The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: The eye in punishment

Looking at the cloud of punishment in the sky, Chaotian cried out with a bit of sorrow: "Damn, to absorb the vitality of sentient beings is not my ancestor's original intention, but the law of heaven and earth proved by this seat. Whatever matter to me, It must be the unlucky ghost, it must be the fault of the unlucky ghost's aura. It's really hateful. If there is a penalty, when this seat absorbs the vitality of sentient beings, it should be present immediately, not now, after this seat has absorbed the vitality of the unlucky ghost It’s really unlucky to just appear."

The face turned into a bitter melon face, a pair of eyes looked at the figure in the clouds, and then weepingly said: "Brother, we were friends before you were alive. Can this punishment be lighter, ancestor, my innate Lingbao just now? Formation, can not withstand the toss of God."

Think about that Explosive Ape Demon God, how awesome, daring to fight against Heavenly Punishment, what is the result? God knows that this servant is hiding in that corner and licking his wounds. Didn't you see the shadow of this servant in the world of great controversy? .

If it was in the ancient times, the laws of heaven and earth had not yet further sequenced and evolved, Chaotian would never put the punishment of heaven in its eyes, but after Yu Duxiu continued to toss in the dark, the punishment of heaven has evolved to an extremely abnormal point. Wanzai's Innate Supreme Real Body can be injured, not to mention Chaotian, the newly formed innate spiritual treasure.

"Quack, make your kid arrogant, make you proud, tell you to try the methods of my ancestors, so that you dare to take my ancestors my vitality. I won't give you a taste of it. I don’t know how many eyes the Lord Ma has. Hey, who is Lord Ma?” The jade ancestor nestled in the underground hole with a wretched smile in his eyes.

"Why is Miaoxiu?" At this time, countless powerful people in the heavens are silent, looking at the cloud layer that continuously accumulates energy, the power of the laws in the cloud layer is vertical and horizontal, even the supreme powerful people feel frightened. The **** of punishment suspended in the endless time and space is gradually moving, from the endless time and space slowly drifting towards the real world, suspended under the clouds, the punishment blade flashes with golden light.

"Since Miaoxiu's birth, the power of punishment between heaven and earth has suddenly skyrocketed, and the power of laws between heaven and earth has been reorganized and sequenced, and the strength is unparalleled. Even when the supreme powerhouses face punishment, they have to retreat. Keep humble, maybe this punishment was made by Miaoxiu, or just by cultivating a few treasures, how could Miaoxiu be admired by the luck of heaven and earth, and get 1% of the luck of the world, even the law? The form of the manifestation simulation is all Miaoxiu." After a long time, Tai Yi taught the ancestors to say his guess.

As soon as this statement came out, all the supreme powerhouses were shocked, and the stormy waves were rolled up. Even if this incident was almost unbelievable and impossible, all the supreme powerhouses knew that it was really true. There are so few possibilities.

"Yes, Miao Xiu is in charge of the Innate God Thunder. This is unprecedented since the beginning of the world. Maybe this punishment has something to do with Miao Xiu." A wise light flashed in the eyes of the Fox God.

"Oh" Taiping ancestor suddenly sighed, and a remorse filled his chest. If Miaoxiu hadn't died, and so many things hadn't happened at the beginning, Miaoxiu would definitely prove the truth in this great battle.

"I'll withstand this punishment for you. Your Innate Lingbao has just taken shape, and you absolutely can't resist the power of punishment. Under this punishment, the innate Lingbao will be broken, and it may fall." Tai Su taught ancestor step forward. Blocked in front of Chaotian.

"No, hiding behind a woman is my demeanor. What's more, the power of punishment on this day is so powerful that you may not be able to stop it. It may even cause a certain kind of change, and it will be more troublesome then." Frowning in the sky, pushing away Tai Su Jiaozu, a pair of eyes stared at the endless clouds in the void and the figure.

It seemed to feel the sight of the sky, the figure's gaze slowly shifted, and he glanced at the scene. The thunderclouds between the sky and the earth were rolling and brewing, and a simple spear slowly appeared. This spear was simple and simple, with only one rune, but But it was the only one of the 129,600 innate runes in the Yuan Dynasty, and the supreme **** pattern derived from it, the power can be imagined, and it almost represents the power that exceeds the Dacheng Innate God Thunder.

