The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 987 Xiaoxing’s method

Xiaoxing continued: "In addition, the birth of the New World will greatly change the circulation of ocean currents and the circulation of the atmosphere. The climate of the entire surface world will fall into chaos. Not only the four sea areas and the world of cultivation will suffer, I am afraid that all mortal empires will also No harvest, countless people died!"

"It's over, it's over!!!" Li Yun's face changed drastically and he murmured.

"Sir, what's over?!!!" Xiao Shun and others asked in shock.

Li Yun reacted and quickly told everyone Xiaoxing's analysis. They were all stunned and trembling all over!

The horror of this new continent is simply unimaginable. It is comparable to the lethality of a huge meteorite slamming from the starry sky to the ground, because both will not only cause direct disasters, but will also trigger terrible climate catastrophes in the subsequent time. , under the chain reaction, countless life forms will perish as a result!

In Li Yun's impression, there have been many catastrophes in the past universe where meteorites suddenly attacked the planet. The losses caused each time were immeasurable. In addition to the death of a large number of life forms, the disaster caused by The chain reaction of severe weather can last for hundreds of years, and there is basically nothing human beings can do about it.

It can be said that the emergence of this new continent has affected the entire world and brought an ultimate disaster to the entire surface world! ! !

In such a huge disaster, even a World Tree Loose Immortal like Xiao Shun may suffer great harm. This is undoubtedly a doom for him.

"Sir, what should I do?" Xiao Shun asked anxiously.

Maintaining interface security is the basic responsibility of the Jieshu clan. Now that such a catastrophic disaster has occurred, the Jieshu clan will definitely not be able to sit idly by.

"Don't worry, there is always a way!" Li Yun muttered.

For Li Yun, this lower realm is his mother realm and a must-protect interface. In any case, he will not let such a catastrophic disaster appear here.

However, the situation he was facing now was indeed too difficult and seemed to be far beyond his ability to control, which gave him a headache for a moment.

"Sir, why don't you summon all the slaves from the Universiade Palace and all the World Tree Loose Immortals in this world to take action together to prevent this continent from rising up!" Xiao Shun thought.

"Is this...possible?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"It's very possible! According to Xiaonu, there are so many immortals, venerables, commander-level, general-level and powerful gods.

The gathered strength is no small matter, and it is entirely possible to offset this rising force! "Xiao Shun said.

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable, but let's not mention that these people are now scattered in the spirit world and the lower world, and it is difficult to gather them. With such a large formation and momentum, the strength of our Universiade Palace must be exposed. This is not a good thing for us!" Li Yun muttered.

"This...that's what the adults said!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

If Xiao Shun's suggestion is followed, the secret of the Universiade Palace will definitely not be kept. This will not only affect the normal operation of various places now, but also greatly affect future development. In the long run, the gains will definitely outweigh the losses!

However, Xiao Shun's suggestion also reminded Li Yun that the strength he now has at hand is extraordinary, and he is not completely helpless against this catastrophe.

"Sir, it would be great if that immortal could take action!" Xiao Mo suddenly said.

"Eh? Immortal?!"

Li Yun's eyes lit up and he immediately thought of Xiao Kong and the immortal who was refining elixirs in the Thunder Dragon Realm!

I felt relieved and took a long breath. With Xiao Kong here, the problem was no longer a problem. This was absolutely certain.

As for the immortal from the Thunder Dragon Realm, firstly, I don’t know him, secondly, I don’t know his strength, and thirdly, if I ask him to take action, I’m afraid there will be a huge price to pay.

"Immortal?!" Xiao Shun and others were startled and looked at Xiao Mo suspiciously.

Xiao Mo immediately told them about the last immortal appearance in the Thunder Dragon Realm, and they listened with great interest.

"Sir, doesn't that immortal want to get seeds from you and purchase star wine? Why not ask him to take action once, maybe this problem will be solved!" Xiao Mo said.

"Inappropriate! My original intention was that I didn't want him to find me, so I asked you to come alone. If I asked him to take action, he would definitely come to explore my secrets, and the trouble would be big." Li Yun explained.

"That's it!" Several people suddenly realized.

"Don't worry, we can definitely solve the problems in the New World. It's just a matter of which method to use. Let's take a look first and then talk about it," Li Yun said.

Xingyun No. 2 accelerated toward the sea, and Li Yun and Xiaoxing communicated quickly...

"Sir, Xiaonu has thought of a way that can not only solve the problems in the New World, but also bring unexpected gains!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Really?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Hehe, of course! Didn't you think of Xiao Kong just now?"

"That's right. If Xiaokong takes action, he can definitely stop the rise of the New World, but it may cost a lot of his immortal power!" Li Yun sighed.

