The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1306: Gu! Gu! Gu!

The teaching ancestors worked together to mobilize the innate Lingbao, constantly sensing the source of the rebellion, defeating the void, and the incomparable mana penetrated the earth veins, and instantly pursued the place where the chaos originated.

The teaching ancestors were short of breath at this time. They had clearly discovered the whereabouts of the black and yellow qi, and they were about to completely fix the place where the black and yellow qi was located, but at the critical moment, they were disturbed by the heavens, the law of turbulence, and they lost the sense of the black and yellow qi. , Can the ancestors not be angry? .

What is Xuanhuang Qi? .

Xuanhuang Qi is the key to Proving Dao, and Xuanhuang Qi is the necessary stepping stone for Immortal Dao. The more Xuanhuang Qi obtained by the human race, the more advantages will be gained in the future, and it will gradually gain the upper hand. Reverse the current decline and defeat the wildness.

In the wild, the demon gods looked ugly, as if water was dripping, and the rabbit gods handed the carrots up to the sky and waved: "No matter who it is, dare to make trouble, and affect my wild demon gods to find opportunities for great controversy. This matter is endless. We must teach him a lesson and let him know how good we are."

"Let’s take action together, I have to give this guy a great taste. According to the speculation of this seat, the only humans and dragons who dare to calculate are my reckless races. These two races are not good things. Let’s teach him a lesson." Fox God Mingmei His big eyes are full of anger. Anyone who has found traces of Xuanhuang Qi, but is disturbed by others, will not be in a good mood. The duck flying to his mouth can make people crazy.

In the Four Seas Dragon Clan, the dragon monarchs sat there with gloomy faces, the five dragon **** gleamed, and the energy flow was unstable.

"Brother, I was disrupted and locked up" Beihai Dragon King's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Except for the wild animals, they are the despicable and shameless villains of the Human Race. No matter who it is, we must give each other a ruthless one and ask him to pay the price. Showing weakness, people think that I can be deceived from all over the world." Nanhai Dragon King looked impatient.

"Okay, then listen to the virtuous brothers, and teach each other a lesson, whether it is human or reckless, before the race war is clear, I dare not turn my face with the Four Seas Dragons." Donghai Longjun's eyes were murderous. The five dragons urged the magic weapon together, and killed them towards the source of the turbulence.

In the place where the three races meet, Yu Duxiu, transformed by the ice monster, uses the magical power to reverse the Yin and Yang, and senses the three unparalleled powers that destroy the world and destroy the earth. It instantly locks the dungeon and bombards this place. Yu Duxiu suddenly His complexion changed, under such terrifying power, not to mention the jade Duxiu transformed by the ice monster, even if the ancestors and demon gods came here, they could only turn into powder.

Seeing that monstrous calamity, Yu Duxiu's black lotus spins around her eyebrows, constantly absorbing the power of calamity, the next moment her body suddenly jumps away, travels through the void, and leaves here.


The earth is turned upside down, the world is shaking, the law of heaven and earth is turbulent at this time, the earth is cracked, the earth in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles is turned into powder, and countless sentient beings are instantly scattered.


"not good".


Three exclaims, when the three unparalleled powers collided together, all the supreme powerhouses of the Human Race, Recklessness, and Dragon Race throbbed in their hearts, and a bad taste rose in their hearts.

"Hurry up and stop, the guillotine is here again" Tai Yi Jiaozu exclaimed, and the nine supreme ancestors, Tian Lingbao, united and instantly penetrated the void and turned, covering the nine people impermeably.


Nine innate spirit treasures jointly defended, but saw that guillotine cut from the void in an instant, mana turbulence between heaven and earth, and an unmatched will follow.


The universe shook, and the innate spirit treasures of the ancestors issued a ‘Zi’ after being attacked by a powerful force, and the defensive mask shrank suddenly.

I saw that the guillotine instantly cut off the power of the destiny of the outermost Taiyi Jiaozu, and then penetrated the endless galaxy made by the magic weapon of Taidou Jiaozu, cut through a spear made by the Taishi Jiazuzu, and tore the Taiyuan. A magical bead of the ancestor cut away the white cloth in the hands of the ancestor of Taisu, traversing the protection of the magical weapons, and finally stopped in front of the mountains and rivers that the ancestor of the Taihuang taught, blocked by the ancient vicissitudes of mountains and rivers, and turned into a little bit Jin Guangbeng scattered in the air.

