The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1401: The bell is melodious, God's punishment! Curse!

Seeing the overwhelming power of punishment in the East China Sea, Yu Duxiu scratched his head, and the whole person was wrapped in the black calamity power, and the eighth-rank lotus flower continuously absorbed the calamity power.

"I miscalculated. The karma that caused such a big killing is so profound. It's strange if the power of disaster is not found." Yu Duxiu was rarely embarrassed. Before, he always thought of calculating revenge on the East China Sea, and actually forgot the sky. The power of punishment.

Yu Duxiu is also dark under the light, and he has the power of Heaven's Punishment, but forgets the horror of Heaven's Punishment.

"Fortunately, the empty stone is not so easy to break. This seat has planted the tribulation seed in the innate immortal real body of the blasting ape demon god. With the power of the power of natural punishment, disaster and tribulation, it may not be able to explode. "Ape demon god" Yu Duxiu stood silently in the void, letting the power of the East China Sea permeate the sky, and the power of the sky was constantly evolving.

"God's punishment, huh, it's really unhappy with the retribution cycle of cause and effect. Although this seat is not good for you, God will naturally ask you to settle the account. Now I finally feel that Miaoxiu has done a good thing." With the overwhelming calamity power accumulated in the East China Sea, he said cruelly in his heart.




Sounds of breaking through the air were heard one after another, but the monsters and gods in the wild and wild appeared one after another in the field, their eyes stared at the flashing black cloud, silent.

"If you don't die, you won't die. You just caused such a mess right after you were born. You deserve to be punished." Fox God's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the horrible power accumulated in the thunder punishment, Fox God groaned. There was a cry.

"This thunder penalty is definitely not light. The East China Sea has suffered a great loss." Tiger God looked at the turbulent East China Sea. The entire surface of the sea was densely packed with corpses. Almost one percent of all living creatures in the East China Sea died. This number is absolutely impressive. The hair is creepy.

"Hahaha, deserve it, it really deserves it, these beasts are looking for death on their own, but it's no wonder that others" Taiyuan Sect ancestor laughed wildly, his voice spread all over the world, causing the faces of the demons and gods to become even colder.

"Do you want to make a move? Now it seems that all the demon gods have intervened. I don't need to make a move." Han Yan muttered to himself while sitting in the palace.


The winding thunder and lightning dragon traversed thousands of miles of void, and the vitality between the world and the earth evaporated in an instant, and countless resentments rose into the sky, causing the thunder and lightning to become more violent.


The earth was flying, and thunder bursts out of the clouds in an instant, piercing the highest peak of Huaguo Mountain.




All the thunder and lightning smashed on the top blue rock on the top of the mountain, and a little light flowed on the rock, so strange.


The thunder and lightning intertwined and condensed continuously, and it turned into a solid state in the breath, forming a war spear. This war spear was carved with an ancient rune of vicissitudes, which instantly burst out from the clouds, towards The stubborn stone below shot away.

No one can see that a black lotus flickers above the rock, and the overwhelming calamity power is absorbed by the lotus, but the calamity power this time is too strong, and the absorption speed of the eighth-rank lotus is as fast as that. Not as fast as the power of calamity formed.


Kong Kongshi burst instantly, but saw a monkey with a golden light all over the Kongkongshi popping out of Kongkongshi, creaking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, a little ignorant in his eyes.

"This is the explosive ape, it really is this servant" Donghai Longjun gritted his teeth.

"What material is the stone, it can actually block the blow of Heaven's Punishment?" Beihai Longjun stunned.

"It's not right, how is the aura of Bursting Ape so weak, it seems that there is only the power of the supremely strong" Fox God said, his words filled with doubts.

"What's the matter, how can the cultivation level of the Boss Ape only have the realm of the quasi-superior power" Tiger God exclaimed, his eyes looked at the Boss Ape Demon God with a look of disbelief.

"Why is it like this?" Seeing the ignorant gaze in the eyes of the Demon Booming Monkey, all the supreme powers in the heavens all had a chill rising in their hearts.

