The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1385: Yin Shan Devil, underworld plot

"Quack, I didn't expect, after all these years, I finally found you." A pair of black figures floated across the void. Yu Duxiu's eyes looked at the figure in the black robe, and suddenly her pupils shrank violently.

"Yinshan Guizi" looked at the dark shadow, Yu Duxiu suddenly rolled up a huge wave in her heart, as if endless waves were rolling.

It was nothing to see the Yinshan Devil, but the key thing was the shadowy figures behind Yinshan Devil, which made Yu Duxiu extremely shocked.

"Black and white impermanence, the underworld, the Yinshan Devil has a relationship with the underworld." Looking at the people in the Yinsi underworld who approached, Yu Duxiu did not move, and continued to lie here silently.

"Master Guizi, is this little guy reincarnating without going through reincarnation? Was that person caused by the shock of the Yin Division?" Bai Wuchang asked respectfully.

With a dark compass in his hand, the devil looked at the naked Yu Duxiu, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Yes, this person has no mark of reincarnation. It must be that this person has not been refined by the power of reincarnation, and jumped over. The rules of reincarnation are directly reincarnated, causing great turmoil in reincarnation."

Speaking of this, Yinshan Guizi suddenly laughed: "Take this kid away, this kid can jump through reincarnation and reincarnate directly, ignoring the law of reincarnation, but it has great research value, presumably the father is very interested in this son."

"Guizi, the ghost master has issued an order to ask you to return to the Yin Division together with us. The turmoil in the Yang world has begun, and the war between the human race and the wild race is near. It is not safe for you to continue to stay in the Yang world," Hei Wuchang said in a panic. .

"Huh, the reason why this seat came to the Yang world is to **** the black and yellow energy in the Yang world, and to seize the air luck in the Yang world. The luck of the Yang world and the Yin Yun of the Yin Division are integrated, attacking the supreme way and becoming the supreme power. , Now the Xuanhuang Qi is in hand, only the luck of the Yang world, race wars, the qi movement between heaven and earth, it is the best time for my generation to seize the opportunity to seize the heaven and the earth, and make merits. This is the best time for the Xuanhuang Qi. , The next step is to fight with Tianjiao from all sides. It’s the last step. How can this seat return to Yinsi and give up halfway?” At this point, the devil gritted his teeth and said: “Back then, I blamed that Miaoxiu, if it wasn’t for this person’s nosy, This seat has already killed that Li Yunhui. He has already established a kingdom in the Yang world and accumulated luck. Now he can attack the Immortal Dao, and there is no such trouble."

This Yinsi devil hated Yu Duxiu to death. In the ruined temple, Yu Duxiu broke the Devil's Hundred Ghosts Nightwalking Array, saved Li Yunhui, and destroyed the devils of the Devil's plan.

Then, because of the destruction of the plan, the Yinshan Devil lost the best opportunity to establish an over-establishment in the Yang world. First, the human race was in chaos, the Central Territory was sealed, and the families continued to fight. The devil's power was weak. How to play with the nine supreme sects, was The one who is thrown out is like a dog in the family.

After Zhongyu’s Conferment of Gods was over, Zhongyu temporarily settled down. The Yinsi Guizi slowly accumulated his strength and was about to usurp the throne, but he never thought of immediately following Yu Duxiu to refine the Conferred God List. The second war of Conferred Gods has already begun. Guizi All of his plans were completely destroyed by Yu Duxiu and completely collapsed.

When the Conferred Gods War came to an end, Zhongyu was divided between Yu Duxiu and Qiantian, and the two dynasties ruled Zhongyu. It was impossible for any dynasty to be born, let alone a dynasty, even a dynasty was difficult.

In this way, the Yinshan Devil was aggrieved and could only lurch in the dark. Now that the race war was about to begin and the turmoil began again, how could Yinshan Devil miss this opportunity.

"Hmph, if it hadn't been for the great Chen Dynasty to take care of it, it would have been in the hands of the prince" Yinshan Guizi gritted his teeth.

"Hey, the prince is determined to prove the way, and the ghost master's expectation is really correct." The judge on one side sighed slightly: "Since the prince refuses to return to the Yin Division, then ask the prince to accept the ghost master's decree."

"Father has a decree?" Yinshan Devil was taken aback.

"Please also the prince to accept the decree" The judge took out a dark imperial decree and held it in his hand.

