The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Chase into the Yin Division

Miaoxiu is dead, and the soul flies away by the ancestor of the Taiyuan Sect. This matter is shared by the people of the heavens and the world. There is no possibility of fraud at all, otherwise the supreme powers will not besiege Taiyuan. Teach the ancestors, press hard to ask the whereabouts of Taiyuan Jiaozu's treasures.

"Didn't you have been beaten by Taiyuan Jiaozu?" The devil was surrounded by black and white impermanence. Facing the gradually pressing Yu Duxiu, his nervous mood gradually eased.

"Huh, how can you laymen like this be foreseeable? It's ridiculous. If you don't want to die, who can kill me in these heavens and worlds? We met for the first time in the Central Region that year. Hyakki Yexing’s supernatural powers want to put this seat to death. Now let’s take a good calculation of the account back then. This seat is very curious about the affairs of Yinsi, and is about to invite you to sit down and talk about the thunder and lightning in Yu Duxiu’s hands. Constantly entangled with the devil in the distance and black and white impermanence.

It is the body of others, this innate thunder method is not easy to use, the innate divine thunder is too overbearing, and the quasi-immortal condenses its own rules, the two are inherently incompatible with each other, and once used may be greatly reduced.

For example, if this quasi-immortal certificate is based on the law of water, once Yu Duxiu gushes out the magical power of fire, then it will be suppressed by the quasi-immortal's own law, and its power will continue to decay, or even impossible to use at all.

"Miaoxiu, you can't kill me." Black and white impermanence flickered, and instantly eliminated the five thunders that were close to it.

"I can't kill you? Do you think you can escape your life by relying on these guardians and quasi immortals? This seat already knows your secret. If you dare to escape, this seat will preach your secret, you If you want to provoke a race war, open a channel for the Yin Division, want to break out of the Yin Division into the Yang World, penetrate the 33rd Heaven, tear up the list of gods, if this news is known to the ancestors, it depends on how your Yin Division behaves," Yu Duxiu said blankly. .

"Miaoxiu, you have a vicious heart, but you are not afraid of this news from leaking out. Even if the race wars are not harmonized by my Yinsi, it will still happen. Even after Manghuang got the news, do you guess the demon gods will enter? The Yin Division cooperates with our Yin Division to defeat the human race and let the human race be overwhelmed.” Prince Yin Division’s eyes flashed with disdain: "On the contrary, it is you. If the news of no death spreads out, I am afraid that the heavens and the world will become crazy again. No matter how deep you hide it, facing the immortal medicine and the aura of Xuanhuang, the ancestors or the demon gods will find you earth-shaking."

After hearing the words of the prince of Yinsi, Yu Duxiu's face suddenly sank, and his eyes flickered with murderous intent. If he really asked this servant to leak out his own news, it would be a bit bad.

However, the prince of the underworld was relaxed, but his heart was tense, observing Yu Duxiu’s reaction. If the human race and the monster clan knew about the underworld’s plan, the underworld would not have a good fruit, and his family knew their own affairs, this news spread out. , I'm afraid the Yin Division will be in big trouble.

After all, the power of Yin Division involves the reincarnation of life and death, and the supreme powerhouses in the Yang world have been watching for a long time. If they learn the news, they may join forces and enter the Yin Division.

However, after seeing the murderous and solemn expression in Yu Duxiu's eyes, the Yinshan Guizi instantly relaxed his mind, smiled lightly, and let the black and white impermanence lead him to flee away.

"Kill the Crown Prince Yin Si, you can't tell him to run away" Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Swish swish".

Under the order of Yu Duxiu, the innate immortality of the seven or eight quasi immortals shuttled in the void, constantly approaching the prince of the Yin Si, and the monk of the Yin Si who had been following the prince of the Yin continued to fall, and was immortalized by the quasi immortals. It turned into a powder, the soul flew away, and I don't know if the Yin Division has any special way to resurrect it, otherwise it is really dead.


The innate indestructible aura intertwined into giant nets, covering the whole world towards Yinsi and his group.

