The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 981 Journey to the Underworld (14)

After a few days, as the competition progressed, some people began to stand out.

Li Xiaotian, Xing Yan, Lou Phan, Niu Jiao, Qing Quan, Xia Shan, Tian Rou, Diao Gu... These powerful players are indeed extraordinary. Their points are far ahead of others, and the competition between them is becoming increasingly fierce.

However, there were many questions that they failed to answer, which was quite surprising. Unexpectedly, the questions asked by the Nether Clan were really powerful. No wonder they were selected by the incarnation of Heaven to become the messengers in charge of soul reincarnation.

These unanswered questions are extremely difficult. If any of these experts can answer them, their points will definitely stand out among them.

For example, one of the questions asked you to first watch a video of a female swordsman dancing with a sword. After dancing dazzlingly for a long time, you asked how many moves there are in this set of swordsmanship?

These people were immediately confused. It turned out that this question tested vision and memory. However, they did not expect it when they first read it. It is difficult to recall it again. It can be seen that the person who asked the question is extremely cunning...

In addition, there was a topic that aroused everyone's interest. The content was: "One day, a little dark eagle was finally able to lay an egg! When she looked at the first egg she laid, she suddenly thought, what should I do first? Is there an underworld eagle? Or is there an underworld eagle egg first? Can you answer the question? What is the reason?"

When they saw this title, everyone couldn't help laughing, and they all laughed so hard!

The atmosphere was extremely warm!

Even Li Yun and others in Xingyun No. 2 were laughing from ear to ear.

"Haha! Which came first, the dragon egg? Or the dragon?" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"What do you think?!" Xiaodong said with a smile.

" can I explain it clearly? I'm afraid no one can explain this question clearly, right?" Xiao Xiangle said.

Xiaoshun and Xiaojing also shook their heads, and they all looked at Li Yun...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Haha, don't count on me. Even the person who asked the question doesn't know the answer to this question! But..."

"But what?" Xiao Xiang asked urgently.

"I think there was the Underworld Eagle first, and then there was the Underworld Eagle Egg. The same goes for the Dragon Clan."



"Sir, please tell me!!!"

Several people urged him impatiently.

"This... I've done a lot of research on this, and I can prove it. But, it's too troublesome to talk about..." Li Yun declined.

"Sir, if there is no Dark Eagle egg, then where did the Dark Eagle come from? It can't be born out of thin air, right?" Xiao Jing asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Several people agreed.

"Okay, let me briefly explain that there are many forms of life forms reproducing offspring, such as egg-laying, viviparous, division, and combination. I can even draw life and give life to puppets... So, The choice of the underworld eagle to reproduce by laying eggs is just one of the ways of reproduction. If she did not lay eggs, then maybe she would use other methods to reproduce now. In this sense, the underworld eagle eggs must have been created after the underworld eagle was born. Some are the result of natural selection by her ancestors over generations to adapt to changes in the surrounding environment..."

Li Yun gave a brief explanation. Of course, this is not very rigorous, but I believe it can basically explain it clearly.

"This..." After hearing this, several people felt dizzy and fell into deep thought.

Li Yun ignored them and continued to watch these questions. One of the analysis and inference questions caught his attention.

What it talks about is that many years ago, there were many pieces of land in the original space world of the underworld. However, after a big land collision, one of the pieces of land disappeared. Where did it go?

The thrilling scenes of the changes at that time were broadcast on the light screen. In fact, they were reproduced based on the data and were not completely consistent with the actual situation. However, in the end, they formed the prototype of the current underworld space world. This world is also It has been developing since then to what it is now.

"A piece of land is missing?!"

Li Yun was shocked and quickly thought of the Yunmeng ruins, because those ruins were created by a piece of land falling from the spiritual world.

However, the land that disappeared from the underworld seems smaller than the Yunmeng ruins, but its scale is also extremely impressive. Where will it go?

He quickly observed the video carefully and found that this piece of land was originally located in the middle of several huge continents, but during this change, the surrounding huge continents were squeezed into the middle, forming a large area of ​​towering mountainous areas. But the land in the middle magically disappeared!

"Xiaoxing, have we been to that high mountain area?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"Sir, I have been there! I have already burned all the information!"

"Okay! I didn't expect that there was a piece of land in that high mountain area? Then where did this piece of land go?" Li Yunqi asked.

