The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 958 Moving Home

"Haha, have you seen it? This is what happens to people who have transformed. The adults are full of praise for the effect of my transformation, and they want me to stay in bed for the next week!" Xiao Jing said with a proud smile.


Bingdou came over and touched it carefully. He was finally convinced that these ten pairs of catkins were genuine. He was almost stunned!

Unexpectedly, the transformation can be so magical, just like Xiao Jing now looks both male and female, full of charm!

How great would it be to be able to do this for myself?

"Don't be in a daze! Bring the medicine and wipe it for me. I have to learn to dance as soon as possible. You want to watch my performance tonight!" Xiao Jing said.

"Yes Yes!"

Bingdou suddenly realized it, and quickly took out the Ice Clan wound medicine and carefully examined Xiao Jing's leg injury.

After checking for a while, no wound was found, and he asked curiously: "Brother Jing, where is your wound?"

"My wound...where do you think it can be?" Xiao Jing asked, her face slightly red, and she felt shy.

Bing Dou rolled his eyes and suddenly understood, and said: "This... I understand! Brother Jing raised his legs... spread them... Wow, Brother Jing's whip is really amazing. It is at least ten times stronger than my brother's. I know that my little brother is already extremely powerful among the Ice Tribe..."

"This...what do I mean? You are a newcomer and have never seen an adult's whip. That is the real glory!" Xiao Jing snorted.

He was actually a little shy for some reason and quickly changed the topic.

"What?! The master's is more powerful than yours?!" Hyoto was shocked.

"Of course! At least ten times more..."

"Wow! can you bear it..." Hyoto screamed, his face turned blue.

"You?! You'll naturally be able to bear it after you transform! Don't just look at my whip, wipe the wound quickly!" Xiao Jing snorted, with a slight fever on his face.

He suddenly felt a little strange. If he had been inspected and praised by Bing Dou in the past, he would not have been shy at all. Instead, he would have been extremely proud. However, after his transformation last night, he seemed to be shy and blushing at every turn. It was simply It's like he's become a different person.

It seems that the transformation not only changed his body,

And even the character is somewhat subtle.

Bingdou was stunned and said quickly: "Yes... I'm not praising Brother Jing! I heard that the more outstanding the body, the better the transformation effect. I guess Brother Jing will be a great beauty after his transformation!"

"Haha! Of course! Your Excellency loves my female body so much that he has pampered me for several days!"

"How many days? Didn't you just say that you went to bed last night?" Bingdou asked curiously.

"This... it feels so long after all! Why haven't you applied any medicine yet?" Xiao Jing shouted.

"Brother Jing doesn't know something. The hair on the base of your legs is too long and dense. It's impossible to see where the wound is. I'm guessing, hey, there seems to be a faint bloodshot here, it should be here!"

Quickly squeeze out the ointment, carefully rub it on the bloodshot area of ​​Xiaojing's thigh, and massage it gently...

"Huh? Your ointment is really good!"

Xiaojing felt a coolness flowing directly into the injured area, and the pain was greatly relieved, and he couldn't help but praise it.

"That's right! Our ice tribe's holy medicine can cure this kind of trauma!" Bing Dou said confidently.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Jing returned to normal and could practice dancing.

"Wow! Brother Jing really deserves to have the body of a venerable person. He is much more powerful than my little brother! Coupled with this magical transformation effect, it's really..."

Bingdou looked at Xiao Jing's radiant body, which was like a delicate and beautiful spiritual flower. He was so envious that his mouth almost watered down.

"Haha, after you sleep with the adults, you will also have magical changes. Hurry up and teach me!" Xiao Jing said proudly.

"Yes Yes!"

Bingdou reacted and quickly started teaching dance...

Xiaoxing showed the ambiguous scene between the two people to Li Yun, which made Li Yun's face suddenly become hot. He didn't expect that Xiaojing would brag about his own glory to others, fearing that other Xiaojing who had been favored by him would The same goes for slaves.

"'s not like what Xiaojing's far worse than his..." Li Yun murmured.

"As little slaves, their admiration for adults has long been ingrained in their hearts. Once they brag, of course they will go to the extreme. Only in this way will they fit the image of adults in their minds!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Well, that's one thing. In addition, after they transformed, they were all in a daze, and their feelings were not too real."

"Hehe, even if they really feel it, they will say that!"

"That doesn't matter. Hey, I noticed that there seems to be something new in the palace?"

Li Yun observed the video with interest.

I saw that in the Universiade Palace, with the Mission Hall as the center, a small market began to slowly form. Business spaces such as Shandan Dance Hall were relatively remote, and some larger space stores had been formed in the center. Talisman shop, magic weapon shop, elixir shop, weapon refining shop, spiritual food shop, spiritual fruit shop, herbal medicine shop, spiritual flower shop, chess club, music club, calligraphy club, painting club, Feng Yue Zhai, Pinshi Pavilion...

