The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: True calamity

It is basically impossible to attack the quasi immortal. The quasi immortal has innate immortal aura, gathering and dispersing invisible at any time, and the quasi immortal has already contacted the power of space. If you want to attack the quasi immortal, you must be close to the quasi fairy. , But can't hide the other's perception of the power of space.

Bai Wuchang was knocked into the air by Yu Duxiu's palm. Yu Duxiu's figure instantly retreated and shrank into an inch. In an instant, he was hundreds of miles away. Looking at the gloomy Yinshan devils, watching the gloomy Yinsi people, Yu Duxiu bears With both hands and proudly standing on the top of the mountain, the voice came into Yinshan Guizi's ears through the void: "This time you are fortune-telling, you won't be so lucky next time, but the guy in the white clothes got a palm of this seat, you Enjoy it."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu decisively hid her figure and lost her trace.

Void distorted, Hei Wuchang came to the field, scanned for a long time, and returned to Yinshan Devil.

"Nothing was found."

"Damn it, I didn't expect to be watched as soon as I came to the Yang world." At this time, the Yinshan Prince's heart cast a shadow.

After hearing the words of Prince Yinshan, everyone was silent, and there was a scream from Bai Wuchang on one side. I saw that Bai Wuchang's body began to gradually emerge with ice, and the soles of his feet began to spread to him.

"What's the matter?" All the Yinsi powerhouses all looked at that Bai Wuchang.

"What a great cold ice, I want to freeze me, and quickly help me melt this cold ice" Bai Wuchang screamed.

The powerhouses shot, their supernatural powers surged, and they bombarded the white impermanence. In an instant, the ice was broken, and the white impermanence walked out of the ice, but he hadn't landed one step yet, and the white impermanence once again Derived from ice.

"what happened?".

Everyone once again helped Bai Wuchang to suppress the ice, only to see that ice regenerate, relying on Bai Wuchang's own power, to suppress the spread of this ice power, it is too weird.


The supernatural powers of the crowd had just been recovered, and the ice power of the white impermanence burst out instantly, turning the whole person into an ice sculpture, standing there vividly.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Yinshan Guizi's eyes were dignified at this time, and his eyes carefully watched the white impermanence that turned into an ice sculpture.


There was only a loud noise, the ice splashing everywhere, the entire ice sculpture exploded, and the ice ballast was splashing in all directions, strands of innate indestructible matter hovering in the void, instantly reorganizing and turning into white impermanence.

"It's **** tricky,,,,".

Before Bai Wuchang said a word, the power of ice emerged again, turning Bai Wuchang into an ice sculpture.


The ice sculpture exploded again, and the white impermanence condensed innate indestructible matter, and cursed: "What the **** is this **** thing, actually...".


The ice flickered again, and Bai Wuchang was sealed by the ice.

"Endless" Prince Yinshan shuddered. If the palm fell on him, wouldn't it be more troublesome? This supernatural power is too weird, and the quasi-superior cannot solve it, let alone the pinnacle of good fortune. The Yinshan Devils.


The ice exploded again, and Bai Wuchang's body reorganized in the void: "Send me back to Yin Division."

After speaking, it turned into an ice sculpture again and stood in the field.

Seeing this weird scene, the strong people present, whether they are the quasi-superior strong or the monks below the quasi-superior strong, shuddered involuntarily. What kind of supernatural power is this, and it is too difficult to entangle. Well, if this supernatural power falls on the body, it can have good fruit, look at the current Bai Wuchang, and you will know that the dignified quasi-superior will actually end up like this. It is really miserable, and it has to be delivered by people. Department of Perineum.

"See the ghost master, see what magical powers this is, it's so weird," Yinshan Prince said to the black impermanence.


Heiwuchang responded.

In the endless void in the distance, Yu Duxiu strode through the mountains, with a cold light in her eyes: "Hmph, how can you see the mystery of the power of calamity? Originally, this palm was a gift to Prince Yinshan. Asking him to know the method of this seat and charge some interest, never thought that Bai Wuchang would steal the limelight."

