The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: Calculating centipede ancestor, with a cheap mouth

"Hahaha, hahaha, after thousands of catastrophes, ancestor I am finally enlightened, hahaha, hahaha, ancestor I am finally enlightened" A wild laugh spread across the heavens and all realms, and a star field was trembling slightly. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

"Congratulations to fellow Daoist enlightenment, from then on, freed from the suffering of reincarnation, free in the world, and enjoy long life" The Fox God walked over enchantingly.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist, finally ascended to supremacy, and detached from the world since then" Tiger God said with a domineering face.

"Congratulations to the Daoist card is supreme, my human race congratulates the Daoist." The nine supreme ancestors came together.

"Congratulations to fellow Daoists for enlightenment, my Sihailong Clan, congratulations to fellow Daoists for proving Dao." The Dragon King of East China Sea came here with four dragon kings.

"Hahaha, Tongxi, Tongxi" The centipede ancestor continued to absorb the aura between the heavens and the earth in the endless storm of auras.

"Hahaha, Centipede, I didn't expect you to preach now, do you still remember me going up to the sky?" Chaotian Fuyao walked out of the sky, with a smile on Chaotian's face.

"Chaotian! It's you! I didn't expect you to be alive! You actually proved that you are immortal?!" After seeing Chaotian, the centipede ancestor was murderous first, gritted his teeth, and then was stunned, his words were full of unbelief. ○◇Tomato Xiaoshuowang`---`-`--`

When the centipede ancestors approached the Shouyuan, they would not pay too much attention to external affairs. They completely closed the five senses and closed the deadlock. It can be said that the birth of Yu Duxiu has been a turbulent battle for nearly ten thousand years. In the world, centipede ancestors did not know.

At the last juncture, life is approaching. If you don't make a desperate move and abandon all foreign objects, how can centipede ancestors have the opportunity to prove to be immortal.

"God has no eyes, how can I teach you this **** certificate to be the immortal way, ancestors, I fight with you, back then, we have never finished the enemies of murder." Centipede ancestor looked up to the sky, his eyes were red. The disciple, who was actually roasted and eaten by this servant, went to seek revenge, and was defeated by this person. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, the centipede had a hundred lives, I'm afraid that it would have been suffered without the scenery of today's preaching. This person is poisonous, this kind of hatred is not shared by the sky, how can you not hate the centipede ancestor? .

Regardless of continuing to absorb the aura between the heavens and the earth, to stabilize the foundation of his own family, the centipede ancestor's 10,000 arms instantly merged into one, and he slammed his head towards the sky.

Seeing the full blow of the centipede ancestor, it was a start to go to the sky, but then the corners of his mouth split, and he did not hesitate to avoid the centipede ancestor's attack. ☆Tomato○△ Novel Network-


The fox god, fox god, and wolf **** all exclaimed.


Thousands of miles around the earth was turned into powder with one blow, countless beings were wiped out, and their souls were scattered.


The golden blood splashed, an arm that covered the sky and the sun fell instantly, and the golden blood was sprinkled in the obliterated tens of thousands of li earth, but the tens of thousands of li earth was instantly alive and spring returned to the earth.


The centipede ancestor let out a scream, and after following the footsteps of Taiyuan Jiao ancestor, one arm was broken.

"What the **** is this?" Centipede ancestor said in anger: "Reorganize the real body, come back to me".

But the arm that was punished by the knife has completely lost touch with the centipede ancestor, and even the heavenly favor that blessed the centipede ancestor in the dark is declining.

"Hahaha, hahaha, old thing, do you think it is still the antiquity you know now? Do you think that in this world, the supreme powerhouse is still rampant and domineering, and regard all beings as the antiquity of ants? You are behind." Chaotian held his arms in his eyes. Full of mockery. △◇△□---`

The centipede ancestor had just proved the immortal way, he was counted as a pitiful person, and his foundation was a little unstable. The supreme body's divine light declined, and there was a vague meaning of slack.

"Come, come, I told you to run away in the ancient times, today the ancestors knocked you down, let you know the despair in hope, and let you know how powerful this seat is." The sky sneered, and the whole body was about to move. .

"Hurry up and stabilize the realm, take advantage of that day's favor has not faded, immediately stabilize the realm, if you have any questions, I will explain to you later, you quickly stabilize the realm now" The fox **** and the demon gods are blocking the sky and the nine great things. In front of the teacher.

The centipede ancestor let out an angry roar, and the flames in his heart were difficult to vent, and he instantly plunged into the still-unfading spiritual light beam, constantly stabilizing his own realm.

