The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Crazy

When Yu Duxiu looked at the round and dazzling, the eternal and immortal King Kongzhuo completely transformed, Yu Duxiu smiled, smiling very happily.

The formation of Vajra is naturally a vision, but this vision is hidden in the vision of the Immortal Medicine. Everyone can't tell the difference between the immortal vision of the Vajra and the vision of the Immortal Medicine. .

At this time, the undead substance of the Immortal Medicine had no effect on the diamonds. The diamonds were completely formed, and the diamonds drilled out of the acupoints when Yu Duxiu thought, and it was placed on Yu Duxiu’s wrists, as if It is an ordinary small steel ring jewelry.

King Kong, ordinary and permanent.

The divine light in Yu Duxiu's eyes was flowing, and a pair of eyes looked at the void, the divine light in both eyes flickered, and the countless pills in her own acupuncture point were seen inwardly. At this time, the Seven Star Sword was also formed, and the Seven Star Sword had made great progress. Affected by the diamond-cut material, coupled with the catalysis of the undead medicine and the undead material, this seven-star sword has undergone an unspeakable change at this time, and Yu Duxiu does not know exactly what happened to the seven-star sword. Metamorphosis, but Yu Duxiu knew that the Seven Star Sword had exceeded its limit, unlocking all its powers.

"How to escape the siege?" Looking at the strict monks who surrounded him in all directions, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed a gleam, and she kept thinking.

In the face of so many powerhouses, even if Yu Duxiu really turned on Long Aotian mode, he would instantly be turned into ashes and scum.

"How to escape" Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered.

"Yes" Yu Duxiu suddenly moved her eyes, and the innate hibiscus tree in her eyes moved silently. At this time, the rebellious aura in Yu Duxiu's body was dazzling, covering the sight of the ancestors, and waiting for the ancestors to react. The Nine Ranks Golden Pill has undergone a final transformation. A majestic force fell from the void, plundered by the undead medicine in Yu Duxiu's body, and then Yu Duxiu felt that her pill furnace was going to be in an instant. It exploded, without the slightest hesitation, Yu Duxiu urged the innate hibiscus tree to shuttle meridian and instantly immobilized countless pill. I saw that countless pill medicines seemed to be small fruits, hung by the branches of the innate hibiscus tree. live.

"Compressing the pill furnace in the body, and then exploding in an instant, with the help of this majestic rebellion to change the world, to shape the power of longevity, blast through the encirclement, kill out, and create a way of life." Yu Duxiu's eyes became clear, too overwhelmed with love and truth. In operation, Yu Duxiu had already attained a deep level of the Taishang Wangqing Fa-rectification. At this time, he fit the world, and all his emotions were chopped off in an instant, and chopped to the past.

Looking at all the supreme and quasi-superior, monks from the realm of good fortune, and looking at the longing faces, the eyes are filled with eagerness, Yu Duxiu's eyes Divine light in the middle: "It's a pity, this undead medicine can't be given to you."

"This kid Miaoxiu is amazing. Now he is reversing the overall situation and breaking the road from his death. With Miaoxiu's talent, he can easily accumulate countless backgrounds and obtain boundless luck. In one fell swoop, he is detached and proves the way of immortality." Tai Huang Jiaozu sighed, even if the ancestors were not happy at this time, they had to admire Miaoxiu's talent, which was more evil than the ancestors.

"If you want to live, you must live Miaoxiu. I would rather give up those magical medicine for immortality, but also live Miaoxiu." Tai Yi taught the ancestor's words seriously. If the magical medicine for immortality is gone, it can be refined. If Miaoxiu is gone, , The method of refining the elixir of immortality among the heavens will be lost.

How to choose the supreme powerhouses knows that there will always be a day to eat the pill, and if you get Miaoxiu's method of refining the elixir of immortality, the rise of the human race is only in the present. Whatever recklessness and the world are all scum Scum.

"Miaoxiu, you must live, no matter how great the price you pay, it is worth it, for my reckless generations, for my reckless life and death" The light of wisdom flashed in the eyes of the fox god, and there is no longer the past. That kind of charming and coquettish, some are just cold, when facing the life and death of the race, everyone dare not be the slightest negligence.

"Hey" Taiping Jiaozu sighed for a long time.

"Hey" Taishi Jiaozu also sighed.