Yu Duxiu’s palm contains the power of calamity. As long as you hit this palm, there will be a decade of icy calamity. If you have been frozen for ten years, if the power of calamity cannot be broken, you can only When you have been suffering for ten years, the power of calamity will diminish, and it will naturally recover.

This is the true usage of Yu Duxiu after he has realized the power of calamity and calamity. It brings the power of calamity to all living beings. It is not only to promote the calamity again and again, but also to impose the power of calamity on the opponent. Some taste of fate, but not fate.

"The calamity power really didn't disappoint me. I only need to keep accumulating calamity power. Just spend the 9th rank. Mana is a **** for me. Instead of spending time to cultivate to pure mana, It's better to polish my calamity power." Yu Duxiu hides in the mountains and watched Bai Wuchang break free from the ice seal again and again, but finally had to succumb to the ferocity of the calamity power, and her heart was very happy.

"However, the quasi immortal is immortal, relying solely on the power of calamity, just to give the opponent a bitter taste. It is unrealistic to really hurt the opponent. It may not be possible to bloom the 9th product. The quasi immortal is simply invincible Although the existence of ancestors cannot match the ancestors in combat power, and the life span is not as endless as the ancestors of the ancestors, but there is one thing that the ancestors cannot match. After seeing that Explosive Ape Demon God was severely wounded on the Supreme True Body, how much stimulation did he get? And he also pitted himself in." Yu Duxiu's mouth showed a slight smile: "The Big Thousand World is getting more and more interesting, Ben People expect this Yinshan Devil’s certificate to be the supreme realm, and the world of great controversy is called the real world of great controversy. You have to look at the so-called Law of Yama, and what is the mystery that it is so respected by the Yin Division."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's brows furrowed: "It's been five thousand years, but the little girl hasn't left the customs for five thousand years. Even the Three Plagues are being suppressed infinitely, which is really strange."

Yu Duxiu slowly opened a vertical eye at the center of her eyebrows, peering into the endless river of time, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes: "Is this little girl really the reincarnation of an old antique?".

"Forget it, I'll go to the Heavenly Court first. Some of the causes and effects of the year should also be over." Yu Duxiu's face fell I can't care about so much at the moment, and my big plans are like rolling wheels. When I started pushing, I couldn't stop or stop it at all, even Yu Duxiu couldn't stop himself.

Thirty-three heavens, since the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother opened the heavenly flat peach feast thousands of years ago, the heavenly court has prospered. Everyone in the heavens has all rushed to the heavenly court to meet the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother. If they were able to reward a flat peach, that would be Good luck.

With the attraction of flat peaches, coupled with the support of the Taiping ancestors, the heavens and the world do not know how many casual practitioners follow the order of the queen mother and the queen mother. The gods in the entire heavenly court respect the queen mother three points, fear three points, and the remaining four points. It is a greedy heart.

The flat peach event opened, and Miaoyu instantly reduced the power of the heavens by half, whether the five emperors of the heavens or dry the heavens, they all noticed unprecedented pressure, and everyone under their hearts turned to the queen mother and the pressure suddenly increased.

Gods are immortal, immortal, and immortal, but what about the descendants who remain in the world? Where is the ancestor of the world? It's great to get a flat peach.

Therefore, even if the gods of the entire heavenly court did not cast their attention to the Queen Mother, they did not dare to offend a little.

At this time in the Jade Pool, Miaoyu wore a phoenix crown, sitting on the position of God, closed his eyes and practiced. Due to the strong luck of the heavens, Miaoyu's cultivation base was thousands of miles, and the growth rate of his innate spiritual roots was even worse. Know how many times faster.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister, I didn't expect to see her for five thousand years. Junior Sister's cultivation has improved to such a level. It is really gratifying." There was a burst of immature words in the void, which was very ear-piercing in the quiet Yaochi Hall.

"Who are you, why are you trespassing in this palace?" Miao Yu suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes shining brightly, staring at the figure walking out of the void, her body's supernatural powers surged, and the phoenix spirit surrounded her, eager to try. Ready to shoot at any time. (To be continued.)

...(Just love network)

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