Elderly people with skills have opened their own small shops one after another, one is to make friends, the other is to earn some pocket money, and the third is to relax...

"I didn't expect that a market would really appear here!" Li Yun said excitedly when he discovered the magical changes in the Universiade Palace.

"Sir, this place has been developing for many years. If it weren't for the constant lack of people, maybe it would be bigger and more lively!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Yes, there are only about one-third of the total slaves here. If they all come, it will be lively!" Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, although this wish is good, it is impossible. They all dispersed to do tasks. At most, they will not gather together until the Universiade Palace feast that takes place every ten years."

"Yes, that's true. Even if we go to the spirit world in the future, there will still be some people left to continue to control the lower world."

"So, sir, you should try your best to accept as many slaves as possible. Not only will this place be more lively, but you also don't have to worry about no one helping you control this world." Xiaoxing said.

"That...makes sense! Haven't we told Yun Qi and the others to let go now? It will definitely be more lively here." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Exactly. Judging from the feedback information, more and more humans are joining the Universiade Palace, close to 500 people! The total number is close to 9,000 people."

"Nine thousand people?!!!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Sir, nine thousand people are not many! It is not enough to be a fraction of the Immortal Palace in the spiritual world. The scale of the Universiade Palace in the future must far exceed those of the Immortal Palace in the spiritual world and become the largest force!!!" Xiaoxing Loudly.

"You...are not too ambitious!"

"Hehe, with my lord's charm, even if you don't want to accept it, someone will come in with a sharp head and you can't stop it! My lord doesn't know something. Now even people like Ming Kongzi, Tu Zhenzi, and Cai Zhenzi are pestering you every day. I want to take Wu Xingzi as my slave..."

"What?! How could they... suddenly think of this?" Li Yunqi said.

"Aren't you two big talkers, Xiao Bing and Xiao Yi? When they went to Qingyuanmen to hand over the Immortal Server and Soul Army, they showed off their bodies to them. As a result, Ming Kongzi and others suddenly realized that the benefits had gone to these two people. He was taken away, so I pestered Wu Xingzi desperately."

Xiaoxing opened a light curtain, which was the residence of Wu Xingzi of Qingyuan Sect. At this time, Ming Kongzi, Tu Zhenzi and Cai Zhenzi were surrounding Wu Xingzi, complimenting and serving...


Li Yun screamed, feeling a little bad.

These people are all elders in his mind, which was his inherent understanding when he entered the world of cultivation. However, now these people are disrespectful and want to climb into his bed to play with transformation. This is terrible What to do?

"Hee hee, sir, it's no wonder they have it. Originally, they were supposed to get the moon first, but now Xiao Bing and Xiao Yi get it first. How can they bear this?!" Xiao Xing said happily.

" could I let the three of them sleep next to me? It's so awkward!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Sir, you can let them eat the sesame seeds first! Then they will be fine as three girls," Xiaoxing said.

"Swallowing sesame cakes? It's okay for Ming Kongzi. Tu Zhenzi is the Yuan Ying, and Cai Zhenzi is the golden elixir. I'm afraid he can't stand the power of the sesame cakes, right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"That should be the case! Then half, or a smaller half."

"Well, that's fine, or let's use them as experiments." Li Yun muttered.

"Sir, if you want to do an experiment, you have to pick them up. Otherwise, if there is an accident, you will be in trouble."

"Okay, then let Xiao Bing bring him over next time he comes over."

"No problem. However, we may have to move!" Xiaoxing said.

"Move home? Why?"

"The little slave studied the book of life and death and the fortune-telling pen of Li Zhen, the master of Da'an Netherworld Palace, and found that they cannot be integrated with the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation here. After analysis, we know the reason."

"what reason?"

"Although the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation is a whole, each part is relatively independent. Li Zhen's life and death book and fortune-telling pen must be near Da'an Netherworld Mansion in order to integrate with the local Zhoutian Netherworld Formation. We After connecting to that node, you can use the Zhoutian Netherworld Array to observe the situation in the underground space world!" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! It seems that we must move to the upper boundary leaf of Da'an Cultivation Zone." Li Yun agreed.

"Not bad! Why don't we move here now."

"I need to talk to Xiao Shun and leave another clone to receive those loose immortals."

Li Yun quickly notified Xiao Shun with his spiritual consciousness. When he heard that the adults were leaving, Xiao Shun hurriedly came to say goodbye.

"Sir, I will go with you, little slave!" Xiao Shun said.

"Let's go together? Will it have any impact on your place?"

"No! Fengling Realm is actually not that far away from the Human Realm. With Xiaonu's ability, he can completely sense the situation of the Realm Tree itself. Even if there is a problem, he can arrive in a very short time."


"Oh, sir, Xiaonu is a mid-stage Loose Immortal. His abilities as a Loose Immortal are not completely clear to you right now. Look at Xiaohou, he is much further away from his main body than here, so there is no problem at all."

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