"Sir, the method Xiaonu came up with does not need to consume his immortal power, but can actually increase his immortal power."

"Say it quickly!"

"The New World is now close to the crust of the seafloor, and it is expected to emerge soon. However, it will take three years to occupy the entire seafloor edge. During these three years, you can stay there and use the Ruyi Konglong Sword every day. Cut off the material in the emerging part of the continent and collect it into Tianyun!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Wow!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"It is still impossible for Tianyun or Xiaokong to move this continent now. Therefore, only by using this method of breaking it into parts can we eat all of this continent! In this way, Tianyun is expected to upgrade again. The fairy energy in time and space will definitely increase greatly, and it is impossible for Xiao Kong and Master’s fairy power not to increase!”

"It makes sense!!!" Li Yun praised.

Xiaoxing’s method can be said to be extremely perfect and achieves multiple goals with one stone!

In fact, if you think about it more carefully, you can find that Li Yun has spent the past three years manipulating the Ruyi Konglong Sword on the sea floor to cut the continent and collect fragments. The growth rate of his spiritual power will be extremely terrifying.

Moreover, he can do this without leaving Tianyun. It is not only convenient and fast, but also extremely secretive. He does not have to worry about being seen too much, which is also very critical.

After all, he is still in the stage of accumulating strength, so it would be much better if he could not be discovered.

"That's it! We must make sure this scourge is eliminated without even realizing it!" Li Yun said with great joy.

With this solution, Li Yun suddenly felt relaxed. Seeing that several of the slaves were a little unhappy, he couldn't help but wonder: "Why do you all look so sad?"

Xiaodong said: "Sir, if you are in a bad mood, naturally we will not be happy either!"

Several people nodded frequently in agreement.

"That's it! Haha, don't worry, I have already thought of a good way to turn waste into treasure. In a few years, I will treat this new continent as waste!" Li Yun said proudly.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Xiao Dong said in shock.

"Sir, this continent is extremely huge, how can there be space treasures that can take it away?!" Xiao Jing said suspiciously.

Xiao Shun was shocked: "Sir, even if there is such a space treasure, it is impossible for anyone to take in the entire continent!"

"That's right!" Xiao Mo said loudly from the side.

"Okay, only you few know about the New World. Don't tell anyone. I believe it will be solved by then. However, our future base will be temporarily moved to the bottom of the sea." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes! Sir!" Everyone responded solemnly.

"Haha, Xiao Mo, sir, I have already pampered a few of them just now. Now that I am happy, why not pamper you again..." Li Yun said with a smile on his face.

"Sir?! You..." Xiao Mo was shocked when he heard this, and his face turned blood red.

"It's okay, they will pretend not to see..."

Li Yun quickly transformed Xiao Mo into Xiao Mo Mo and enjoyed Long Zun's high-quality soft juice...

Xiaoshun and the others watched with smiles, and now they are becoming more and more accustomed to the adults' behavior. This is what they really want in their hearts!

Where the Ocean Realm and the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Beasts meet, countless terrifying holes have opened in the earth's crust. Part of the seawater poured in, while more magma spewed out, igniting raging fires!


"Boom, boom, boom!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble!!!”

There was a deafening roar from the ground, and the erupted magma continued to accumulate around it, slowly growing, and gradually it began to resemble a group of undersea volcanoes...

The teams sent by the four sea areas to inspect looked at the terrifying fires ignited everywhere, felt the shaky ground, and felt as if the end of the world was coming, with a look of horror on their faces!

Countless talismans were sent out crazily in all directions, heading towards their respective sea areas...

Many nearby underwater buildings have completely collapsed, and those that have not collapsed are also crumbling. The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and collapse is bound to happen sooner or later.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!!!"

Everyone screamed and stepped back one after another. Some had already turned around and fled, not daring to stay here for a moment. Who knows if a volcano would erupt from under their feet in the next moment? !

It didn't take long for the place to be deserted. The only people left watching were some ordinary little monsters who had not yet transformed on the seabed. They also stayed away from these fire dragons and did not dare to stay.

"Swipe!", the top of the seabed moved slightly, but Xingyun No. 2 was staying here invisibly.

Li Yun had already seen the actions of each demon clan team, and a smile appeared on his face.

I started cruising around the volcanic and seismic zone. I saw that this circle of volcanoes was already extremely large, and the cracks in the crust were expanding. It was obvious that the crust below was about to rise in an all-round way!

"It's really scary!" Xiao Shun and others exclaimed.

"Okay, you all go to the palace, I will handle it here!"

Li Yun said, moving them and Xingyun No. 2 inside.

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