Sihai Longjun swayed from side to side at this time, looking at the nine supreme ancestors who were ready to move, and then at the tense demon gods, he didn't know who to help.

The snake **** smiled coldly on one side: "I have to think about it. Of course, I am reckless. The human race has already had two ancestor-level powerhouses born, and they have gradually bridged the gap between me and the human race. I was reckless thousands of years ago. It’s even more damage to the explosive ape. Under the circumstances, if the human race destroys the centipede essence cultivation base, the human race will definitely win the fortune, and I may not be able to cope with it." Fan ○ Jia □ Novel Net`-

Sihai Longjun's expression hesitated, and Donghai Longjun stood silently opposite the wild monsters.

"Old Loach, you are giving up your position, right" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Donghai Longjun with a gloomy expression.

"The human race first demonstrated the Dao by Fuyao, followed by the sky, and then Amitabah turned out to be the first person in the world. Your human race is so powerful that we can't help but not unite together" Donghai Longjun looked ugly.

"Are you stupid? Chaotian, Fuyao and I have enmity, and Taisu is a small group with Chaotian Fuyao. Amitabha is the first person in the heavens, but he is not supreme with my human race. The sects are in the same style. The strength of my nine supreme sects is declining. How could it threaten the recklessness? It should be the recklessness that threatens my human race." Taiyi taught the ancestors to look at Donghai Longjun, hating iron and not making steel.

"Old guy, stop talking, who knows if what you are saying is true, if you are acting, if it weren’t for Bodhi, Han Yan, etc. who were born recently, with an unclear attitude, I’m afraid that your human race has long been reckless to me. Do it!" The snake myth is cold.

"Snake God, you don't want to spit people," Taiping Teacher Angrily rebuked.

"Yo-yo-yo, I was pricked in the painful spot, and I was actually irritated. Who knows if you arranged it in advance and deliberately didn't contact each other, secretly calculating my recklessness and the Four Seas Dragon Clan," the Rabbit God said sullenly.

After hearing the words of the demon gods, the Dragon King of the Four Seas swayed even more. Then the Dragon King of the East Sea said: "The forces of the desolation are complicated. It is better to have one more demon **** than the demon god, and you can’t really cause a big mistake. , Recklessness and growth, there are still human race checks and balances, if your human race grows, there is no place for me to recklessly and the world in the heavens and all realms. There are already examples of that unlucky ghost in the past. All the innate gods were just born. The town was killed and wiped out, and in the end bad luck, and you had to prove that bad luck would harm others and yourself. My dragon will never let your human tribe succeed."

After listening to Donghai Longjun's words, the teaching ancestors were silent and silent.

One side turned his eyes towards the sky, thinking a little bit of green gods in his hand fell smoothly, dripping into the tens of thousands of miles of shattered earth, I saw the earth recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its vitality continued to evolve. When the palm of the hand was extended to the sky, the centipede was thousands of miles long. I took my arm in my hand, flicked my finger, a flame was lit, and laughed wildly in his mouth: "Hahaha, roasted centipede, my ancestor, I loved this bite. Back then, the little centipede was burnt from the tender inside and outside of my roast. It tastes fragrant and delicious. Now I drool when I think about it. I didn't expect to eat an old centipede of the supreme realm today."

" The centipede ancestor who is recovering from the supreme real body spouted a mouthful of golden blood, opened his eyes abruptly, and said with a stern voice: "To the sky, you kill my descendants, ancestors, I will never end with you ".

"Hurry up and stabilize your realm. Your supreme true body is getting more and more turbulent. Do you really want to fall to the realm, and you won’t be successful? Only if you can stabilize your realm, can you have the opportunity to seek revenge from the heavenly servant, otherwise you will fall into reincarnation. , Chaotian has proven that the Tao is supreme, what do you take to avenge?" The Fox God's voice was cold, revealing a shocking power.

"Hu" The centipede ancestor took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and stopped speaking.

"Tsk tusk, it smells so good, this centipede's legs are tender with tar spraying on the outside, it's really fragrant" while talking, he actually took a bite to the sky, and the aroma of the centipede's legs spread over thousands of miles.

"It's delicious, delicious, and just delicious. It's much more delicious than the little centipede in ancient times, but I still like the little centipede with strong vitality. Although the little centipede is cooked by me, it still lives tenaciously. , Biting in the mouth and struggling constantly, it's really exciting." He clicked his mouth loudly.

The centipede ancestor on the side of "Puff" spouted gold blood again. (To be continued.)

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