Seeing that the spear was about to fall, the white jade steps at the foot of the sky were shining brightly and rose to the sky. At this time, the figure of the sky seemed to be infinitely high, and it was actually equal to the sky and the punishment.

"It's so amazing, so amazing, the law of the sky is the law of the sky, the law that the sky has proved is the law of the sky, you are the sky, and all beings worship." The supreme and quasi-superior among the heavens saw this scene After that, he took a breath.

"The Law of Chaotianque has merits in the heavens and the earth, reducing the life span of sentient beings, and conforms to the evolution of the heavens and the earth, and the penalty should be reduced."

Seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant, the spear of punishment was completely formed, and when it was about to fall, the figure that the law simulated evolved suddenly had a little agility in his eyes, and seemed to have feelings for a moment, and he said such a thing.

After the words fell, the sky full of thunder and lightning disappeared without a trace, and the endless visions gradually dissipated. Watching the simulated Yu Duxiu gradually turned into aura and dispersed, Chaotian suddenly froze there, I don’t know why, At the moment of dispersing, the sky seemed to find that'Jade Duxiu' blinked at himself, revealing a trace of playfulness in his eyes.

Even with an upturned mind, I couldn't help but wipe my eyes at this time, and swallowed dryly: "Straight thief, it's really evil, I can't be wrong."

"Reduce the life of sentient beings?".

Listening to the mighty will, countless monks and ordinary people raised their heads and looked at the white jade steps.

Using the power of the supreme powers to communicate with the laws of heaven and earth in an instant, it is natural to see that the lifespan of countless beings in the dark, the lifespan of the wild and wild races has been reduced in an instant, even the lifespan of a monk It was also reduced, from 1% to 10%, depending on the situation, and made different reductions.

"Mother, I have offended people, hated by all the monks and vulgars in the world, this trouble is no less than the punishment of the heavens." Seeing the eyes cast by the endless sentient beings in the heavens, shuddered from the sky, and immediately disappeared. He cursed secretly in his heart for the vision of heaven and earth, because Chaotian discovered that the lifespan of those quasi immortals had been cut by his own laws.

"This time it is offensive. I opposed you at the beginning to prove this kind of law. You went lopsidedly, but you didn't listen." Tai Su Jiaozu looked at the sky with complaining.

"This,,,, this,,,, I don't know that this situation will happen" smiled bitterly.

It is such a huge cause and effect to reduce the life span of sentient beings. If it weren't for the fact that the sky had already proven the way of immortality and condensed the supreme innate spirit treasure, I am afraid that this endless cause and effect would have been dragged into the cycle long ago.

"Quack, go up to the sky, congratulations, I didn't expect you to prove the Dao so quickly." The Gorefiend rose into the sky from the wild, looking at the sky sourly.

If you don't get acquainted with each other, Chaotian and the Gorefiend are secretly calculated, and they are suppressed together under the innate yin and yang divine jade for millions of years. The friendship is deep, and it can be regarded as deadly friendship.

" You are also coming soon, but you can rest assured, since this certificate is a celestial being, naturally no one is allowed to bully you, don’t worry, I will support your certificate and be celestial." Starting from Xiantian Lingbao, he patted the blood demon on the shoulder domineeringly.

The sky is worthy of the sky, the existence of the ancient Hengtui Jiaozu, such overbearing words, the heavens dare to speak in the sky.

"Cut, this seat still uses you to cover it, you wait, it won't take long, this seat also has to prove to immortal Dao," Blood Demon Sorrow said.

"Hey, the waters of the heavens are too deep. Before you can go to Immortal Dao without a certificate, please stay with this seat. If you work with Tai Su, you can finally protect the immortal Dao with your certificate." The upward smile disappeared, and his face was full of sincerity. Tao.

The blood demon moved his lips when he heard the words, and then sighed with emotion: "It's a pity, you are too late to preach, and Miaoxiu is gone."

"Hmph, don't worry. Although Miaoxiu is dead, the hatred is still there. This seat will avenge him." Chaotian suddenly thought of the strange pair of eyes in the previous punishment, and an inexplicable chill flowed in his heart. Out: "Miaoxiu is too mysterious, too evil, even more evil than my ancestors, it's really scary."


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