It is impossible for such a large piece of land to be included in the space treasure, except of course Tianyun World. However, with the current abilities of Tianyun and Li Yun, it is not possible to include an entire piece of land!

If he could do this, I'm afraid Li Yun would have become an immortal long ago, and a very high-level immortal at that.

So, is it really the immortal who took it away?

What value does it have, worthy of an immortal?

If it wasn't taken away by the immortal, then where did it go? Why did it disappear?

Countless questions suddenly appeared in Li Yun's mind, and his thoughts were spinning.

Looking at the various answers from the contestants, there are so many different answers, and some of them are quite imaginative. For example, this piece of land turned into a mountain, or this piece of land turned into rubble in the collision of continents, or this piece of land was hit by a collision. After being broken into pieces, it became a part of each continent...

These answers can more or less get some points, but they are not accurate answers, because this is a question without an answer, it is just to test the players' analysis and inference ability.

"Sir, these answers are all wrong!" Xiaoxing said.

"Are you sure?!"

"That's right! The formation of the high mountainous area was due to the collision of continents, which bulged upward from the depths and formed orogeny at the edges. The land in the middle was relatively independent. It was squeezed by the force before the collision. It disappeared due to force, so the most likely possibility is that the piece of land went upwards!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Upward? How much force is needed to cause such a displacement of such a piece of land? Let alone upwards?" Li Yun asked in shock.

"Sir, in fact, the distinction between upper and lower is just the self-feeling of the life forms in this world when they are pulled by power. However, the observers are in different dimensions and see different results. If we look at this lower world from the depths of the universe, , it can be said that there is no distinction between up and down at all, and it can be any side that is above. Therefore, the underworld can also be said to be above the ground world!"

"Huh? What you said makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

Different dimensions will lead to different results, there is no doubt about it!

After being reminded by Xiaoxing, Li Yun felt that his mind was opened, and his understanding of the matter was greatly improved!

"So, after receiving the huge force generated by the compression of several continents, the middle piece of land fell down... Of course, the land is so huge, its movement cannot be as fast as ordinary things, but extremely slow , no matter how slow it is, it continues unstoppably! So, where will it be after so many years?" Li Yun's face couldn't help but change slightly when he thought of this.

"Sir, in fact, there is a huge traction force in the middle, and that is the spiritual world. We know that the One Hundred and Eight Realms are below the spiritual world. With the size of the spiritual world, it can exert a traction force on these lower realms. Therefore, when the continent is squeezed and guided by the traction force of the spiritual world, it will naturally move upward. As long as we can calculate the two forces, the weight of the continent, and this period of time Based on the length and interface resistance, we can basically estimate the distance it is traveling and thus determine its position!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! After understanding this truth, this question actually becomes a calculation question. However, the various vectors are very complex and huge, and the amount of calculation is too terrible, right?!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Hehe, this amount of calculation is naturally an astronomical figure for them, but if Xiaonu does the calculation, it can be calculated quickly!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Okay! Then do the math and see where this piece of land is now?" Li Yunxi said.

"no problem!"

Xiaoxing quickly began to crack this problem based on the information obtained from this investigation in the underworld and the information provided by the Holy Master...

The game continued, and Xiaoxiang and others also woke up from their meditation.

There seems to be still some confusion about the relationship between the Nether Eagle egg and the Nether Eagle just now.

"Sir, do you mean that our dragon clan came first, and then the dragon eggs?" Xiaodong asked suspiciously.

"Well, that should be the case." Li Yun nodded.

"Where did the Dragon Clan come from?"

"Well... this universe is so magical. Maybe it evolved from other races. For example, the underworld snake evolved from a kind of underworld snake. It may also have gradually evolved from some life forms that appeared in the chaos. , such as real beasts, they actually evolved from the real blood that appeared in the chaotic period. If you want to find out clearly and clearly, you can only go back to the past and take a look..."

"What?! Going back to the past? Is this really possible?!" several people exclaimed, all shocked.

They didn't expect that this test question could actually involve such a big proposition!

"Well, I'm just saying that the best way to determine this matter is to go back in time and take a look. Of course, to do this, you must understand a great way!"

"What avenue?!"

"The way of time! Only by understanding this way can it be possible to go up the long river of time and see how this chaotic world evolved..."

As Li Yun spoke, a look of fascination appeared on his face involuntarily.

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