After one shot fell, there was no merit, the guillotine flew out again, and Tai Yi taught the ancestors: "This time it is towards the wildness".

I saw the roar and roar shaking the heavens and the earth in the wild, countless supreme real bodies pierced through the galaxy, arranged according to a certain pattern, and they actually had a taste of formation. The guillotine, under the union of the demon gods, once again Return without success.

"This time it's the Four Seas, the Sihai Dragon Race is over." A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the Taishi Jiaozu: "If the Sihai Dragon King was hit hard and lost assistance in reckless desperation, we may not be able to defend the middle area."

"Brother, hold on quickly."

At this time, the five dragons urged the dragon ball to the extreme, as if it were five little suns, and the entire East China Sea instantly boiled.

"Hurry up and help Sihai Longjun to block the attack, otherwise the future attack on the human race will inevitably lead to changes in vain." The Fox God looked at the guillotine returning without success, and immediately roared, his voice changed in an instant, all the demon gods In an instant, they all jumped into the void and came to the East China Sea, and together with the five Dragon Lords, they blocked the third attack of the guillotine.


After the guillotine penetrated the tiger god's defense, it was exhausted after all, and collapsed instantly, reorganizing his figure on the Conferred God altar and staying still.

At this time, all the supreme powerhouses had time to wipe their sweat. Tai Yi taught the ancestors to see sweat on his forehead, and his back was instantly soaked. His voice was slightly hoarse and said: "It's too horrible, it's really horrible, no wonder Tai Yuan actually Can't stop that guillotine blow".

"Mother, we must master such treasures. If we can master this platform of punishment, what is there to be fearful of the impertinence and the four-sea dragon king" Taiyuan Jiaozu sat there with no image, breathing heavily.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the dragon monarchs and the demon gods stood in place, and no one spoke. At this time, they quietly realized the joy of the rest of their lives.

After a while, Donghai Longjun stood up and solemnly bowed to the demon gods: "Thank you for your help."

"It's too dangerous. I didn't expect this guillotine to be so powerful. If there are no fellow daoists to help me today, my five brothers will inevitably follow in the footsteps of the Taiyuan." Nanhai Dragon King subconsciously wiped his forehead.

"Human race, it must be the old guys of the human race, wanting to hit us hard and gain the upper hand in the future race wars. We will never finish this matter." Tiger God's eyes rose with anger. The demons are different from the human races. The guillotine cut the body only slightly damaged the origin, but the monster is different. The body of the monster is fused with the real body. If the body is really beheaded, the real body must be cut together. But then it will be severely hit.

At this time, the demon gods were feeling lingering, their eyes turned toward the human race, and their anger rose.

As if sensing the anger of the demon gods, Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a wry smile: "Don't look at this thing, you dare to swear, it really wasn't my human race. Didn't you see that I was almost beheaded?".

"Who knows if you killed a thousand enemies and harmed yourself eight hundred. You wanted to defile yourself, so you were attacked together with me." The Fox God looked at all the ancestors, waiting to see the surprise in the eyes of the ancestors. After Rong, there was some uncertainty in his heart, not knowing if it was made by the human race.

"Fox God, you have to speak with conscience. If my human race did it, why bother to make a direct collision with the dragon family. After the guillotine comes down, we will help the human race to blast your defenses. Isn't it the best of both worlds" Taiping ancestor's sweat all over his body evaporated instantly.

As soon as this statement came out, all the demon gods and dragon kings all looked suspicious, a pair of eyes looked towards the billions of miles of the earth, and that billions of miles of void was turned into powder by all the supreme powers. , All Qi machines are shattered, it is impossible to find clues.

Ignoring the teaching ancestors, the demon gods and Dragon Lord all raised their heads to look at the penalty platform that seemed to be separated by time and space.

"Good baby, good baby, such a horrible treasure must not be obtained by the human race. It should belong to my monster race. These idiots, human race, these treasures can not be controlled by themselves. It is really a laugh." The Fox God looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

, Welcome friends to pay attention to the book’s WeChat public account "Ninth Mandate", Sina Weibo "Drunk Lying Bai Yujing", Mameda. (To be continued.)

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