"Isn't it a sequelae of the power of the last day's punishment? Booming Ape is a true demon god. How to fall into the realm of supreme power now" Donghai Longjun looked at the demon monkey with a frightened expression in his eyes.

The demon beast in front of him is indeed a blast ape, and the aura cannot deceive people, but why the blast ape's cultivation is only in the realm of the supreme power? This really made everyone puzzled, and a chill rose.

If the supreme power falls as the supreme power, does it mean that you can fall into an ordinary monk and then be killed? .

A dull atmosphere circulated among the heavens and myriad worlds. Looking at the Explosive Ape Demon God, everyone was no longer gloating. They just looked at the ignorant Explosive Ape Demon God, and a sad mood of rabbit death and fox rose in their hearts.

"Booming Ape seems to have amnesia." Looking at Booming Ape, who was ignorant and unable to resist under the power of punishment, Tai Yi Jiaozu slowly walked out of the void, his eyes full of dignity, facing life and death. On the big issue, all races must be set aside.

Things that threaten the lives of the supreme powerhouse are truly serious events.

"Tai Yi, can you see any clues?" The Rabbit God looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with red eyes.

Taiyi taught the ancestors to remain silent, and after a while, he said: "Difficult, difficult, difficult, the cultivation of the explosive ape seems to be in the realm of the supreme power, as if the previous cultivation was forced by others. Erase it, it's so difficult to be punished, it is really terrifying, and there are forces we don't know play an unknown role in it."

"Be careful when facing the punishment from now on" Wolf God's pupils shrank to the extreme.


A thunder and lightning spear landed, instantly piercing the Explosive Ape Demon God, and the quasi-superior cultivation base Explosive Ape Demon God was nailed to the ground without any resistance, screaming in vain.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the supreme powerhouses suddenly turned white. Why does this scene look familiar? .

When Jade Duxiu showed Taoism and Taoism Hundred Ghosts and Taoism Gengjin, didn't they also nail them to the ground with the thunder and lightning between heaven and earth, and then took the opportunity to suppress Taoism? .

Thinking of this, a chill rushed into the top of his head from among the primordial spirits of the supreme powers, and the whole body's hair exploded in an instant.



Taiping taught ancestors clenched fists, fingers clenched.

"No one knows what secret Miaoxiu concealed back then. Miaoxiu died too suddenly. Until Miaoxiu's secret is figured out, he shouldn't be forced into that way" Taishi Jiaozu glanced at Taiyuan Jiaozu complainingly. I can’t help it either. At that time, who could think about so much, I blame Manghuang for the eagerness of chasing after them, otherwise, how could Miaoxiu sit down on her own? .

"Miaoxiu, a mystery that no one can solve." A faint worry was revealed in the fox god's eyebrows: "I don't know if the cultivation base of the gangster is knocked down to the realm, is it related to the punishment, if it is true There is a connection, and I will have a hard time waiting for the future. I have to be more careful in the world, and it will not affect the operation of the world and the balance of laws."

"We can't control that much, we have to crack the secret of Heaven's Punishment, or else we will be worried all day long, who knows where the bottom line is, who can stand it" Jin Lin said rarely, looking at the accumulation in the sky Thunder and lightning, a haze flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that Explosive Ape Demon God was nailed to the ground, the supreme powerhouses hesitated, but no one really dared to help.


The second thunder and lightning spear was formed, and it was shot down from the thundercloud in an instant, and it was nailed to the left ankle of the explosive ape.

The painful Explosive Ape Demon God roared up to the sky, and the bodies of the demon gods trembled, making them even more silent.

Seeing the formation of the third spear, which was about to be nailed to the right foot of Boss Ape, suddenly a faint chime sounded between the sky and the earth.

Although the bell is not loud, all the heavens and all beings are clearly audible. Time seems to be still at this time. When someone presses the pause button, only a chaotic and vaguely simple big clock suddenly appears in the field.

The big bell is carved with birds, beasts, insects and fish, rivers, mountains, sun, moon and stars, all circulating in chaos, which is very mysterious.


Looking at the quaint big clock, all the supreme powerhouses present were tense: "The Bodhisattva raised his hand? Is it finally unable to sit still?". (To be continued.)

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