Different from the ordinary imperial edict, the sacred edict of the Yinsi is carved with evil ghosts, a huge and magnificent mountain range, and countless ghosts are roaring.

"Guisha takes the order" Na Yinshan prince saluted the judge.

"In the name of the ghost master, the ghost is searching for souls in the sun, ready to open up the channel of reincarnation, and attract endless living beings." The judge read Keizumi's words expressionlessly.

Ghost brake should be the real name of Yinshan Guizi.

"Open the passage of reincarnation, what does the father want to do?" After Yinshan Guizi accepted the imperial decree, his eyes were shocked.

"Huh, the nine supreme ancestors of the human race repeatedly broke into my yin department to take the soul, and despised my yin department's majesty. The ghost master upholds the yin department's will, and wants to teach the supreme powers a lesson, so that they know that my yin department can't be offended. , That Yang world’s entrusted gods list forgive the world’s three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods, but forgive thousands of thousands, countless grass head gods, greatly weakened the authority of our Yin Division, weakened our Yin Division’s The deterrent power of the monks in the Yang world, the monks can stay in the Yang world after death, and not enter the Yin Division. This is to make life difficult with my Yin Division. My Yin Division adheres to the way of heaven and masters reincarnation. How can I suffer this kind of frustration? Master Ghost decided Open the channel of reincarnation, the Hundred Ghosts walk into the sun in the night, slay all the gods, tear the list of the gods, shatter the 33rd heaven, restore the order of the heavens and the earth, and take the majesty of the reincarnation." Angry.

"Miaoxiu is dead, but Miaoxiu's soul has not been found in the Yin Division. The ghost master gave orders to the prince to find out the reason and find the whereabouts of Miaoxiu's soul. Even the ghost master suspected that the Yin Division's abnormal movement back then. It was caused by Miaoxiu," the judge said to Yinshan Guizi with a serious expression.

"But, isn't Miaoxiu already gone? How can I be reborn in the world" Guizi looked hesitant.

"Master Ghost Lord said, that wonderful show is endless and cunning. There may not be a way to hide from the sky. If the prince refuses to return to the Yinsi, he will find out the situation in Yangshi," the judge said.

Yinshan Guizi turned around at this time and looked at Yu Duxiu who was in a baby state: "Father suspects that this kid is the reincarnation of Yu Duxiu?"

"Even if it is not the reincarnation of Yu Duxiu, the three souls and seven souls are very likely," the judge said.

"Interesting, interesting" The devil stepped forward slowly and came to Yu Du's side. His whole figure was shrouded in black robe, only his green eyes shone with two lights.

"Whether it is Miaoxiu or not, it's very interesting" Yinshan Guizi smiled lightly, then turned his head to look at all the Yinsi Guichai: "Also, don't call this devil, I will prove it to Yama Dao in the future. I hope you all call me the King of Ghosts."


The ghosts all bowed their heads in response.

"The prince's good qualifications have already condensed the Taoist fruit. Only when the fate is reached, you can prove the position of the immortal ~ I heard that Yanluo Dao is the most powerful way. It can dominate all the ghosts in the world. Back then, the ghost master When condensing the Tao and fruit, it became a desire to condense the law of Yama. It’s a pity that the ancestors of the human race exiled the demon gods and punished the innate beasts. In order to resist the repression of the hapless ghost of the human race, the ghost master only kept the Yin Division from being invaded. Able to hurriedly prove the truth and abandon the Law of Yama." The judge shook his head and looked like he was reminiscing about the past.

"Oh, father also wanted to condense the Law of Yama back then." The devil became interested.

"It's extremely, it's a pity that the unlucky ghost doesn't give the ghost master time, but to condense the law of Yama, there is a necessary condition, that is the luck in the world of Yang, and the luck of the prince is good, condensing the fruit of Yama, and the road of Yama is near There is no need to worry about the air luck of the Yinsi. The ghost masters dominate the countless kingdoms of the Yinsi. It is enough to reward the prince at random. Only the air luck of the Yang world depends on the prince himself. As long as the prince obtains the air luck of the Yang world, the Yama Dao must be practiced. The judge looked at the Yinshan Guizi with hope in his eyes. Yanluo Dadao is a legend for the entire Yinsi, and the prince in front of him is the closest person to Yanluo Dadao since Yinsi was born in the world for billions of years. .

Yanluo Avenue, what is Yanluo Avenue? .

"My Yin Division will see the prince in the future." To be continued.


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