The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 963 War Abduction

"Really?! That little slave immediately informed Xiao Jing to sleep with him tonight!" Xiao Xiang said in surprise.

"Okay! By the way, after you notify him, call me again when you come back here." Li Yun ordered.

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiaoxiang excitedly went to inform Xiaojing, which surprised him greatly. He soon returned to Lei Cha Corner and called for the adults.

"Sir, do you have any other orders?"

"Well... Xiaoxiang, I suddenly want to see you perform..."

"Oh? What do you want to see Xiaonu perform?" Xiao Xiang said happily after hearing this.

"Well, you can perform whatever you want, even if you want to vent for adults..." Li Yun reminded.

"Really?!" Xiao Xiang was stunned.

"Not bad! I'm waiting to see! Let's perform quickly!"

"Yes...yes! Xiaonu will perform immediately. Adults, please keep your eyes open to watch!" Xiaoxiang said excitedly.

Immediately use the secret method of the dragon clan to present a wonderful performance for the adults...

"Wow!" Li Yun exclaimed, dumbfounded.

"Haha, sir, are you satisfied with it?" Xiao Xiangmei smiled, a little out of breath, almost empty.

"Okay...okay! I had a great time watching it today. I'll reward you with a sesame seed cake!" Li Yun thought and gave a sesame seed cake to Xiao Xiang.

Xiao Xiang's eyes lit up and he said with saliva, "Thank you, sir!!!"

"Let's do this for now. I'll see you next time if I want to see it."

"Yes! I'm waiting for you at any time, little slave!"

Li Yun withdrew his consciousness and laughed happily. Let Xiao Xiang perform this time, which relieved a lot of the dragon ketone pressure in his body. It is estimated that he will not be able to do the same thing as Xiao Tu in the short term.

"Sir, it seems that this trick is very effective. You can use it from time to time in the future." Xiaoxing said happily.

"Haha, not bad, but you still have to change your tricks to avoid being spotted by him."

"That makes sense!" Xiaoxing praised.

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and then their attention quickly focused on the battle taking place in the underground space world.

It is conceivable that this war is breaking out in many places, and the situation on both sides is unpredictable. However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the underworld beasts have taken the initiative. With their ability to explode the underworld space, I am afraid that their combat power is extremely high. Immeasurably strong.

However, according to Xiao Ban, the underworld beasts were most likely able to do this by seizing the weaknesses of the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation and attacking them.

"Xiao Xing, if the underworld beast took advantage of the weakness of the formation to do it, what kind of weakness would it be?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation is all over this world, from underground to heaven, everywhere. However, the important part is still in the underground space. If the formation is regarded as a big tree, then the underground part is like its The root system, and the netherworld space is like the roots on the root system, some are small and some are large. They not only absorb nutrients from the surroundings, but also provide nutrients to the big tree, maintaining the endless growth of the big array."

"Hey, your metaphor is very appropriate!" Li Yun praised.

"Hehe, this is the latest research result of Xiaonu. The Nether Space is both the strength and the weakness of the great formation. Now, the wilderness beast uses the method of exploding the Nether Space to attack the Nether Tribe. Cutting off these roots essentially destroys the tree."

"This...if their purpose is to destroy this big tree, the final impact will definitely be on the entire soul reincarnation process in this world. What good will this do to the wilderness beast?"

"Sir, destroying this big tree will not only affect the reincarnation of souls, but also the large number of original soul seals collected and collected by the Netherworld tribe. Perhaps this is the main purpose of the Wilderness Beast."

"Original soul seal?" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

He immediately thought of the densely packed and endless bottles containing original soul seals he saw in Da'an's Netherworld space. These soul marks were formed when various life forms were born here, but they were collected by the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation. This makes all life forms not full-soul life forms.

"Yes. It is very likely that the Wilderness Nether Beast is trying to seize these primitive soul seals and turn itself into a full-soul Nether Beast, thereby escaping the fate of being controlled by the Nether Clan."

"Oh? Could it be that the Nether Clan uses the original soul seal to control the Nether Beast?"

"Yes! Judging from the information obtained by Xiao Ban, the original soul mark collected by the Nether Clan from the Nether Beast is different from other life forms."

"What is the difference?"

"What the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation collects from other life forms is the auxiliary soul of the original soul seal, which is one of the two spare souls. Without this auxiliary soul, the growth of the life form will not be affected. The collected auxiliary soul The soul is protected by heaven, and the Nether Clan cannot control this life form through this secondary soul. Only when this life form needs it to complete the soul and reshape the body, will it ask for the Nether Clan. Of course, The Nether Clan cannot fully control this secondary soul because it is still monitored by Heaven. Sometimes, Heaven does not allow this person to obtain the whole soul, and the Nether Clan has no choice."

"What about the pair of underworld beasts?"

"In order to control and enslave the underworld beasts, the Nether Clan not only collects the secondary souls from some of the underworld beasts, but also actually collects one and two souls from their main souls!"

