The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 99 Qingyuanfang City (3)

Li Yun served Ren Yuxuan wine, raised his glass and said, "Thank you for taking care of me, senior brother! Cheers!"

Ren Yu smiled and raised his glasses, and the two of them drank it down.


After drinking a glass of wine, Li Yun's face changed slightly, and his appetite suddenly turned sour. He didn't expect that this kind of "boring" wine sounded so good, but it tasted really unflattering. Compared with his own Xingyun Wine, it was like heaven or earth.

"Haha, junior brother, did you drink it? This wine is already considered good here, slightly better than 'Burning Knife' and 'Five Steps Pour'. If I hadn't drank the 'Xingyun Wine' invited by junior brother last time, I would still be very happy. I like drinking it." Ren Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Yun's face.

"Senior brother, is this wine really good?!" Li Yun frowned, calmed his appetite, and couldn't help but ask.

"Really! I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I'm afraid of comparison. Since I drank your Xingyun Wine last time, I still find it difficult to drink this 'sip of boredom' now. It's miserable!" Ren Yu said with a bitter face.

Li Yun was about to take out the Xingyun Wine, but suddenly he thought that this wine was too mellow and fragrant. Once he took it out, he was afraid that his table would become the focus of everyone's attention, so he stopped and said, "Senior brother, I didn't expect that the Xianmen The wine is actually not as good as the wine in the mortal world, but it’s a pity that I don’t have any wine anymore, otherwise I would treat you to a full drink today!”

"Hehe, that wine of yours is the best in the world. Naturally, there can't be too much in stock! One day I can take another sip and I will be satisfied!" Ren Yu said with a smile.

Just as he was talking, a voice suddenly came from the side, "What kind of bullshit 'Star Luck Wine' is? It actually tastes better than my 'sip of boredom'?!"

Li Yun was startled and looked up, but he was a young monk. He was very handsome and slender. He was wearing a yellow robe with pieces of maple leaves embroidered on it. He was shaking a folding fan with a look on his face. But extremely unkind.

When Ren Yu looked at this person, he secretly shouted, "It's broken!"

He quickly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "It turns out to be Senior Brother Xu Feng, leader of the Maple Leaf Gang. I'm here at Wuyou Peak, Ren Yu. I just had a casual chat with my junior brother, senior brother, don't worry!"

"Ren Yu? Huh, never heard of it! You Wuyou Peak is unknown in my Qingyuan sect, what kind of world have you seen? You actually dare to belittle the products of my Maple Leaf Gang in public. You simply don't take us seriously. Here!" Xu Feng said angrily.

"Brother Xu, calm down and let me challenge him and teach him a lesson!"

A person next to him interrupted, but it was a young monk in the same clothes. He was rougher and had a rather strong build. He was Ye Bo, the deputy leader of the Maple Leaf Gang.

"Okay! Brother Ye, help me fix him!" Xu Feng snorted coldly.

Ye Bo took a step forward and said: "Ren Yu, if you dare to speak, you must dare to act. I now officially challenge you. Let's go to the challenge platform and have a fight!"

The situation developed so fast that Li Yun didn't expect that before he said a few words, the two sides had reached a point where they could not fight without fighting. Even at this time, he still didn't understand what the challenge meant.

Seeing Ren Yu's face turned red and his expression dazed, he quickly said: "Gang Leader Xu, Senior Brother Ye, please tell me if you have something to say. Senior Brother Ren just whispered a few words to me, and he didn't mean to deliberately disparage your products. Moreover, he also He told me that what he likes to drink the most is your kind of wine, 'One Sip', and he is a loyal customer of yours. Everyone still values ​​peace and there is no need to fight."

"Hmph, you, a little Qi refiner, have no business talking here. My challenge has been issued. If he doesn't accept it, he will automatically transfer 10,000 points to my waist card. Otherwise, he will wait to be punished by the sect. Come on!" Ye Bo sneered.

Li Yun was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the challenge had such a rule, and was speechless for a moment.

Ren Yu looked at Xu Feng and Ye Bo, his whole body trembling with excitement, and suddenly said: "Brother Xu, Brother Ye, I did make an unintentional mistake just now. There is no need to challenge. I will voluntarily transfer 10,000 points to Ye Brother."

"Okay, feel free!" Ye Bo snorted coldly,

Throw your belt to Ren Yu.

Ren Yu took it, took out his waist card, flicked his hand, drew 10,000 points from it onto Ye Bo's waist card, and threw it over.

"You're wise! Remember, you can only drink the Maple Leaf Gang's 'one mouthful' in the future. Don't let me see you drinking other brands of wine, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!" Ye Bo said loudly.

Ren Yu's face turned red and he murmured: "Yes, yes! In fact, I always drink "one sip"! No other wine can enter my mouth."


Xu Feng shouted loudly, put away his folding fan, and left with Ye Bo and several other Maple Leaf Gang members.

"You!" Li Yun stared at the backs of these people, his eyes were red, his fists were clenched, and his fingernails pricked blood marks on his palms. He moved slightly and wanted to catch up and fight.

"Junior brother, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Li Yun seemed to be about to rush out, Ren Yu quickly grabbed him, "Junior brother, calm down, sit down, and eat!"

Li Yun had no appetite at this time, so he picked up the bottle of "One Mouth" and threw it to the ground with a "bang", and the debris flew everywhere.

"Junior brother, be patient, be patient!" Ren Yu sighed.

"Brother, how can this damn Maple Leaf Gang be so rampant in Fang City?!" Li Yunxun said angrily.