"Prince, Miaoxiu doesn't know where to snare the helper, we can't resist it, and quickly return to the Yinsi to discuss the law of sin in the void." The judge walked out of the void and looked at the giant net of laws that fell down. A murderous opportunity flashed in his eyes: "The sins are serious."

"Hahaha, you judge, you don’t have a long memory. Although your law of sin is powerful, there is no sin on me. This law is like a spring breeze to me, without the slightest harm, you Why don't you think about it?" Yu Duxiu gently pressed her palm out, and instantly landed on the judge's chest.

Under the "bang" blow, the judge fell apart again, and his innate aura turned into dust.

"It's a pity that the world in this palm can't work at this time, or else one more helper is needed. This is the quasi immortal of the Yin Division. If it can be the quasi immortal of the Yin Division, it is still very sexual." Looking at the divided judge , Yu Duxiu ignored it, and continued to chase and kill the Yinsi Prince.

The prince of the underworld practiced the Law of Yama, and the road of Yama, which governs the life and death of all living beings, seemed to conflict with his future plans. Now that Yu Duxiu met the prince of the underworld at this time, how could he let him slip under his nose, and cutting the grass to remove the roots is the right principle. .

Seeing Yu Duxiu's blow smashing the judge, and the surrounding quasi immortals approaching, the prince of Yin Si gritted his teeth: "Damn, this prince will definitely have a sentence with you in the future."

After speaking, Prince Yin Si took out a talisman, which was ghostly and engraved with a skeleton, and saw the Prince Yin Si throwing the skull into the void, and the skull became bigger instantly, and his mouth seemed to melt. In order for the bottomless black hole to swallow all things in the world, the endless Yinsi ghost energy escaped, and the black and white impermanence dragged the Yinsi Prince into the skull without hesitation.

Looking at the skull, the incarnation of Yu Duxiu and all the quasi immortals stopped to escape, showing hesitation on their faces.

"It's not a big deal, we are already immortal, even if there is any change in it, we can be reborn within the universe in the palm of the hand, and go in. The prince of Yinsi is immortal, and our heart is uneasy." Xiu Yima rushed into the skull first.

"Tonglord, this skull is connected to the Yin Division. The Yin Division is the territory of the devils. We will be beaten out in embarrassment when we enter." The Daoist Hundred Ghosts showed a trace of weird color.

"Hundred ghosts, what you prove is the law of'ghosts', and this Yinsi is innately guilty, and the characters are incompatible. What is there to be afraid of, as long as this seat does not die, even the ancestors will not be able to suppress you." Yu Duxiu's eyes revealed A hint of cold light.

"Let go of me, and you will follow along. The Yin Division Guizi rushed into the Yin Division. I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle after entering the Yin Division." Yu Duxiu's baby looked at the misty ink with divine light in his eyes. Into the misty ink soul.

"Yes" Wumo gently put Yu Duxiu down, and then instantly turned into an innate immortal aura that rose into the sky, chasing it.

"Damn it, dare to chase into the Yin Division, it is really lawless, even if the supreme powers enter the Yin Division, they have to worry about three points. You quasi immortals are simply anti-world, will not reincarnation in the future? When the five declines of heaven and man come at how my Yin Division concocts you." The judge was born with immortal aura and came to the place where the skull is, looking at the dark bottomless skull hole, a trace of irritation appeared in his eyes: " Miaoxiu is also too weird. Where did the rescuer come from? He doesn't have the slightest momentum for sin, otherwise I won't be so passive."

After speaking, the judge also turned into a streamer and rushed into the Yin Division.

"So courageous, I didn't expect you to rush into the Yin Division with this prince." The Yinshan Guizi's eyes flashed with murderous intent and excitement.

"I have been interested in Yin Si for a long time, but today I just come here for a walk, and I will definitely come to Yin Si in the future, let your Yin Si know how powerful this seat is, but now you should leave it to me." Yu Duxiu sneered coldly: "Invert Yin and Yang."


When the universe was upside down, Yu Duxiu unexpectedly reversed his position with the Yin Si Guizi in an instant, and the Yin Si Guizi fell behind Yu Duxiu.

"Hahaha, let's see where you run this time" Yu Duxiu laughed triumphantly, looking at the bewildered Yinshan Devil. (To be continued.)


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