The Taiping ancestor sighed and needless to say. If the Taiping ancestors had not had so much suspicion in the early years, Yu Duxiu would not be distracted. Now all the elixir of immortality is under the control of Taipingdao, and the method of refining the elixir of eternal life , Also in the hands of Taiping Dao, think about dozens of immortal strong men who have become immortals alive. The situation of the worlds in the future will be within a single thought. The eyes of the Taiping ancestors showed a bit of bitterness, even though the Taiping ancestors later Exhausted all means trying to get Yu Duxiu back, but Yu Duxiu did not appreciate it, and even because of the previous deity, the two had contradictions again.

As for the sigh of the Taishijiaozu, it was naturally because he gave up halfway through. He supported Yu Duxiu in the front, and later split up for various reasons. The Taishijiazuzu’s heart would naturally not be too comfortable. Otherwise, as Yu Duxiu’s ally, he can always be divided. A pill of immortality.

"The eyes of the sky are really as vicious as always. Before that, who could see the value of Miaoxiu. This time I bet on the right way. Even for Miaoxiu's offending all the strong men, it is worth it. Miaoxiu It’s worth the price,” Tai Su taught himself secretly.

"Big brother, is our choice of Sihai wrong, this kid is too enchanting, this son is not dead, I am in trouble everywhere" Nanhai Longjun cried and looked at Donghai Longjun.

"You also said, this kid is immortal, I am in big trouble in the world, and later I will try my best to **** the undead medicine and kill Miaoxiu" Donghai Longjun's voice was extremely cold.

In a certain corner, he looked at Yu Duxiu with a grin and said, "This kid is against the sky. He is really against the sky. I didn't expect my ancestors to think this kid was extraordinary, but I didn't expect to be so perverted and alive. Under the oppression of the teaching ancestors, he broke out a great way to the sky. In the future, it is not a problem to call the ancestors respect. Another spiritual system among the heavens is about to rise."

Looking at Yu Duxiu from the sky, his eyes were full of shock, so shocked that it was beyond words, and he could only stare blankly.

"Be sure to ask this kid for a pill of immortality to taste." He licked his mouth in the sky.


Just as everyone had different minds, thinking about countless interest entanglements, at this time a shocking energy in Yu Duxiu suddenly gushed out, sweeping thousands of miles, all the ancestors, monsters, and dragons are quasi-powerful. They all turned into powder in an instant, the blood mist was flying all over the sky, the majestic aura waved across the mountains, and the earth shattered.

When the storm ceased, the supreme powerhouses returned to their flesh and blood, and scanned the surrounding world, where there was the shadow of Yu Duxiu.

"Where's Miaoxiu? Where's Miaoxiu?" Taiyi taught the ancestor's pupils to tighten, and yelled gaffey.

"Quickly use magical powers to search for the traces of Miaoxiu, you must grab the elixir of death" Taihuang Jiaozu roared to the sky.

"This is my reckless Your human races are so presumptuous" Tiger God roared.

"Go away, Miaoxiu is a monk of my human race, and naturally belongs to my human race" Taihuang Jiaozu smashed a mountain and river towards the tiger god.

"You're looking for death, even dare to do it in my reckless wilderness." At this time, the tiger **** was angry and the supreme real body was running. The tiger **** looked up to the sky and roared, but the next moment saw the tiger god's body surging with a huge claw. Rising to the sky, came towards the extermination of Taihuang Jiaozu.

"Don't fight anymore, it's important to find Miaoxiu. You must know that there is still a hidden force behind the scenes. We must not be put on the top." Tai Yi Jiao Zu hated iron and steel and screamed at Tai Huang Jiao Zu and Tiger God. .

After hearing the words of the two, the Tiger God and Taihuang Jiaozu's movements were stagnant, and they converged their supernatural powers. They ran towards the wilderness with a cold hum, swept across the wild land with overwhelming energy, constantly searching for Yu Duxiu's. trace.

"Hmph, wanting to find me, it's a idiot dreaming" Yu Duxiu hummed coldly, her body sinking in the ground veins, her body's energy converging to its extreme, and the rotation of good fortune, Yu Duxiu turned into a strand at this time. The energy of the earth veins gradually drifted along with the earth veins. No wonder the supreme powers could not find him. To be continued.


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