xingzi secretly smiled in his heart. If he had seen the Yellow Spring Water Lake in Tianyun Space, he wouldn't have made such a fuss.

"Now it seems that if you want to know the truth of the matter, you have to go deep into the Netherworld space. However, the Netherworld Well passage should be blocked by icebergs. It will be difficult to go down to investigate..."

"Sir, what is the Nether Well Passage? If it really exists, just ask the slave to open it." Yu Nan said.

"This... is not that simple. Although you are a monk in the Yin and Yang realm, it is almost impossible to open the entire Nether Well passage. It is better to tell my body about this first and let him think of a solution!"

While Wu Xingzi explained the Netherworld Well to Yu Nan, he sent the information found here to Xiaoxing.

When Yu Nan learned what the Netherworld Well was about, he was immediately shocked and speechless. He didn't expect that this passage was so deep and might have been blocked by ice. I'm afraid it was a monk in the out-of-body realm. It's impossible to get through it, let alone a Yin-Yang monk like him.

"Sir, what should we do with the iceberg here? With such heavy snow, I'm afraid its expansion is far from over!" Yu Nan said.

"Well, the cold climate is caused by the splashed underworld water, and its icy essence has been transformed into icebergs. Therefore, there is currently no way. However, no matter how much underworld water there is in the netherworld, the splashed part will still be there. There is a limit, so when the iceberg expands to a certain extent, it should stop automatically..." Wuxingzi analyzed.

"What you said makes perfect sense! Then we can ignore it!" Yu Nan agreed.

"Haha, that's not to say. Now that we know that this iceberg is actually transformed by the water of the underworld, as long as we collect the ice from the iceberg, we can get the water from the underworld. Such waste is extremely precious!" Wu Xingzi laughed! road.

"Hey, it's really like this!" Yu Nan's eyes lit up.

"Start collecting immediately. I estimate that the lower layers of ice in the central area will contain more water from the underworld, so we will start digging deeper from there."

"No problem!" Yu Nan responded loudly.

The two immediately searched for the central area. According to the directions given by Xiaoxing's clone, they quickly found the location of Yinfeng Valley and started digging.

This place has actually been recorded by Xiaoxing for a long time, because the Star Luck Fleet led by Abei discovered the specific location of Daxia Nether Well here last time, but it never came to investigate further.

Sure enough, the icebergs here are extremely tall, and the condensed ice blocks form huge glaciers, which are majestic and extraordinary!

"Haha, great! I can smell the underworld water from these ices!" Wu Xingzi laughed.

"Is what the Lord said true?!" Yu Nanqi said.

"Of course, I am very familiar with the water of Huangquan. I can tell it when I smell it!" Wuxingzi said proudly.

"Okay, then the little slave will come and collect it!"

Yu Nan grabbed the spiritual power in his hand, ingested the huge ice cube, and moved it into the small space.

Wu Xingzi also took action at the same time, and his speed was not much slower.

After three days of busy work, a big hole was dug in the center of the iceberg mountain range. All the ice cubes were moved into the small space, and the rest were snowflakes, which were of little value.

"Huh? It seems that the temperature has increased a lot than before. What we did has suppressed the expansion speed of the iceberg..." Wu Xingzi looked around and said in surprise.

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