"Well, the Maple Leaf Gang is very powerful. The gang leader Xu Feng is from Wu Danfeng, and the deputy gang leader Ye Bo is from Wu Fufeng. The two of them jointly founded the Maple Leaf Gang. With the support of Wu Danfeng and Wu Fufeng's uncles, they They operate many products and are quite powerful in Qingyuanfang City, and no one can afford to offend them," Ren Yu said.

"Why is this kind of gang still allowed to exist in the Qingyuan Sect?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Junior brother, I don't know. Qingyuan Sect pursues a free competition strategy. As long as you don't do anything that harms the sect, the sect will basically not restrict your behavior. Moreover, as the biggest beneficiary, the sect also operates The largest businesses in the Qingyuan Sect, such as the Trading Hall, Points Exchange Hall, Treasure Appraisal Hall, etc., are all run by the sect representative Wu Caifeng. The other peaks have their own businesses. You can run them yourself or find someone to The sect will only encourage people to operate on behalf of others, but will not restrict it. Therefore, it is natural to form some gangs, and competition between gangs is also allowed by the sect. Of course, if fighting is involved, the sect’s challenges must be followed According to the regulations, go to the challenge platform to solve it." Ren Yu explained.

Li Yun's imagination was widened when he heard this, and he pondered for a moment before saying, "So, if you didn't accept the challenge just now and didn't allocate points to him, would you have violated the sect's regulations?"

"That's right! These two are both generals of the Qingyuan team. I know that I am not as strong as me, so I will be beaten in vain if I accept the challenge. It is better to pay for it. If I don't pay for it, the sect will punish me, and I will only be in worse misery! Monks of the same level can challenge, but the same person can only challenge once within the same level, and the other party must accept it unconditionally. If he knows he is defeated, he can pay money to solve the problem," Ren Yu said.

Li Yun could only be speechless for such a bizarre regulation.

However, for Ren Yu, he secretly admired him. He was able to not be impulsive in this situation, recognize the situation clearly, and make the best choice. He indeed had an excellent character.

At this time, he had calmed down. After finishing the hot pot with Ren Yu, he paid the bill and the two left the "Routou Hot Pot" restaurant. However, at this time, they had no intention of visiting the market anymore.

"Junior brother, let me take you back to our Wuyou Peak." Ren Yu said.


Ren Yu waved his hand, and a flying sword suddenly appeared, pulling Li Yun up and flying away into the distance.

"Junior brother, you can only fly at low altitude inside the door. There is a formation lock at high altitude. You have to remember it!" Ren Yu said while flying.

"I see."

"Yes, so we often walk inside the gate. However, this place is far away from Wuyou Peak, so it is better to fly."

Li Yun can fly on his own, but with Ren Yu taking him, it is naturally difficult to show off.

The two of them struck a sword and gradually disappeared into the distant sky.

To the north of Qingyuan Gate, a majestic mountain peak reaches into the sky, with clouds and mist lingering on the top all year round.

On the top of the mountain, a majestic hall stood there with the inscription "Qingyuan Hall".

This is the sect hall of Qingyuan Sect, which controls the lifeline of the entire sect now and in the future.

At this time, there were dozens of people sitting in the main hall, some with serious expressions, while others were very indifferent. Looking carefully, Wuyouzi was also sitting among them, but he was sitting at the end.

There are three seats at the top, the middle is empty, and a monk sits on each side, one male and one female.

Among them, the male monk is wearing a green shirt and has a slightly withered face. He is Mu Zhenzi, one of the three ancestors of the Qingyuan Sect. The female monk is wearing a blue robe, has a pure face and is quite pretty. She is another The famous Jindan Patriarch Bizhenzi was the one who went to meet Yunzhou at Wuyou Peak.

"Junior Sister Bi, what do you think of what Wuqin said?" Mu Zhenzi asked.

"Senior Brother Mu, judging from what he said, the people who attacked my Qiulong Mountain Fairy Garden seemed to be the work of rogue cultivators, but if you think about it carefully, it's not the case." Bizhenzi responded.

"Oh?! Why do Junior Sister Bi think so?"

"The clothes and weapons of these people look like casual cultivators, but their actions are very organized, their advance and retreat are orderly, and they appear to be well-trained. It is difficult for ordinary casual cultivators to achieve this level. Therefore, I think these people are at least It should belong to a certain organization." Bizhenzi thought.

"This... junior sister is right. It seems that someone must have secretly planned this operation. Could it be that... the attacks on bases that have been happening over the years are all carried out in a planned manner..."

"I'm afraid that's true. I have a very bad feeling..." Bizhenzi pondered.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the main hall, and a man appeared in the middle of the first seat.

This man has a rough face, calm and intimidating. He is dressed in a yellow robe, with a yellow beard under his chin, and a red dragon pattern embroidered on the robe. He looks extremely majestic. He is the leader of the Qingyuan Sect, Tu Zhenzi.

"See the leader!" Everyone in the hall quickly stood up and saluted.

"No courtesy!" Tuzhenzi waved for everyone to sit down.

"What Junior Sister Bi just said is very reasonable. It seems that in recent years, various bases have suffered from poor harvests and even suffered attacks. It is not accidental!" Tuzhenzi's face was a little grim.

"Master, since anyone dares to offend our Qingyuan Sect, we must severely punish them. Otherwise, our status in the Daxia cultivation world will be challenged!" Muzhenzi said angrily.

Tuzhenzi nodded slightly and remained silent.

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