"One soul and two souls? Dizzy..." Li Yun's face changed slightly after hearing this.

"Yes. The main souls of life forms are three souls and seven souls. The three souls are the heaven soul, the earth soul and the life soul. The seven souls are the sky soul, the spiritual soul, the spirit soul, the strength soul, the central soul, the essence soul and the heroic soul. Netherworld What the clan collects is their Heavenly Soul, Tianchong Soul and Linghui Soul."

"Wow!" Li Yun exclaimed, a little uneasy.

"The heavenly soul is the yang, the wheel of return to heaven. Once taken away, these underworld beasts will be cut off from the road to return to heaven. They cannot go to the spiritual world or the fairy world, and can only stay in the underground of this world forever. And Tianchong Po masters thought, Linghui The wisdom of the Soul Lord belongs to the Heavenly Soul. After being collected, these Nether Beasts lost their thoughts and wisdom and turned into zombies, thus being controlled and enslaved by the Nether Clan." Xiaoxing said.

"So that's it. The Nether Clan's methods are quite ruthless. No wonder the wilderness beasts have to take such extreme measures to attack." Li Yun sighed.

"Sir, did their method also harm these underworld beasts that had lost their heavenly souls and heavenly souls?" Xiaoxing asked curiously.

"This...maybe the Hell Beast clan has too deep grudges and is desperate for revenge!" Li Yun hesitated.

Li Yun also felt a little incomprehensible about the extremely terrifying revenge method of the wilderness beast.

"Sir, you must know that the wilderness beasts are not controlled by the Nether Clan's method of seizing one soul and two souls. However, those controlled beasts have lost their thoughts and wisdom and have become zombies. After so many years, it can be said that they are not the same as the wilderness beasts. There is almost no big relationship between the beasts, is it worth them launching such a war?" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, that makes sense! Judging from their behavior of destroying even the controlled beasts, the wild beasts have another purpose in launching this war!" Li Yun nodded.

Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that the Wild Nether Beast took extreme measures to destroy the Nether Space in order to rescue the controlled Nether Beast. One of its purposes is to obtain its own original soul seal and become a full soul Nether Beast. Beast, completely freed from the control of the Nether Clan.

However, based on Li Yun and Xiaoxing's understanding, Tiandao's collection and protection of a secondary soul of a life form will not affect the normal growth of the life form. In other words, the wilderness beast will not be affected, so they and Netherworld There could have been peace between the clans.

From this perspective, there must be unknown reasons for the outbreak of this war.

"It seems that we have to wait for Xiao Ban to receive the information before analyzing it. In addition, we need to rescue those unconscious weapon spirits as soon as possible and let them go to various Netherworld mansions to collect information." Li Yun said.

"Don't worry, sir! The slave is rescuing them. I think they will be ready tomorrow."

"Okay! Is there any information from other slaves who are checking?"

"Yu Nan has also obtained the book of life and death and the fortune-telling pen from Daxia Nether Palace. There are also newly discovered icebergs in other places, and a mission is being issued in the palace for people to check. In addition, since we have moved our nest, we came to hand it over. There should be quite a few of Jianbing and his captive slaves on the way!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! It seems we have to wait patiently!"


Li Yun looked at the many light screens created by Xiaoxing. What was playing on them was the iceberg phenomenon that was constantly appearing in various places. He was both shocked and curious.

Due to the limitations of this world's abilities, no matter how powerful the wilderness beasts are, they cannot exert a combat power that exceeds the peak of god transformation. However, they can destroy the powerful nether space. This has to be said to be a miracle!

In Xiaokong's estimation, in such a space, even a powerful person from the spiritual world would be able to blow it up unless he was above the king level.

So, how does the wild beast do this?

Li Yun couldn't help but think deeply about this.

If you want to blow up Da'an Nether Palace, what method should you use?

He immediately popped up the original structural diagram of Da'an Nether Palace and looked for clues from it.

The light screen showed the whole picture of Da'an Netherworld Mansion and its position in the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation. The light and shadow flickered and were quite vivid.

Based on his understanding of Da'an Netherworld Mansion, it is a basically sealed space. In addition to information, there is only one entrance and one exit for material communication with the Zhoutian Netherworld Formation. In addition, there is a Netherworld Well as a soul channel.

The transmission array using a large array is not limited by space, because items are transmitted through space channels, and the dimensions are different from the three-dimensional space we usually see.

The heaven and earth in the Nether Space are quite vast and form a cycle of their own. The Nether Clan can live in it and be self-sufficient. Even if the entrance and exit are sealed, they can still live happily.

Its protective power is of course extremely strong, and can even be said to be super strong. Therefore, the possibility of the underworld beast trying to explode the underworld space through external attacks is almost zero.

From this point of view, the explosion must have occurred internally. Judging from Xiao Xian's narrative, Da'an Nether Palace suddenly exploded from within and was quickly destroyed!

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